Chapter 575

Fine-staple cotton originated in the highlands of southern Mexico in the Americas and was introduced to China in the 19th century.Since then, fine-staple cotton has replaced the long-growing Indian coarse-staple cotton and has become the world's mainstream cotton species, accounting for 85% of the world's cotton production.

He still has a headache all the time, just like Li Ming who introduced cotton in India, he didn't expect to get it after a battle, which is a surprise.Sure enough, the higher the difficulty of a battle, the greater the reward. What really made him helpless was that the evaluation of the previous battle was only considered as 'passed'. It can be seen that adventures are obviously not advocated, and he should learn from it next time.

The cotton production in the first year was very low. In fact, it is not easy to adapt the fine-staple cotton to the water and soil in Asia, and it is not easy to take root and germinate. It will definitely be easier in the second year, and the germination rate of cottonseed will also increase.

The weather is getting colder day by day, and the sales of down jackets have also become hotter. They are buying duck down everywhere. Many merchants have found duck farms, only to find out that the duck down has been ordered by the Kuaiji Chamber of Commerce, and there is a contract. Li Ming has always attached great importance to the contract. Mentally, those who violate the contract will be severely punished, so no store owner of any farm dares to breach the contract.

But obviously, the expansion of the duck farm or the establishment of a new duck farm in the second year will become inevitable.

With the emergence of down jackets, the Kuaiji Chamber of Commerce also opened a special field for women's underwear.The outside is covered with curtains, and only the women know what is sold inside.Many people feel that this shop is mysterious and a little scary.

Then one day Peng Die walked in with Xiao Qiao and brought out a lot of bags, talking and laughing.After seeing this scene, some bold middle-aged women walked in, and after a while, they covered their faces and walked out with a paper bag in their arms.

So more curious people walked in, most of them looked hurried, as if they had committed a crime.

Those who bought something in this store came to the store in good spirits the next day to scan the goods, and took a lot of large and small bags.Immediately drive more people to go in and consume.

"Zibu, you're in your 40s, don't you know how to control yourself?" On the third day at work, Li Ming looked at Zhang Zhao who was a little restless, and secretly put his hands behind him to knock him, and couldn't help but tease him. road.

The shadow guard reported that Zhang Zhao's two concubines were well favored by him, and even Mrs. Zhang got some rain and dew.

"My lord, don't say that the women's exclusive items have nothing to do with you..." Zhang Zhao raised his head, his spirit was a little sluggish, and he looked at Li Ming with more complaints.

"Hey, I didn't force anyone to buy it! But TOEFL, the Liuwei Dihuang Wan at the pharmacy is selling well..." Li Ming coughed lightly, and said with a bit of pride.

It's hard for Zhang Zhao to say anything, because he also went to buy a few boxes for back up.To be honest, before the day before yesterday, he really didn't know that there was such a thing called sexy underwear, and it turned out that he was a little bit out of control.A widow's disease, a man's common disease...

What are the items in Women's Only?There is nothing more than women's underwear, and there are many sexy and interesting packages, all kinds of sexy designs, revealing but not colorful, sexy but not flirtatious, flattering but not vulgar, beautiful but not flamboyant, Li Ming's design concept is so.

Thus created the first batch of fashion designers of this era, and most of these designers were women.

Of course, in addition to underwear, there is also something called 'sanitary napkin', the main body is paper, but the water absorption is really good.If you want to evolve into a real 'sanitary napkin', you need to wait for the further popularization of cotton.In any case, it is much more convenient than the traditional menstrual belt, so it is naturally popular among women.

The by-product is Liuwei Dihuang Pills. If possible, Li Ming plans to develop Shenbao Tablets or Granules...

"It's just indecent..." Zhang Zhao really wanted to refute a few words, but shut up obediently in the middle of what he said.The mouth says no, but the body is very honest.

"Zibu, you're wrong!" Li Ming stopped doing it as soon as he heard it, "Why is it so indecent? I let them wear it outside? Do you understand underwear? The things you wear inside, except the most Who can see the intimate male and the close-fitting maid? Besides, I can cover the shop with curtains, who can see what is inside?!"

"I'm afraid someone will say that my lord, you are here to manage this kind of thing..." Zhang Zhao advised.

"The store is owned by the Kuaiji Chamber of Commerce, and the Kuaiji Chamber of Commerce is not my own chamber of commerce. Evil people have their own troubles. Besides, those who can say this are nothing more than a group of people who intend to grab business. I have no ability to make money, and I plan to kill people It's just a bunch of mad dogs!" Li Ming waved his hand.

"My lord, it's enough to care about it in your heart!" Zhang Zhao also knew that it was not good to persuade him too much, so he cupped his hands and continued to work.It's just that this waist is really weak. In fact, he is not the only one present, and several married colleagues are also similar.

All the women of Duke Chu went to buy it. Of course, their subordinates were the first to hold their feet. As a result, they were the subordinates who were the first to suffer.It can't be said to be a victim, strictly speaking, it should be regarded as "painful and happy"... Lumbago.

When he was leaving the office, Li Ming invited Wang Yu who came to report on his work, and went out for a drink.Wang Yu will come back every three years to report on his work, telling about the situation on the front line within three years, and the same is true for Pang De and Peng Hu.

"How do you feel about Shouchun?" Li Ming looked at Wang Yu, without any special meaning, just changing the subject.

"It's been more than a year since my subordinate left. This place is more prosperous and there are a lot more commodities." Wang Yu said with a smile.

"Jiangdong is becoming more and more prosperous now. Many old people who started with me have rich families. This is especially true for those aristocratic families. There is no threat of war. Their lives are getting more and more comfortable, and a few people have begun to live in extravagance. Old brother, how about squeezing their pockets with me?" Li Ming looked around and asked in a low voice when he was sure there were no outsiders.

"You come up with ideas, and I'll be in charge of extracting them!" Wang Yu agreed without even thinking about it, a bastard who doesn't make money.In particular, Li Chong and Wang Xi have already made a baby marriage, and the two may become in-laws in the future.

Li Chong and Dong Bai have a good relationship, they are childhood sweethearts, but in terms of marriage, they still respect Li Ming's arrangement, which is the result of Xun Cai's education.Ashamed to say, Li Ming seldom cares about education other than martial arts.The main reason is that there are more and more children, and I can't manage them.

No wonder in ancient times the eldest son was the crown prince. The eldest son spent the longest time with him since he was a child, and the longer he accepted his influence, the higher his status in his heart would naturally be, not to mention that Li Chong was still the eldest son.

Of course, Li Ming also talked to Dong Bai, and the latter also understood, obviously Dong Heng also talked to her.According to the predetermined plan, Wang Xi will be his wife and Dong Bai will be his concubine.The Xun family, Peng family and Yu family will also bring a prostitute daughter over as a playmate, who will also be a candidate for a concubine in the future.

The Xun family represents the aristocratic family in the Central Plains, the Peng family represents Baiyue, and the Yu family represents the old Chu survivors. Li Chong's marriage with them is inevitable.In the future, it is impossible to say that it is a way of balance to choose a woman to marry among the aristocratic families in Hebei, Guanzhong and Bashu.

"You see, the Kuaiji Chamber of Commerce now has a group of female workers who specialize in designing underwear styles. They have already gained a lot of experience. Next year, I plan to let them try to design outerwear styles, and at the same time make some ready-made clothes such as hunting suits, dresses and regular clothes. Selling, branding, and taking the high-end route... Do you think it can be done?" Li Ming put forward his own ideas.

In terms of profit, what is more profitable than the clothing industry? !

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(End of this chapter)

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