Chapter 579 Yuan Tan's Calculation

The Northern Expedition Army, the army dominated by Wang Yu, Huang Zhong, Guan Yu and Tai Shici were all placed under Wang Yu's command.

The Legion has strong military autonomy, and the military supplies currently in reserve are completely enough for them to fight a battle for about three to four months.Wang Yu planned to attack Yanzhou and Qingzhou with all his strength while Yuan Shao was focusing on the Jizhou area, at least to take down a few counties.

Last year, Langya Palace was completely relocated to Guanzhong, so Langya County has nothing to worry about.In fact, it's nothing to fight, Wang Yu has already provided him with a lot of jade talismans, the total amount of these jade talismans is probably not enough for the entire Langye Palace.

"Send Pang Tong to Wang Yu's command as a trainee!" Li Ming thought for a while and gave the order again.

Pang Tong came here the year before last to rely on the examination, and as a result, he was No. 1 in the palace examination and got the status of champion.I have to say that he looks a bit ugly, but Zhang Song in the previous sessions is actually similar.

Later, with his excellent military staff ability, Pang Tong skipped the Hanlin Academy and directly entered the army as a staff officer. He soon came into Guo Jia's sight.

"Pang Tong's talent really needs to go to the front line to experience it." Guo Jia nodded. Pang Tong can be regarded as his first disciple, so naturally he should focus on training, and it is not good to stay at the back all the time.

Relatively speaking, Wang Yu accepted Zhou Yu as his disciple three years ago, and now he is with him as his deputy. Based on the results reported in the past two years, he said that Zhou Yu's talent is indeed good, and he might be able to become the commander of the army in Duzhen. Train him in this direction.

"By the way, let's transfer Xu Shu over too! After two years of study, he has already learned about the same from the books. This time, according to the previous agreement, he will be given the rank of a captain. Where he can go depends on his ability. !” Li Ming continued.

In fact, there is one thing that Guo Jia doesn't know, that is, Pang Tong is also included as a subordinate. After level LV50, Li Ming still has a subordinate quota that has not been used.However, the most deceitful thing is that the maximum subordinate quota is only 5 people. After all, at LV60, there was no new subordinate quota.

At first, Li Ming planned to give this spot to Zhuge Liang. After all, it is not bad to use the loyal program to control him.Later, after feedback from the academy, I realized that Zhuge Liang's political talent was better than his military talent, and he was afraid that he would be a civil servant in the future.In this way, whether it is a fierce general or a hero, or a military strategist or an alchemist, they are not suitable for him.

After careful consideration, Li Ming finally chose Pang Tong. As a result, Pang Tong came up with LV23, and produced his first professional skill 'Geography'.

Geographical advantage: In a terrain environment that is superior to one's own side, 50 points of internal strength are consumed per second, and the enemy's defense power is reduced by [-]%.

Unsurprisingly, the occupational skills of military strategists are mainly used in strategy and army battles.Seeing this professional skill, Li Ming was a little helpless. If a military division had been born earlier, maybe the number of casualties of his own army in the previous battle could have been reduced by more than [-]%.

As for Xu Shu, his martial arts skills have not fallen in the past two years, and he has read a lot of various books.Zhu Jun also expressed his pity, he had already vowed not to accept apprentices again, otherwise he would never let Xu Shu, a good seed, go.

"Xu Shu is also a talent!" Guo Jia nodded, and he had a reminder of these good seedlings in the army.Xu Shu's talent is actually similar to Zhou Yu's, but he is a bit wild and needs to study for a long time. It is best to train under Wang Yu's command.

The next day, the two received the transfer order. The transfer order stunned them for a moment, and then they happily packed up their packages and started heading north.

At the same time, Tai Shici had already started a full-scale attack on Langye County. Without the restraint of Langya Palace, he had recovered the entire territory of Langye County in less than ten days, and the entire territory of Xuzhou had been recovered.Then they headed north brazenly and entered Beihai County.

The Zhou Tai tribe stationed in Huang County, Donglai County also brazenly launched an attack on Donglai County.Zhu Hao, who started to join the army and is now under Zhou Tai's command, quickly captured the three counties to the east of Huangxian County, completely bringing the coastal areas under the rule of the navy.At the same time, continue to go south to attack Buqi County, with the ultimate goal of attacking Beihai County just like Tai Shici.

Affected by the winter's ice and snow, it took Yuan Tan more than ten days to prepare the army and logistics supplies, and almost emptied the entire treasury of Beihai County.He thought about standing still and waiting for help, but Guo Tu, his military adviser, thought it was inappropriate. Now that Yanzhou is also facing Wang Yu's full-scale attack, it may be difficult to send people over. If Yuan Shao wants to come to support, the imperial army may take advantage of it. .

If there are no reinforcements, then there is no point in standing still and waiting for reinforcements, instead it is a way of death.

"Then what should we do?" Yuan Tan was a pure warrior and was not good at political strategy, so he was not liked by Yuan Shao.Now hearing the words, he is even more helpless, and using his brain is not his strong point.

"Take the initiative to attack. Tai Shici was originally from Donglai County, and he is quite familiar with Qingzhou. This is an advantage, but it is also his shortcoming. He will definitely choose the fastest route to attack us. Similarly, we can also judge their strength. Attack the route, and then carry out an ambush! The meaning of this subordinate..." Guo Tu said here, and came to the military map, "Set an ambush here!"

Yuan Tan saw that it was in the area of ​​Chang'an County, which is the remaining vein of the Mount Tai area. In summer, the vegetation is lush, but now in winter, the mountains and forests seem a bit empty.

"Are you afraid that the other party won't be fooled?" Yuan Tan couldn't help frowning when he saw this.

"Hahaha, if the eldest son thinks that way, then the other party will definitely think that this place is not suitable for ambushes. Of course, if it is really difficult to ambush under normal circumstances, I am afraid that there will be an eldest son here to act as a bait." Guo Tu smiled. road.

"Let's hear it, if it's really effective, how about being a bait for once!?" Yuan Tan immediately became interested.

Three days later, it was snowing, and Tai Shici's army had just captured Chang'an County, and had a day's rest.Coal was constantly being transported from the rear towards the front line, and with down jackets already in place, the soldiers were no longer too afraid of the cold weather.It's just that the weather is obviously not suitable for fighting, and the workload of military doctors has increased a lot.

"It's too much to take down Beihai County, and it's probably the limit to advance to Chunyu County at most!" Wei Yan said to Tai Shici after looking at the map and the damn weather.

"General Zhengbei, just ordered us to try to occupy more territory. If it doesn't work, we should come here!" Tai Shici looked at the map after hearing this, and then nodded.If we continue to fight, I'm afraid there will be non-combat attrition!
"General, Yuan Tan's general Lu Xiang is calling for battle outside the city!" In the early morning of the next day, the guards below came to report.

"They're either crazy, or they're cheating!" Tai Shici and Wei Yan exchanged glances, everyone agreed.

"Here... let's go!" Wei Yan pointed to the map, this mountainous area is very suspicious, "Do you want to eat this bait?"

"It's a pity for me to abandon it when someone else sends it to my door, and I'm ashamed to accept it!" Tai Shici teased.

"Do you want to eat or not?" Wei Yan asked with a smile.

"Eat! Why don't you eat?!" Tai Shici laughed, "Order the Shanyue Army to prepare for battle!"

"Here!" The guards gladly accepted the order after hearing the words, and went down to deliver the order.A quarter of an hour later, a force of about 1 people was quickly assembled and ready to go.

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(End of this chapter)

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