
Chapter 276 The Secret That Can't Be Said

Chapter 276 The Secret That Can't Be Said

At the moment, Innocent is leaning leisurely on his pope's throne, squeezing his shriveled body that has been torn by the years into the soft velvet cushion, squinting his eyes comfortably, and he doesn't know what he thought of A happy thing, fingers as dry as chicken claws lightly tapped on the armrest, and a faint hum came out of his nose.

Just now, the people below reported to Innocent that the emperor of the Frankish Empire had agreed to send troops to help the Illuminati Church in the jihad.

Innocent was not surprised by this.The Frankish Empire and the Church of Light are inextricably linked. Even without the hatred of being invaded by Parsenhofen last time, they would stand by the Church of Light without hesitation.

In the beginning, Frank’s founding emperor had the support of the Church of Light to expand such a large territory. In exchange, the emperor of the Frank Empire gave the Church of Light a very high status and treatment in the country, and even the emperor did not A hill in the distance was dedicated to the original Church of Light, and that hill is now the Great Church.It's just that the Bright Church had already firmly occupied the Great Holy Church, and the founding emperor of the Frankish Empire was just pushing the boat along, but from the outside world, this showed the close relationship between the two parties.

Innocent was naturally happy to get the support of the Frankish Empire, but what made him even happier was the support of the Prussian Empire.

The Prussian Empire is in the north of the Frankish Empire and borders Parsenhofen.Different from the rough and bumpy roads in the Frankish Empire, if you take the Prussian Kingdom, you can reach the city in less than a month.The last time Paying and others went to Parsenhofen took this road.

It is precisely because the two sides have nothing to defend, so the Prussian Empire has always wanted to annex Parsenhofen, and even annex the Bavaria province to which Parsenhofen belongs, to build their own borders into a solid state. The Church of Light approached them, The Prime Minister of Prussia did not refuse, and showed great interest, and had pledged to persuade their emperor.

The two behemoths, the Frankish Empire and the Prussian Empire, had already expressed their stances, and the servants and dependent countries on both sides naturally all expressed their stances one after another, preparing to send troops to Parsenhofen.

The situation is great!
Innocent thought complacently.According to the current situation, the Jihad Legion of the Church of Illuminati will go out, plus so many empires, kingdoms, etc., along the way, they will definitely attack the city and pull out the strongholds. Everything in Umont.Completely wipe out that guy who dared to call himself the Son of God.

"Perhaps, when the Jihad Legion was still on the way, Parsenhofen would not fight and collapse."

But when Innocent laughed triumphantly, some people's laughter stopped abruptly...

In a palace with the black eagle flag flying, the emperor Frederick III of the Prussian Empire happily finished his simple but not simple lunch, and wiped the dark red blood from the corner of his mouth from eating steak. Frederick III Unfolding the plain white silk scarf in his hand, the delicate and beautiful blood flower is like a red plum that has just bloomed, and it is also like the desolate redness of a virgin.For some reason, Frederick III's stomach burned with a strong desire, and the image of that little court lady's profligacy from last night appeared in his mind again.

"Your Majesty, the Prime Minister, the Minister of Military Affairs, the Minister of Finance and many other lords have been waiting outside for a long time, can you tell them to come in?"

Seeing that His Majesty had finished his lunch and was in a good mood, the servant asked in a low voice, and seeing His Majesty nodded, he immediately went outside to send a message.

After removing the tableware and dishes, Frederick III adjusted his silk brocade robe and fox fur shawl, put on a majestic look, and watched several confidant ministers take their seats.

Although Frederick was the emperor, the prime minister took care of domestic affairs and reported to him, and only when certain major events encountered would they be handed over to him.But this time, the Prime Minister actually brought the Minister of Military Affairs, the Minister of Finance, and other ministers, big and small, to bring almost the entire court here. Is this a court meeting?Or did something extraordinary happen?

Under Frederick's puzzled gaze, the Prime Minister said respectfully: "Your Majesty, the Church of Illuminati has declared war on Parsenhofen this time, and it is a holy war. Parsenhofen was originally the territory of the Habs Empire, but at this juncture , The Habs Empire announced to give up the sovereignty of Parsenhofen and let it fend for itself. Now, the Church of Light has contacted the Empire, hoping that the Empire can send troops to attack Parsenhofen together. As a reward for sending troops, the Empire can... "

The Prime Minister was talking about the benefits of sending troops in high spirits, but he didn't expect a voice to come from next to his ear: "This, I'm afraid it's not right!"

The Prime Minister was very annoyed, whoever was blind to refute himself at this time, so he shouted subconsciously: "Who, who said something wrong? Stand up!"

Funny expressions appeared on the faces of all the ministers, especially the Minister of Military Affairs and the Minister of Finance. They all looked at the Prime Minister jokingly, and then pouted in the direction of His Majesty the Emperor.


The prime minister felt as if a bucket of ice water was pouring down his head, cooling himself down.It turned out that it was His Majesty the Emperor who said it was impossible.He is used to the status of one person under one person and above ten thousand people, and he has become a little smug, and has forgotten that this is not his own cabinet, but the palace of His Majesty the Emperor.

"Your Majesty, my minister..."

Frederick was also considered an enlightened king. He didn't pursue the prime minister's mistakes in words. He waved his hands with a dark face and said, "Our Prussian Empire relies on powerful force to conquer all directions and lay down a huge territory. When it comes to war, There is no other empire that can be compared to ours. However, our Prussian Empire never fights uncertain battles, and never fights meaningless battles. Jihads have to be considered.”

As a pure Prussian, the Prime Minister naturally knows that the empire never fights uncertain and meaningless battles, but with the Illuminati Church sending troops, the Prussian Empire can annex the Bavarian province of the Habsian Empire , how can this be said to be meaningless?

"Your Majesty, according to the agreement, we can occupy the province of Bava. The empire has been planning for the capture plan of Bava province for more than 30 years, and all materials have been raised in several nearby fortresses. The empire is sure to capture Bava province. The province is also capable of defending the province of Bavaria. Once the province of Bavaria is merged into the territory, the empire will have a solid gate in the east, unlike the current one-horse flat river, which is a great achievement!"

Frederick thought to himself, do you think I don't know the benefits of this?I also want to attack Bavaria Province. Now that the Habs Empire is facing internal and external troubles, it is a good opportunity to seek Bavaria Province, but I can't.At this time and this place, the most sensible thing to do is to stand still and watch from the sidelines.

"Ahem, anyway, this matter needs more discussion."

The prime minister was not happy to see the emperor, thinking that he did not see the benefits clearly, so he turned to the finance minister and said: "XXX, how much manpower and material resources the empire has invested in several fortresses in the east for more than 30 years to plan the Bavaria province, do you know?" Let's talk."

The treasurer reported various data skillfully, but in the end, he also imitated Frederick's tone and said: "However, it is really inappropriate to attack Bava Province at this time, so let's take it slow."

The Prime Minister blew his beard and stared angrily, and then turned to the Minister of Military Affairs.

The Minister of Military Affairs rubbed his messy beard, coughed, and said: "Although the empire has been preparing for 30 years, I don't think it is fully prepared yet. Let's take it easy to send troops."


The Prime Minister looked angrily at the Minister of Military Affairs and the Minister of Finance. His eyes were clearly looking at the two treacherous ministers who deceived the emperor and harmed the country. He really didn't understand why these two guys watched this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity slip away. , Don't they know how much benefit this dispatch of troops can bring to the empire?

"Why?" the Prime Minister said almost gritting his teeth.

The Minister of Military Affairs and the Minister of Finance hesitated for a while, and said at the same time: "This is a secret that cannot be revealed."

The prime minister's face was still full of doubts, anger, and resignation, but Frederick III who was on the side had a hint of understanding on his face.

"Ahem, XXX Aiqing, this matter is settled." Afterwards, Frederick left behind the Minister of Military Affairs and Minister of Finance, and pushed everyone else back.

When there were only three people left, Frederick III burst out laughing. He no longer put on the airs of the emperor. Lying on the chair in an unsightly posture, he said: "Bava province, I want it even in my dreams, and I also want to build a solid gate to the east of the empire, which is safe and secure, but, I can't. "

The Minister of Military Affairs and the Minister of Finance nodded approvingly.

The Minister of Military Affairs said: "Your Majesty, many soldiers of the empire have joined the mercenary world after retiring from the army. Many of them hold high positions in the mercenary alliance. They have sent back news. Although it is not very specific, but without exception, they warn us to wait. Prevent the empire from sending troops."

The Minister of Finance also nodded. He and the Minister of Military Affairs received similar information.In other words, the Prime Minister has no background and background, and has no access to such high-level things.Of course, it was precisely because of his lack of background that Frederick was relieved to let him be the prime minister.

However, Frederick got more detailed information than the two, because he was the one who met Yue Chuan in the tavern.

Frederick thought for a long time, finally made up his mind, and said something inexplicable: "How many levels are you all?"

If the Prime Minister was here, he would definitely be confused when he heard this sentence, and even wondered if His Majesty the Emperor had taken the wrong medicine.However, when the Minister of Military Affairs and the Minister of Finance heard this, wonderful expressions appeared on their faces. They both looked at Frederick III with strange eyes.

"Your Majesty, I am an elementalist, level 23 now." The Minister of Finance said.

"Xiaochen is a berserker, now level 25, haha." The Minister of Military Affairs smiled complacently when he mentioned his level, and finally overwhelmed his old enemy, he felt so happy.

Frederick slapped the table violently, and shouted, "Grandma, you two should hurry up and wait for Lao Tzu at the gate of Lorraine. Tonight, I must take Lao Tzu to 20 to change jobs!"

At this moment, Frederick didn't have the heart to take care of the prime minister, he was all focused on his own leveling career.At the same time, he was very fortunate in his heart. Fortunately, he heard what Yue Chuan said when he was in the tavern. Otherwise, if he devoted himself to the side of the Guangming Church, his life would be completely over.

Frederick III made up his mind: "Grandma, isn't the Church of Light trying to borrow a way from Prussia? Instead, you can cheat them hard. If you can make great contributions, you can get the resurrection coins rewarded by Yue Chuan." Tsk tsk, by the way, get an army, let them all go into that world, and open up the Prussian Empire there. Take some time to organize a party for the Junkers, and find something for those boys to do .”

Just when Prussian princes and ministers were celebrating that they had found a good friend, Yue Chuan also looked forward to the holy-level powerhouse he had been waiting for.

This world, after all, is a world where strength is paramount and the law of the jungle is most applicable.If you want to gain the respect of others, you must have enough strength.

Although Yue Chuan was able to cultivate many masters, it took time after all. Although it wasn't long, there was a process after all, and now, the outside world obviously didn't give him this process.

Since you can't cultivate masters by yourself, let's recruit them from the outside. Anyway, these saint-level powerhouses are a sign and a deterrent.Just like nuclear weapons, although no one knows how to use them, there is a world of difference between having them in your hands and not having them in your hands.

This time, Yue Chuan asked the four major families for holy-level powerhouses, saying that he only let these holy-level powerhouses sit in his territory for a period of time, and would not assign them any specific tasks. Huofen, he doesn't force these saint-level powerhouses to stay.This condition is not too harsh, and the four major families are not unacceptable, so they mobilized all their forces to search for it.

The Gaul family is famous for its swordsmanship, and almost all the court swordsmen of the Habs Empire are descendants of the Gaul family.Moreover, the Gaul family has an ancestor who has practiced swordsmanship to the extreme and has glimpsed the power of the sanctuary. This time, the Patriarch of the Gaul family finally invited this ancestor to Parsenhofen.

The Eugenie family is close to the holy land of cultivation, Icewind Valley, and many strong members of the family are practicing in Icewind Valley, but Rudolph's position as the head of the family is disgraceful, and he doesn't deal with those strong people very much, and he never pays attention to the strong people of the family , He didn't even know if the Eugenie family had a holy powerhouse.But Rudolph has his own way, and he got Yue Chuan a saint-level powerhouse from other places.As for where, but silent.

The foundation of the Aryan family is the Teutonic Knights.Not only the fierce combat power of the Teutonic Knights, but also the head of the Knights called the Army Soul, he is a genuine holy powerhouse.It is precisely because of his existence that the Teutonic Knights can become a well-known knight order.

The sea ships of the Viking family traveled around, covering a very wide area, and came into contact with many aborigines who were alone overseas.Some of these natives are uncivilized savages, while others have a preliminary civilization, and many strong people have also been born.The Viking family often brings them all kinds of supplies that are in short supply, and they also have some friendship with those strong men. Those strong men are also very curious about the continent across the sea. When they received the invitation from the Viking family, they immediately boarded the ship up.

The Gaul family sent an old man with gray hair and a rosy complexion. This old man was very particular about his clothes and grooming. The saber at the waist is adorned with at least twelve thumb-sized diamonds, and they are not ordinary diamonds. Each of them is a fire diamond with a strong flame brilliance, and it is the most precious golden fire diamond.

Tsk tsk, among other things, the scabbard of this sword is worth a fortune, not to mention the sword inside.

However, no one has seen the sword in the scabbard, because the old man's palm is always on the hilt, and his body is always upright, showing his sharpness, and the powerful aura makes some people with evil intentions very wise. Dispelled the idea that should not have.

"Guyal, I have met the lord."

Although he was a holy powerhouse, Gu Yaer still saluted Yue Chuan according to the etiquette of the nobility. On him, the aura of nobility was stronger than that of a warrior.However, his aristocratic aura is that kind of personable connotation, gentle cultivation, rather than disgusting arrogance.In short, this is an old man who is easy to make people feel good about.

The Eugenie family sent a magician dressed in a gray robe with his head and face covered under the cloak. He was covered with a real smog all the time, even in the sun, it was like a cloud of shadows. Can't see reality.However, he exudes a powerful aura, and he is an undoubted strong man.

The shape of the gray-robed magician reminded Yue Chuan of the necromancer, and he did feel a cold death breath from this gray-robed magician. Thinking about it carefully, it seemed that he had also felt this kind of power from Rudolph. , Is there any connection between them?
The gray-robed magician just nodded to Yue Chuan, without saying a word or expressing anything superfluous, and then quietly found an inconspicuous seat, waiting for Yue Chuan's arrangement.

"My lord, congratulations on teaching Frank's bastard a lesson, I hope my blessing is not too late." Then, he meticulously performed a military salute of the Teutonic Knights, and said: "Mainstein reports to you !"

This is the head of the Teutonic Knights of the Aryan family.To Yue Chuan's surprise, the head of the knight group looked only about 40 years old, strong and full of vitality, and his whole body was burning with a burning desire to fight.He doesn't care about dressing and grooming like Guyar. A simple tight-fitting outfit highlights the marble-like muscle texture on his body. Through the clothes, you can see his muscles like steel wires and the explosive force in his muscles. like power.

He is a pure soldier, and he talks about things related to war.But he was right, the army on Yue Chuan's fief was indeed trained by other officers under him. It can be said that Yue Chuan's last victory over the Frankish War also had part of his credit.And he used this incident to open up the topic with Yue Chuan, creating an intimate atmosphere immediately.

Yue Chuan responded eagerly to Maninstein.Then he looked at the envoy of the Viking family. The envoy of the Viking family was scratching his head and looking around. When he saw Yue Chuan looking over, he couldn't help crying and said: "My lord, the strong man of our Viking family was still here just now." , in the blink of an disappeared."

(End of this chapter)

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