Chapter 231
Chapter 138 - I TM Cum! !
What do you do with cockroaches?
Serving slippers?It's too disgusting.

Poison in the middle of the night?It's too disgusting.

Turn a blind eye?It's too disgusting.

It's disgusting to think about, so what should I do?
It's okay, Tang Yuan has a solution. He took out his wristwatch and pressed it. A holographic window that looked like a video chat popped up in front of him. Figure—this is really for video chatting! !

"Brother, what are you going to do? Let me tell you first that if the two sides are exchanging information, including any means of communication, the speed change gear will not be effective at this time, and the time of the two worlds will be forcibly synchronized, so Say what you want to say quickly."

"I understand, I understand...that's what, old girl, if I want to wipe out all of a race, what should I do?"

"Oh? What kind of race is so powerful that it can offend you to such an extent? You want to exterminate the entire race, have you figured it out?"

"...Think clearly."

"The answer is so fast! Have you really thought it through? Well, then, tell me first, what is it that offended you so badly?"

"Waiting mother!" Tang Yuan uttered a dialect when he was excited.

"What the hell?" Xilubia said that Jinlong Kingdom deserves to be the country with the largest number of dialects (in fact, the number of dialects in China is not as large as that of India. Asan has more than 1000 dialects, but they all say it is Asan. They are magical races from heaven and earth, and they cannot be measured by human thoughts 23333)

"Stealing oil lady!" Tang Yuan yelled out the dialect of the main city next door again.

"speak English……"

"Mother Zao!" Tang Yuan then yelled out the dialect of the next province.

"That's fine, I'll hang up..." "Hey, girl, don't hang up! I was wrong, I said, it's actually a cockroach..." "Oh, it's a cockroach for a long time... I thought it was a big deal, It’s right to think about it, what race could offend you in the Cretaceous period, let me just say, if it’s a cockroach... huh?”

"What's the matter with you, sister?"

"Cockroaches...that's no problem. Anyway, at the end of the Cretaceous period, there will be a genocide. The whole family will be fine if the cockroaches die. Fuck her mother's ecological stability. Big brother, wait a minute. Send me the coordinates, and I can talk about it after I connect remotely."

"Coordinates? Oh, okay, I remember that the security guards seem to have recorded the coordinates, um... well, I sent them over."

"Got it, wait a minute, well, I found the console... (there is a sound of typing on the keyboard from the opposite side) wait a minute, now I just need to launch this code... (breathing ) Brother, let me prepare myself mentally, extermination of a race is not something that can be done easily..."

I always feel that this girl is trying to hold back her big move.

Immediately afterwards, Xilubia yelled from the opposite side: "I fucking cum!!"

Then a ray of light gushed out directly from Tang Yuan's wristwatch and shot straight into the sky. It seems that it should be the "code" that Xilubia said.

"It's done, I strengthened the mice...Hey? There were no mice in the Cretaceous period, right? It doesn't matter, I said there were, as the price for the appearance of mice, all types of cockroaches will disappear in batches within 1 minute .”

"Thank you, sister..."

Tang Yuan hung up the communication, and laughed at himself: "Could it be that the Holy Mother stood up to fight for the cockroach?" Then he turned his head and looked at the place where the cockroach was.

In fact, he was thinking too much. It was too late for the Holy Mothers to protect the pigs (pigs are so cute, why do you eat pigs), how can they have the time to control cockroaches?Besides, if someone dared to stand up and defend the rights of cockroaches, he would definitely be slapped to death with slippers along with the cockroaches—and with flip flops!
The cockroach was originally hiding in the shadows, but now it seemed to have a premonition of what was going to happen, and began to scurry wildly in place, and then... Tang Yuan saw that the cockroach moved slower and slower, and finally stopped completely. Then with a "bang", it turned into countless bright colored light spots flying around, and after a while, those light spots also slowly disappeared.

Maybe that was the last and most beautiful moment of all the big race of cockroaches?
In fact, Tang Yuan has considered the feasibility of this matter. If it were put into modern times, he would never dare to do it, because despite the fact that cockroaches are so disgusting, in fact, cockroaches also occupy a certain proportion in nature. If all Cockroaches are gone, and maybe the entire natural ecology will collapse.

However, if it is the Cretaceous period, there will be no problem, because without humans, there will be no society, and naturally it will not cause any impact. As for the natural ecology... Sylvia has already said that she strengthened the cockroaches while eliminating the cockroaches. Rats, to some extent, maintained the stability of the natural ecology-speaking of which, there were obviously no rats in the Cretaceous period! ?

"Squeak..." Almost at the same time Tang Yuan thought of this, there was an extremely small sound from under the tree not far away.

Tang Yuan pulled his eyelids and looked over there... It was a towering tree, because the tree was big, the roots were also big, and in the dark gap under the roots, there was a pair of piercing eyes Staring outside, but he looked at the distance between the two eyes, and calculated the proportion of the mouse, and then... Then he was completely speechless.

According to this ratio, the mouse may be as big as a tiger... anyway, it is bigger than a cat. If the old tabby cat in my hometown sees such a big mouse, it is very likely that the tabby cat will directly—laugh out loud sound?How many meals is enough for such a big mouse...

Bah, how much more do you want to eat?Let's talk about it if we can beat it!

"Fuck, that's unscientific... It stands to reason that mammals just look like mammals at this time, so how could there be mice?" Tang Yuan looked at the big mouse staring at him under the tree over there, and asked himself. talking to himself.

[Oh, it's not easy?Don't you also like to add some strange things to it when you play my old roll?A girl in stockings carrying a rifle or something... In fact, the principles of the two are similar. ] Xilubia’s voice came out from the wristwatch, 【I just added the mouse forcibly, and by the way eliminated the sense of disobedience on the mouse, that is to say, for those dinosaurs, these mice are As if it has always existed, there is nothing to be surprised about. 】

"You mean you just modified the 'history'?" Tang Yuan's eyes widened. "Cockroaches never existed in the history of this world, and there were already rats a long time ago? Then give me Explain what these mice evolved from."

[There is no evolutionary process, it was created by me directly... Is this explanation satisfactory? 】

"Come on, you're awesome...Okay, okay, I'll hang up if I have nothing to do, you can go and play with yourself."

Tang Yuan patted Erliang under him: "Hey, go over there and have a look, there is a mouse hiding under that tree."

"Gawu!? Gawu!!" Erliangyi became excited when he heard the mouse, and Tang Yuan felt that there was something wrong with this guy's reaction...

Then he watched as he ran to the bottom of the tree in a few steps, lifted his big foot and stomped to the root of the tree with a "boom", accompanied by a wave of shaking, the big mouse hiding inside panicked. He ran out of it in a panic, and then...

Then Erliang kicked it into the air, drawing a bloody arc in the air, and when it fell to the ground, the whole mouse lay motionless, its waist twisted unnaturally, it looked like it had been kicked off up the spine.

Tang Yuan couldn't calm down when he saw it. He patted Erliang's back repeatedly, and asked, "Why are you so proficient!? How many mice have you caught!?"

"Gaw?" Erliang looked back at him, and let out a sound that sounded puzzled.

"This guy is a mouse. Did you often see mice before!?" Tang Yuan asked, pointing at the dead mouse not far away.

"Gawu gawu." Two or two nodded repeatedly, and then ran to the side of the mouse's corpse in three steps at a time, opened its mouth and bit the mouse's upper body into the mouth, with a "click", the mouse's upper body was covered by him Chew it, chew it, swallow it, then it bit the mouse's lower body and shook it, the internal organs were thrown out, it chewed it again, chewed it, and swallowed the mouse's lower body... Really skilled! !How many mice has this guy eaten! ?
Tang Yuan is convinced, Xilubia just created the mouse, but because she distorted the history, all creatures in this world have the memory of the mouse, even if this creature was created just a few minutes ago, But judging from Erliang's actions, it has "previously" caught mice to eat... It seems that in this new history, Tyrannosaurus rex is very good at catching mice...

Such a powerful appearance, I always feel that the image of the tyrant collapsed instantly.

"Cough... two liang, you know, you are a tyrannosaurus rex, the king of dinosaurs, since you have been given such a name, then you have to take this responsibility, first of all, what you eat must match your identity ——Okay, okay, stop licking your mouth, are mice so delicious!? Now, move on, let me help you see if there is a Triceratops or something..."

"Gawugawugawu!!" Unexpectedly, Erliang shook her head repeatedly after hearing Tang Yuan's words.

"Oh, that's right, Triceratops is indeed a bit cruel. You probably can't beat an adult Triceratops... It doesn't matter, don't forget that I am covering you now! Come on, you are the fattest! You can't beat an adult Triceratops." Dragon, but you can pick on underage people!"

"Gawu! Gawu, gawu!!" So the two (one person, one dragon) reached a consensus in this way, and were going to find out if there were any juvenile Triceratops left alone.

After I found it... um, hehehehe...

[To be continued]

(End of this chapter)

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