
Chapter 248 Goddess Cleric

Chapter 248 Goddess Cleric

Parsenhofen's army was very depressed, because they were singing songs all the way and could expand thousands of miles, but the lord called them back with an order, and said that war horses are not acclimatized, and they are easy to get plague.

Well, the war horses are the treasures of these soldiers. When they heard that they would get the plague, the soldiers had no intention of objecting. They prepared to return to the city one by one, but at this time, those Frankish lords wanted to take advantage of the fire. Naturally, Was hit head-on.

The Frankish territory was occupied for less than half a month before it was "recovered" by Louis XV's army. However, Yue Chuan did not suffer. After all, he carried away all the belongings in this territory.Moreover, Yue Chuan sent troops to occupy these areas, which greatly boosted the morale of the Habs Empire, and he was rewarded by the Empire, which was a double gain of fame and fortune.

Louis XV also made a fortune.

In the eyes of the outside world, Louis XV repelled the invasion of the Habs Empire by relying on some shameless means, and he was simply a low-ranking figure.For this kind of character, other lords not only despised him, but also lamented his good luck, picking up the title of earl for nothing.

That's right, Louis XV was promoted directly from a small landowner without a title to a count.According to the territory he "recovered", he was only a viscount at most, but the emperor of the Frankish Empire directly promoted Louis XV to the count in order to buy bones with a lot of money.Anyway, it was just to set an example. In the eyes of the emperor of the Frankish Empire, Louis XV was just a small person who relied on insidious means to get to the top. Even if he was given a high position, there would be no threat. Such a lowly person can only protect his status and glory by dedicating allegiance to the emperor.

This is a win-win deal. Both Yue Chuan and Louis XV have reaped rich rewards. As for troublesome matters such as disputes between the two countries, that is the task of diplomats. Anyway, these people are best at spats.When the diplomats of the two countries were scolding, Yue Chuan and Louis XV, the two neighboring lords, began to digest their income and build their own territories.

All the soldiers who went out this time were secretly rewarded by Yue Chuan, giving them the qualification to enter the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors". These soldiers who have been trained and experienced life and death immediately improved rapidly , Drilling on the training ground during the day and fighting in the dungeon at night, their combat effectiveness has undergone earth-shaking changes every day.

The changes of these soldiers can't escape everyone's eyes, but no matter what outsiders ask, all the soldiers unanimously replied that it was because of the last war that they were favored and blessed by the God of War on the battlefield.

When ordinary people heard the news, they were naturally envious, and secretly hated why they hadn't become one of them and received the blessing of the God of War on the battlefield.At first, I thought that fighting a war was nothing more than making some war money, getting some spoils of war, and capturing a few slaves by the way, but who knew that he could still be favored by the God of War, this benefit is really too heaven-defying.

However, after hearing this statement, the big bosses living in Parsenhofen were all thoughtful.

They always thought that that world was related to the elves, and that it was some kind of dimensional world left by the elves beyond human thinking. But now, a large group of soldiers said convincingly that they had been blessed by the God of War.After secretly inquiring, they have determined that the world that those soldiers entered is the same place as the world they entered, that is to say, that world is also related to God of War.

Some people pondered over and over again, and finally determined that it was not only left by the elves, but also other gods were involved, such as the God of War.But now that God of War has appeared, I don't know how many gods have not shown up yet.

It should be the kingdom of the gods - the leaders of many forces think so.Especially those small religious sects, seeing the existence of elves and gods of war here, they can't help but wonder whether their own gods have left something here, or have they What have you done here?So they all regarded Parsenhofen as a place similar to the holy city, and believed that it was the place closest to God, and also the holy place where it was easiest to hear God's call and receive God's blessing.

In order to make this holy place more worthy of its name, each sect began to wonder whether they wanted to build something of their own sect in Parsenhofen, such as a church, an altar, or other religious things.

However, when they thought that the lord of Parsenhofen was the archbishop of the Church of Light, these small sects couldn't help but beat their hearts.It has to be said that the Pope's promotion of Yue Chuan as archbishop was indeed a brilliant move. At least he deeply imprinted on Yue Chuan the mark of belonging to the Bright Church, making other denominations shy away.

However, some things, even if they are banned on the surface, are still unbearable in private, such as private construction and random construction.Of course, those small sects dare not be sloppy in setting up statues, building altars and other things. They are careful in every step, striving for perfection and ensuring confidentiality.

Regarding the actions of those small sects, Yue Chuan just wanted to say, buddy, why bother yourself, don’t you know how to bribe, give me some money, you can talk about anything, our Parsenhofen is a free city , Religion is also free, so why not set up a statue of a god?Do you think you are very careful, do you know that all your building materials are bought from me?
During the time when Yue Chuan was in Frank, he almost looted property like scraping land, not only the gold and silver, but even the stone strips on the city wall were taken away.

From Yue Chuan's point of view, construction is needed everywhere in his Parsenhofen territory. Since the construction, it will definitely need materials such as civil engineering and stone strips. Although these stones are everywhere, it will take manpower and material resources to polish them into regular stone strips. , money is nothing, but it takes time, and what Yue Chuan lacks most is time.No way, just grab these ready-made ones.

Parsenhofen's army wiped out dozens of Frankish lords' armies in just half a month, and even demolished the walls of all the cities in the occupied area. Although they withdrew their troops, the Frankish people always had an indescribable feeling. A sense of crisis, because the bare city wall tells them that Parsenhofen's army will return sooner or later.

But Yue Chuan really won't go there again, because it is already the territory of Louis XV. Although the two sides belong to different countries, they belong to the same power.Yue Chuan's previous invasion was just to help Louis XV clear the obstacles to his rule, especially those powerful and evil gentry who were relatively powerful. As a lord, it was not easy for Louis XV to attack them. All the powerful and powerful families were looted by Parsenhofen's army.

Both the looted property and materials were used by Yue Chuan in the construction of the territory, such as the repair and expansion of the city, the maintenance of the road surface, the renovation of the houses, etc. With so many resources poured into it, Parsenhofen is working hard every day. Changing with astonishing speed.

After such a long period of construction, the Parsenhofen Church, which was destroyed in the riots, was finally completed. The new church is majestic and magnificent, even far surpassing the church in Starn City, and this church quickly replaced it. Starn's church has become a place of worship for believers of the Illuminati Church.

On the day when the new church was completed, there was another sensational news in Parsenhofen. The Pope actually sent a team of one hundred young and beautiful priestesses to Pasenhofen.The process of coming to this team is not important, nor is the purpose. What is important is that all members of this team are young and beautiful women. Well, yes, it is said that they are all single women who have never married.

The attraction of women is always so deadly and unsolvable. At least, after these women appeared, the number of believers in Parsenhofen Church increased several times. Before they came, some religious believers came to worship The God of Light listened to the Bible or donated property. After they arrived, ordinary people who didn't believe in religion also poured in, and most of them were men. Yue Chuan could figure out their purpose with his heels.

After these [-] priests arrived at Parsenhofen Church, they kept themselves safe every day, helping the church with daily affairs, answering questions for believers who came to pray, or casting some elementary light magic to exorcise believers and cure diseases.

It has to be said that they have all undergone extremely professional training. They are extremely proficient in doing these religious things, and they are extremely professional. They are born and live for religion, and everything about them exists for religion.

Yue Chuan had vaguely understood their identities, yes, they were saintesses.To be precise, it is the preparation of the saintess, that is to say, the future saintess is selected from them.Knowing their identities, Yue Chuan also understood the Pope's sinister intentions, and couldn't help scolding me badly.

Members of the Illuminati Church can marry, and the Illuminati Church advocates the union between believers, but there is one exception, that is the saint.

It seems that all religions have such a sloppy rule, that is, the saint must remain pure all her life and must not have an affair with a man.The saintesses of the Illuminati Church are no exception. They must remain single for the rest of their lives, let alone having affairs with any man.

Only one of these one hundred priestesses will become a saint, and the remaining 99 can still marry and have children like normal people, but the key point is that it is not yet determined who is a saint, which means that all of these one hundred people possible.Yue Chuan knew that once something happened between him and one of these women, that woman would immediately turn into a saint, and then his blasphemy of the saint would be revealed, and his reputation would be ruined.That's right, according to the Pope's disposition, he would definitely do this, and it could be regarded as revenge for Alexis.

Yue Chuan felt that he could guard his body like a jade and not get involved with these women. After all, no matter how beautiful and noble these women are, they are not as good as Lie Yan Pinoxiu and Han Bing Herac. Yue Chuan has this pair of ice and fire sisters, how could he like them? Those reserve saints.However, Yue Chuan believed that even if he didn't go to them, they would still find ways to stick them on him, who knew what tricks he had taught them.

The best way is to stay away from them and not give them any chance!
If the lustful male creatures outside knew Yue Chuan's thoughts, they would definitely scold the heavens for being unfair. So many of them tried their best to meet those priestesses all day long, and respected them like gods, but Yue Chuan did his best. Stay away from them, and avoid them like snakes and scorpions.The same man, why is there such a big difference?
Those priestesses were indeed carefully selected by the Pope, and some of them were even confidantes and stalwarts trained by the Pope. The purpose of coming to Parsenhofen City was to ruin Yue Chuan's reputation.However, most of the hundred priestesses don't know about this. Their mission here is to perceive the existence of the God of Light and to gain the favor of the God of Light.

In the event of the elven magic relics in Parsenhofen, many forces gained great benefits. Their members were able to enter the legendary elven world, and each of them gained unimaginable benefits. However, as the elven magic The Church of Light, the first discoverer of the ruins, got nothing, and no one was summoned by the God of Light.The Pope thought for a while, and thought that the Church of Illuminati had no one in Parsenhofen. No, a hundred of them were sent immediately.

Those priestesses had already been instructed before they came, and they vaguely understood the existence of that mysterious world. They were all very happy about this task. After all, after being able to enter that world, they would get unimaginable benefits, and this benefit, all It belongs to oneself, and it is real strength.Moreover, there is no risk in this mission, just stay in Parsenhofen City, chanting and praying every day, neither climbing mountains and wading, nor fighting.

However, how to stay in Parsenhofen is a problem.After all, none of them are part of Parsenhofen's clergy. They can stay here temporarily in the name of visits, condolences, inspections, etc., but this time is limited after all. If they can't feel the world within this time, it is considered a Mission failed.

According to the signs deduced so far, only the city of Parsenhofen has this kind of magical power. Only living here can one feel the existence of that world, but how can one stay here?Although the Pope didn't say it, the Pope's confidantes have already given the answer—marrying here, everyone thought it was a bit of a joke at first, but after repeated guidance and guidance from the Pope's confidantes. It is implied that most of those priests agree with this method.

Well, Parsenhofen City seems to be very good. Although it is not as large as the Cathedral, it is changing rapidly every day. Sooner or later, it will catch up with the Cathedral. It is not bad to be able to settle here. After all, the Church Zong Du said that this is the place where one can feel the revelation of the gods the most.

However, the clergy in the Parsenhofen Church are too ordinary, their cultivation level is low, and their understanding of the Bible is not deep enough, and those men are mysterious, and a large number of men gather together all day long. Whispering, we women all stopped as soon as we walked past, don't they like women, but men?

If the clerics of Parsenhofen Church knew, they would burst into tears. Isn’t it just a group of people getting together to discuss how to add points and how to paint pictures? How come it becomes a mess in your eyes, and we are like this Like a gay?
Those priestesses picked and picked, and finally locked their targets on Yue Chuan.

First of all, Yue Chuan is the archbishop. This identity is also full of attraction to those female clergy. After all, other people have mixed up with the position of archbishop. They are not in their 20s and [-]s, but they are over half a century old. Uncle can be mature, but if he is too mature, he will be a bad old man up.On the other hand, Yue Chuan is only [-] years old. Well, it seems that someone said that the real age of this archbishop is only eighteen or nineteen years old. Oh, he is really young and successful.

Secondly, Yue Chuan is an earl lord, which is a status granted by the empire. Within the Church of Light, the status of an earl lord is naturally not as respected as that of an archbishop. The identities are all concentrated on Yue Chuan, which makes Yue Chuan even more attractive.

Finally, Yue Chuan is the Son of God!Although the people in the Great Saint Hall are all skeptical about Yue Chuan's identity as the holy son, many people believe it. After all, Yue Chuan can display those almost lost light magic, and he is extremely kind to believers, and his reputation among believers is very high. He is tall, and he built such beautiful churches in Starn City and Pasenhofen. If it wasn't for the blessing of the God of Light, how could he do these deeds that ordinary people can't do?

Moreover, after coming to Parsenhofen, although those priests did not see Yue Chuan himself, they often heard about Yue Chuan's deeds in their ears, especially when they conquered the Frankish Empire some time ago, and put a heroic label on Yue Chuan , This kind of tough guy image attracts the attention of those little women even more.

Originally, those priestesses were eagerly looking forward to Yue Chuan's appearance. After all, they came from afar. After arriving, Yue Chuan even canceled his routine weekly meetings with believers.Fortunately, with the appearance of these beauties, the believers didn't care about Yue Chuan's disappearance.

Being treated coldly by Yue Chuan, those priestesses not only did not flinch and be discouraged, but instead aroused their enthusiasm (interest). After all, they are all beauties who have been selected by thousands of people, and they are very excellent existences. Fen was treated as air, which was absolutely unacceptable to them.

There is a saying that curiosity is the beginning of love. Once a woman starts to pay attention to a man, love will inevitably arise.

Well, I have to say that the Pope's plan is half successful!
(End of this chapter)

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