
Chapter 278 The Adventure of a Saint-level Powerhouse

Chapter 278 The Adventure of a Saint-level Powerhouse
Seeing that Gu Yaer was appeased, Yue Chuan also heaved a sigh of relief. To be honest, he was really afraid that Gu Yaer would turn into a rage and leave.After all, Parsenhofen doesn't have any masters at the moment, so he managed to get four of them, but one was missing just after entering the door. Yue Chuan felt depressed just thinking about it.

Fortunately, Gu Yaer was soothed by a scabbard.

But that is not a simple scabbard, but a fashion that Yue Chuan exchanged from the mall. The costumes in the game world of "Dungeon and Fighter" are the same as on the earth. There are nine pieces. I won't describe the specific parts one by one, but everyone knows it anyway.What Yue Chuan gave to Gu Yaer was the waist fashion.

Originally, it was Yue Chuan who changed it for him, but now he can only give it to Gu Yaer.Fortunately, Yue Chuan is in charge of the mall now, and he can exchange fashions at any time, so he doesn't feel bad about it.

What Yue Chuan gave to Gu Yaer was a low-end fashion waist, and the fashion attribute was to increase the avoidance rate by 3%.

Fashion is bound. From the moment Yuechuan hands to Gu Yaer's hand, there is a connection with Gu Yaer. This is the feeling of flesh and blood connection that Gu Yaer feels. At the same moment, the 3% avoidance rate increase also It appeared, which is why Gu Yaer turned his anger into joy.

However, what Yue Chuan really wanted to complain about was that the appearance of low-end fashion is really frustrating, and the scabbard is pretty good-looking among them. No matter how much I put it down, I can't let go of this face.

On the other side, the envoys of the Viking family finally got back the unrecognizable scabbard and the six golden fire diamonds, and handed them to Yue Chuan while promising that the Viking family would pay a sum of compensation.

Only at this time did Yue Chuan see the face of that savage, just as he had imagined, it was an ape, with high eyebrows, deep eyes and protruding cheekbones, a three-dimensional face, and thick body hair, which could almost be used as clothes.

Uh, wait, who in the Viking family, did this savage brother come here with his ass naked?Well, this savage did come here naked, but he has thick hair on his body, so wearing clothes is a waste.

Although the evolution has not been completed, it does not mean that there are any defects. On the contrary, God has given him a unique physical fitness, which is more powerful than a monster, and it is unimaginably tyrannical.It is said that the babies in their tribe have the strength of hundreds of catties before weaning, and the babies can lift a thousand catties just after learning to walk.Moreover, while his strength is tyrannical, his speed is also very good. Just now, the savage snatched Guyar's scabbard because of his natural speed, without using any skills at all.

Listening to the emissary of the Viking family narrating the situation of the wildlings, Yue Chuan's eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.Seeing Yue Chuan's appearance, the envoy of the Viking family immediately whispered: "My lord, you don't want to subdue them, do you? I advise you to give up this idea. The island where they live is unusual. If we Merchant ships traded in the past and it was fine, but if you drive a warship, you are guaranteed to be swallowed by a tsunami."

Yue Chuan knew that there were many unknown dangers in this world, and the emissary of the Viking family should not be aimless, otherwise the Viking family would have already managed that island as their own territory, and it would be their turn to go there.However, it is not possible to conquer that island, but it is still possible to conquer this savage!
"Several, Parsenhofen has already arranged a place to live. I hope you can live happily in Parsenhofen for some time to come."

Yue Chuan had already arranged their residences. Parsenhofen left many residents this time and left behind a large number of houses. Yue Chuan easily built several independent courtyards around his residence, allowing these holy-level powerhouses to The stars protect their residence like the moon.

The holy-level powerhouse promised by the four major families has arrived, and the establishment of the Parsenhofen nation has also been put on the agenda.Yue Chuan couldn't delay this matter at all, after all, the four major families were all waiting for him to establish a country, and then stand on his own in a legitimate way.During this period of time, the reputation of the royal family of the Habs Empire plummeted. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It will be extremely difficult to cheer up the royal family after a while.

Jianguo's affairs were filled with people. The housekeeper Paul was busy like a spinning top all day long, but Yue Chuan was like a normal person, leisurely and at ease.

But Yue Chuan was not idle, he was thinking about how to get close to these holy powerhouses, and then keep them in Parsenhofen.

Although the name is to borrow these few people to come to town, but Yue Chuan made up his mind to follow Liu Bei's example of borrowing Jingzhou and never repaying it.

Yue Chuan was inspired by the matter of the scabbard last time, so his eyes rolled around a few times, and Yue Chuan had already thought of a good idea.

In the residence arranged by Yue Chuan, Gu Yaer sat tangled and depressed, feeling very tangled in his heart, without it, the appearance of the scabbard is really too ugly.Ugly is ugly, but Gu Yaer pays great attention to appearance, all of his outfits are exquisitely crafted, and every detail is expensive, so the scabbard and clothes form a strong contrast. How should I say it looks like a flower Inserted on the cow dung... No, no, no, it was a pile of cow dung painted on the flowers.

Gu Yaer wanted to throw away the scabbard, but just after the scabbard left his body, Gu Yaer immediately felt an inexplicable force stripped from his body.For a saint-level powerhouse like Gu Yaer, it is very difficult to improve his cultivation level even a little bit, so the power of fashion is stripped from his body, which makes him very uncomfortable and unbearable.

No way, Gu Yaer put the scabbard on his waist again, but seeing himself in the mirror, Gu Yaer had to give up the idea of ​​going out.Just take off the scabbard in the house for a while, and take the scabbard back for a while, the entanglement in my heart.

Outside the door, the servant from the Gaul family who followed Gu Yaer was about to knock on the door, but when he saw Gu Yaer's movement, his hand stopped in the air stiffly.Through the half-open door, the servant saw Guyal's profile. He saw Guyal's hands moving back and forth between his waist and crotch, and there seemed to be a black stick-shaped object in his hand. Suddenly, a wonderful expression appeared.

"Master Gu Yaer's sword is not old, it seems that it's time to find a woman to serve him... But Mr. Gu Yaer's capital, tsk tsk..."

Thinking of this, the servant who had served Gu Yaer for decades left silently, recalling Gu Yaer's preference for women while walking.

The other three saint-level powerhouses are also resting in their own courtyards. Although they are saint-level powerhouses, they have been exhausted all the way. Even if they are not tired, they still need to rest. Lying on the bed and snoring, the envoy of the Viking family who accompanied him looked convulsively at the velvet quilt rolled up by the wild man and the crystal hala on the quilt.

And at this time, a strange picture appeared in the minds of several saint-level powerhouses in the dream, where there was a big explosion that shocked the limit, there was a bright and endless starry sky, there were strange creatures of various colors, and some They scratched their heads and didn't know what the picture meant.By the end, a voice rang in their hearts, please create the character.

In this way, Yue Chuan guided several saint-level powerhouses to create characters in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors".Gu Yaer created the Ghost Swordsman without any accident. Judging from his meaning, it must be aimed at the sword soul.Maninstein also created Ghost Swordsman, but his direction should be Berserker.The gray-robed magician hesitated between the magician and the night messenger, and finally chose the night messenger, which should be the necromancer without accident.As for the savage, he chose a fighter. Judging from his appearance, he seems to prefer judo.Thinking of his speed of coming and going like the wind, and his extremely tyrannical strength, if he learns judo skills, he will definitely be a bug-like existence.Moreover, Yue Chuan deliberately mischievously bullied the savage brother who was illiterate, and named him Taishan.

Well, Yue Chuan admits that the profession of swordsman is relatively popular in every world, accounting for at least half of all warriors.

On the first night, the four saint-level powerhouses surprisingly did not meditate or practice. They were all immersed in the "Dungeon and Warriors" game world. Although they started from level 1, they had all kinds of experience and skills. Swiping pictures to fight monsters is not very strenuous at all, and the first few levels are easy to upgrade. This night, they successfully cleared the fatigue and raised several levels one by one.

Early the next morning, when several people woke up, they were all thinking about the strange dream last night.According to the theory, these people have already reached the extreme control of their state of mind, it is impossible for a dream to appear, but it happened yesterday, it was still such a strange dream.

But then they froze.

"my hand……"

Gu Yaer waved his hand in doubt, he obviously sensed something unusual, and he didn't see how he moved, the saber had already appeared in his hand, and then a smooth upward stroke drew a bright crescent moon in the room.


At the same time, Maninstein and others also discovered their own abnormalities.

This time, even Tarzan, the wild man with the most inflexible mind, knew—"That wasn't a dream!"

Soon, Guyar and the others remembered all the legends about Parsenhofen, and remembered the adventures that geniuses from various forces flocked to Parsenhofen.

Is this the so-called adventure?

In the past, they all disapproved of the so-called adventures, thinking that it was the idea of ​​the weak getting something for nothing.But when they really experience that world, they know what a real adventure is.

So, without saying a word, several saint-level powerhouses all rolled back to the bed, continuing to search for that dreamy feeling.

At the same time, a scheming smile appeared on the corner of Yue Chuan's mouth, "Want to leave? Hmph, you will be banned from landing if you leave a certain range of Parsenhofen, and you will be unblocked when you return to Parsenhofen. Let's see which one of you is willing to go!"

【Second Update】

(End of this chapter)

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