Chapter 577
Li Ming once heard of a magical book whose sales volume surpassed that of "Harry Potter" and "The Da Vinci Code". The name of this book is "What Do Men Think About Besides Sex".

The price of this book is 4.69 pounds. The key is that except for the eye-catching "What do men think about besides sex" printed on the cover, the entire 200 pages are all blank paper... but others are really right...

Truth is always truth, whether it is placed in ancient times or today.In the Eastern Han Dynasty, when there was no entertainment, the people in Jiangdong, where there was no threat of war, would naturally feel bored. Boring and having no entertainment, they would naturally choose to create people crazily.

Rich people are not so vulgar, they read books and visit brothels.Brothels and kilns are completely different concepts. It is considered elegant for a group of literati to visit brothels, but it is not justified to visit brothels.

"Princess Wannian, I didn't expect you to be quite talented in the entertainment industry!" In the evening, in Li Mingshi's study, he entertained a distinguished guest.The point is, at the moment the clothes of both of them are slightly messy.Liu Hua just lay in Li Ming's arms, the relationship between the two is self-evident.

"How about marrying me?" Li Ming stroked Liu Hua's back and said tenderly.No one thought that the two of them would come to this point. Originally, it was only because some ideas needed a practitioner, but it was not convenient for the women around them to do it, so they found Liu Hua who lived in seclusion in Kuaiji County. The two became like this.

Liu Hua is also getting older, she is very eager for love, and she is very active, but at the beginning Li Ming is more about lust, after all, the other party is Liu Hong's eldest daughter, Princess Dahan.

"Hey, do you feel ashamed? My aunt didn't plan to be someone else's concubine... Isn't that good? I'm also free, and I can do things I like. I need to be gentle with you again. Alright." Liu Hua smiled, paused, and continued, "Your heart is big enough. I will take care of the brothels, casinos, and kilns, and you won't be afraid of running away with the money."

"Employees are not suspicious, suspects are unnecessary, the key is that you are your own." Li Ming kissed her on the cheek.

"I just know how to make people happy..." Liu Hua snorted, but still enjoyed this kind of pampering very much.

Li Ming found her three years ago and asked her if she wanted to rebuild the Qiluo Pavilion. Liu Hua had been in Jiangdong for a while, and everything was very peaceful, and he did not seek information for Guanzhong, so Li Ming planned to contact her.

Liu Hua is very smart. As soon as Li Ming mentioned this idea, she knew very well that Li Ming wanted to establish a new intelligence point.Now everyone knows that Zhou's Inn is Li Ming's mouthpiece and information point. It is said that in some areas of Hebei and Guanzhong, Zhou's Inn has been sealed off by Yuan Shao and Liu Ting.

Only after receiving the offer did I realize that it was not just a brothel, but also a casino and brothel.The key point is that Li Ming's idea is still very unique, and he gave a lot of suggestions for improvement. The past three years have been too busy for her.

For example, the brothel is transformed into a salon. After all, the original brothel is something like a salon, but it just makes it more thorough.Now there are not only men's special sessions, but also a separate courtyard for women's special sessions.Cai Yan used to take a group of women who like literature and art from time to time to hold poetry meetings, calligraphy and painting appreciation meetings, or hold afternoon tea talks.

Later, the definition of a brothel in the eyes of women also changed. Even unmarried women would go there to join in the fun and spend time in an independent small courtyard. Men would naturally go there to see women or look forward to a marriage. The only pity Yes, in today's Qiluo Pavilion, all the maids no longer sell themselves.

want to?Yes, just redeem yourself!Even so, more than a dozen young maids were redeemed within three years, and some even became wives.No one knew that behind these women was the identity of a non-staff member of the Shadow Guard.

Over time, the brothel has also become a meeting place for the upper class, especially the younger generation, who are not allowed to enter without a membership certificate.If you want a membership certificate, there is also a very strict verification system, not all upstarts can get in.There are no annoying nouveau riche who want to make connections, and the children of the aristocratic family naturally had a great time, and as a result, the consumption amount gradually increased.

The young people fell completely in this way and became the main force of consumption in brothels. The key is that the family members did not object.After all, this is to expand contacts and get closer to other aristocratic families. The key is to be lucky and find a place to get married.

Relatively speaking, casinos and kilns are not places where children from these aristocratic families can come.Even so, the business of the casino is still very hot, the key is that many children from aristocratic families are willing to come and play.

Since Li Ming became the governor of Yangzhou, all casinos have been banned. Only public casinos that have issued a "casino business certificate" can operate normally. Otherwise, they will not only be forced to close, but also be severely punished, especially fines. piece.

Up to now, there are no underground casinos in Jiangdong, and there are only two to three large and medium-sized public casinos in each city.

The content of the game has also improved a lot. In addition to the traditional dice and pitching pots, roulette, bridge, billiards and mahjong are all very attractive pastimes. The Colosseum and the fighting arena also attract many people to gamble. , There are even large racetracks in the suburbs where you can bet on horses.People in the Eastern Han Dynasty never imagined that life could be so colorful. Even if you don’t gamble, paying an entrance fee to go in is still very good.

The most eye-catching place at the entrance of each casino will be hung with a warning: "Small bets are fun, big bets are harmful to the body, and strong bets will be wiped out." After all, this is just Li Ming's bad taste.Just like next to the cigarette packs of later generations, the logo of 'smoking is harmful to health' will be printed on it.

Finally, there is the kiln, not to mention that all employees must undergo registration and regular physical examinations.The half-open doors are not counted, and all the kilns have been rectified completely according to the method of nightclubs, not only the bar, the dance floor, but also the maids in sexy clothes.

Hot dances, as well as coquettish pole dances, and the privateness of the performers from time to time, make the kiln a favorite place for many middle- and low-level workers. After paying the entrance fee, even if you buy a plate of spiced peanuts or Fennel beans, order a glass of beer or rice wine, and you can sit until the kiln closes.

Over time, even some children from small aristocratic families would come to play in search of excitement, especially the children of the Zhu family, and some daughters also came to join in the fun, dancing with a group of boys on the dance floor, and there would always be one or two without eyes The idiots come to give away the head.

Casinos, brothels and kilns, together with women's specialty stores, are quickly draining the savings of aristocratic families.They earn a lot and spend a lot, and the overall ratio is within a certain ratio. Unless there is a dude, there will be no situation where they will spend all their money.

"Others can't wait to save their money. During the period of the Second Emperor Wenjing, copper coins were piled up in the treasury, and the ropes that tied the money were rotten. It's good for you here. If you have money, you can invest. Either research or invest in new projects. Encourage all aristocratic families to consume, and if they don't consume, they will do everything possible to empty out other people's family... This is the first time I have seen such a master." Liu Hua joked.

"Hahaha, what I want is for them to spend money! No one wants to save the money until they die!" Li Ming laughed.

"How do you say that?" Liu Hua became curious. She knew that since this man said that, he would naturally care about it.

"What is money? Can it be eaten? Can it make the body warm? Hua'er knows that before money appeared, people didn't always use barter to exchange what they needed. Later, because some It is inconvenient to store things, and they cannot be exchanged in a short period of time, so there is a medium, that is currency!" Li Ming said slowly.

At this part, Liu Hua can still understand, and then he has the concept of currency as a medium.

"Money is a pile of scrap metal if it is not in circulation. Only when it is in circulation can it play its value. The key is to develop under the rule, and then encourage consumption.

For example, if a certain family goes to a brothel for consumption, nothing else is said but the cakes. If they need to consume some, then they have to buy cakes back; the seller of cakes has made a fortune, so the store owner will naturally have to buy some raw materials back. Make pastries; sell more raw materials, then farmers' income will increase, and they will expand the planting of these crops...

In the process of people's consumption, money circulates continuously, and then generates new value.If people make money and just bury it at home, then as a result, for the rich, money is just a bunch of numbers, and they will become richer and richer.But there will be less and less money in society, and various economic activities will gradually stop.

Especially those who manage their families diligently and frugally, they are obviously rich, and they still need vegetables and porridge every day.They earn so much money, but do not consume it. As a result, there is less currency in circulation on the market, and less economic activity. The final result is that my tax revenue is reduced.You should also know that the brothels, kilns and casinos that have been in operation for so long, but I have collected heavy taxes in these three places! "Li Ming said slowly.

"But don't forget, you have shares in these three industries..." Liu Hua teased.

"Cough I also encourage proper consumption, proper consumption, understand?" Li Ming coughed lightly.

"Hey, I'm a little girl, how can I understand so much truth, you have to talk to Zhang Zheng (Zhang Zhao) about these things. But you are right, the big man just didn't see this, the tax is getting less and less, The aristocratic family can't get rid of the relationship, but the emperors only know how to collect money, but don't advocate spending money. There are certain problems in itself. No wonder you have to pay the soldiers, and you have to give money if you want the people below to use the power of the people. It was abolished, and now it seems that for a country, this is the long-term solution... It's just that I am very curious, how do you know this?" Liu Hua looked at Li Ming curiously.

"I was born in a humble family, which happened to be like this. I can get in touch with many things that the emperor can't get in touch with. After a long time of analysis and sorting out, it will naturally become a set of theories. This also tells us that a king can't be separated from the people first. In society, it is difficult to make a correct judgment and deal with it as an otaku behind closed doors." Li Ming laughed.

"Oh, my little brother, I'm afraid I can't beat you... Please, for my sake, save his life. After all, my father has saved his blood now." Liu Wharton suddenly became a little sad.

"You and my child, wouldn't it be good to give him the surname Liu?" Li Ming whispered in her ear.

"Then you are giving someone a child!" Liu Hua felt a little excited when he heard this, and stretched out his jade hand, slowly rubbing on Li Ming's chest.

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(End of this chapter)

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