
Chapter 273 The Arrival of the Four Great Families

Chapter 273 The Arrival of the Four Great Families

The news of the jihad at the Cathedral also reached Parsenhofen. Immediately, it was like pouring a bucket of water into boiling oil, causing the entire Parsenhofen to explode.

The Illuminati Church has indeed declined, but a lean camel is bigger than a horse. The current Illuminati Church is still not something that a small place like Parsenhofen can resist. Going against the Illuminati Church is tantamount to fighting against a cart.

Everyone knows that such a big battle by the Church of Light is definitely not about thunder and rain. They will inevitably come to the city and smash Parsenhofen to pieces.Therefore, the moment the news spread, fear began to spread in people's hearts.

In Parsenhofen Church, many believers knelt in the Church of Light to pray and cry.

"Almighty God of Light, devout believers request your help."

"Please give strength to believers, Almighty God of Light."

"Please guide me..."

However, the God of Light still stood there quietly without any reaction.Although the light is shining, it cannot dispel the haze and darkness in the hearts of believers.

As a result, some people began to fear, and some people began to shrink back.Sellers began to appear in Parsenhofen.

Originally, because of the "Dungeon and Warriors" game world, many powerful people thought that only by living around Parsenhofen would they have the opportunity to feel the invitation of "that world" and be eligible to enter it.As a result, a large number of people poured into Parsenhofen, making the value of both residential and commercial shops in Parsenhofen doubled by ten times and hundreds of times, and there is no market for the price.

For a long time, no one in Parsenhofen was willing to sell houses and shops. Although those petty citizens did not have much knowledge, it did not mean that they were stupid. No one was willing to sell their hen that laid golden eggs.

But now, those little citizens suddenly discovered that these hens that lay golden eggs are not safe. Maybe they will not exist when they lay golden eggs, maybe they will not be able to lay golden eggs.Once the flames of war strike, not to mention these industries, even your own life may not be guaranteed.

After all, Parsenhofen is too weak.What Parsenhofen is facing is the Church of Light, and it is a holy war launched by the Church of Light. This is a war that is more brutal and thorough than a war between countries.

Doug quickly spread the news to Yue Chuan's ears.Originally, Doug was just the sheriff of Starn, but because he took refuge in Yue Chuan, he also rose to the top. When Yue Chuan went to Parsenhofen to take office, he also asked him to come over. The manpower has increased dozens of times compared to before.

"Master, do you want to punish these unruly people severely! Their behavior will make other people in the fief fluctuate, which is very detrimental to the overall situation."

When he said this, Doug had a savage look on his face.His job is to deal with troublemakers, as long as Yue Chuan nods, he has a hundred ways to calm down those who sell their properties.

Yue Chuan thought for a while, then shook his head, "Let them go. These people's hearts are not with Parsenhofen, not with us. If there is a big war, it is likely to cause trouble for us internally. It is good to drive them out .”

After a pause, Yue Chuan said again.

"Immediately issue a notice that the people on the territory can only sell the real estate property to the government, and it is at the market price. As for the private sales, Doug, you can dispose of it as you like, I believe you can do well."

"Master, don't worry!"

"Well, the brothers who came from Starn City with you haven't arranged a place to live yet. In the past, Parsenhofen didn't have any vacant houses, so we couldn't arrange them. But now that we have them, each of your brothers can share a house. , you must let outsiders know that you will never suffer a loss if you follow us."

Doug was very excited when he heard this.

Although it was just a house, after staying in Parsenhofen for so long, Doug naturally knew the value of the house.Moreover, only after buying a house in Parsenhofen, will those of my subordinates really put their roots here, keep their hearts here, and work hard with all their hearts.After all, only those who have permanent property have perseverance, otherwise those people would just make a fortune in Parsenhofen while they were young, and then return home with glory.

As soon as the notice was posted, the whole of Parsenhofen exploded.Many residents protested, but Yue Chuan simply ignored them.After all, when this group of people abandoned Parsenhofen at a time of crisis, they were no longer their own people, and their life and death had nothing to do with them. It would be considered tolerant not to directly confiscate their property. make trouble.

After disposing of a group of people, the residents of Parsenhofen are finally waking up to reality.The other party is the lord, the big man who dominates their life and death. Everything in the whole of Parsenhofen belongs to the lord. Residents like them are not even qualified to protest.

Although it would be a loss to sell it to the government at the market price, it is better than confiscating it. Moreover, the market price is also much higher. If you go to other places, you can buy a house, or buy a shop to start a small business.

However, not everyone abandoned Parsenhofen at this moment. When people's hearts were floating, they stayed firmly.Among them, it is worth mentioning the Parsenhofen Church of Light in Parsenhofen.

The clergy in the church were all trained by Yue Chuan. When they were worthless little people, they were insulted and beaten by the Templars. It was Yue Chuan who stood up for them and helped them regain their dignity. Give them a way to become stronger.It can be said that Yue Chuan is their savior and the guiding light in their lives.It was because Yue Chuan appeared beside them that their lives felt bright.

Therefore, Parsenhofen's Guangming Church has always followed Yue Chuan firmly. Even if the Pope deposed Yue Chuan from the position of archbishop, the church still respected Yue Chuan and directly called Yue Chuan the Holy Son.This time, the Guangming Church declared a jihad against Parsenhofen, vowing to wipe out Yue Chuan.As soon as it got the news, the Church of Light in Parsenhofen announced that the parish of Parsenhofen would separate from the cathedral and become a whole of its own.

Because of Yue Chuan, Parsenhofen's believers of light have long been estranged from the Great Church.The last time when the Great Church used Angel's identity to discredit Yue Chuan, the followers of Parsenhofen firmly supported Yue Chuan, and there were already signs of getting rid of the Church of Light.Pa Ying came to challenge, and the accompanying templars killed innocent civilians, which made these believers very disappointed with the Church of Light, and even brought a bit of resentment.

The Illuminati Church, which kept saying that it redeemed believers, went on a killing spree in Parsenhofen, attacking unarmed and innocent civilians. This behavior was like a sharp knife, piercing into the pious hearts of those believers.

Originally, they still had a glimmer of illusion about the Great Cathedral, but the murder that happened in Parsenhofen completely shattered this illusion.The Templars of the Great Templar whom they devoutly worship turned out to be such cold-blooded and ruthless executioners.

Therefore, after Parsenhofen's Church of Light announced that it would separate from the Cathedral and become a self-contained entity, the believers in Parsenhofen did not react too much, and even they were very much in favor of this decision.

Soon, all the churches of light in Parsenhofen changed their signs.The statue of the God of Light still remains in the church, but the symbol of the cross has changed, and there is an additional statue of a suffering figure on the bare cross.

The new shape of this cross was "invented" by Yue Chuan, and it was made by craftsmen and distributed to various churches in the territory.Regarding the person on the new cross, Yue Chuan explained that it was a saint. He was tied to the cross because he was suffering for the world. He transferred the sins of the world to himself, and he suffered. , so that the world can be liberated and redeemed.

The believers all accepted Yue Chuan's statement. After all, Yue Chuan was the Son of God and the spokesperson of the God of Light. Yue Chuan's will was the will of the God of Light. Perhaps this was what the God of Light conveyed to the believers through Yue Chuan's mouth.

Many changes have taken place in Parsenhofen. It seems that Parsenhofen is not afraid of the coming holy war at all.

"Don't they still think they have a chance of winning?"

Some people watched with cold eyes. They wanted to know what confidence the lord of Parsenhofen had.If it was anyone else, facing the jihad of the Illuminati Church, they would have lost their courage and abandoned their families and children.But this lord was indifferent. Looking at his series of actions, does he still want to defeat the Great Church?

"it's out of the question!"

Those who are not optimistic about Parsenhofen naturally have their reasons.It is also a city and a place, but the Great Holy Church is the headquarters of the Church of Light that has been operating for tens of thousands of years.

Moreover, the Illumination Church has a wide range of influence on the mainland. Their believers are spread over several or even a dozen empires and kingdoms. So a country is preparing to stand.

On the other hand, Parsenhofen, Yue Chuan has been the lord for less than a year. Although he won the war against the Frankish Empire, he also angered the Frankish Empire. Now the Illuminati Church and the Frankish Empire hit it off, and the soldiers pointed directly at Parsons hoffen.

Moreover, the Church of Light is not only entangled with the Frankish Empire, but also other empires and kingdoms. These countries have secretly contacted and formed a military alliance, preparing to invade the Habs Empire where Parsenhofen is located.

Most deadly was the reaction of the Habs Empire.Knowing that the Church of Illuminati had declared a jihad against Parsenhofen, and even gathered many countries, the monarchs and subjects of the Habs Empire were in chaos.After urgent discussions, the Habs Empire announced the abolition of Yue Chuan's title of earl, and even announced that it had given up its sovereignty over Parsenhofen.

In the view of the monarchs and ministers of the Habs Empire, it is because of Parsenhofen that so many empires unite to use force against them. As long as they give up Parsenhofen, they may not be burned.

The reaction of the Habs Empire did hurt the hearts of many Parsenhofen people, but it also caused grief and indignation in many people's hearts.Now that we have been abandoned, we will stand up on our own, Parsenhofen, from now on we will no longer be vassals of any country, we are an independent kingdom.


Yue Chuan really thought so.Moreover, at a time when powerful enemies are on the lookout and people's hearts are in turmoil, Jianguo is indeed a means to unite people's hearts and stabilize the army and the people.However, how to get the country name?

Although Yue Chuan really wanted to build a Greater China Empire, the names on the mainland were very particular, and it was impossible to casually come up with a name that he had never heard of before.This involves many factors such as Yue Chuan's family history and the location of the fiefdom.

For example, Yue Chuan's mother is from the Eugenie family, and the Eugenie family used to be the royal family of the Byrne Kingdom. Yue Chuan can use the name of his grandfather's family to create a Byrne Kingdom for himself.

But Yue Chuan didn't do this, because he knew that the Eugenie family's desire to restore the country had never been extinguished, and the head of the Eugenie family, Rudolph, had also mentioned this matter cryptically in front of him.Therefore, the name Bain Kingdom cannot be used.

Moreover, at this time, several mysterious guests visited Yue Chuan quietly.

The Aryan family, the Gaul family, the Viking family, the Eugenie family, plus the Lei Ze family represented by Yue Chuan, the "Five Great Families" meet again.

When the monarchs and ministers of the Habs Empire announced to give up the sovereignty of Parsenhofen, Yue Chuan paid special attention to the movements of the four major families. Yue Chuan found that these families did not express their views on the matter of Parsenhofen. They neither supported, Nor object.Therefore, Yue Chuan had expected that they would visit him.

But Yue Chuan wanted to come, and the four major families would send an important person over, but he didn't expect that several family heads would come together.Don't these leaders know that their lives are very valuable?However, with the background of the four major families, their protection power is still very impressive. Moreover, they are masters themselves, and they travel secretly, so the possibility of being targeted by others is still extremely low.

Without unnecessary greetings and politeness, Rudolph said straight to the point: "Umont, the empire's abandonment of the sovereignty of Parsenhofen has both disadvantages and advantages for you. The disadvantage is naturally that you have no backing. The advantage , The behavior of giving up territorial sovereignty has made the people of the empire full of sympathy for you and full of dissatisfaction with the empire, this is a good opportunity!"

This is indeed a good opportunity, and Yue Chuan understands what they mean by opportunity.

"If I found a country, what would happen?"

The patriarch of the Aryan family on the side said: "If it was in the past, if you founded a country, it would mean rebellion. Not only would you be conquered by the empire, but you would also be spurned by the people of the empire, and even your sons in Parsenhofen The people will also be divorced from you. But now, the empire has voluntarily abandoned you, which will only make the people in your territory more loyal to you, and the people of the empire will also be full of sympathy for you. After all, breaking bones connects tendons It’s not that giving up your sovereignty cuts off the connection between other citizens and you. Therefore, you can establish a country in a legitimate way.”

Yue Chuan rubbed his chin. He knew that these guys came all the way here not just to analyze the problem for themselves. Come all the way.

Seemingly seeing what Yue Chuan was thinking, Rudolph said frankly: "This time, the empire announced the renunciation of territorial sovereignty before foreign enemies came under pressure. This behavior has severely damaged the loyalty of the army and the people. Now the prestige of the royal family has fallen to the bottom. , there are strong opposition voices in many places. So, this is not only your opportunity, but also our opportunity!"

The four major families have decided to take this opportunity to announce their separation from the Habs Empire and establish their own countries.The prestige of the royal family has fallen to the bottom, and the people in various places are full of opposition to the decision of the empire. After the founding of Parsenhofen, the four major families "followed the people's will" and broke away from the weak and incompetent Habs Empire. This definitely made the people applaud matter.

The four major families have extremely high ruling power over their respective fiefdoms, and the only difference is to rise up and declare independence.The founding of the country is something they have planned for a long time, and it is something they have longed for. They will never let go of this opportunity.

Yue Chuan knew that the founding of Parsenhofen was a foregone conclusion, and even if he didn't want to, the four major families would desperately promote it.Because only by establishing a country by themselves can they rise up "righteously", otherwise their behavior is rebellion.

"What about after the founding of the People's Republic?"

Yue Chuan didn't express his opinion immediately, but asked a heavy question instead.

After the founding of Parsenhoven, the territory lost by the Habs Empire is not considered large, but after the founding of the four major families, the Habs Empire will lose half of its country, and the lords of other places will follow suit. Fall apart.Therefore, the four major families are not afraid that the Habs Empire will settle accounts with them, and they will even take the opportunity to embezzle the territory of the Habs Empire.

But Yue Chuan was different, because what he had to face was the Guangming Church and the huge armed group assembled by the Guangming Church.This includes several empires, kingdoms and duchies as well as lords large and small.In the face of this huge armed group, the Habs Empire was so frightened that it directly gave up its territorial sovereignty. Could the four major families be tougher than the Habs Empire?
"To put it bluntly, the founding of Parsenhoven will not yield any practical benefits. But the establishment of Parsenhoven will give you unimaginable benefits. The prerequisite for your founding is the establishment of Parsenhoven, otherwise you will have no righteousness In the name, it belongs to rebellion. Parsenhofen can give you this righteous name, but you can only gain if you give in. I think you should give me some help. This is not because I take the opportunity to threaten, but because we are allies !"

Because of the trade with foreign races in the grassland, Rudolph brought the Lei Ze family in, intending to support Yue Chuan to establish a new family, and to be connected with the Eugenie family.After all, the two families have a deep blood relationship, and they are natural allies.

But even brothers have to settle accounts clearly, let alone allies.Therefore, Yue Chuan unceremoniously asked for benefits from the four major families.

Although Yue Chuan had the confidence to deal with the Guangming Church, it would be better if there were as many trump cards as possible. If he could get help from the four major families, Yue Chuan would not be polite.

The heads of the four major families glanced at each other, then nodded, and then Rudolph asked Yue Chuan: "What do you want?"

Yue Chuan narrowed his eyes and said, "I don't need money, resources, or arms. I only need people, especially powerful people. Each of the four major families will provide me with a holy-level powerhouse. Only then can I build a country with peace of mind, otherwise, wouldn’t my country be overthrown by a random holy-level powerhouse?”

Saint level powerhouse?
The patriarchs of the four major families wanted to say, do you think that holy-level powerhouses are Chinese cabbage and can be obtained casually?But seeing the way Yue Chuan closed his eyes and leaned on the chair to doze off, they also knew that Yue Chuan was not asking for a lot of money to pay back the money.On this condition, there is no room for bargaining.

"It's just hiring saint-level powerhouses. For the sake of the Great Byrne Kingdom, we can accept it!"

"The Aryans never lack strong men, and I will try my best to invite holy-level strong men for you."

"The Gaul family is a holy land of swordsmanship, how could there be no saint-level powerhouse sitting in it."

"The ships of the Vikings can conquer the sea precisely because of the existence of saint-level powerhouses!"

Hearing these words, the dozing Yue Chuan slowly opened his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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