my supplier is god

Chapter 276 – Konoha Reform

Chapter 276 – Konoha Reform
Chapter 10-Leaf Reform
The three members of class [-] carried books and followed Kakashi to a small hillside, only to find that there were already people there.

"Hey, isn't this the young master of the Hatake family?" Tang Yuan was lying on the grass, and when he turned his head, he saw Kakashi walking with three little ghosts, so he waved to him while lying on his stomach, "here It’s such a good place, come, come, let’s feel the fragrance of nature together... oh~ pinch the star anise a little bit to the left... yes, it’s here, it’s so cool..."

The little octagonal loli is pinching his back with great interest at the moment, as if she thinks it's very fun, and she never gets tired of it. This scene seems to be nothing to others, and it's just the same thing between the wet uncle and the little loli. It's just the warm interaction between them, but the point is not this.

The point is the nine big tails dragging behind the octagon... Maybe the dead house people think that the nine-tailed loli looks really cute, but it's different here. This is Konoha, the Konoha ninja village in the world of Naruto, so ——

Including Kakashi, everyone in class [-] dropped the book in an instant and entered a fighting state.

"Hey? What's your reaction? Hmm? Oh, what do you guys think about Bajiao?" Tang Yuan realized later and turned his head 180 degrees (it looked a bit scary) to see Bajiao blowing in the wind behind him. Nine big tails swaying, so I understood, "It doesn't matter, the star anise...keep pinching, I have a lollipop here."

"Woo... my hands are so tired, can I punch them?"

"It's okay, it's okay, just pound it, come on."

Boom—the ground shook for a while.

"Oh ha! It's so cool!"

Seeing this nine-tailed demon fox hurting people in the street, the vigilance of the seventh class became even more serious. Kakashi held a handful of kunai in his hand, stared at the star anise over there, and said in a deep voice, "Master Tangyuan... Can you explain what happened to that little girl?"

"Ah? You mean star anise?" Tang Yuan snorted lazily, "I have already told the three generations of old men, and I have my guarantee, this nine-tailed one is tamed by me, and will not harm the people around me. People are harmful... But I didn't let her show up in the village. After all, you know what, but it's okay to relax in the wilderness, right? Look, we both played here for a long time, Anbu It’s been changed three times, isn’t there nothing wrong with it?”

"...That's the best." Kakashi signaled the three to cancel the alert, and found a tree to sit under, but his eyes were still fixed on Bajiao.

The snake slug and clam trio also sat down with Kakashi, and began to look through the so-called new textbooks in their hands as if they hadn't seen anything, but... Naruto yelled at Tang Yuan: "Uncle, Is this little sister your daughter?"

"Pfft." Tang Yuan sprayed the dog's tail grass several meters away, and he looked at Naruto with a troubled face, "Do you think she looks like my daughter? Although I really want to have such a daughter , but it’s a pity, no. What’s the matter? You got hit yesterday and you’re ready to change? Are you interested in Octagon?”

"No, no!" Naruto quickly waved his hand, "I'm just curious why since I saw you, the nine-tailed demon fox seems to be worthless, and it's all over the street...Speaking of it, uncle, my Jiutong a few days ago It seems to be breathing fire, is this normal?"

Next to him, Sasuke Sakura and Kakashi quietly looked at the two of them pretending to be aggressive, feeling like they were talking about things they didn't understand, so powerful.

"Pfft—Jiutong? That's the name you gave that child? What a coincidence, three colors, four seasons, five fragrances, six buttercups, seven treasures, octagonal nine tubes... If there is another one, wouldn't it be called Shiquan? Ah, it's okay, your Jiutong Tube, that child is healthy and normal, so don’t worry about it becoming the next Nine-Tails.” Tang Yuan said, turning his face, “Come on, Bajiao, help me beat the front... Hiss—(At this time Bajiao hit his crotch with fists) Forget it, I know you didn't mean it, but you should take a break... Come, take the lollipop."

"Yes! Thank you, Uncle Tang Yuan!"

"Hey, look how polite this kid is, he's so taller than Liu Yun..."

So Tang Yuan turned his back to the sky and closed his eyes to recuperate. With a lollipop in his mouth, he looked around idly, and went to Naruto's side.

At this time, Naruto was holding a magic book of destruction in his hand and looked at it vigorously. According to Kakashi's explanation, Western ninjutsu (magic) does not need to consume chakra, but consumes something called magic power. This magic power In fact, it is somewhat similar to chakra, but chakra is the product of the combination of physical energy and mental energy, while magic power is a separate change of spiritual power. I don’t know which expert came up with the method in this textbook. A special mode of operation that temporarily converts chakra into magic power, so that ninjas without magic power can use western ninjutsu (magic).

Naruto looked at the book in his hand, and after reading it for a while, he tried to convert chakra into magic power according to the above, and then used the magic power to draw a strange pattern (magic circle) in his mind. Then he felt a burst of energy burst out from the magic circle in his mind, and quickly guided this energy to his hands according to the book...

call out--

A pinch of poor little flames appeared in the palm of his hand.

"Hey? How did this happen!?" Naruto looked at the little flame in his hand with a blank face—it would be ridiculous to say that this thing can be used for fighting, "Why is it so Weak!? Shouldn’t it be a flame as high as a mountain coming out of my hand!?”

"Stupid." Sasuke next to him said lightly, raising his hand, a chain of lightning struck Naruto, but because he hadn't fully mastered how to use it, the lightning was so tiny that it hit Naruto's butt, "pop" With a sound like the piezoelectric lighter on the lighter, Naruto felt as if his butt was being pricked by a needle, and bounced off the ground with a bang: "Wow! Sasuke, you guy! That's too much! "

Jiutong, who was next to Bajiao, who was originally next to Naruto, laughed when he saw this: "Big brother is so stupid... The fire tongue technique is so weak hahaha... I didn't even learn this from Aunt Edwina the first time." So bad hahahaha..."

So Naruto was dissatisfied, and looked at Bajiao with a dark face: "Little ghost, you are so awesome, come here, I will give you the book, and you can show me."

"Hmph——" Bajiao pushed the book into his arms, "For the sake of sister Jiutong, let me show you a demonstration~ This is the real usage of the Fire Tongue Technique!"

After she finished speaking, she raised her hand, and a long flame spewed out from the palm of her hand, accurately hitting Tang Yuan ten meters away.

"Ahh! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhs

Kakashi couldn't help shouting: "Everyone be quiet... And, Tang Yuan-sama, please take care of your child, don't let her disturb Naruto's study."

"No problem. Also, it has been said that Bajiao is not my child! Our daughters are not called Bajiao!"

At this time, Liu Yun ran over from afar, with a look of distress, and shouted at Tang Yuan on the hillside: "Boss, boss, boss!! It's not good!!"

Hearing this, Tang Yuan sat up quickly, looked at Liu Yun's tattered appearance, and asked, "What's wrong with you? You got kicked by a group of big men? Hey, let me breathe first before you speak."

"We... ho, ho... we met a tigress just now, and that tigress said her name was Mung Dou or something, and for some reason she found out that we went to find that grandpa Sarutobi with you yesterday, So I came to us just now, and said that I wanted to know where you were... We saw that she was aggressive, so I didn't dare to say anything, and then that tigress called Huangdou went crazy and scratched and scratched. We escaped with great difficulty... Woohoo! Boss, you can see that the clothes you bought for us are all torn!"

"...Li Bianbu Rusa!? That bitch is messing with you, so you just go back to me! Why did you come back so useless!?" Tang Yuan was not happy anymore, you said that the servant just looked at him Three sticks can't beat a fart! ?Shake M, this is it! ?

"We, we looked so scary, but I forgot that she couldn't beat us... Boss, that tigress is really scary, it seems to be called Tudou or something... It's scary!" Look at the six Ranunculus was so frightened that his hair exploded.

"Which bitch is so courageous to punish my servant!? I'm so good at it!" Tang Yuan yelled and cursed loudly.

Then a voice came from a distance: "It's me!"

The seventh class over there had long been attracted by Liu Yun, and now they were also following Tang Yuan, and all of them turned their eyes towards the direction of the sound.

The person who came was wearing an open-chested beige windbreaker with a gauze underwear inside. He looked full of lust. For those who didn't know, he thought it was a butcher character from some third-rate drama.

Who is it if it’s not Mitarai Red Bean?

"..." So Tang Yuan's expression was like seeing a canned herring that could fly, and it quickly changed from sunny to cloudy, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

[To be continued]

(End of this chapter)

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