
Chapter 247 Closing

Chapter 247 Closing
The fiefdom of a baron is not too big, but the fiefdoms of six barons combined are not too small, at least equal to the area of ​​a county.The land matter is small, but the six lords of the Frankish Empire defected at the same time and declared their allegiance to the emperor of the Habs Empire.If things go on like this, who still puts the emperor in their eyes?
For the emperor of the Frankish Empire, this was no longer a simple territorial issue, but related to his own imperial dignity. If he did not make some punishments, how would he rule the huge empire in the future and deter those lords who had ulterior motives.

It is impossible for the imperial conquest to be conquered by the emperor himself, nor is it possible for the whole country to fight. Although this matter is serious, it has not yet reached the level of a national war. Send an army to teach those defecting lords and the guy who dared to provide them asylum a lesson. That's it.

However, raising supplies, assembling the army, and rushing to the battlefield will take less than half a year. The emperor of the Frankish Empire can't wait for that time, so he issued a decree to the lords of the province of Alsa, Whoever can repel the enemy, strangle the rebel, regain the territory and occupy the enemy's territory will be rewarded as a fief, and will be re-gifted according to the size of the fief.

As soon as this news came out, many lords in Alsa Province were all excited.

You must know that the empire has not engaged in large-scale foreign wars for hundreds of years, that is to say, the empire has no extra territory for enfeoffment, which means that the existing lords have no way to expand their fiefdoms.Right now, the imperial emperor issued an order that gave them hope. As long as they made meritorious service in this war, regained territory or expanded territory, they would all be rewarded as fiefdoms. Size re-courtyard.

There are five ranks of titles, dukes and uncles, and each rank is strictly limited in what kind of privileges it enjoys and how big the fiefdoms are. Now, the land occupied in the war will be rewarded as fiefdoms, and will be awarded according to the size of the fiefdoms. Re-noble.For example, if a baron expanded his fiefdom to meet the standard of a duke during this war, then the emperor of the empire would bestow him with the title of duke.

According to the usual practice, the promotion of titles is extremely long and extremely difficult. Those heroes who followed the founding emperor to conquer the world made great contributions, and most of them were rewarded by earls and marquises. However, in the following thousands of years, there were very few dukes conferred by the empire. Unless you made great contributions to saving the country and the people, the duke was simply a luxury, so people set the goal more realistically as "three thousand miles away". Find a Marquis".

But now, the emperor of the empire ordered the world that as long as he occupied a large enough territory, he could be promoted to a title. Although he did not bluntly say that he was duke, if he could conquer a large enough territory, a duke would definitely not be able to escape.

After learning the decree from the Emperor of the Frankish Empire, Yue Chuan couldn't help but want to turn his gun. After all, he was a duke, the biggest title besides the emperor and prince.Yue Chuan couldn't help but think of a sentence mentioned in his previous Chinese textbook: "Jin Hou Qin Bo besieged Zheng, because he was rude to Jin, and he was second to Chu." It was just a marquis, and Qin, which later ruled the world, was only an earl.

The six lords who had just pledged their allegiance immediately faced enemies from all directions. The lords who bordered on the border were like sharks smelling blood, and they rushed towards them fiercely, trying to tear fresh flesh from them.Those lords knew that this was a life-and-death battle for themselves, and if they failed, what awaited them would be a miserable experience.So they all tried their best to reward the soldiers with generous rewards and boost morale.And as an allied defense force, Yue Chuan also got a lot of benefits from those lords.

The army under Yue Chuan was very powerful in combat effectiveness, and the military equipment was also very sophisticated. The army assembled by the rural nobles was not a single enemy at all. Anyone who confronted Yue Chuan would be a dead end.In just three to five days, all the over a dozen large and small lords who came to commit crimes were all confessed here.

However, this is just the beginning. More and more lords and troops have gathered, and those wandering soldiers have gradually become more regular troops.In the face of this kind of army, although Yue Chuan's army can fight and win, but it is very reluctant to be as unscathed as before.

"Well, it's time for these troops to enter the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors." Yue Chuan secretly decided in his heart.

But looking at the large and small camps in the distance, Yue Chuan secretly felt contemptuous in his heart: These lords' minds are full of grass, no one can see the real intention of their emperor.

Simply put, there are more monks and less porridge, and more wolves and less meat.With so many lords competing for such a small territory, how much can each get?How can such a little territory improve the title.And having said that, can you take the territory as you want? Is the army on Habs' side just a display?There must be a war, and there must be losses in the war.It is foreseeable that those lords will spend all their wealth in this war, and even many lords will die on the battlefield. As a result, their strength will be greatly weakened. If there is a problem with the succession, there will be no successors or several brothers will compete for the family property and split the fief , the Emperor of the Empire almost laughed out loud.

However, there is no need for Yue Chuan to explain to those idiots. After all, it is impossible for the private soldiers of those lords to beat his own army, and even if his army loses in battle, as long as he retreats to Parsenhofen, those lords will also be defeated. Don't dare to step over the thunder pool. After all, the city of Parsenhofen is full of heads and seedlings of the giant forces. Even if the Frankish Empire had 1 guts, they would not dare to start a war in Parsenhofen.

Fighting day and night made the soldiers of Parsenhofen grow rapidly. The tempering of blood and war made them transform every day, and the deprivation and departure of one life after another made them deeply feel the meaning of life. The thirst for smallness and power.

That night, many soldiers saw strange scenes and characters in their dreams. They were ancient battlefields, ancient gods and demons, war scenes that only existed in legends, and god-level gods beyond their imagination. fighting.The stars sank and the ground shook, mountains fell and the ground cracked, bones were everywhere, and waves of blood surged to the sky.

Looking at the scene of the battlefield of gods and demons, these soldiers felt their hearts beating violently, their souls burning fiercely, and the surging blood filled their brains and eyes, blinding everything they saw. Scarlet blood.






Everything finally converged into two voices, which kept echoing in their minds, and they also chose Ghost Swordsman by mistake...

In the early morning, just after dawn, figures came out of the tents one by one, assembled and arranged in an orderly manner, and practiced meticulously.

Although the army of Parsenhofen is fierce, they are still flesh and blood after all. They will be injured and exhausted. Even after a night, they still have a feeling of lack of sleep and lack of energy.But the instructors of the Teutonic Knights strictly required them to train in the morning, so they had to get out of the tent and gather against the cold autumn wind.

Today, though, there seems to be something different.

All the soldiers looked full of energy and radiance, and there was no trace of fatigue in their faces or eyes, but only boundless vitality.Moreover, each of these soldiers looked very strange, as if they encountered something unusual last night.

After a drill with a weird atmosphere, the soldiers all ate with their rice bowls, and people who were close to each other gathered together to chat and talk nonsense.But today, although they all gathered together with their jobs in hand, they all kept their mouths tight and did not speak.

Pao Ze on the battlefield is a person who can show his heart, and he can give his back to the other party. It is a kind of unconditional trust. In this atmosphere, it is naturally impossible to have any small calculations or small secrets.

"Yesterday, I had a dream!" Finally, someone couldn't help but say it out, but he didn't dare to tell the secret of that world directly, but replaced it with a dream.

"I dreamed of the battlefield."

"I dreamed about it too, it seems to be a battle between gods and demons."

"Well, a lot of creatures died."

"I got magical powers in my dream."

"I killed several goblins..."

A group of people looked at me and I looked at you, and they all seemed to understand something, and a silent tacit understanding rose up.

The same scene was played out in every corner of the barracks, and it was passed on from time to time. Soon, all the soldiers in the barracks knew that the army they were in was favored and blessed by some mysterious power.

"It should be the God of War!"

"Well, it should be."

"Only by fighting the enemy bravely can you repay the appreciation of the God of War!"

The lords of the Frankish Empire wondered why they just disappeared for a day, and the soldiers on the opposite side seemed to have taken aphrodisiacs, screaming one by one when they entered the battlefield. Originally, it was exaggerated for them to fight two, but look at them now The son seems to want one to fight ten.I'm stupid, is that a human being? It's just a bunch of lunatics.

Although the lords of the Frankish Empire continued to gather from all directions, these reinforcements did not bring courage and confidence to the previous lords at all, but instead made their fears intensify day by day.

Some lords didn't believe in evil, and thought that their chance to make great contributions had come, so they took their private soldiers to find Yue Chuan's army to start a war, but without exception, these people were defeated and wiped out by the Parsenhofen army that was growing day by day. .

At the beginning, Yue Chuan's Parsenhofen army was just fighting in the open, but gradually, those lords knew how powerful Yue Chuan was, and began to shrink back. All the personnel shrank in the city and relied on the tall city walls for defense.

Yue Chuan didn't order his army to attack the city. After all, the siege battle is the most tragic. No matter how elite the attacker is, he still has to pay for it with human lives. Even if he wins, it is a miserable victory. He didn't want his team to be wasted in this kind of meaningless meat grinding battle.

So Yue Chuan ordered his army to attack everywhere, harassing the supply and transportation of the lords.

Yue Chuan cooperates with the four major families, and also holds a [-]% share in the trade with foreign races in the grassland, so Yue Chuan can get a large number of excellent war horses every few months, and these war horses are all used by Yue Chuan's armed forces. The resources are sufficient, Yue Chuan's army is almost all cavalry, and because the horse resources are too sufficient, each of these cavalry has two or three horses, and their mobility and continuous combat capabilities are outrageous.

In this way, those lords will be miserable.It's nothing for them to hide in the city, but there are so many troops, they need to eat and pay, and these things are in the food and supplies, but all of them were robbed by Yue Chuan's army.

No food, no pay, no will to fight, no will to fight in the army, those lords' troops took off their uniforms and escaped from the barracks every day. At first, they fled in twos and threes, but later it became a large-scale formation. There was a collective mutiny, and a small lord rushed over excitedly with an army of 2000 people, but he didn't even see the enemy's shadow, and his own army ran away in a hurry, making the little lord feel like dying up.

No way, withdraw!This muddy water is unbearable.

As a result, the lords, large and small, began to run away secretly.Running fast, he can still keep his own army. If the ink is left for a few more days, I'm afraid the army under him will run away completely.

But at the time when everyone was retreating, there happened to be a stunned green lord leading the army in the opposite direction with great fanfare.Countless lords looked at the lord Lengtouqing with deadly eyes, and even some lords who were idle didn't want to leave at all.

"Tsk tsk, I heard that Lengtouqing has just become the lord for less than a month, and he bought the territory with money."

"Well, to be honest, the family can still earn back the money to buy the land by collecting the rent, but going to do it with Parsenhofen like this is like hitting a rock with eggs."

"Tsk tsk, I won't live long..."

And that stunned young man was none other than Louis XV.

According to the plan of Louis XV and Yue Chuan, the two of them will turn the situation here into a puddle of muddy water, and then fish in the muddy water.

According to the normal promotion route, it would be impossible for Louis XV to change from a small landowner without a title to an aristocratic lord within a hundred years. Money can buy him land, but it may not be able to buy him a title.Moreover, relying on money to buy, his achievements are also very limited.

He needs to go the wrong way!It can only go very far.

If a soldier wants to be promoted, the fastest way is to go to war. Now that the world is peaceful, let's start a war.

Thus, with the cooperation of Louis XV and Yue Chuan, a small family extermination evolved into a territorial riot, and then conflicts between several lords, and even friction between the two empires.

"If you take back all those lands and snap off those defecting lords, you won't be able to escape after a great achievement, and all the other lords will return home. I am the only one who wins. If that guy doesn't give a lot of rewards, there will be more in the future." Who will give him his life." Louis XV, who was sitting on his horse, thought to himself, "However, Parsenhofen's army is powerful, and my newly formed army is not their opponent at all. Is it right to defeat them on the frontal battlefield? It’s possible, otherwise fools can guess that there is a problem, but if you drive out Parsenhofen’s army without doing anything, it’s not safe to take the credit.”

But for these things, Louis XV has already figured out countermeasures.

Parsenhofen's army is all cavalry, right? If cavalry doesn't have horses, it's not as effective as infantry, right?Well, let's get rid of their horses.

Many lords were waiting for Louis XV's actions with eyes watching the theater, but they never expected that Louis XV would not go looking for the main decisive battle of Parsenhofen at all, but would just drill into those ravines.Well, cavalry can't show combat effectiveness at all in the ravines, so there is nothing wrong with you doing this.But why do your soldiers do nothing but mow grass and gather herbs all day long?You are here to fight, not to dig wild vegetables.

But soon, all doubts and taunts disappeared, because bad news came from Parsenhofen. Of course, it was exciting news to the lords of the Frankish Empire—— Plague began to prevail in Parsenhofen's army, and all the horses were out of combat.

Reminiscent of Louis XV's previous actions, some people have already understood that the plague of the war horses in Parsenhoven's army must have something to do with this stunned young man. He used to mow grass and collect herbs, most of which were used to refine poison.

But soon, some people realized that their chance to claim credit had come.Without their horses, Parsenhofen's army is simply a bunch of scumbags. If they don't go to kill the enemy and make meritorious deeds at this time, what time will they wait.

So those lords were all crazy, and they rushed out to claim the credit one by one, but they soon lost their cups, because Parsenhofen's army was still very powerful even without the horses, and they went to grab the credit. Those lords all died unexpectedly, and Parsenhofen's army even chased back and beheaded more than a dozen lords before continuing to gather and retreat.

"Well, our horses have a plague, and we can't fight this battle. We have to go back to heal the horses and train the soldiers. Sorry, we can't continue to participate in the war here."

This is how the officers of Parsenhofen announced to the outside world, and even used this as an excuse to withdraw from the territory of the Frankish Empire, leaving those lords who were as helpless as little sheep.Staying here is definitely a dead end. They have no choice but to pack up their belongings, give up their so-called lord status, and go to other places to hide their names.

Therefore, Louis XV successfully "expelled foreign enemies and regained lost ground", and the rest depended on how the emperor of the Faran Empire rewarded him.

(End of this chapter)

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