Chapter 576
In 199 AD, this was a magical year. The three major forces suspended the exchange of fire, and all parties got a brief respite.

The result is that while Yuan Shao and Liu Ting are preparing for a new round of war, Li Ming is... advocating consumption? !

Women's specialty stores not only have underwear and sanitary napkins, but also cosmetics and perfumes. At the end of November 199, ready-to-wear products were launched, and various styles of ready-made clothes filled the store. Therefore, the stores had to be doubled in size. space for the construction of several dressing rooms.

"Clothes?" It was Cai Yan's first contact with ready-made clothes, and she was not someone who had time to sew clothes.Naturally, there used to be maids who were in charge of sewing, but the concept of ready-made clothes was never heard of before.

"Indeed, what we sell here is not actually the cloth and this set of clothes, but the design concept of this set of clothes. The ready-made clothes in this area are all produced in large batches and divided into different sizes, and we have special manpower here. Modify the deficiencies for you. Also because of mass production, the price is relatively cheap. The disadvantage is that it is easy to meet people wearing the same clothes as yourself when walking on the street.

Similarly, there are senior designers in the high-end area. These are the top designers of our Kuaiji Chamber of Commerce. Currently, only the Shouchun Store and the Kuaiji Store have dedicated senior designers.She will tailor-made unique brand clothing for you, and such clothing will be equipped with a certificate and patent certificate specially signed by the designer.

Anyone who dares to copy and imitate this style, even if the fabric is different, can appeal to the local yamen with this patent in hand, demanding compensation from those who wear the same style but do not have the patent certificate.If it is a problem with our designer, our store will give a full refund and make compensation. "The clerk was endlessly explaining the benefits of ready-to-wear and the concept of clothing design. The shop is not big, and many people, except Cai Yan, have heard it, so naturally they are a little moved.

Heartbeat is worse than action. Naturally, many people actually went to a senior designer to design clothes, only to learn that the other party only designs one piece of clothing a month, and the price of each piece of clothing is not usually expensive.

There are only five senior designers in the entire store, which means that only sixty unique pieces of clothing are created each year.Its preciousness can be understood with a little thought.

"What if I am not satisfied with the design?" Cai Yan did not go directly to the designer, but continued to ask.

"We conduct a questionnaire survey based on your personality and hobbies, and then design. Conservatively, there will be three design options for you to choose from. If you are not satisfied, there will be another three options. If you are not satisfied with the six options, then there is no way, We will recommend other designers to you, after all, each designer has a different design concept." The clerk said with a smile.

"Okay, can you help me contact a senior designer?" Cai Yan nodded and took out a gold card.It is said to be a gold card, but it is actually gold-plated, using some special anti-counterfeiting techniques, and it looks really high-end and elegant.

"So it's a gold card guest! Okay, we'll arrange a senior designer for you!" the clerk said slowly, and at the same time took Cai Yan to find a senior designer. Everyone else had to wait for Cai Yan to choose. It's their turn to choose.

"Why can she jump in line?" Immediately, a lady complained, cursing like a shrew.

The wives around did not respond, but anyone who came from a family or was well-bred would not scold others for such a trivial matter. There is naturally a reason for the store to make such arrangements.The key is that everyone is from the aristocratic circle. Who would dare not give her face if she is a talented woman?Anyone who can swear, this one can tell at a glance that he is an upstart!
Nobility cannot be shown by wearing several layers of silk clothes and wearing gold and silver jewelry.Look at this woman's attire, the gold and silver jewelry on her body probably weighs more than a catty, isn't it heavy?

"Please don't be impatient, the guest. This guest is showing a gold card. The key point is that it is not the gold card issued by our store, but the gold card issued by the Kuaiji Chamber of Commerce. As long as you buy something at a store under the jurisdiction of the Kuaiji Chamber of Commerce , you can enjoy the right of first refusal, and you can also enjoy a [-]% discount at the same time..." The clerk has been trained in advance and hastily said.

"Here, how do I get the gold card?" The woman was going to have a fit, but fortunately she wasn't that stupid, and soon realized that this card was no longer as simple as a discount, it was already a status symbol.

Their family sold books to the Central Plains earlier, after all, they made a lot of money.From being poor and blank to becoming a mainstream bookseller today, not to mention being rich, he can be considered a little bit of family property.Women would come here to shop, one is that there are really a lot of good things here, and the other is that her husband ordered her to try her best to break into the aristocratic circle.

After all, nouveau riche are nouveau riche after all, lacking background.No matter how rich he looks, a word from others can bring him back to the starting point.

"The gold card of the Kuaiji Chamber of Commerce is not sold to the public, it is only issued to the family members of the shareholders. And only the old shareholders when the Kuaiji Chamber of Commerce was first established can get it, and other new shareholders can only get silver cards. We have gold cards for sale here. , as long as you spend more than [-] guan in our store, you can get it. In the future, you can enjoy a certain right of first refusal and a [-]% discount when you spend in our store. In addition, you can get a silver card if you spend [-] guan. Enjoy a [-]% discount on shopping." The clerk immediately returned to the counter and took out the gold and silver VIP card.

"VIP card, you really know how to deal with it. I want a gold card, isn't it a thousand guan?" The woman immediately made a decision and ordered a lot of things, including a high-end ready-to-wear. Unambiguously, she was given a gold card and said that she could choose a designer second.

The other wives did not directly make a decision, but it was obvious that they were also moved.As a result, the next day, the turnover of the women's products store suddenly skyrocketed, and a lot of gold cards were also sold.

Ready-to-wear appeared in the awareness of Chinese people for the first time, and many ordinary people really couldn't figure out what is so good about ready-made clothes.Only the upper class began to rise slowly, wearing different clothes from others, many noble ladies even used horse-drawn carriages, and went to the streets with their maidservants. A suit of delicate and elegant casual clothes can increase the rate of turning heads a lot.

A few days later, when the high-end ready-to-wear was finished, Cai Yan took Zhang Mo out for a stroll, but he didn't know how many people's attention he attracted.After learning that it was actually the only piece of clothing in China, it immediately aroused the envy of many people.

I thought I was a good female celebrity, so I tried to sew a batch of regular clothes, and found that it was easy to make regular clothes, but it was not so easy to design very dignified and full of characteristics.For most women who are lacking in creativity, they have gradually accepted the meaning of 'ready-made clothing mainly sells designs'.If you can't design it yourself, just go buy it!
A small number of talented women from poor families found women's products stores and asked them how to become designers.Finally, after the assessment, another group of women became designers.But the first thing they need to learn is not ready-to-wear, but sexy lingerie. In the words of senior designers, it is: "If you don't have the ability to show beauty, how can you design high-end clothes?"

In the final analysis, I was misled by Li Ming. From now on, I am afraid that all designers will start with underwear design after entering the industry.Such a 'tradition' does not know how long it will last before it can be improved.

The business on the women's side is getting better and better, and on the men's side, Li Ming has also played tricks...

 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation, ask for subscription!


(End of this chapter)

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