
Chapter 277 Scabbard

Chapter 277 Scabbard
Hearing what the envoy of the Viking family said, Yue Chuan was taken aback for a while.Yue Chuan would still understand if it was gold, silver and jewels that disappeared, after all, he was not afraid of being stolen by thieves, but he was afraid of being missed by thieves.But a saint-level powerhouse is lost, what's the matter with this damn.Even if those human traffickers are daring, they would not dare to abduct and sell saint-level powerhouses.

Not to mention Yue Chuan, even members of the other three families looked at the envoy of the Viking family playfully, looking forward to the following.

Why are people from the Viking family so unreliable in their work? Yue Chuan, who was slandered in his heart, asked patiently, "Tell me, what is the origin of that person?"

The messenger quickly replied: "That is an overseas aborigine. Their tribe is on a large island with more than 3 people. But there are many other tribes on that island. Those aborigines are similar to the barbarians on the mainland. But they are older than the savages."

ancient?How old is it?Is it a hairy ape?
At this time, Yue Chuan suddenly felt something passing by in front of his eyes.If it was someone else, they would definitely think it was an illusion, but Yue Chuan would not think so.There must have been something floating in front of my eyes just now, but the speed of the other party was too fast, surpassing the limit of my vision.

Yue Chuan did not search in vain, but directly looked at the other strong men.

Sure enough, no matter Guyar, Maninstein, or the gray-robed magician, they are all on alert at this moment, and the sword that Guyar never leaves his hand has even begun to make a clear dragon chant.

The emissary of the Viking family was still narrating like pouring beans into a bamboo tube, trying to pay off his merits, but at this moment everyone was not in the mood to listen to him.

Finally, Yue Chuan saw a yellowish-brown short-haired big horse monkey appearing on the wall outside the house. He didn't see how he made any gestures, so he jumped onto the tree in the courtyard like a bullet, and then his feet exerted force, thick and The trunk of the tree was creaked by his stepping on it, like a fully charged bowstring, and the big horse monkey was flicked out.

The yellow-brown big horse monkey went straight to Gu Yaer, and when he was still in the air, Yue Chuan felt a suffocating strong wind blowing towards his face with the sound of rolling thunder, and it was like a thousand hectares of ocean waves crashing down on his head, unstoppable.

Without further words from the envoy of the Viking family, Yue Chuan already understood that this big horse monkey was the holy-level powerhouse they invited.This guy's strength is indeed not to be underestimated, but this guy's temperament is a bit undocile.

Gu Yaer didn't expect that weird man like a big horse monkey to attack him suddenly. However, he didn't have any fear in his heart, let alone the slightest fluctuation. I don't know when, the sharp sword hidden in the sheath has shown its sharpness, like a trident in the hands of the sea god, it has transformed into three sharp swords, directly attacking the three vital points of the monkey's head, chest and abdomen.

There is no earth-shattering collision, no blazing confrontation, the original vigorous scene seems to be frozen, and the next moment it freezes, it disappears strangely, as if it never appeared.

Everyone saw that Gu Yaer released three sharp sword auras towards the air, and the sword aura soared into the sky, unstoppable.It's just that the big horse monkey that jumped down in the air just now with the force of wind and thunder has already disappeared strangely.

Gu Yaer snorted coldly, he was very disdainful of the other party's retreat in the middle.He is a pure swordsman, the chief court swordsman of the Habs Empire, he admires the kind of face-to-face king-to-king duel, and hiding and escaping are the things he despises the most.

However, Guyal had already guessed the identity of the other party, and he didn't intend to make it too ugly for the Viking family, so he didn't say anything, but slowly put away the long sword and inserted it back into his waist.However, the next moment, his movements froze, his eyes widened in horror, and he looked at his empty waist.

What about the scabbard?
At some point, the scabbard inlaid with twelve golden fire diamonds on Gu Yaer's waist disappeared.The reason why Guyal was horrified was not because of the loss of the twelve golden fire diamonds, but because someone in this world could take away his scabbard.Even without his knowing it.

Seeing this scene, the gray-robed mage not far away couldn't help tightening his magic robe, strings of gray magic runes flowed out from his fingertips, and he had already calmly blessed himself. layer magic shield.

Witnessing all this, Maninstein felt a chill down his back.The speed of the opponent is really unimaginable, especially for a fighter with such a tendency of strength as himself, it is almost the fate of being crushed when confronting him.If the target of his shot just now was himself, he would probably be even more embarrassed than Gu Yaer.

Seeing that the people invited by my family made an embarrassment to the Gaul family before meeting them, the face of the Viking family's emissary was almost green, this damn, I thought it was a good job, it turned out to be a terrible job .

"Crackling, crackling..."

The messenger gave a strange cry, probably in the native language of the big horse monkey, and then saw the big horse monkey appearing strangely beside everyone, and what he was holding was Gu Yaer's scabbard.It's just that his actions at this time made Gu Yaer have the urge to vomit blood.

Six of the twelve thumb-sized golden fire diamonds on the scabbard have been picked out, and the big horse monkey is trying to pick the other side.This appearance, without the slightest dignity of a saint-level powerhouse, is simply an uncivilized barbarian!
Heck, he does seem like a real savage.

The envoy of the Viking family originally wanted to get back the scabbard, and apologized to Guyal himself, begging Guyal for forgiveness.He even thought about how many slaps he would slap himself later, whether he was going to draw blood.But who would have thought that in the blink of an eye, Gu Yaer's scabbard had been destroyed into this appearance.

Although he has been traveling overseas all the year round and rarely walks around the mainland, he still knows a little about Guyal, especially the origin of that sword.It is said that Guyar has experienced hundreds of sword duels since he became famous, and none of them was defeated. No one has ever been able to shoot down the sword in his hand, let alone disarm him.

Although Gu Yaer has a good temper, it does not mean that he has no temper. Today is really...

Seeing that Gu Yaer was about to erupt at any time, Yue Chuan hurried over, and a rough scabbard appeared in his hand with a flash of light.

"Mr. Guyal, it was just a misunderstanding just now. I think this gentleman was just joking and meant no malice. You use this scabbard first, and I will find someone to repair your original scabbard immediately."

Gu Yaer really wanted to leave in a huff.If that savage defeated him dignifiedly, he would naturally not say anything, but the other party's sneak attack would only annoy him.But when Yue Chuan stuffed the scabbard into his hand, he suppressed his anger, and even nodded to Yue Chuan, as if he agreed with Yue Chuan's arrangement.

On the side, Maninstein was thinking about how he should persuade Guyar to leave if he was angry, and how he could use this matter to bring the relationship between the Aryan family and Yue Chuan closer.But Gu Yaer's reaction made him stunned, Gu Yaer actually sold Yue Chuan's face, and even inserted the saber that he had been inseparable for decades into that crude scabbard.


Not to mention Maninstein, even the gray-robed mage who has never shown his true face is a little confused. Guyal actually betrayed the lord's face. The saber was stored in that crude scabbard?This is not Gu Yaer's style. He usually pays great attention to the maintenance of the saber. According to his temperament, even if he doesn't use the scabbard, he will not use such a crude thing.

Tsk tsk, weird...

However, only Guyal himself knows why.

When Yue Chuan stuffed the scabbard into his hand, he really hated it very much, and he didn't want to touch such a simple and rough thing at all.From the day he was born with a golden spoon in his mouth, Gu Yaer has been accompanied by rich clothes, jade, food, clothes, famous utensils, and the luxurious style of the nobility has penetrated into every strand of his hair.

When Gu Yaer's fingers soaked in fresh milk every day touched the scabbard, he could already tell that it was cowhide, and the tanning was not very good.Gu Yaer's first reaction was disgust, as if the thing stained his hands.

However, Gu Yaer did not reject Yue Chuan's gift, because the moment he touched the scabbard, he sensed a strange force flowing from the scabbard into his body—the scabbard turned out to have mysterious power thing.

Guyal does pursue fancy clothes and gourmet food, but that doesn't mean he's a badass.The diamond-encrusted scabbard before was indeed valuable, but after all, it was just a vulgar thing without any special functions.And now this scabbard...

Gu Yaer didn't know how to describe it. He just felt that the moment he touched the scabbard, he had the illusion of flesh and blood. The scabbard seemed to be a part of his body, and there was a mysterious force in the scabbard. The power flowed into his body.

At that moment, Gu Yaer only felt that his body was much lighter, and the reaction speed of his nerves and body had been improved. If that savage did it again, he would never snatch things from him so easily.

Gu Yaer, who was like a treasure, had already forgotten the unhappiness just now. Although he was really disgraced just now, the lord of Parsenhofen was a treasure, and it was not unacceptable.Well, I can't see that this young lord is so generous.

Originally, Gu Yaer came to Parsenhofen reluctantly because he couldn't stand the persuasion of the Patriarch, but he had already decided that he would stay here for a month at most, not even one more day.But stroking the rough scabbard around his waist with his fingers, Guyal suddenly felt that it would be okay to live in Parsenhovendo for a while.

【First Update】

(End of this chapter)

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