
Chapter 275

Chapter 275

In the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors", Yue Chuan sent messages to the heads of the Magic Guild and Mercenary Alliance, inviting them to the tavern for a talk.After thinking about it for so many days, Yue Chuan finally decided to talk to these forces.

After all, Yue Chuan is the No.1 in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors", and he also holds endless wealth. "In the game world, they still have to act according to Yue Chuan's face, otherwise, they might not even be able to set up a guild now.

Therefore, after receiving Yue Chuan's invitation, the leaders of those forces all rushed to the tavern.

Since obtaining the qualification to enter the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors", the heads of those forces have all been a little "addicted to games", staying in the game world for more than ten hours a day.There is no way, this world is so amazing, so magical that they wish they could live here for the rest of their lives.Therefore, apart from dealing with trivial matters in reality and daily practice every once in a while, they have devoted all their time here, and Yue Chuan is not afraid that they will not be found.

However, indulging in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors" does not mean that they will waste things. On the contrary, in this world, they can communicate with other people in the organization as they like. Well-informed.Moreover, fighting monsters and upgrading here can be fed back to the real world, which is a fatal attraction for practitioners.Therefore, they all regard this as a closed-door retreat, the difference is that they can still give orders and travel around in the closed-door retreat.

In less than 3 minutes, the figures of those people appeared in the private room where Yue Chuan was. What is the expression of Tuli's teammates?

But this is not what Yue Chuan needs to consider. Seeing that everyone has come together, Yue Chuan said straight to the point: "Everyone, I heard that the Bright Church on your mainland is going to launch a jihad. Is there such a thing?"

Yue Chuan used the term "your mainland" to make everyone subconsciously think that they are not from this continent, so as to hide themselves deeper.And when those people heard Yue Chuan's words, they didn't have doubts in their hearts, and they directly agreed with Yue Chuan's identity.Although they didn't know where Yue Chuan was from, it was fine that he wasn't from his own mainland.But if you think about it, how can such a powerful person be in his own corner of the continent.

Soon, someone patiently explained the general process of the matter to Yue Chuan.

"I don't know why Chairman Yue Chuan cares about this matter?"

Although there was already a faint guess in their hearts, these people couldn't help but ask.

"Because Parsenhofen is the force that we created the guild to belong to."

Everyone showed such an expression.

In fact, when Yue Chuan was dueling with Pa Ying, many people had guessed from Yue Chuan's paladin skills that Yue Chuan should have entered this world, and his level should not be low. Almost all the masters in the game world of "Dungeon and Fighter" gather in the guild creation, and Parsenhofen is likely to be the subordinate force of the guild creation.

At this moment, everyone also knew Yue Chuan's purpose for calling him here.

To be honest, none of these forces are willing to oppose the Church of Light, not because they are afraid of the Church of Light, but because no one wants to have another enemy for no reason.Although the Illuminati Church is in decline, a lean camel is bigger than a horse, and there are always some means of suppressing the bottom of the box. No one can bear to fight back and bite anyone when they are dying.Now the Guangming Church is putting on a jihad posture, which is obviously an unstoppable momentum. Now no one wants to be missed by a religious lunatic.Although the Church of Light can't shake their foundation, it can kill their branches, which they don't want to bear.

Yue Chuan also knew their mentality, so he didn't mention these things to them before, but now, Yue Chuan felt that if he lowered some conditions and offered some rewards, they might not be so decisive in rejecting them.

"That's right, here, I hope that you can give due help to the members who founded the guild according to the previous promise. I wonder what kind of answer you can give me?"

Everyone thought, sure enough!
Immediately, the leaders of several organizations stood up and said mercilessly: "Master President, please forgive our XX organization's weak family background and unable to participate in this level of struggle. We really can't give any help, and leave !"

Zhen Nima, who refused, was straightforward and unsparing.Yue Chuan cursed secretly in his heart, even if you can't give me someone, you can always give me some money, Nima, it really doesn't save face, the 30 gold coins before are really a dog.

However, Yue Chuan is not surprised that this kind of white-eyed wolf who turns his face and refuses to recognize anyone can be encountered anywhere.Therefore, watching them leave with a sneer, Yue Chuan then glanced at the remaining forces, which means, you can also choose to leave.

But not all those in charge are as brainless and short-sighted as the guys before them.After all, in the final analysis, Parsenhofen is only a subordinate force of the founding guild. Even if Parsenhofen is uprooted, the founding guild will not lose anything. Anyway, the founding guild has many other subordinate forces.Moreover, President Yue Chuan has already said that he is not from this continent, who knows which world he belongs to.Those guys before thought that it would be over if Parsenhofen wiped out the Guild of Creation, so they wouldn't have to sell President Yue Chuan's face. They were really stupid things.It is really unwise to deal with this kind of force, and you have to cut off contact with them in the future.

"Hehe, President Yue Chuan, our Magic Guild still attaches great importance to contracts. Although we have not made a contract, we have made a promise after all. I wonder what kind of help the President needs?"

Seeing the Magic Guild's statement, other forces followed suit.Even if you don’t intend to help Parsenhofen sincerely, it’s okay to send a few cannon fodder to make up for it. Who doesn’t have many enemies? Just send other people to this kind of death.Even if you don't have people, give some money to the head office.

"Hehe, everyone, I am satisfied with what you say." Yue Chuan stood up slightly and said, "Everyone must be very puzzled, why some people can enter this world and some people cannot enter this world, right? ?”

Hearing Yue Chuan's words, everyone pricked up their ears.To be honest, this problem has troubled them for too long, and they have never been able to understand what is going on, what is the reason, and what caused this phenomenon?It would be great if people of their own power could freely enter this world. The strength of each member could be improved rapidly, and it would not be a dream to cultivate a large number of saint-level powerhouses!
The damn thing is, all of them have worn out the soles of their feet and can't find a way or path to enter this world. They can only rely on the stupid way of living in Parsenhofen and hit the slim luck.

Yue Chuan saw everyone's puzzled eyes and eager affection, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes narrowed slightly, "I don't know if you have discovered that there is no influence of the Illuminati Church here?"

Hearing Yue Chuan's words, the people in charge of many forces suddenly realized that this is really the case. This world has almost included all famous and famous organizations on the mainland, but there is no Bright Church.What exactly is going on?

"There are priests in this world, and priests are the real orthodox believers of the God of Light. Although the Church of Light on your mainland also believes in the God of Light, they are not orthodox after all. Well, these things have too much to do with it. Mystery, you can’t touch it at your current level, in a word, this world rejects the Church of Light.”

Everyone has the soul of gossip. Hearing Yue Chuan's revelation suddenly, the people in charge were all burning with the soul of gossip, but at this time Yue Chuan suddenly stopped talking, and everyone was so anxious.But they didn't dare to ask Yue Chuan.Moreover, when they looked at Yue Chuan again, there was a hint of awe in their eyes.

Yue Chuan knows things that he doesn't know. Doesn't this mean that Yue Chuan's level is higher than his own?Could it be that he is a god?

Yue Chuan was very satisfied with the effect he had created, and continued: "Originally, this world was completely isolated from your continent, and it was impossible for the creatures on your continent to enter this world. However, some changes have taken place in this world. The specific content It's not convenient to tell you, I can only tell you that because of an accident, there is a weak connection between this world and your continent, so..."

Hearing Yue Chuan's words, everyone felt elated.Originally they guessed the origin of this world. Some of them thought it was the world of elves, some thought it was the world of God of War, and some thought it was the world of other gods. Of course, many people opposed it.Now that they heard Yue Chuan's words, they no longer cared about the gods who created this world. In short, this place is a remarkable place, a place that ordinary people can't enter at all.

Although they didn't dare to inquire about what Yue Chuan said about the accident, they had already grasped the meaning of Yue Chuan's words - that weak connection zone was Parsenhofen.This also explains why it is easier for people living in Pasenhofen to enter this world.

Yue Chuan saw the expression of "suddenly enlightened" by those in charge, and he was immediately happy, so he continued to guide them, "So, I develop our guild-building power in Parsenhoven, in order to maintain the connection zone. Stability, to maintain the peace of this world. I will not hide from you, the lord of Parsenhofen, Umont, is my confidant. But unfortunately, the Church of Light seems to have noticed something, and they are going to attack Parsenhofen, thereby disturbing the world peace."

People's imagination is very rich. Under Yue Chuan's deliberate guidance, the people in charge of those forces couldn't help but make up such a picture: The Church of Light wanted to occupy the entrance of this world, so they mobilized their troops to attack Parsenhofen, I want to take this place completely under my own control.

Moreover, hearing Yue Chuan say that the lord of Parsenhofen was his confidant, everyone immediately thought of Yue Chuan's identity as the Holy Son. Legend has it that he was blessed by the gods and could communicate with the gods.Looking at the way it is now, it is not aimless.

Originally, everyone was very puzzled. Is it necessary for the Church of Light to launch a jihad in a small place like Parsenhofen?To launch a jihad against Parsenhofen is simply to use the magic crystal cannon to fight mosquitoes.But now, everyone finally understood that this was the case.This Church of Illuminati is really sinister. If they occupy Parsenhofen and the entrance to this world, this world will become the confinement of the Church of Illuminati in the future, and people from other forces will not be able to enter here again. At that time, the Church of Light can easily dominate the mainland. Will other organizations survive?

Thinking of this possibility, all the people in charge shouted in their hearts almost instinctively: we must not let the Church of Light succeed!Their conspiracy must be crushed!
Originally, it was Yue Chuan who was looking forward to them to deal with the Guangming Church, but now, these organizations are eager to use force against the Guangming Church.And this change in the process is all because of a lie.

Yue Chuan used to be a fan of the authorities, thinking about problems from the perspective of himself on the mainland, so he found it difficult.But after talking with Celia, while learning about the mall, he also realized his other identity, that is Yue Chuan in the "Dungeon and Warriors" game world, and the game administrator.

Now, Yue Chuan looked at Jihad and Parsenhofen as a bystander, and finally understood what a bystander is.So he fabricated a lie, including all forces including the Magic Guild and Mercenary Alliance.Anyway, I used to read too many novels like the end of the world in the Three Realms and Six Paths on Earth, and making up stories to fool these outsiders is definitely a fool's errand. Anyway, Yue Chuan is not afraid that his lies will be exposed.

Sure enough, those people couldn't sit still anymore, and they were anxiously waiting to return to reality to tell others about all this, and to respond immediately to stop the holy war of the Church of Light and the conspiracy of the Church of Light to dominate the world.

Yue Chuan felt that the heat was almost ready, so he threw out his bait.

"Maintaining the peace and stability of this world is my duty, but my power is limited and I can't affect the mainland, so I can only rely on your power. I need your help. Of course, I won't let you pay for nothing... "

Hearing that Yue Chuan vaguely regarded himself as the guardian of this world, everyone didn't have any doubts, but instead had an expression of "I knew it was like this".It's just that at this moment, they have no time to consider Yue Chuan's identity, they are all attracted by the reward Yue Chuan said.

"The people who guard Parsenhofen will be favored by this world, and some of them will be selected from them, allowing them to immediately obtain the qualification to enter this world. Others who make contributions will also be granted entry to this world one after another. At the same time, in the process of protecting Parsenhofen, those who have made outstanding contributions will be rewarded by this world. And those who help the Church of Light attack Parsenhofen will be expelled from this world."

Hearing Yue Chuan's words, the people in charge were all very excited!I finally know how to enter this world, I didn't expect it to be so simple.Just help protect Parsenhofen!

However, Yue Chuan's words also told them another meaning. If anyone dared to help the Bright Church, they would be expelled from this world, which meant that they would no longer be able to enter this world.This punishment is simply devastating.To experience the beauty of this world, no one wants to lose this qualification.Therefore, those who flirted with the Illuminati Church had to reconsider their positions.

However, does this situation still need to be considered?
"Uh, excuse me, may I ask Chairman Yue Chuan, what rewards do you get for setting up a great function while guarding Parsenhofen?"

Yue Chuan smiled, "You should have experienced the effects of the life potion and the magic power potion, right?"

All the people present had scanned the pictures, so naturally they had also taken the medicine, and understood the effects of these two medicines.

"The power of this world will send the potion to the continent and reward those who have contributed."


Everyone is boiling.They didn't expect that the situation was like when the contribution store that created the guild was opened.It's just that the secrecy of the founding guilds is very strict, and the leaders of these guilds don't know about it yet.But when they thought of getting those potions on the mainland, they were all so excited that they couldn't contain themselves.

But at this time, Yue Chuan threw another blockbuster at them.

"There are also blue equipment, purple equipment, and even pink equipment!"

Oh my god, the people in charge are feeling a little suffocated.

"There's also dragon blood!"

Well, some people feel like they are suffocating.

"and this!"

As he said that, a bright light floated in Yue Chuan's hand, and that light instantly illuminated the slightly dim private room, and even illuminated the excited expressions of those in charge.

Looking at the golden coin in Yue Chuan's hand, everyone was puzzled, what is this thing?gold?Magic crystal?Or some other coin?What is the use of this thing?Is it better than potions, equipment, and dragon's blood?

Yue Chuan was very satisfied with everyone's ignorance, and then gave them popular science: "This is called the resurrection coin, and its function is to revive! No matter how you die, the resurrection coin can revive you within ten seconds, and, It's back to its peak state!"


This time, it was really a blockbuster.Everyone felt that their minds had been severely bombarded by the magic crystal cannon, and they couldn't calm down for a long time. They all looked dully at the golden coin in Yue Chuan's hand.

Go to his potion, go to his equipment, go to his dragon's blood!Can these things be as valuable as resurrection coins?Resurrection, this is equivalent to a second life.No accident for whoever is meowing, who is not afraid of death?Who the hell doesn't want to have a second life?

Now, there is only one thought in everyone's mind, resurrection coin, what kind of meritorious service do you have to make to get it?Say it, say it quickly!If I kill the Pope of the Church of Light, will this resurrection coin belong to me?Meow, what is the name of the Pope of the Illuminati Church?Ask for his address!
(End of this chapter)

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