my supplier is god

Chapter 232 - A Miracle With Great Strength

Chapter 232 - A Miracle With Great Strength

Chapter 139 - A Miracle With Great Strength

"Just climbed a few mountains!"


"Crossed a few more rivers!"

"Hoo hoo hoo ~"

One person and one dragon sang, drifting away under the brilliance of the setting sun. In the afterglow of the setting sun, the figure of the man riding the Tyrannosaurus Rex loomed in the sunlight. Only the old black coat could be seen following the rustling on the sand plain. The cold wind kept flying.

"Okay! Stop two or two, it seems that we can only go here today, get ready to camp, rest early, and tomorrow we will continue the journey of looking for the young girl (crossed out) Triceratops!"


So Tang Yuan jumped off Erliang's back and looked around. The two of them had already left the jungle a long way, and now came to a relatively desolate area, although scattered grass and low shrubs still grew on the ground. , but the general tone of the whole land is a dreary tawny.

"This large sandy plain looks very atmospheric, don't you think? Two Liang." "Gahou!"

"Well! There are a few big rocks over there. Let's hide in the middle. We can use those rocks to block the wind. Let's go over there." "Hooohoo."

One person and one dragon came to the middle of these huge stones, and found that this place would not be blown by the cold wind of the sand plain at night, so Tang Yuan took out a pile of dry firewood, threw a small fireball over it, and it ignited with a "bang". a bonfire.

Although Erliang is a prehistoric beast, he has an instinctive fear of flames, but after taking the Dali Pill (it really sounds like a cure for impotence), he is no longer a pure animal in the strict sense—the most intuitive An example is that it can understand human speech now, so rationality overwhelms instinct. Although it is still a little timid in front of the flames, at least it can lie down next to the bonfire and keep calm.

Let me talk about it here... The appearance of the Tyrannosaurus rex lying on the ground looks inexplicably cute...

"Ga ho." Er Liang arched Tang Yuan with his nose, and let out a cry of unknown meaning, "Ga woo ho woo ho."

"Oh, I remembered, Daliwan, right?" Tang Yuan knew what it was thinking about when he looked at it, so he took out another pill from his bosom, "Remember, take one pill three times a day, one pill in three boxes. The course of treatment, but mine is in bulk, so I don’t know how many pills per box...Anyway, it’s enough to eat almost, come, continue~”

He threw the Dali pill towards Erliang, and Erliang opened his bloody mouth to catch the pitiful pill, which was a bit small for him, and then swallowed it with a "Gulu".

This time, Ya didn't float into the sky anymore, only a layer of faint seven-color halo shrouded her body, flickering for a moment, and then returned to normal.

"How does it feel? Is it delicious?" Tang Yuan was curious about the taste of Dali Wan, but when he thought about it, it was for animals with low intelligence. If intelligent creatures like humans were to eat it, who knows what would happen? What?Maybe it will reduce IQ in turn, so I just imagined it in my heart, and didn't have the idea of ​​tasting it myself.

Erliang heard his question, nodded, opened his mouth and let out a low growl intermittently: "It's, come again."


This is awesome, I can barely speak human words after only eating two! ?Tang Yuan looked at the beer he had sprayed all over the floor, opened another can with distress, then looked at Erliang who was lying beside him and was still looking at this side, and said, "If I eat too much at one time, I won't drink it. I can guarantee that something will happen, be obedient, take one at a time, three times a day, and eat again tomorrow morning... By the way, what did you call me just now?"

"elder brother."

"Tsk, the young man is quite clever and can talk. Come on, brother, I will show you the legendary cumin barbecue today!"

"Good! Good! Brother, I'm hungry!"

So one person and one dragon happily spent the night in the wild—speaking of which there was no civilization at this time, no matter where it was, it could only be regarded as the wild, right?Tang Yuan will be a savage for a while.

In the early morning of the next day, Tang Yuan fed Er Liang another Dali pill, so Er Liang's IQ was strengthened again, and he was already able to speak human language relatively fluently.

"Brother, I've been to this place before, there is a forest over there, and there are many three-branched horns that eat grass." Erliang stretched out his small front paws and pointed in one direction, "Three-branched horns are delicious, but dangerous, and they cannot be beaten. Hurt, hurt."

Tang Yuan listened to it—maybe it should be called "he" now—and listened to the intermittent words, and roughly understood the meaning, that is, there is a forest in the direction over there, and there is a group of Triceratops in it. Living in the forest, Erliang has been here before, and was injured in the battle with the Triceratops, but maybe he was lucky or something. He also ate the meat of the Triceratops, which seemed delicious.

"Then why are you beeping? Go, just go in that direction. If you encounter a Triceratops, try to fight first. If you can't fight, I will help. Come, listen to my password, one step two steps, one step two steps, Step by step, like minions, like the steps of a devil..."

So Erliang twisted the Yangko, carried Tang Yuan, and walked towards the direction of the forest.

Sure enough, when it was approaching noon, Tang Yuan stood up on Erliang's back and looked into the distance. His super vision allowed him to see a very distant place—a huge forest tens of kilometers away. , it seems that this sandy plain is not a very wide place, it is probably sandwiched between the big forest and the jungle where Erliang lived before.

In fact, the previous jungle is very similar to the forest in front, even the plants are the same types, except that there are more trees in the forest, and more grass and bushes in the jungle.

"Two Liang, I've already seen the forest... Keep going, huh? Are you hungry? Well, stop and have a rest." So one person and one dragon stopped to rest for a noon, during which Tang Yuan once again gave the two Erliang was fed a Dali pill, and this time Erliang was able to speak completely without hindrance.

"Brother, your meat bitten by a beast is so delicious, and the taste is also very special..." Er Liang bit a huge piece of beef in front of him, and at the same time, he did not forget to flatter Tang Yuan - the beef was obviously The thigh meat, which has been magnified countless times, can only be exchanged for such unreasonable things from the main god. How can there be such a big cow in reality?
"What? Beast? Bitten by a beast? What the hell?" Tang Yuan held a normal-sized roast beef leg in his hand, and was at a loss when he heard what Erliang said.

"That, that's that... the one that keeps beating, hurts if you touch it, and is very hot, that, beast..." Er Liang tried his best to describe the appearance of that "beast", "It's scary, I've seen it Once, this kind of beast devoured a Sanzhijiao, and the Sanzhijiao died screaming... That was the time I ate the meat of the Sanzhijiao, it was delicious."

After listening to his description for a long time, Tang Yuan finally understood what that "beast" was - what this guy was talking about was actually fire!Because of his lack of knowledge, even if his IQ is up, he still thinks that the flame is actually a kind of animal, and this kind of animal is extremely dangerous, as long as he touches it, he will get hurt...

In fact, it makes sense to think about it this way. The thoughts of animals are always so simple and rude, aren’t they?
"Uh, actually... Erliang, I feel that I need to feed you another Dali Pill. Apart from strengthening your brain, this thing seems to allow you to understand a lot of knowledge. I have decided, tonight , and the day after tomorrow, you have to continue to take Dali pills, you can't stop taking the medicine, do you hear me?"

"Okay! I like Dali Pills! That made me feel... well, it's amazing, very rich." Er Liang used his scarce words to describe the feeling after taking Dali Pills.

After Tang Yuan saw the efficacy of Dali Pill, he suddenly had an impulse.

That is - after returning home, catch Liu Yun, and try to put a Dali pill in his mouth, maybe it can restore Liu Yun's IQ to normal.

Wow, not bad?Maybe it really works. Think about it, Liu Yun is a fox. The reason for his low IQ may be that he forgot to change his brain when he transformed into a human, so his IQ is still at the level of a fox...

I always feel that Liu Yun was badly damaged, but there is no way, after all, whenever I think of him, the first word that pops up in my mind is "mentally retarded"... So the image of Liu Yun can be said to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Well, I must try it when I go back. The Dali Pill is a good thing, and I will force you to eat it even if I don’t want to eat it!

[To be continued]

(End of this chapter)

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