
Chapter 271 Blood Vengeance

Chapter 271 Blood Vengeance

The way of cultivation must be single-minded. Distraction is the most taboo, because human energy is limited, and once the attention is distracted, nothing can be done well.

To take the simplest example, if you draw a square with one hand and a circle with the other, it is estimated that 99 out of [-] people cannot do it.Even if that one can do it, well, what if he wields a knife in one hand and dances a sword in the other?

However, the practice of puppetry is completely different from that of the public.Ordinary cultivation methods require concentration, but puppet art is just the opposite, and it must be able to distract.After all, when a puppet master controls a puppet, he must master walking, speech, defense, counterattack, and offense.And a clever puppet master can control more than ten or even a hundred puppets to fight at the same time.

It is not known how many puppets the puppeteer who controls Paying can control at most, but it is definitely more than enough to control five.Paying's broken body did not lie quietly on the ground, they were still alive and kicking, attacking Yue Chuan fiercely.

The broken right hand was suspended in the air, and gravity lost its effect at this moment. The severed hand flew to the hilt of the sword, stretched out his hand to pull out the long sword bit by bit, and waved dozens of phantoms in the air, like a peacock spreading its tail , Thousands of vigor bloomed in an instant, and then the thousands of vigor merged into one, attacking Yue Chuan's chest and abdomen.

At the same time, the broken left hand sometimes clenched into a fist, sometimes pointed together as a knife, and then stretched out into a claw, instantly playing several hand-related martial arts.The two broken legs also kicked in turn. At first glance, it looked like a horse stepping on rivers and mountains, and then it looked like two legs closing together and scissors.And that bare torso was like a siege stake, attacking Yue Chuan fiercely.

Yue Chuan saw more quick operations such as five knives per second, five shots per second, five buffs per second, and five turns per second, but they were all one person playing one account, just operating one character.But now, Nima, it is basically one person operating five "characters" at the same time, and making various attacks at the same time, and these attacks are also closely coordinated, sealing off Yue Chuan's escape from all directions and angles. space.

How can a human mind think and calculate so many details at the same time?More to put them into practice?What material is this man's brain made of?
The surrounding audience saw Yue Chuan beheading Pa Ying, and they were ready to cheer loudly, but then Pa Ying's body changed strangely, and everyone's cheers were choked in their throats.


How is this going?

What's with that floating palm?

How could a torso without arms and legs fly in the sky?


A severe chill passed over the people, but then they were attracted by the bright golden light on Yue Chuan's body. At this moment, only the light on Yue Chuan's body could give them a sense of security and comfort.They all silently hoped in their hearts, hoping that Yue Chuan would be able to slay rape and eradicate evil, exorcise evil spirits.

Shadow sword technique!
Yue Chuan left a phantom on the spot, and his body suddenly retreated five steps, and then another phantom, his body backed up again, and with the help of a Shunbu, he was more than ten meters away from Paying's body in the blink of an eye.Three very fake and indistinguishable figures were left in a straight line.

Yue Chuan hadn't mastered shadow swordsmanship yet, so the avatar he transformed was somewhat blurred and unreal, and he could tell the truth at a glance.But now, bright golden-red blood flames rose from Yue Chuan's body, and his figure was already somewhat blurred. As a result, the three figures became less real, and it was even more difficult to tell the truth from the fake at a glance.

The puppet master wondered why the enemy's speed suddenly became so fast, so he controlled Paying's body and rushed to attack at a faster speed.

He has to concentrate on manipulating Paying's five parts to attack separately. Although the puppet master's practice allows him to multi-task well, his mind is also devoted to manipulating the puppet. In this moment of lightning and flint, he There is no extra thought to distinguish between true and false.

The last one should be Mami!
This is an inertial thinking and the result of an empirical inference.

Therefore, the puppet master controlled the right hand holding the sword to attack the figure at the end, and a thousand sharp energy turned into a long rainbow, tearing apart the space of more than ten meters in an instant.The empty left hand and the only remaining torso also followed in the past and prepared to make up the knife.

When attacking with his right hand, the puppeteer controlled Paying's two legs, like big scissors, between the waist and abdomen of the figure in the middle, just in case, and with a little force, he could cut off Yue Chuan's waist.As for the figure that was close at hand, the puppet master directly ignored it.


The long sword pierced Yue Chuan's figure, leaped straight over, and was deeply embedded in the hard stone slab on the ground again.


The puppet master was taken aback, it turned out to be a fake, could it be that the one in the middle is the real one?
It's just that the scissor-like legs didn't clamp anything, and they were ruthlessly closed together, turning Yue Chuan's figure into a dazzling powder.

Still fake!

Which is true already speaks for itself.

The puppet master regrouped and controlled his left hand and torso to attack Yue Chuan.But at this time, Yue Chuan smiled coldly, slowly raised his left hand wrapped in blood flames, and recited a strange syllable.

A golden-red beam of light burst out from Yue Chuan's palm. The funnel-shaped beam of light was thick at one end and thinner at the other. The thicker end was several meters in diameter, covering Pa Ying's body completely, while the thinner end was only as thick as a thumb, like a cloth bag. The mouth was held tightly by Yue Chuan.

What kind of trick is this?
Through the puppet technique, the puppet master clearly saw Yue Chuan's movements, but he had never seen what kind of move it was. He neither knew the power of this move nor how to break it.No no, when he had this thought, he couldn't move.


The puppeteer found that the connection between himself and the puppet was frozen by a strange force. Originally, he could control the puppet as he wished through puppetry, but now, the "thread" that controls the puppet is controlled by others, no matter how he directs it. , the puppet did not respond.

how can that be!

A puppet master was actually controlled by others.This is like a master hacker being easily hacked by others, it is a great shame!
But this kind of thing just happened, no matter how the puppeteer urged him, he couldn't make Paying's body move.Moreover, when the puppet master wanted to withdraw the power attached to Paying, he was surprised to find that his power was imprisoned and could not be withdrawn at all.

The Pope, who has been closely watching the battle situation, soon discovered the abnormal behavior of the puppet master. He frowned and asked, "What happened?"

"Your Majesty, I think we have met a master." The puppeteer wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, "Someone controlled my puppet, and even suppressed my power."

Innocent didn't have any expression on his face, but his heart had already set off a storm.

The puppet master in front of him is the strongest puppet master in the Church of Light. Even if he is on the entire continent, he is still among the best. Even if the puppet masters who rank above him want to defeat him, it will take a lot of effort.Who is it that can control his puppet so easily, and is the force that suppresses him?

Unconsciously, Innocent remembered the situation when more than a dozen great magicians and magisters attacked Yue Chuan, but half of them were killed by the counterattack force.Could it be that this time also...

Innocent retreated a few steps silently, keeping himself away from the puppet master so as not to hurt Chi Yu.

The puppeteer's perception was extremely keen, and he immediately noticed Innocent's movements and intentions, and his face turned pale for a moment. Obviously, he also knew how those people died last time.But soon, the panic on his face turned into anger, he hated Innocent's coldness.

If the matter could be repeated again, he would definitely practice obediently in the dark hall, study his puppet, and say nothing about this muddy water.Only now, it's too late.That Umont is protected by mysterious power, now, that mysterious power should fight back!

At that moment, an absurd thought arose in the puppet master's mind: If the Holy Son spared his life, it would be fine for him to give the rest of his life to him.

Parsenhofen, everyone only saw a powerful and blazing golden-red beam of light released from Yue Chuan's hand. Under the envelope of the beam of light, Paying's troublesome corpses all instantly became quiet and motionless, and then they were pulled by an irresistible force. The next step is to get closer to Yue Chuan.In the process of approaching, blazing flames rose and burned from the corpses, and before they approached Yue Chuan, they turned into a pile of fly ash and fell down.

Soul-thirsty Sealing Demon Slash!
At that critical moment, Yue Chuan came to a clever position by relying on several dazzling shifts, and then released Soul-thirsty Sealing Demon Slash.All five parts of Paying were covered by Soul-thirsty Sealing Demon Slash. Under the incomparably powerful control power of Soul-thirsty Sealing Demon Slash, even the most skilled puppeteer could only stare helplessly.

If the puppet master had a keyboard in front of him, I'm afraid the thing he most wanted to do right now was to smash the keyboard.Oh, there is really a plate in front of him, but that plate is so precious that he is reluctant to drop it.

The audience around all guessed what kind of move Yue Chuan used, but they had never seen Soul-thirsty Sealing Demon Slash, not to mention that Yue Chuan, Soul-thirsty Sealing Demon Slash, had already changed his appearance after being soaked in the holy golden light. Some people may not be able to see the original appearance of this skill.

However, everyone didn't dwell on the source of this move for too long, because at this time, Yue Chuan had another new move.

This skill can be divided into three parts, namely: soul-hungry!Seal the devil!cut!

Not only did Yue Chuan control Pa Ying's body, but he also controlled the power attached to Pa Ying's body, which belonged to the puppeteer.After the sacred golden light purified Paying's body into fly ash, what Yue Chuan controlled was only a pure mass of power belonging to the puppeteer.And at this time, Yue Chuan finally swung that deadly knife!

A cut beyond the limit!
A slash that shattered fate!
Unparalleled cut!
The scarlet knife light was majestic and sacred under the golden holy light, so that the bloody beheading brought a solemn sense of trial, and many viewers even regarded this as the legendary justice trial.


The long knife condensed by the blood slashed fiercely at the power of the puppet master. This knife not only had the power of soul-thirsty sealing and demon cutting, but also the power of lightsaber technique mixed in by Yue Chuan. The two kinds of power burst out at the same time. The spiritual connection struck in the mind of the puppeteer thousands of miles away.

Through the spiritual connection, the puppet master clearly saw a long knife that filled the entire field of vision, a long knife purely condensed by blood light. Although the appearance of this knife was covered with a thick golden light, the puppet master could still feel it. In it, it is awe-inspiring and murderous.

However, apart from this blood knife, the puppet master also saw one thing, a pair of scarlet blood-colored eyes.Those eyes that seemed to be dripping blood were so weird, it seemed that only one look was needed to make the blood boil all over his body, and he lost control.The blood supply to the brain was insufficient, and the puppeteer's eyes immediately went dark, and he almost fainted. The blood supply to his limbs was insufficient, and his hands and fingers, which had not trembled for decades, twitched violently.

Although the puppet master had taken precautions in advance, when the power of Soul-thirsty Sealing Demon Slash poured over through the spiritual connection, he still received a fatal blow.Puppeteers are extremely powerful but at the same time very weak, because they need to attach their spirit and even soul to the puppet. Once the spirit or soul is caught by the enemy, they will receive an extremely heavy blow.It's just that puppet masters are usually very cautious. When they lose their strength, they would rather lose their puppet than escape their spirit or soul in advance.It's just that the puppet master miscalculated this time, because he encountered Soul-thirsty Sealing Demon Slash!
Moreover, the power of lightsaber is also mixed in this soul-thirsty and demon-sealed cut. Although Yue Chuan's lightsaber is only superficial, it can't make the opponent spontaneously ignite with just a look like the abyss lord Seghardt, but this is not the case. The lightsaber technique representing Yue Chuan didn't do any damage.

He may not be able to make the opponent spontaneously combust, but what if he attacks against blood?


At that moment, the puppet master's clothes exploded instantly, and countless horrific wounds covered his whole body instantly, and blood gushed out of his body like cheap tap water.

The puppeteer, who was bleeding like a ghost from his seven orifices, fell heavily to the ground. He panted heavily, like a choking fish, but he let out a hearty laugh.Because, he is not dead, he is still alive.

Although the body is broken and looks bad, and the essence and blood all over the body are withered without any vitality, even if he recovers his vitality in the future, he will lose decades of life span.However, he survived, and he did not die on the spot like the last batch of people.

As long as he is alive, he still has a chance, whether he lingers on or takes revenge cautiously.However, the puppet master no longer had any thoughts of revenge at this time, and Yue Chuan's method of severely injuring him thousands of miles away had frightened him out of courage.He no longer dared to be an enemy of Yue Chuan.

Even if you want to take revenge, you have to take revenge on Innocent.Thinking of his behavior of avoiding disaster just now, the puppet master was full of resentment.

At this moment, a withered and shriveled hand touched the puppet master's shoulder, helping him up little by little.The puppet master narrowed his eyes with difficulty, and saw Innocent's old face in his sight.

He squeezed out an ugly smile and suppressed the resentment in his heart.

However, before he could say anything, Innocent's hand that was originally supporting his shoulder quietly touched the back of his neck, and his thumb and index finger were precisely clasped on his cervical vertebrae. Innocent's fingers gently Touching, you can even feel the outline of the puppeteer's cervical vertebrae.


The puppet master said in a hoarse voice, but just after he uttered such a syllable, he couldn't say a word anymore, because Innocent's two fingers twisted lightly, accompanied by a crisp click sound, the puppet master's A strange bend appeared in the neck.

"As a layman like me, I know that when a puppet has an abnormality, it must be destroyed. You have been a puppet master all your life, and you don't even understand this simple truth."

The puppet master's eyes widened in resignation, his lips were still trembling slightly, and he didn't know what to say.

Innocent sneered, "Don't worry, your death will be counted on Umont's head, anyway, you are not the first person to die. Moreover, there will be many people who will die with you, you are not alone."

After Innocent said these words, he tilted his head and inspected the scene, secretly praised in his heart, no matter from which point of view, this puppet master was beheaded by Parsenhofen, and he had no money with him relation.Mmm, it's perfect.

It seems to be a secret signal, and it seems to be an agreement. At the moment when Paying was wiped out, the Templars who came with Paying all went crazy. They let out a tragic roar and drew out their own weapons. He galloped towards Yuechuan like a knight charging.

The distance between them and Yue Chuan was not too close, at least not within three or five steps. There were hundreds of ordinary people between them and Yue Chuan.It's just that none of these can become their hindrance, no matter what is in front of them, it is a sword!
Pooh!Body and head separated!
Pooh!Flesh and blood splattered!
These templar knights are like devils walking out of hell at this time, but they are all surrounded by holy and pure light power.

"Kill the blasphemer and defend the glory of the God of Light!"

"Get rid of Wumont and avenge Paying!"

"God of Light bless us!"

Yue Chuan was close at hand, but he hadn't recovered from the huge consumption of Soul-thirsty Sealing Demon Slash, he could only watch these templar knights slaughtering his own people in his own territory.

Tick ​​tock!

A drop of scarlet blood flowed from the corner of Yue Chuan's eye, and at some point, his eye sockets had turned completely scarlet, as if there was a blazing flame burning in it.That kind of scarlet light, even the sacred golden light can't hide it.


With a shrill and crazy roar, the bloody flames on Yue Chuan's body seemed to break free from the shackles, completely breaking through the cover of the golden light, and appeared ferociously in front of the world.Yue Chuan was like a scarlet whirlwind, he quickly crossed a distance of tens of meters, and appeared beside those templar knights who were slaughtering wantonly.

There are no moves, no skills, only the most primitive and rough chopping!
Stop killing with killing, control violence with violence!
In just a few seconds, all those templars were lying on the ground, their heads were separated, their bodies were dead, their broken limbs and tattered bodies were still slightly wriggling, twitching, venting their hearts. Unspeakable fear.


Yue Chuan raised his head and looked north, his scarlet eyes seemed to see Innocent's cunning smile.

During Paying's trip, more than a dozen templar knights who came together were all direct members of the ancient families of the Great Templar, and some were even the only seedlings in the family. Today, they all died in the hands of Yue Chuan.

Innocent finally has reason and confidence to launch the "jihad". I believe that those families who have lost their sons and grandchildren are more eager for this "jihad" of revenge than Innocent.

(End of this chapter)

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