my supplier is god

Chapter 199 - Zygote (Retarded Face)

Chapter 199 - Yuriko (Retarded Face)
Chapter 1 and Four - Yuriko (Retarded Face)
Now that Yequan has said that Yuriko is losing his mind, then just listen to her and just beat Yuriko up.

Tang Yuan looked at the distance, and there was still a steady stream of Rising Sun troops coming here, so he greeted a group of girls behind him: "You are busy with your work, go and cooperate with the Soviet army to stop the little devils, don't let them Get close here, and Yuriko will be in charge of me and Noizumi."

After finishing the division of labor, Tang Yuan folded his fingers and waved his hand, and the golden giant under his feet disappeared out of thin air. Holding the star anise, he floated to the ground with Ye Quan, and came to the face of Lily.

Yuriko stared blankly at the two people in front of her, and said without a word: "Sister? What are you doing here..."

Yequan sighed and said, "Come to pick you up."

"Pick me up?" She looked at Yequan, and there was still no emotion in her words, "Where are you going? I want to hold one can pass...why should I hold here? Where is this place? Is it my friend?"

Tang Yuan quietly said to Ye Quan: "Your sister seems to be seriously ill... Was she spoiled by a group of big guys when she was in the research center?"

Noizumi shook his head: "That's not the case. Let's not say that she is not seen as a human being. Besides, those researchers are afraid that she will not be in time. They are careful every time they do the test, including Shinji Shimada... I guess it's just that my brain has been damaged by electricity."

"Hey, do you really have electric shock Play?" Tang Yuan laughed, "High voltage?"

"Your uncle, with the high-voltage electricity, can my sister and I still stand in front of you and talk now!?" Yequan said angrily, "A moderate electric shock can stimulate the enhancement of superpowers... Yuriko probably got too much electric shock , It has been like this since a long time ago, and she is often insane... You don’t know, do you? Just the researchers who died under her hands don’t know how many.”


During the conversation between the two, Yuriko didn't show any intention of attacking at all. She only threw a section of the wall at the beginning from the beginning to the end. At this moment, she looked around, yawned, and then floated in the air Zhong slowly turned around, and stretched out his hand to straighten his double ponytail...

"Sister, who is this guy next to you? Your friend?" She glanced at Tang Yuan and asked, "He seems to be very good at fishing... Is this kind of man's cooking a bit salty? I don't like it very much. Wear black."

Tang Yuan was dumbfounded when he heard this - what is it all about! ?It's completely nonsense! ?I'm afraid it's not sleepwalking.

"Yuriko...can you understand me?" Yequan tried to say to her calmly, "Can you leave here with me? We agreed to live a good life together, remember ?"

"Ah...that's right, the sashimi should be dipped in chili and sugar...Sister, your friend is eating fugu in a wrong way, you should add some mint in it."

Well, I can't hear it at all, and I can't understand what she is saying at all.

"Then what should we do?" Tang Yuan looked at Ye Quan, "Is it according to the original plan? Beat her up?"

Yequan waved his hands with a calm face, "Hit it up, remember not to hit her on the head, and hit her softly." After she finished speaking, she turned around and stopped looking at her.

"That's okay..." Tang Yuan came to Bai Hezi, grinning, "Little sister, come here, uncle will check your body..."

"Are you going to test again... Ice cream needs mustard to taste good... Are you a new teacher? I read your book, your sister is a magical girl..."

Hearing this, Tang Yuan felt like shit, our Tang Xin was shot while lying down, and why did her own sister appear in her notebook! ?I'm afraid it's not for the sister-in-law's welfare. Be careful that the German orthopedics department will come to a transnational rescue.

He thought about it, and sure enough, this kind of unlucky kid who is full of nonsense should sleep well, maybe he will be back to normal when he wakes up, right?So she stretched out her finger and pointed at Yuriko's head, ready to launch a small mental blast...

Before he could perform his skills, Yuriko suddenly hugged her head and shouted, "Wow!! Mr. Cockroach fell into the salt jar!!"

what the hell! ?
Before Tang Yuan figured out what kind of nerve this brat was going on, he felt himself being lifted up by Lily's telekinesis (almost) and then slapped hard on the ground...

"Paji—" "Fuck!"

The ground was photographed with cracks like a spider web... Damn, this is bearable! ?The brat doesn't know what to do!Tang Yuan pointed at Lily's head with a dark face, and it was a small mental explosion.

Then there was a "boom" from Yuriko's head, and the whole person was shocked, fell straight on the ground and fell silent.

Tang Yuan walked over and picked up the brat, and handed her to Ye Quan: "Here, your sister is here, she's still alive, and she might not wake up for a while... I know a very capable doctor. Maybe she can show it to your sister in time, and there may be a way to solve her mental disorder."

"Hmm...thank you." Yequan took Baihezi and nodded towards Tang Yuan, "What shall we do next?"

"What to do? It's not easy!?" Tang Yuan looked at the large group of Soviet troops who had already set up a defense line not far behind him and were exchanging fire with the rising sun army, and walked to a person who was sitting next to the ammunition box Next to the guy with the bullet in the magazine, "Hey, comrade, excuse me."

"Ah? No, no problem, what can I do for you?" This girl with brown curly hair was still a girl. After being called by Tang Yuan, she stood up and asked nervously.

"It's okay, you can relax...well, little sister, what's your name?" Tang Yuan looked at this green-faced private girl, and put on a river eel smile.

"Vinya... private, Vinya Lianova, please instruct!"

This little girl is obviously a recruit, she may have just celebrated her birthday, and she doesn't know how she got into the army... Her parents are really willing to send the child to the battlefield, Tang Yuan sighed and knelt down Picking up a magazine, and stuffing bullets into the magazine with her, he said: "War is not an easy job, why do you want to join the army?"

"Ah... ah, ah, I ran to apply for the job without telling my parents." The little girl named Viniya stared dumbfounded at the efficiency of reloading bullets in Tang Yuan's hand (three bullets per second), and stammered. Said, "My brother is in the local garrison. My brother died in a raid by the Rising Sun Army a few months ago. At that time, he was on the top of the lighthouse. He was the first Soviet person killed by the Rising Sun... Brother revenge."

"It's not easy to pass the enlistment test, isn't it? Even if the standards were lowered a little during the war...but it's not easy." Tang Yuan loaded a magazine, handed it to Vinia, and picked up another magazine. , continue to load bullets inside.

Ye Quan next to him was stunned—why did this guy suddenly start flirting with girls here again! ?This is still at war!
"Actually... there was no test. I signed up... I just had a physical examination. I didn't get sick, I didn't have any missing limbs, so I went straight to the army." Vinia replied awkwardly.

"...well, I'm not surprised at all, it's just beautifully dark."

Tang Yuan sighed, loaded another magazine in his hand, stuffed it into the girl's hand, then stood up, and shouted loudly with his hands behind his back: "Private Lianova!"

"Ah... here!!" Vinia stood upright on a conditioned reflex, and responded.

"Follow me, I will take you to avenge your brother." After Tang Yuan finished speaking, he raised the watch on his left hand, contacted Makarov, and continued talking to the screen, "Brother Ma, where are you?" There is a second-class soldier named Vinya Lianova... It's okay, she didn't offend me, in fact... I was going to break into the palace directly, but after all, this is an operation initiated by the Soviet Union. I, an outsider, will kill you The target of the action is always a bit unreasonable, so I brought this child... Do you understand?"

"Okay, take it with you." Makarov nodded, "Is there anything else? There is something wrong with the east line of the palace... I have to continue to command."

"Okay, you are busy."

Tang Yuan hung up the communication, pulled Vinia and ran towards the palace.

"Then what... just me? There must be some guards in the palace! I can't beat it alone!" Viniya yelled with a dazed expression while being dragged by him.

"It's okay, you alone are enough... Come with me, and then the battle will be handed over to me. You just need to shoot Fang Lang in the head of that bad old man at the end."

[To be continued]

(End of this chapter)

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