
Chapter 272 Holy War

Chapter 272 Holy War
Innocent had always wanted to kill Yue Chuan, both physically and mentally.

Yue Chuan's strength was not enough to threaten him, but everything Yue Chuan did made him feel a strong threat, especially the title of "Holy Son", which was very important to Innocent's title of "Pope". most serious threat.

However, Innocent's series of plans all ended in failure.At the beginning, he didn't care much about Yue Chuan, thinking that it would be enough to send a few pawns, but when he really found that he couldn't get rid of Yue Chuan before sending out masters, Yue Chuan had already made Parsenhofen into an iron barrel, countless The masters live in Parsenhofen, and their existence is an airtight, impeccable protection, so that Innocent's manpower has no chance to take advantage of it.

However, the last two raids thousands of miles away all failed inexplicably. Innocent finally couldn't bear it anymore and activated the last resort.


As the saying goes, attacking the heart is the top priority, and attacking the city is the bottom, but Innocent has no other choice. He can only choose to attack the city, and can only wage war against Yue Chuan. Only in this way can he completely obliterate Yue Chuan, stabilize his position and majesty.

"If that blasphemer is allowed to continue to exist, Parsenhofen and even the Diocese of Bava will be separated from the territory of the Church of Light. Jihad, Jihad must be launched to completely purify him."

In the conference room of the Cathedral, Innocent said to the other high-level officials in an unquestionable tone.

Although Innocent is in power alone, no one can restrain him at all.However, such a major event as launching a jihad is not something that he alone can decide. He must seek the opinions of other leaders, even if it is only a courtesy consultation.

If it was the past, these leaders would certainly not be willing to launch a jihad.Unless it is a critical moment of life and death, it is impossible for the Illuminati Church to mention the word "jihad". Throughout the history of the Illuminati Church in the past few hundred years, although it has merged with other sects thousands of times, large-scale battles have not rarely occurred. But the word "jihad" has never been used, not even "war".

The reason why jihad becomes jihad is because its influence is far-reaching and widespread.Once the jihad begins, it will end with endless death. Every member of the Church of Light will devote himself to the jihad and dedicate everything, just like a flame, either burning everything or burning everything himself.

At that time, countless believers would break their homes and die for the sake of the Bright Church.The impact of jihad is by no means one city or one place, it will last for generations, hundreds of years.

Historically, the Illuminati Church has waged three jihads.The first time was the era of gods and demons. Although the demon gods disappeared from the world, there were still countless demons, unjust souls, and undead left behind. bright.It's just a pity that the protagonists of the era were dragons and elves, and the Illuminati Church was just waving the flag and shouting for soy sauce, but even soy sauce has reaped a lot of benefits, which laid the foundation for the Illuminati Church to become the religious overlord later.

The second jihad was when the dragons and elves were on the decline. Humans and other races fought for the dominance of the continent from them. Many races and sects formed an alliance to start a war. The Church of Light also participated in it, and called this war Second Jihad.The Church of Light paid a great price in this battle, but it also achieved fruitful results. In that battle, they drove out other forces, completely occupied the ancient magic relic where the Great Holy Church is now, and built it into a place of light. The headquarters of the church.

The third jihad was after human beings became the mainstream of the mainland. Because of the confusion of beliefs, various sects fought and fought, and finally war broke out.The Church of Illuminati calls this war the third jihad.It's just that in this war, the Church of Light became the target of public criticism, and the mainstay of the Guardian Knights was gradually wiped out in that war, and it has not yet been restored.In that jihad, although the Guangming Church was not uprooted, it also hurt its vitality, and even lost its dominance in the religious world, and gradually declined.

And now, is the fourth jihad about to be launched?
When the word jihad was mentioned, many high-level members of the Church of Light present trembled with excitement, and the light energy in their bodies spewed out uncontrollably, illuminating the meeting room brightly in the blink of an eye.

But after the excitement, they all calmed down and began to think and ponder.

"Master Pope, Umont is just bluffing in the name of the Holy Son. We encounter this kind of religious liar every year, and we deal with a lot of them every year. I think Umont is just a small person, not worth mentioning at all. Let It is enough for the Inquisition to send someone to judge him, and launching a holy war is a bit of a big deal!"

The man's words were immediately echoed by many people.

"That's right, His Excellency Pope, although Umont is blasphemous, it is not enough to start a holy war, otherwise it will make people think that we are making a fuss out of a molehill."

"My lord Pope, once the jihad begins, it's fine if we win, but if we fail, our Church of Light will no longer have the face to gain a foothold on the mainland." The man paused, saw the unkind eyes around him, and said, "I The words are not to belittle our Church of Light, nor to elevate that blasphemer. I think that if the holy war is launched, there is no suspense, and it must belong to the great God of Light. However, everyone must pay attention to one thing, from our Great Church to the Parsenhofen is separated by three dioceses and needs to cross two empires. The blasphemer is the earl of the Habs Empire, will the Habs Empire allow us to attack Parsenhofen?"

This is indeed a problem.Regardless of whether it is worth launching a jihad or not, even if a jihad is launched, how can we attack Parsenhofen across such a wide range?After all, he is not a helpless king of the mountain, but a noble lord of an empire.As the saying goes, it depends on the owner to beat a dog. Once a jihad is really launched, will the Habs Empire remain indifferent?

Innocent seemed to have expected all this, and he didn't seem too surprised, and he had already made complete preparations.So, he was in no hurry.But he still couldn't help cursing in his heart: You bastards, if the Inquisition was useful, you would have killed that Umont. The losers are all masters.

Just when Innocent was madly cursing Yue Chuan in his heart, the red-clothed archbishops in the conference room began to argue fiercely. Those who opposed the jihad listed the infeasibility and unnecessaryness of the jihad, while those who supported it Then Luo weaves the danger of Wumont and the torment of Parsenhofen, almost saying that Yue Chuan is the reincarnation of a peerless monster.

The two sides quarreled fiercely, and no one could convince the other, and as the debate continued, more and more people realized that the jihad had damaged the Church of Illuminati, and began to change their will, except for Innocent's hardcore confidants, and a few The family of Parsenhofen's dead son and grandson has no one who continues to support jihad.

But at this time, an old man in a red robe stood up and said in an old voice: "We must eliminate the evil and do everything, and we must not give the blasphemer a chance to breathe. Right now, the blasphemer has just sprouted. If you don't kill him In the cradle, there will inevitably be an even heavier price to pay in the future. Therefore, no matter what, this jihad must be fought."

Seeing the old man stand up, everyone in the conference room was surprised.

Those who sat in the meeting room today were not wearing red robes. They were all high-level personnel whose positions or strengths were equivalent to those of the Archbishop.But the same high-level personnel are also divided into three, six, and nine ranks.Archbishops with real power are more important than those without real power, but even those archbishops with real power have to be respectful in front of this old man. To put it bluntly, even the Pope has to say "you" in front of this old man.

This old guy once served as the archbishop, but the "once" is at least 200 years old. After he left the post of archbishop, he lived a life of seclusion, ignoring worldly affairs, and ignoring secular affairs.Only every ten years or a hundred years of sacrifices will show his face. Many young red-clothed archbishops of the Church of Light hardly know this old guy.However, the influence of this old guy cannot be underestimated. During the 200 years of his retirement, all the previous archbishops of the diocese he governed were his disciples.Moreover, he was a hundred years old when he retired, and now another 200 years have passed, and he is almost 300 years old, but he does not look old at all, but looks like a middle-aged person. In these 200 years, he has not aged , is still alive and younger, what does this mean, all the red-clothed archbishops present clearly understand in their hearts.

Those who opposed the jihad before were all stunned. They never expected that this old guy would stand up and support the pope with a clear-cut banner, and support the absurd decision of the pope.But the moment the old guy said these words, they knew that this matter was almost a foregone conclusion.

A smile appeared on the corner of Innocent's mouth, and he thought to himself, Umont, Umont, you never thought that one of the templars who followed Paying was the great-great-great-grandson of this old guy. He is also his only great-great-grandson. If his descendants cannot continue to have children, his bloodline will be cut off.Do you think Paying is the real killer move?You are still too young!
"In that case, let's discuss the details of the jihad..."

After the old guy expressed his attitude, he excused himself tiredly and left the conference room.It was just right for him to leave, otherwise, Innocent would have felt awkward if he had been here all this time.After all, Innocent still has a great desire for power. He doesn't like someone who can threaten his status. It is precisely because of this that he regards Yue Chuan as a thorn in his side and a thorn in his flesh.

Now that the matter of jihad is settled, let's discuss the details of sending troops.

"In every jihad, the Apologist Knights act as the main force. Are we going to rebuild the Apologist Knights now?"

Someone suddenly raised this question. Originally, he was just talking casually, but he didn't expect that when Innocent heard this, his face suddenly became ugly, and it was almost gloomy that he was about to drip water.

Guardian Knights!
It is the knight order that protects the Church of Light, the most powerful military force of the Church of Light, and the backbone of the previous jihads.It's just that this brilliant knights group was almost wiped out during the third Holy War, and the Church of Light is unable to reproduce this armed force, and other religions will not allow the Church of Light to restore this armed force, they can only let it be reduced to For display, it becomes an empty name.

When Yue Chuan first joined the Church of Light, Alexis came up with a bad idea. He wanted to use Yue Chuan's money and resources to rebuild the Guardian Knights.At that time, Innocent didn't think that Yue Chuan had much ability. After all, the Guardian Knights need masters. This is the accumulation of ten, hundred or even thousands of years. Upstarts like Yue Chuan can only buy weapons, armor, venues and facilities. , and this is exactly what Innocent and Alexis wanted to see.

Therefore, Innocent generously gave Yue Chuan the flag of the Guardian Knights and the tokens of the Knights, in order to encourage Yue Chuan to contribute money and efforts to himself.But now, a jihad is about to happen suddenly, and the target of the attack is still the person who owns the banner and token of the Knights of the Protectorate. Damn, what a slap in the face.

However, Innocent's face quickly returned to normal. He coughed and said, "Everyone, I have something to announce. That blasphemer Umont, who deceived the gods, stole the flag and A token of the knight order."

Innocent's words are enough to coax a three-year-old child. All the people present are adults, and no one believes Innocent's clumsy excuse.

When did Umont come to the Cathedral?Moreover, do you think that the Great Cathedral is a chicken coop, and anyone can come and steal chickens and dogs?
But precisely because they are adults, no one exposed Innocent like a three-year-old child, but they all agreed.

"This damned blasphemer, his sin is even worse."

"Stealing sacred objects, we should add this crime to him!"

"Blame the gods and sacrilege! Holy wars must be launched, and holy wars must be launched without delay!"

Innocent nodded in satisfaction, "In this case, let's discuss how to fight."

Soon, the conference room was covered with a map.

Different from the usual map divided by borders, this is a map of the division of religious forces. The map shows the area covered by the forces of the Church of Light. This area is very vast, but there are scattered vacancies and gaps in this area. Those are the spheres of influence of other religions.

"The Great Cathedral is located in the territory of the Frankish Empire, while Parsenhofen is located in the territory of the Habs Empire. This involves two countries. Moreover, if you send troops from the Great Cathedral to attack Parsenhofen, if you take a straight line, you must have Pass through the Prussian Empire, but if you don't go through the Prussian Empire..."

The archbishop in red pointed out a road on the map, and everyone could see the mountains and rivers along the way, and even saw the many blank areas along the way.Well, if you go this way, you probably won’t get to Parsenhofen, and you’ll start fighting with all the big and small religions along the way. This is the real jihad.

Thinking of the third jihad with many pagans, and thinking of the decline and destruction of the Knights of the Apologists, many cardinals shook their heads decisively - they must not go this way!
"Then let's go to the Prussian Empire. The Prussian Empire also has our influence. It shouldn't be a problem to influence the will of the Prussian Emperor."

"By the way, everyone, don't forget the last time Parsenhofen invaded the Frankish Empire. The Frankish emperor was very angry with Parsenhofen."

"It's wonderful. It can be said that the Frankish Empire sent troops. The Prussian Empire covets the Bavarian province of the Habsian Empire. This can be used as a reason to persuade the Prussian Empire to send troops together."

"Our Church of Light has believers in many principalities, kingdoms, and empires. Many kings believe in the God of Light. We can use the name of God to let them send troops."

"You can also mobilize our believers..."

Hearing everyone's suggestions and suggestions, Innocent felt complacent. With so many forces united to put pressure on the Habs Empire, they would definitely give up Parsenhofen and let Umont fend for itself.At that time, you can openly attack him and destroy him!
"Yes! Just do it!" Innocent's falcon-like eyes swept over the many red-clothed archbishops in the meeting room, "Now, go back and prepare, the holy war is coming, let the glory of the God of Light spread to a wider world On the land, for the glory of the God of Light, dedicate your devotion!"

Such a big move in the Great Church quickly attracted the attention of the outside world, and soon, the news spread.When the outside world heard the news of the jihad, everyone was shocked. This damn is a jihad. Why did the Church of Light launch a jihad?Who is the target of the jihad?When do you fight?

Numerous spies and secret agents tried their best to dig out some useful news, but unfortunately, only those red-clothed archbishops knew about this news. Although there were many other forces in the Church of Light, it was obvious that these red-clothed archbishops The archbishop has not been corrupted.Therefore, the outside world only knows that the Church of Light is preparing for a jihad, but nothing else is known.

The unknown is often the most terrifying.

Other sects have felt the suffocation of the coming war, and the Church of Light is likely to launch a jihad against them. After all, in the teachings of the Church of Light, the God of Light is the only true God, and all other gods are false gods.It is precisely because of the domineering teachings of the Illumination Church that the third jihad was launched, and it is precisely because of this dominance that they were grouped against by other religions.

The fourth jihad is coming, is the Church of Light so ambitious?
Regardless of whether it is true or not, other religions heard the news and began to prepare for the war. Those sects who are closer to the cathedral, seeing this scene, did not dare to continue to show off. Although they have a background, They are not afraid of the Church of Light, but even if they have backers, they are unwilling to be on the front line. This is cannon fodder.Even if the Church of Light is knocked down at that time, those who sacrificed on the front line like myself will not be able to survive.


The Church of Light is very satisfied with this effect, and has not mobilized a single soldier. There are no members of any other religions within a radius of hundreds of miles from the center of the Great Holy Church. Every day, countless crazy believers pour into the Great Holy Church from all directions. Hall, singing hymns loudly in front of the statue of the God of Light, willing to sacrifice everything for the glory of the God of Light, and requesting to join the Jihad Army.

Therefore, while preparing the army for war, the Cathedral launched diplomatic means to contact the surrounding empires, kingdoms, and duchies.Only at this time did the outside world know that the target of the jihad of the Illuminati Church was not other sects, but—Parsenhofen!
(End of this chapter)

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