
Chapter 274 The Mall

Chapter 274 The Mall
Yue Chuan had previously made an agreement with the Mercenary Alliance, the Magic Guild, and other big forces. If the founding guild encountered any difficulties on the mainland, he could ask them for help. Now that the Bright Church is launching a holy war, Yue Chuan can definitely show his own guild. Title, ask them for support.

However, Yue Chuan did not do this.

Although the two parties have made an agreement, there is a limit to everything. If it is a trivial matter of catching traitors and thieves, these big forces will definitely help without frowning. When it comes to the jihad of life and death, you have to think twice before making a move.

If so many powerful forces unite, they will definitely be able to suppress the Church of Light, but the key point is that it is impossible for those great forces to unite, let alone fight against the Church of Light in order to create a guild for Parsenhofen.After all, war kills people. After a big war, they will definitely suffer great losses. If they can get benefits, it’s okay, but if there are no benefits, who will do their best?I want to let them help for free with a worthless agreement, hehe...

In the final analysis, Parsenhofen is too weak.The current prosperity and stability are all due to the delicate balance under the competition of various forces, but Parsenhofen doesn't have any strong players, and there is no such kind of mainstay.

That's why Yue Chuan took this opportunity to ask the four big families for the support of the saint-level powerhouses. It doesn't matter what those saint-level powerhouses do, as long as they show their faces in Parsenhoven, eat and drink here every day, and let outsiders It is enough to know that they are on Parsenhofen's side.Their names and their figures are enough to withstand thousands of troops.

The four major families were so enthusiastic about the founding of the country that they were fanatical, so they couldn't refuse Yue Chuan's request at all.Their identities and status predestined that they could not be the top performers, and Yue Chuan was the most suitable one, so they could only recruit saint-level powerhouses for Yue Chuan.

Fortunately, the four major families have profound backgrounds and are inextricably linked with the holy-level powerhouses. I don't know what price they paid, and each of them gave Yue Chuan an accurate answer, and the holy-level powerhouses will soon Arrive in Parsenhofen.

The Guangming Church was actively preparing for the battle, and Yue Chuan was not idle.

After clearing out those people with floating minds, those who remained in Parsenhofen were basically people with firm beliefs or some loyalty. Yue Chuan gathered Parsenhofen's regular army and recruited them from other people. Recruits, training.

Right now, there is only one army in Yue Chuan's hands. This army was strictly trained by the instructors of the Teutonic Knights, and it has gone through the baptism of war. More importantly, they have all entered the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors" , Everyone's strength is improving rapidly. In just a few months, the progress in their strength is enough to be worth more than ten years of hard work by normal people.

This army is small in number, less than ten thousand.But this army is the elite of the elite, and they are all cavalry, with outstanding combat effectiveness and mobility.In addition to this army, Yue Chuan also had another force, the Guardian Knights.

At the beginning, Alexis plotted against Yue Chuan and asked Yue Chuan to form the Protectorate Knights, but Yue Chuan did not object. Instead, he did it very seriously, strictly selecting personnel, and rigorously sharpening the training.While allowing them to improve in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors", while using dragon blood to improve their physique and strengthen their strength, after such a long time, the Knights of the Guardian Order have gradually improved.Moreover, Yue Chuan kept an eye out, the Guardian Knights had always been firmly in Yue Chuan's hands, and Alexis couldn't insert a single finger into it.

When they were in Starn City, there were 300 members of the Guardian Knights. After coming to Parsenhofen, this number became 600.The 600 people were divided into twelve teams, each led by the twelve holy fighters.

After such a long period of hard work behind closed doors, the twelve little guys have also made great progress. The levels in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors" have all risen to more than 30 levels. between paragraphs.The other members of the Guardian Knights are generally at the level of strength above the third stage.

600 people, the lowest of which is the third stage of Dou Qi. This kind of strength is definitely a famous existence on the mainland. After all, the cultivation of Dou Qi is notoriously difficult. It requires both qualifications, perseverance, and resources. It is already extremely difficult to put in the effort to cultivate fighting qi, and it is even more difficult to achieve certain results in fighting qi.It is more difficult for a magician of the same level to practice than a martial artist, and they have to pay more hardships.

However, these difficulties were not reflected in the Guardian Knights at all. Whether they cultivated fighting spirit or magic power, they all went smoothly. They improved every day and made breakthroughs every month. Their strength never stagnated.

"It would be nice if there was a little more time!"

Yue Chuan couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Time, this is what Yue Chuan lacks the most.After all, he is a time traveler. He has no foundation or accumulation in this world. Everything he does is self-made, starting from scratch.But his goal is to create a giant existence comparable to the Mercenary Alliance and the Magic Guild.Which of those forces has not experienced tens of thousands of years of development, and Yue Chuan is already proud of being able to achieve his current achievements in just a few months.

Yue Chuan is confident that he does not need 1 years, 1000 years, or even 100 years. He can achieve his goal in less than ten years or even less than three years, and make Parsenhofen a famous brand. The power to shake the continent.

It's a pity that the sudden jihad of the Guangming Church disrupted Yue Chuan's plan of peaceful farming and development.Originally, Yue Chuan wanted to raise all his Protectorate Knights to level 50 and awaken them, each of them possessing the strength of a saint-level powerhouse, but unfortunately, there is no such easy time now.

The higher the level, the slower the upgrade speed, and the more difficult the levels encountered, the more perverted, among other things, the abyss lord Seghardt is almost a death-like existence.Now, in the entire "Dungeon and Warriors" game world, only Yue Chuan and Sissy have conquered the Sky City and entered the Sky Veil Behemoth. They encountered the abyss with two corners, and they were still dead, at least for now.

The ultimate bosses of Sky City are so perverted, but what about the Sky Veil Behemoth?That is the long-legged Rotes, the apostle, a powerful existence who has mastered the mysteries of the energy of the water system. Although he is in the sky and separated from the ocean, his strength has seriously declined, but he is still an existence like a mountain looking up.There is also a more mysterious hidden boss judge Marcel.

When I was on Earth before, those bosses were just a piece of data, an image, and there was no superfluous concept at all, but now, those bosses have all become fleshy and thinking beings, and they are no longer a dish that can be done in seconds with a single skill. Each can make the adventurer return to the city countless times to hang weak.

Looking at his experience value that has grown like a snail after level 35, Yue Chuan sighed, his strength, the improvement is too slow, it has been such a long time since level 35, and he is full of exhaustion every day, and his experience value is still a little bit worse. Do not upgrade.At this speed, it would take at least half a year or even a year to rise to 50 and step into the sanctuary.It is absolutely unbelievable to put it outside to cultivate from an ordinary person to a holy powerhouse in one or two years, but Yue Chuan didn't feel any sense of accomplishment.

This fucking Church of Light!
After looking at the empty fatigue value, Yue Chuan had no choice but to return to the town.

Walking in the bustling town, Yue Chuan couldn't help but think in his heart, if the Church of Light invaded on a large scale, how beautiful it would be to hold a "town defense battle" similar to a monster siege in Parsenhofen. Countless adventurers risked their lives If you forget to fight against the Church of Light, you can bring down the Church of Light without a single soldier.

Immediately, Yue Chuan shook his head, this idea is simply impossible.

If in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors", death is just a punishment for weakness, but in reality, death is death, and there is no chance of resurrection at all.Even if adventurers intend to kill thieves, they still have to consider their own lives and gains and losses.

Damn, why aren't there resurrection coins in the Dungeon & Fighter world?

Yue Chuan was very puzzled. There were too many missing items in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors", such as the shopping mall.

Although many players complained about agents using the mall in the game to collect money and squeeze players, all players still couldn't do without the mall.Even people who never buy anything in the mall will open the mall every day and receive resurrection coins.

But the "Dungeon and Warriors" game world here has no shadow of a mall at all, and there are no items such as resurrection coins, fashions, and pets.It's okay for other players not to know the existence of these things, but Yue Chuan has experienced these things, and now without these things, he always feels that something is missing.People who pass through the sky cover are used to walking at a flying speed, and they can't bear the slow walking naked, let alone other things.

The most precious thing in Yue Chuan's hands now is the dragon's blood. Although the dragon's blood is precious enough to make people crazy, it has not yet reached the level of being desperate.It is unrealistic to want to use dragon blood to impress those forces to help themselves and the Church of Light in a jihad.

Dragon blood is indeed very precious. If Yue Chuan only exchanged dragon blood for some other benefits, I believe those forces would not refuse, and they would even be very enthusiastic.But when it comes to jihad, this topic seems to be a bit too heavy, and the weight exceeds the weight of dragon blood.

It would be great if there were resurrection coins!
Yue Chuan believes that no one can resist the temptation of resurrection coins, after all, it means resurrection, a new life.

It was the time when he was at a loss again, and only at this time, Yue Chuan would remember Linus and the treachery hidden on his seemingly honest face.

"Boy, I finally remembered to come back to see my uncle. Why, did you encounter difficulties again?"

Yue Chuan gave a dry laugh, he never thought of coming back to see Linus when things were going well, and he would only come back to Linus when things were not going well and he had no idea.This kind of behavior, even Yue Chuan himself felt a little too unkind.

However, when Yue Chuan put the fine wine he carefully prepared on the table, Linus, who was blowing his beard and staring at him, had already smiled happily, and enthusiastically took out his own tobacco to entertain Yue Chuan.

"Tell me, kid, what's the matter?"

Yue Chuan scratched his head, "Uncle, I just want to ask, is there a mall in this world? How to enter the mall?"

Linus smiled, squinted his eyes and looked straight at Yue Chuan, which made Yue Chuan feel a little nervous.

"Boy, uncle is in a good mood today, and happened to remember something about the mall, this mall..."

Seeing that Linus was playing tricks, Yue Chuan hurriedly stood up to help Linus drink and light cigarettes, nodding and bowing to serve him.

Breathing smoke rings comfortably, Linus said quietly: "This mall... is naturally managed by the game administrator."

Yue Chuan was stunned, who is the game administrator?But then Yue Chuan remembered that the game manager seemed to be talking about himself.But when did you manage a mall?
"Although this thing is under your management, but you haven't been granted permission, you naturally don't know about it. Hehe, I was going to tell you when you left last time, but I haven't come to see uncle for so long..."

"Uncle, I promise to see you often in the future."

"That's what you said last time, too."

"This time it's absolutely true!"

If it wasn't for the consideration of the difference in strength between the two sides, Yue Chuan would have wanted to beat Linus up. Isn't this a scam.Yue Chuan made up his mind that he really had to come back and check it out frequently in the future, otherwise Linus might deliberately omit some key news, and he would be beaten to death.

"Go ask Celia, she knows about it."

The next moment, Yue Chuan appeared in front of Celia, tidied up his clothes, suppressed the anxiety in his heart, and asked politely: "Salia, that, Uncle Linus said you know how to enter the mall. ?”

Celia nodded, "This world is full of vigor and prosperity, and it has reached the standard of an open mall, but you have to consult your opinion on whether to open it, after all, you are the administrator of the game."

Open up, I've been hungry and thirsty for a long time, do you understand!Your sister didn't ask for my opinion earlier, she was clearly cheating me!

Soon, Yue Chuan received a message, and a brand new interface appeared in front of his eyes.

After a quick glance, Yue Chuan got a clear idea of ​​the contents of this mall.As a manager, he can place goods in the mall and set prices for them, all in all just like putting goods on shelves in a store.

It's just that the goods in the mall are very monotonous. There are only fashion and resurrection coins, and the fashion is still low-level fashion, which means that there is no limit to the level.As for the high-end fashion that can only be worn at level 30, Mao didn't see it.The resurrection coins can only be collected one by one, and there is no option to buy them at all.In addition to this is a thing called a magic hammer.As for pets, medicines and other miscellaneous things, there are no shadows.

"How is this going?"

Celia immediately replied: "The prosperity of the game world has just reached the level of the opening of the mall, and the items in the mall are still very monotonous. If you want to see more abundant items, try to increase the prosperity of the world."

When Yue Chuan heard this, he immediately recalled it. To put it bluntly, the current "Dungeon and Warriors" game world is not prosperous enough to open a higher-level mall at all.

"By the way, what does it cost to shop in the mall? What is this Terra crystal coin?"

The mall is a scam of money, Yue Chuan didn't believe it was a free supply.Following Seria's explanation, Yue Chuan finally understood what the Terra Crystal Coin was.

Different from gold coins, Terra Crystal Coin refers to the crystal stone, which is the ore in the magic crystal deposit, or the magic core produced in the body of the monster generated by heaven and earth.Both the magic spar and the magic core can be exchanged for a certain number of Terra crystal coins in the mall according to the energy contained in them, which can be used to purchase items.


Yue Chuan wanted to scold someone. Although he was a game administrator and owned the entire mall, he didn't have the right to manage the money box. It was impossible to use it for nothing. Even if he wanted something from the mall as an administrator, he had to buy it.The only difference is that you can enjoy the lowest discount.

Items in the mall have a recommended price, which can be understood as a purchase price. Although Yue Chuan can modify the price, he can only modify it higher than this price, not lower it.

Yue Chuan excitedly received a resurrection coin, and thought to himself, although it is troublesome to receive one by one, there are always some.But after receiving one, the mall will remind you that you can't continue to receive it, and you have to wait until the next day.Suddenly, it was like a bucket of cold water poured down.It turns out that this so-called collection is the same as the mall on Earth.

Putting the received resurrection coin in the palm of his hand and watching it carefully, Yue Chuan immediately felt a mysterious and powerful energy contained in its golden appearance, and the energy in it had even undergone a qualitative change, which was enough to distort the rules.But before Yue Chuan continued to understand, he felt dizzy for a while. Yue Chuan immediately understood that this thing was not something he could touch right now, otherwise it might be another indefinite sleep.

Saying goodbye to Celia, Yue Chuan hurriedly went offline, then packed a few magic crystals and magic cores from his home, and returned to the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors" excitedly.

Magic spar is a more expensive item than gold. Among high-end magicians and warriors, magic spar is a more sought-after currency than gold.Because the pure energy contained in the magic spar can be absorbed directly to increase cultivation.This is what gold and silver do not have.After all, Yue Chuan was also a lord, with a lot of financial taxes and taxes, and the wealth he stored was not only gold and silver, but also part of magic crystals and magic cores.Moreover, there is also a small magic crystal mine in Parsenhofen, but it has been exhausted or something. It has been abandoned for a long time and no one cares about it. You must visit it when you have time.

Put a piece of magic spar that is not very pure in color into the exchange hole, the magic spar the size of the little fingertip sinks into the hole, immediately dissipates out of thin air, transforms into pure energy and flows into the unknown depths, and then sees Yue Chuan's balance happening Change, this piece of impure magic spar was exchanged for 3 Terra crystal coins.

Afterwards, Yue Chuan immediately went to check the price of the fashion, and cursed for a long time: "Fuck, a low-level fashion actually sells for more than 1000 Tera crystal coins, damn it!"

(End of this chapter)

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