my supplier is god

Chapter 198 - Crush Them!

Chapter 198 - Crush Them!

Chapter 1 Zero Three - Crush Them!

Just like in MOBA games (not just League of Legends...LOLer and dog are two different creatures), there is no doubt that minions play a role in war, but the high-end combat power will always be those heroes.

Especially... when there are no heroes on the other side who are strong enough to resist this side.

The Soviet army successfully landed on the coast of Tokyo without any resistance. Two huge MCVs rumbled off the transport ship and spread out on the coast——Makarov and Shana joined the battle.

Then, the large army followed the huge golden Tangyuan and marched towards the palace mightily.

First of all, they encountered the guards stationed in Tokyo, but the combat effectiveness of this group of warriors was pitifully low, which was the difference between the garrison regiment and the survey corps, not to mention the group of fierce girls Tang Yuan brought over, just that The golden giant who is moving forward is not something that any army can resist... an existence that cannot be destroyed by conventional weapons!After all, it is a material condensed by the power of the gods (the will of the first generation), and only gods can defeat gods.

"Monster ah ah ah!!"

Countless imperial warriors screamed and were trampled under the feet of the golden giant, turning into a bloody mosaic. The tanks also could not escape the fate of becoming a pile of scrap iron. Even many tsunami tanks turned on the nano-shield, but they couldn't last much longer. Even for a second, he was still trampled flat by the golden giant.

Even if Nagama Shinzo, Tennishi Kenji, and Shirata Naomi led a large force to defend Tokyo, they couldn't stop the golden giant at all.

Maybe... Only the General Executioner can resist this monster?they thought.

However, at this moment, General Executioner and Dalang are busy recovering is too late to rush back.

And it is impossible for them to know that even the general executioner will not be the opponent of the golden giant.

Soon, Tang Yuan noticed that the golden giant under his feet was covered by a huge black sphere, and the black sphere was slowly shrinking.

"Ha ha."

Super wave destruction... This is the super weapon of the Empire of the Rising Sun in Red Alert 1. It is as famous as the Soviet vacuum implosion bomb and the Allied proton collider. It is also equivalent to the Soviet nuclear bomb (Childhood Shadow 2) and Allied Lightning Storm (Shadows of Childhood [-]).

"Bajiao...close your eyes, it might be very bright later." Tang Yuan said to the little loli in his arms, Bajiao nodded and closed his eyes.

Then...then Tang Yuan didn't move much, just stood on top of the golden giant's head without moving while supporting the small round shield from before.

When the black sphere, which was originally huge enough to cover the sky, gradually shrunk to smaller than a fist, it seemed to have undergone a qualitative change. It instantly turned white and suddenly expanded, and a majestic force of destruction enveloped the white sphere. All the objects in the body, the ground around the golden giant shattered, and the buildings were broken into pieces like foam blown by the wind.

Tang Yuan said that this is still too weak, isn't it just a super-sized super blaster? Before that, he directly received a shot with his face. If he didn't take into account the octagon, he wouldn't even need to open his shield, so that Let's see what it means to be "not just thick-skinned"!
The golden giant still stands on the ground.

The Rising Sun Army looked at it, oh my god, this guy is not even afraid of a super energy wave destruction device!Can you make some sense! ?
The morale that has never been shaken has begun to show a wave. These warriors firmly believe that they are willing to fight anyone for the emperor, and even death is meaningful, but...they never thought that one day they would face this situation plant something.

Does it really make sense to be killed by something like this?

No matter how strong something is, once a crack appears, it is doomed to collapse. It is only a matter of time.

However, before the morale of these warriors collapsed, the large Soviet troops had already arrived in front of the emperor's palace... You must know that although Tokyo is such a big area, the location of the palace (Chiyoda District) is very far from the coastline. Recently, just look at the map of Tokyo for yourself.

Speaking of it, there is another interesting point, that is, the Rising Sun Empire in this world has not experienced World War II in its original history, so there is no Jinguo Shrine... In addition, there is no World War II and no invasion of Jinlong Kingdom. It seems that this world In it, the relationship between the Rising Sun Empire and the Golden Dragon Kingdom is pretty good—it’s not the kind of official diplomacy, but the people of the two countries are very used to each other... Tang Yuan just feels indifferent about this .

But I can't care too much, just when Tang Yuan was sitting on top of his head (no problem) pretending to be aggressive, the gate of the imperial palace (the world is different, so the emperor's palace in this world is built super imposing) was blocked by an invisible force. The power was turned on, and a figure slowly floated out of it.

...that is really floating.

This is a young girl, her dress is not reminiscent of the battlefield at all, but the ignorant campus life... Although she is wearing a sailor suit, that is what the navy would wear decades ago. This style of sailor suit will only appear on the girls in school, and she even has a small schoolbag on her waist—Tang Yuan is sure that the Yuriko in the original game, whether it is CG or the actual modeling of the game or concept drawing , there is absolutely no such small schoolbag!

That's right, it is Omega Yuriko who slowly floats out from the palace, the strongest combat unit of the Empire of the Rising Sun (in terms of plot), who can destroy the existence of a mixed battalion of infantry and tanks with a wave of hands!
The Soviet soldiers also knew very well who this girl in school uniform was (Gronov was full of pride), and they all stayed behind and dared not move on. For a while, only the golden giant stood in front of the army, looking down at the countless soldiers. Lily in the distance.

Tang Yuan and a group of girls were still standing on top of the golden giant. Among them, Ye Quan turned to look at Tang Yuan when he saw Bai Hezi coming out of the palace.

"She's 'educated'...for now she's loyal to the emperor, so what?" she asked.

"How do I know?"

Tang Yuan glanced at Lily who was floating in the air in the distance, the little girl didn't know what was going on in her mind, she just floated there doing nothing, like a door god.

And then...she moved.

This movement was really incredible. Yuriko stretched out her hand to the side and made a gesture of grabbing something, and then a part of the palace wall was torn down by an invisible force. It was more than ten meters long, several meters high, and more than one meter thick. The huge wall flew towards the golden giant like a large board.

"Hey, Yequan, doesn't she know you're up here?" Tang Yuan controlled the golden giant under his feet to reach out to block the flying fence, and there was a loud "boom", and broken bricks and tiles flew around.

"I must know! I told her..." Yequan looked at Yuriko on the ground, and replied calmly, "It's just crazy, after all, her spirit is quite abnormal."

"What should I do?"

"What else can I do? Beat her up. If you don't obey me, you'll wake up after a beating." Yequan curled his lips and said.


[To be continued]

(End of this chapter)

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