my supplier is god

Chapter 275 - Learning from the West

Chapter 275 - Learning from the West

Chapter 9-Learning from the West

Before Tang Yuan came to look for the three-generation old man, he had already said hello in advance, and said that he had something important to discuss with Konoha's senior management, so when he walked into the office building with Liu Ranunculus, he was not stopped by anything, and went all the way. Come to Hokage's office.

After a while, I don't know what he said to the three-generation old man, and he walked out with a smile on his face, and said to Liu Yun, "Did you see it? I got 98 billion, let's go and eat."

"Oh! Boss, how much is 98 billion?"

"It's not much, it's enough to buy two handicrafts."

"Then what are you happy about, boss?"

"Why are you happy? Shouldn't I be happy? This is our belief!" Tang Yuan took out two cans of beer, opened them, and handed one to Liu Yun. "Come on, brother, Hailington cheers!"

"Oh! Cheers!... Boss, who is Herrington?"

The two gradually drifted away, and behind them, in Konoha's office building, people began to come in and out with a bunch of scrolls in their hands, sending these unknown things to various departments.


"Good morning! Sasuke!" "Hmph, idiot."

"Good morning! Sakura!" "Well, good morning! What's wrong with Nine Tubes? Didn't you wake up? look so cute when you yawn!"

"Good morning! Kakashi-sensei!"


"Hey? Where is Mr. Kakashi?"

Naruto came to the place where the seventh class used to gather, but in the end there was only Sasuke Sakura standing there, plus himself, no matter how counted, there were only three people, and the leader who covered his face couldn't help but run away.

"That guy is very mysterious, I'm afraid he lost his way on the road of life again." Sasuke looked up at the sky at 45 degrees, and his appearance looked like a ╰→worried γù little girl. (Martian text is really brain-burning, although I converted it online)

"Ms. Kakashi is really too much, I have known this for a week (Note: Unless someone deliberately adjusts, the speed of time passing between worlds is different, look at the biochemical world, it has already passed six It’s Biochemical [-]th year, and it’s only been a few days since the last time here), but I’ve never arrived on time, can we complain to him?” Sakura looks soft and cute, God knows At this moment, her personality is yelling something, nothing more than "kill the fuck" or something.

Seeing this, Naruto found a place to sit down, hugged the nine tubes on his head and put them in his arms. The two foxes, one big and one small, looked surprisingly harmonious.

He complained with dissatisfaction on his face: "That masked man doesn't look like a serious guy from left to right, maybe he fell into a ditch on the way here, anyway, judging by his virtue, even if there is a ditch in front of him Maybe you’re too lazy to take a detour?”

"That's right."

Kakashi suddenly appeared behind Naruto, stretched out his hand "Duang" and knocked him on the head, then walked up to the three of them with a pile of books in his arms, ignoring Naruto holding his head and shouting loudly, and said to the three of them : "Come, come, let's distribute the teaching materials."

"Teaching materials?" Sakura, who is a top student, is no stranger to this stuff. After all, ninjas can't be made entirely by enthusiasm (Xiao Li: Huh?), and they still need to learn a lot of theoretical knowledge, so When she saw the textbooks, she felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity. After all, more than a week ago, this group of ninjas were still holding books and chewing on words at school.

"That's right, it's the teaching material. Yesterday, after a series of negotiations, a very important person and Konoha's senior management reached a consensus. The higher-ups decided to randomly draw among the ninja of this session-of course, this so-called random is actually The appointed ones are probably only our seventh class, then the eighth class of sister Xiaohong, the tenth class of Asma, and the third class of that guy Akai... Only the four of you were selected Treat it as an experimental class to see what effects these things can have. At the same time, besides you, many relevant departments have also set up experimental groups to test the effects of these things. You can see it when you enter the hospital with a broken leg (however, the trio of snakes and clams have no sisters), and the newly established hospital laboratory building is quite good... Oh, the third shift of Akai I mentioned, you may Don’t you know each other yet? It’s the little devils from last year, who are much better than you... Hey, are you listening?”

At this time, the snake slug and clam trio didn't pay attention to him at all, but rummaged through the pile of books for a while.

"Huh? Kakashi-sensei, this..." Sakura took out a book with flame patterns on it, held it up high and asked, "The name of this book is so strange... Department of Destruction? What is it called?" Destruction system?"

"Well——according to what the lord said, it seems that this is a ninjutsu that has been passed down from the far, far western continent... But our navigation technology is not developed, and we can't do it on the sea. It’s a long-distance voyage, so it’s not clear whether there is water in this statement, maybe the Western Continent really exists, and that lord walked all the way from the sea? Or maybe he flew over.”

"Ninjutsu in the Western Continent?" Sakura opened the book, looked at the first page, and blurted out, "The first section of the first unit... the fire tongue technique? It sounds like fire breathing? Don't we have it here? Is it similar ninjutsu? It is still ready-made."

"The specific situation is like this." Kakashi is worthy of the name of a genius. He seems to have learned the usage of this fire tongue technique in one night. He spread out one hand, and a cluster of flames several meters high rose up from the palm of his hand. , "Like this, it is said that the limit distance is only ten meters, but Western ninjutsu does not require seals and word spirits, and can be cast with a hand out of a word... It can be regarded as some kind of superiority."

"Oh!!" Naruto was excited when he saw it, "This is amazing! Coach! I want to learn this!"

"Learning from your MB, I still only know a little bit." Kakashi said back, "Our mission today is this, come with me to find a clean place where no one will disturb you, and then read a book... It doesn't matter if you are a mission , because it is an experimental class, so even if you don’t do tasks, it will not affect your ninja evaluation, but the number of completed tasks may be a bit horrible, right? It’s no big deal. You're an idiot, if you want to really look at the data, then why fight? You think so? Let's fight a pair of data, whoever has the higher data will win... If this is the case, the whole world's painting style will change... Okay Let’s not talk about this, you come with me and put the book on.”

So the snake slug trio looked at the pile of books here, moved a pile with resentment on their faces, and followed Kakashi in one direction.

[To be continued]

(End of this chapter)

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