my supplier is god

Chapter 197 - Assault on Tokyo

Chapter 197 - Assault on Tokyo
Chapter 1 - Assault on Tokyo
It is said to be a battle plan, but in fact, what is there to formulate?

How many people does the Rising Sun Empire have in total?
What is the population of the Soviet Union?Even if it is not as good as the Golden Dragon Kingdom, it still has enough people to heap the Rising Sun Empire to death!Is it enough to fight two?not enough?OK, three!not enough?Okay, four... Uh, well, it seems that the population of the Soviet Union could not be four times that of the Rising Sun, but it already has an absolute advantage in terms of military strength.

This is a sure win situation!Just like someone surnamed Huang said, how can the flying dragon lose by riding on the face? ... Cough, don't talk nonsense about this, be careful to milk the Soviet Union to death... Anyway, this so-called battle plan is actually just to discuss the division of labor between them. Who will fight Kanagawa and who will fight Chiba? Who will attack Tokyo when it is attracting attention... These group of brats are really arguing over who will attack Tokyo. Just a challenging task.

In the end, after a long struggle, the result was discussed: Oleg went to fight Kanagawa, and Moskvin went to fight Chiba. While the two were attacking both sides of Tokyo Bay, Makarov and Shana led the troops to go straight to Tokyo. , to kill the Emperor.

As long as the Emperor dies, the Empire of the Rising Sun will become a salted fish. The Empire of the Rising Sun without the Emperor is like a cockroach without a head. Although they can continue to live, how long they can live is not up to them. up.

Popular science: Even if the head is cut off, the cockroach can continue to live, and its physiological functions are completely normal, and it can continue to survive for several days. The reason why it will die after that is because it cannot eat without a head. Death... Damn it really is the real master of the earth!It's so frightening! !
Tang Yuan watched the whole meeting and listened to all the content. After that, he looked at Makarov and Shana with subtle eyes... In the game, the player who accompanied the protagonist (that is, the player) to attack Tokyo is not It wasn't Shana, but Moskvin, but here, the commander who accompanied Makarov to attack Tokyo was Shana... There is adultery!

In fact, the discrepancy between the game and this world is already very large. For example, the prime minister, Kukov is dead at this time in the original time and space, and the prime minister is still Chadanko, but now Chadanko has been sent to Wolverine. Erkuta has gone to mine, and the prime minister is Kukov... This is already a huge change in the world line. Tang Yuan has drawn a huge amount of resource points from it, but he is too lazy to count it. So - what about the good profiteers?Not doing business properly is really not just kidding!
When he finally left the conference room, Tang Yuan always felt that Natasha looked at him strangely...

How does he know why?Scratching his head, he took a group of girls and followed Makarov onto a battleship for some unknown reason, preparing to sail to Tokyo Bay with the large force.

The original plan of everyone was to send a large number of paratroopers to launch a surprise attack on the emperor's palace when Kanagawa and Chiba were too busy to take care of themselves, but it was stopped by Tang Yuan. The reason he gave was that a large number of air defense forces were found in the capital of the Rising Sun Empire. It is very likely that all the transport planes will crash—isn’t that the case in the game? At the beginning, there was such a large group of planes, but in the end, the combat unit that successfully airborne turned out to be only one conscript (Conscript, in fact, the English is the same, Conscripts sound more friendly...after all, the second generation's childhood) and a person and one bear!Can you believe it! ?
After confirming from Lin Xiaoyu’s ultra-high-precision satellite images that there is indeed a large amount of anti-aircraft firepower in Tokyo, everyone re-discussed and finally decided to be on the safe side. It is impossible to escape, but to sit obediently in the palace and wait to die, so it doesn't matter if you push it slowly, it just gives the troops stationed in Tokyo more time to react, resulting in stronger resistance.

Tang Yuan said that he wanted to help, so he took a group of girls, followed Natasha, and boarded a landing craft, and then went directly to Asahi Japan to fight.

Soon, the troops of Oleg and Moskvin took the first step to engage Kanagawa and Chiba, and the result of the large force's storm was not unexpected-these two were simply talents, and they invented Lightning Tactics (blitzkrieg)!You must know that this was invented by the famous German general Guderian during World War II in the original time and space. It is roughly to make full use of the ground mechanical forces and air force to carry out sudden and rapid strikes on the target, often able to knock the opponent out of shit in a short period of time. Come……

I didn't expect that the first guys to create this kind of war mode in this world were the two commanders of the Soviet Union, Oleg and Moskvin. Get the news that Kanagawa and Chiba are under control.

So Makarov waved his hand: March!A large number of warships passed between Kanagawa and Chiba with their heads held high, and came directly to Tokyo Bay.

What is waiting for everyone is the defense line deployed by the large forces of the Rising Sun Empire on the coastline, but this battle is betting on the future of the Soviet Union!Tang Yuan winked at Makarov through the screen of his watch, and Makarov nodded, so Tang Yuan stood at the bow of the ship and made a powerful posture...

Immediately afterwards, countless golden rays of light emerged from his body and quickly became real. With the sound of "click", a huge Tang Yuan with a height of tens of meters stood on the sea, looking down at all living beings...

"Hahahahaha—this is the latest big move I have developed! At this moment, my whole body is full of the power of the sun!!" Tang Yuan stood on the huge golden head of Tang Yuan, talking nonsense, talking to him Standing together on the golden Tangyuan head was a group of girls who came with him.

Makarov is no stranger to this, Shana... Pointing at the golden giant standing tall, she shouted, "It's actually transparent!!"

So...why Shana are you focusing so strangely?
The countless Maozi present were stunned by Tang Yuan's move, but after all, the fighting nation has rough nerves... When the golden giant walked towards the beach in Tokyo step by step, a small tsunami was generated at every step, everyone Seeing this, Maozi raised the weapons in his hands and cheered loudly.


However, the Rising Sun Troops on the coastline didn't have any intention of cheering. Everyone had their mothers written all over their faces...

Tang Yuan held the star anise in his arms (the pose of hugging a cat, super cute) and shouted to a group of girls beside him: "What are you waiting for? Come on! We are here to fight!"

"Yeah——" Lin Xiaoyu and Jie Luo, the most immoral guys in the team, first jumped off the golden Tang Yuan's head, and then... Jie Luo threw a big fireball with a wave of his hand (with Ed Wen Na learned the fireball technique), Lin Xiaoyu took out a wrench and kicked it, and the wrench shot out a missile head that was a bit too big for her...

"Boom" and "Boom" made two loud noises, and the Sunrise Army, which was still in a daze, finally realized that a large group of people on their side had been killed, and raised their weapons to shoot at the huge golden Tangyuan.

Beam rifles, particle rays, [-]cm armor-piercing projectiles, and large-caliber particle ray cannons equipped by wave energy tanks, all these messy attacks went towards the golden giant. For a moment, there was a huge explosion, flames, Smoke and dust covered the entire sea area.

"Did it work?" a certain Rising Sun soldier murmured.

However, just like the classic shot in Dragon Ball, when the smoke cleared, the intact golden Tang Yuan still stood on the sea.

On top of this golden Tang Yuan's head, Tang Yuan propped up a small semicircular golden shield, and asked with his arms around Bajiao, "Are you afraid of Bajiao? If I'm afraid, I'll send you back first."

Bajiao shook his head: "Don't be afraid, my mother said that the people in yellow clothes below are all bad guys, and I'm not afraid of bad guys." (Lin Xiaoyu in yellow clothes: ah-)
Only Tangyuan and Bajiao remained on top of the golden Tangyuan's head, and the others all jumped down to open Wushuang, and even Yequan went with them.

But the really scary one among this group of girls is not Ye Quan, nor Liu Yun, Jie Luo, Lin Xiaoyu, but Edwina.

Edwina, the hero of Cyrodiil, once became a demon god, and even now she still has the power of a demon god. She faced the artillery fire of the Rising Sun Army, and just waved her hand towards that side, triggering a burst of unknown Source, unknown principle, strong explosion!Broken arms and stumps flew around, and the scene was extremely bloody.

But the other few people couldn't see where to go. After all, this was killing, no matter how beautiful the killing method was, it was still killing.

A guy with normal three views, even if he doesn't think there's anything wrong with killing people, he doesn't think that killing people can be described as "beautiful".

Liu Yun had already forgotten Tang Yuan's instructions, and as soon as he rushed into the enemy's formation, he showed his true colors and got excited, with six big tails waving behind him, and a thick blue flame spewed out from his mouth, covering everything in his reach. Everything was burned to ashes... So vixen can not only be cute, but vixen can also fight.

Lin Xiaoyu... is quite compliant, so she carried her huge black technology wrench and fiddled with various deformations. The wrench in her hand turned into a missile launcher for a while, a laser launcher for a while, and a It was a huge large-caliber machine gun... It was surrounded by a shield. It was the shield that had saved her countless lives in the main god's space. It was no problem at all to defend against the attacks of the Rising Sun Army.

The scene on Jieluo's side is the weirdest. The countless hairs that appeared out of nowhere strangled the necks of the imperial warriors, and even directly strangled their heads... Some people tried to cut those hairs with lightsabers in their hands, but they didn't What kind of egg is it? I don't know what kind of material this hair is, but it is so strong that even a lightsaber can't cut it.

Yequan... Refer to Yuriko, anyway, just waved his hand casually, and the other side turned his back on his back, and even some soldiers began to exclaim, "Why is there Yuriko on the opposite side!?" Go home!!" and so on, wailing everywhere.

On the flagship in the distance, Makarov and Shana watched the battle on the shoreline expressionlessly.

"Hey," Makarov patted Shana on the shoulder, "Why did we follow?"

"..." Shana opened her mouth for a long time, not knowing what to say, and finally she could only reply, "How would I know? Isn't that guy an international mercenary you invited? By the way, when did mercenaries become so cruel? Those It seems that things cannot be explained by science...Brother Ma, you really have made some amazing friends."

"Yeah, it's really awesome."

"Gay power is okay, why do you talk GayGay? NoGay, my friend."

[To be continued]

(End of this chapter)

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