gourmet chef

Chapter 473 Red, Yellow and Green Peppers

Chapter 473 Red, Yellow and Green Peppers

The systematic way of chopping fish head with pepper is basically the same as the traditional way.

First of all, the selection of fish head is the same as Yipin Fish Head Tofu Soup.

They all use Chagan Lake fat head fish.

The head of fat head fish is thick and full of gelatin, which is especially suitable for making fish head dishes.

Bai Xiaobai picked up the fat-headed fish from the glass fish tank as usual, cut off the head, washed the blood, removed the fins and gills, and cut the fish's lips into two, so that the back of the fish was connected.

Bai Xiaobai washed his hands, evenly put a little salt and cooking wine on the fish head with his bare hands, put it in a small stainless steel basin, and marinate for about 10 minutes.

During the pickling period, Bai Xiaobai was not idle either.

He started to make the most important chopped pepper fish head.

Now in the big supermarkets in Huaxia, you can also buy pickled chopped peppers.

However, the chopped peppers sold on this kind of shelves are generally not freshly made, not fresh enough, and the taste is also poor.

The systematic chopped pepper fish head requires homemade chopped peppers on site.

The system has provided chili ingredients.

Same as freshly squeezed mulberry juice.

This time, the system also provides potted peppers, which are considered fresh ingredients.

On the kitchen floor, there are three more potted chili plants.

One is a potted red pepper, one is a potted yellow pepper, and the other is a potted green pepper.

That's right, this time the chopped pepper fish head uses red, yellow, and green peppers in the production of chopped peppers, which can be described as colorful.

Three colors of hot peppers in pots.

The slender red peppers are particularly prominent.

The peppers are booming, showing oily, no black spots, half hidden in the emerald green pepper leaves, the combination of red and green is really beautiful.

As soon as you get closer, you can smell the unique spicy smell of chili.

Looking at the shape of this red pepper, it is obviously not the Tianjiu Red Chaotian pepper that is used to make the 'Extreme Chili Sauce'. I don't know what kind it is?
Bai Xiaobai was thinking.

A cool electronic voice reports in my mind:
[It is good to have good ingredients. The sources of the two peppers are as follows:]

After the electronic tone is finished, the system displays the words:

Red pepper: select wild red pepper plants from Dongxi, Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province, and transplant them into system pots.

It is the potted plant that the host sees now.

The wild red pepper in Dongxi belongs to the top red pepper in China.

This kind of chili is moderately spicy, spicy but not hot. It can be used for cooking all year round. Adding a little can remove the fishy smell in the fish and double the deliciousness of the chopped pepper fish head.

It turned out to be the red hot pepper from Dongxi.

Bai Xiaobai finally understood the origin of the pepper in front of him.

Zhangjiajie is a well-known tourist destination in China. There are many local specialties, including Dongxi red pepper.

Dongxi is known as "Cili XZ" because it is located in the southwest of Cili in Zhangjiajie and has a relatively high altitude.

It is precisely because of this unique high-altitude location that the red hot peppers here are different from those in many places in Hunan Province. The hot peppers here are very special. All over the country, it has become a good product on the dining table of the masses.

According to some chefs of Hunan cuisine, cooking Hunan cuisine with Dongxi red hot pepper will improve the taste.

But this is just a private spread of some Hunan cuisine chefs, without scientific basis. Bai Xiaobai also heard about it by accident, but he has never used the red pepper from Dongxi.

I don't know if it is said to be so magical?
This time the system provided it, and Bai Xiaobai was fortunate enough to experience the true taste of Dongxi red pepper.

After watching the red peppers, Bai Xiaobai turned his attention to the potted yellow peppers.

Huang Yanyan's slender pepper is golden yellow in color, about the size of an index finger, with a pointed tail and slightly upturned.

This kind of golden yellow pepper, after Bai Xiaobai looked at it repeatedly, he seems to know this kind of yellow pepper, it seems that he has seen this kind of yellow pepper before on TV or on the Internet. Can't get up.

Bai Xiaobai was thinking hard in his mind.

After introducing the red hot pepper, the system continues to display words:
Yellow pepper: select wild yellow pepper plants from Hunan Province, and transplant them into system pots.

It is the potted plant that the host sees now.


After being reminded by the system, Bai Xiaobai suddenly realized.

No wonder it looked very familiar, it turned out to be this famous yellow pepper.

Yellow peppers are no different than green and red peppers. The planting area in China is relatively small. They are mainly distributed in Hengdong County, Hunan Province, and Zhuzhou County, which borders the golden Xiangjiang River "Golden Triangle". It is difficult to get out of this small area in the market. See this chili.

According to local records, the cultivation of yellow peppers has a history of nearly 2000 years. The special sandy soil formed by the sedimentation of the Xiangjiang River endows yellow peppers with a unique flavor—thick flesh, thin skin, crisp, sweet, colorful, The pepper is small in shape and is the best among peppers.

According to legend, during the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty, Peng Jun, the champion of Hengdong, brought yellow peppers to the palace by chance. Ask the Hengdong area to pay tribute every year.

It's just that yellow pepper has high requirements on the environment, and it will have its unique flavor in a pollution-free environment, and the output is very small.

The fresh peppers of yellow tribute peppers are difficult to keep for too long. In order to eat the freshest 'yellow tribute peppers', the Emperor Jiaqing ordered the special staff to rush eight hundred miles to obtain this ingredient for the sake of appetite.

Comparable to "a concubine laughing while riding the world of mortals, no one knows it's litchi".

According to folk unofficial history records, this is also a small detail of the beginning of the Qing Dynasty's corruption and demise. The specific authenticity cannot be verified, but it can reflect the deliciousness of yellow tribute peppers.

Adding spiciness, flavor, freshness, and fragrance are the four main functions of yellow pepper. For ingredients with strong fishy smell, yellow pepper can also remove fishy smell, so it is the golden partner of fish head!

According to Bai Xiaobai's understanding, some big hotels often add this kind of yellow tribute pepper to the Hunan cuisine fish head with chopped pepper, so that it will be very delicious and have an endless aftertaste.

It's just that in China, most of the fresh yellow peppers seen in the market are fake, not authentic local production in Hengdong, and the taste is much worse.

I didn't expect the system to provide such authentic and fresh yellow peppers.

Cow is just one word.

After sighing, Bai Xiaobai turned his attention to the last kind of green pepper.

The size of the green pepper is also the same as that of the index finger, and it is the same as the red pepper and the yellow pepper, only the difference in color.

It's just that the color of the green peppers is very special.

The color is not yellow-green, but green all over, very pure.

This green is no ordinary green either, it's so beautiful it's hard to describe.

Speaking of the specific image, it has a sense of transparency with emerald green, which is particularly eye-catching, just like green peppers made of emeralds.

To say that Bai Xiaobai is also well-informed.

He has seen green peppers, small sweet peppers, and all kinds of green peppers, but this is the first time he has seen the transparent green green peppers in front of him.

It can't be the sky-defying green pepper specially provided by the system, right?

Wouldn't it be another extinct pepper variety like 'Tianjiuhong Chaotian Pepper'?

(End of this chapter)

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