Chapter 578

After all, being rich has its benefits. People in the Wuyue area are no longer threatened by war, and their lives are getting better and better, and even the cities are becoming more and more prosperous.

In the past, if you want to talk about Wuyue, after crossing Jiangdong, it was like a place of exile. Nowadays, many people in the Central Plains still want to move there.At the same time, there are also some people who have made enough money and moved back to the Central Plains. After all, it is difficult to leave their homeland.

After the two imperial examinations, the common people have become more confident in the imperial examination system. Knowing that Li Ming wants to interrupt the family's monopoly on talents, coupled with the fact that books are so cheap now and private schools are everywhere, it is the people who study and start to explode. increase.Even if you don't take the imperial examination in the end, literacy and accounting are still very beneficial.

"The latest white porcelain, the latest specialty of Poyang County, look at the sound, look at the color..." The hawker's cries attracted many people to come to see the goods, and there were also many people who bought them.The development of special products has been advocated for several years, and new products continue to appear in places every year. This does not mean that new special products have been developed in Poyang.

They don't need Li Ming's guidance at all, they only need to give them a general direction. Knowing that farming is not profitable, the aristocratic families are also trying their best to improve varieties and develop special products while doing business.

Those without skills are thinking about how to increase the grain output in the fields, after all, they can make money even if the quantity goes up.Some are improving varieties to make rice and wheat taste better, and some even grow corn again, but they are trying to improve the taste.

Rich people have become the main consumers of high-end products, while ordinary people have more money and are willing to try to buy specialty products.At the end of 199 AD, the last fiscal and taxation statistics found that this year's tax revenue had doubled compared with previous years.

It's just that Zhang Zhao and Xun Biao, who was transferred back, didn't look very happy when they saw the data, but looked at Li Ming meaningfully, with a hint of depression in their eyes.

"If you look at me like this, I will be very disturbed!" Li Ming couldn't help but smile bitterly. He knew very well that a lot of consumption in the doubled tax revenue came from officials like them.

Even though Zhang Zhao may not be a person who likes spending, his eldest son Zhang Cheng spends a lot of money, not to mention his wife and concubine, plus daily expenses, at least he has to spend his monthly income Eighty percent.

"My lord wants to increase taxes, and my subordinates have nothing to say. It's just that brothels, kilns, and gambling houses are all owned by the lord. Isn't that not good?" Zhang Zhao put forward his opinion, after all, he is jealous of these three profitable industries There are many people.

"That's the case in the past few years!" Li Ming knew what he meant, "After all, I have given ideas and standardized the regulations of these three industries, so of course I have the right to enjoy the benefits it brings for a few years. Ten years later, these three industries were officially opened to the outside world, but the rules cannot be changed, and the government has to invest in supervision. After all, this is related to future tax revenue. As expected, the tax revenue brought by these three industries, Also very impressive!"

"That's true..." Zhang Zhao heard that he couldn't say anything. Li Ming once advocated the concept of patents, and even allowed local people and aristocratic families to go to the government with their secret recipes for patent filing.Every year, the patents will be compiled into a book and distributed to the local governments for record, saying that those who pirate or use this technology without authorization will be severely cracked down.

Obviously, these three industries are currently in the 'patent period'. Compared with the general patent period of 15 or 20 years, [-] years is really nothing.And those who really understand these three industries, such as him who manages finances, will find that the profits are actually not that big, after all, taxes are heavy.This is why they will not really envy these three industries.

"Okay, the fiscal revenue has already come up, and we should prepare for where the fiscal revenue for next year should be spent. I don't know how you think about the fiscal budget system I advocated before?" Li Ming looked at everyone.

"The budget system is very sophisticated, and it can avoid local financial waste. At the same time, it can also provide great support to poor counties. Now that the calculation and double-entry bookkeeping methods have begun to be popularized, the promotion of the financial budget system is not a problem!" Zhang Zhaohui road.

"Well, starting next year, we will try to implement a fiscal budget system starting from Yangzhou, and let all counties and counties prepare their fiscal budget statements. If there are no major changes in three years, we will promote it to the whole territory." Li Ming nodded, Immediately explained.

The matter has been settled in this way, and it is conceivable that starting next year, all counties and counties in Yangzhou will have to jump around again.

Seeing that the end of the year is approaching, the people have already started to purchase new year's goods for the new year. As expected, this year is another fat year.Under Li Ming's rule, the people's lives are getting better and better, and they also think that Li Ming should just call himself emperor, or they will really change back to how they were before. How can they survive?It is easy to go from frugality to extravagance, but difficult to go from extravagance to frugality. Maybe this is the true portrayal of human nature?
"That Liu Ting actually..." Originally, Li Ming had planned to go back to celebrate the New Year with his family, but who knew that when he was 25 years old, he received a piece of information that the imperial court took advantage of the recent months to attack Bingzhou brazenly and successfully captured Taiyuan. In the two counties of Yanmen and Yanmen, at the same time, the black mountain bandits were recruited by the court, and the Taihang Mountain area has all fallen into the hands of the court.

The imperial court has begun to spread troops on the border, and is ready to attack Youzhou and Jizhou.It can be said that Yuan Shao was caught off guard. He had just received a letter from a high-ranking official asking for help, but before mobilizing troops, the enemy had already attacked his house.

It is said that some subordinates have suggested that Yuan Shao move the government office to Bohai County, but the latter did not agree.

"It's nothing more than learning from our battle of Shouchun, but there is one thing worthy of our attention, that is, they used a lot of coal in this war. Without these coals for heating, their soldiers can't fight in winter." Combat." Guo Jia analyzed, "Bingzhou is a large coal-producing area, and we also purchase a lot of coal from them. I am afraid that the imperial court will ban the sale of coal in the future. We must be prepared!"

Coal is also needed for iron-making and steel-making. Of course, there is also coal in Jiangnan, but Li Ming did not mine it because of the protection strategy of local resources. Besides, it is cheaper to buy coal in Bingzhou through Wang Yu.

"It seems that we still need to open mines here..." Li Ming nodded, "Is there any new report from Wang Yu?"

The imperial court has already started to move, and it is impossible for Wang Yu to not act.

"Not yet. They only received the information two days ago, and it will probably take two days before the report is delivered." Guo Jia replied quickly after hearing the words.

"Then wait for two days!" Li Ming nodded.

Around the 29th of the year, Wang Yu really sent a report. Surprisingly, in the report, Wang Yu made it clear that they had already started marching north when the report was issued.

"This Wang Yu..." Li Ming was speechless immediately, "Send a letter to Xu Huang, telling him to conquer Youzhou with all his strength! No matter what, the court cannot be taken advantage of!"

"Here!" Guo Jia naturally understood Li Ming's intentions, and hurriedly asked someone to write a letter and sent it to Xu Huang.It's not very good to go by boat in winter, I'm afraid I have to go by land, considering that Guo Jia plans to go by water.If so, it may take more than ten days before this letter can be delivered to Xu Huang.

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(End of this chapter)

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