
Chapter 246 4 Wars and Chaos

Chapter 246
The Sark family is a family with a history of 1000 years. This kind of history is not long, but it is not short. At least in the province of Assas, the Sark family is well-known.The Sac family has developed for so long, and naturally accumulated a profound heritage and strength. They renamed the city where their hometown is located to Sac City. As for the original city name, it has long been forgotten.

The powerful and rich Sac family also wants to become respectable, at least when they go out to deal with people, they won’t be nodding and bowing to everyone they see. They also want to be respected by others like nobles—even if it’s just respect for their status .

Originally, the Sac family had already accumulated a sum of money, and they planned to discuss with the lord to buy the land around Sac City, donate some money to the empire, and get a title, even if it was only the lowest lord.

At the beginning, everything went smoothly. After the greedy and lustful lord received a large sum of money from the Sac family and carefully selected beauties, he immediately nodded and agreed. But the next day, the lord died in the on the woman's belly.Not only did the Sark family fail to get the land contract as they wished, but they were also accused of deliberately killing the lord. In order to clear the charge, they went up and down and spent a lot of money, almost using up all their money.

The lord had no heirs, and according to the laws of the empire, the title and territory would be inherited by his nephews. There was no problem with all of this, but the problem happened to be the deal between the Sark family and the old lord.

Because things were in a hurry at the time, the Sark family didn't even get a receipt, not to mention the land contract. After the new lord took office, the Sark family hurriedly came to the door, proposed the original matter, and wanted the new lord to fulfill it. agreement.

Although it is only natural for fathers and sons to pay their debts, there is still a saying that debts are eliminated when one dies. What's more, in this era when debts are owed to uncles, you can expect others to pay back bad debts that can't even be paid out?What's more, this new lord has just inherited the title and is thinking of establishing his own authority. If there are three fires, the Sark family is simply a chicken delivered to the door.

However, as a local family that has lasted for 1000 years, the strength of the Sac family should not be underestimated. The new lord had just inherited the title, and he had to fight against these local bosses before he could gain a foothold. The consequences can be imagined.So after several confrontations, the new lord had to admit the previous agreement and sold the city of Sac to the Sac family.

In Sak City, if the Sak family, who is like the emperor of the earth, does not do something to bully men and women, I am really sorry for my status as a landlord and rich man, especially since even the new lord has been defeated by them, which has encouraged the arrogant family members. Arrogance, there are endless incidents of rampant neighbors oppressing the people on weekdays, their reputation is like a stone in a latrine, and many people hope that the lord can raise troops to eliminate this scourge.

Perhaps the prayers of these people were heard by the lord. On this day, a mysterious armed force attacked the city of Sark in the dark.

They are well-equipped, well-trained, and skilled in combat. In less than two hours, the armed forces and family members of the Sak family were killed by them, and all the supplies and belongings were also loaded on horse-drawn carts and transported out of the city. At dawn, the Sark family has become a piece of white land, and none of the Sark family members in the city has survived.

The massacre!This is definitely a massacre!
If there is no great hatred, who would do such a cruel and inhuman thing?If bandits ransacked, at most they would attack some villages, and it was impossible to choose cities protected by tall walls, so this was a premeditated and targeted attack.Although the Sak family offends a lot of people on weekdays, most of them are grassroots people. If they are offended, they will be offended. Those people can't do anything to the Sak family. The only person who has the strength to clean up the Sak family is the lord. And the lord also has reason to attack the Sack family.

Originally, when the lord heard that the Sac family was uprooted, he laughed happily, and said that the Sac family was destroyed well and happily.But gradually, public opinion speculated that the lord sent someone, and some people specifically asked which army the lord sent to do it. The lord certainly denied that it was not him, but no one believed his denial. This matter was almost confirmed. Lord did it.

Although more than half of the Sark family was wiped out, they were not uprooted, and some members scattered in other places survived, and these people gathered together and vowed to avenge the family and make the lord pay with blood.

Not to mention, their strength should not be underestimated, and they caused a lot of turmoil in the local area. Although they were quickly suppressed by the lord, the newly formed army of the lord also suffered heavy losses, and almost had no strength to fight again.

Without the deterrence of force in a territory, bandits and people with ulterior motives will naturally rise up one after another. For a while, the territory is full of wars and wars. Spread like locusts.

The situation has gotten out of control.

However, all of this is still under Yue Chuan's control.

The previous attack on the Sac family was done by Yue Chuan's army, but they didn't wear any military uniforms with logos, let alone display any flags. In addition, they attacked at night and ended the battle quickly. The outside world didn't know their identities at all. .

The Sark family was the target carefully selected by Louis XV, and this target, like a fuse, quickly ignited the long-standing conflicts, allowing the participating members of the Sark family and the local lords to fight against each other, and the war quickly expanded. During this period, Yue Chuan's army attacked everywhere. It can be said that the flames of war were ignited and spread by them alone.

However, Yue Chuan's army is like the chivalrous men in the ancient poems. After the incident, they flicked off their clothes and hid their achievements and fame. From the beginning to the end, no one noticed the truth of all this, and no one compared all this with the invasion of the outside world. get in touch.

"People in this world are too simple. They don't know what subversion and destruction by foreign forces mean. They are still accusing each other and suspecting each other. No one has connected all this to other countries."

Regarding the IQ of the noble lords of those countries on the mainland, Yue Chuan expressed his helplessness. If he knew what they were like, he didn't have to repeatedly tell those subordinates to fight secretly.This feeling is like entering someone's house to steal something, and learning a lot of lockpicking skills and dog-proof tricks, but only to find out that there is no lock at all, and there is no dog at all.

The existence of Yue Chuan has not been exposed, but because of the incident in Sak City, the local area has become a mess. Not only the bandits in the territory commit crimes everywhere, but also the bandits in the neighboring territories come here to make a fortune. friction happens every day.

There are many hills and numerous forces. Almost every day, large and small gangs are annexed, reorganized, and then form larger armed gangs.After they looted the officers and soldiers' weapons, they gradually armed themselves, and then changed from robbing villages to attacking cities, separatist cities, engulfing refugees and officers and soldiers to fight against.

Among these newly formed armed groups, several were secretly controlled by Louis XV and Yue Chuan. Louis XV had nothing else, but he had a unique advantage in intelligence. With him making battle plans, these few groups Arming is almost invincible, and even if they lose the battle, they can still flee to Louis XV's territory, and then turn bandits into civilians and hide invisibly.

Yue Chuan provided supplies and equipment to these armed forces. Although they were all products eliminated by the troops in Parsenhofen's territory, they were still rare treasures for those bandits. Most of the money and supplies were used in exchange for these equipment.

On this day, Yue Chuan received a message from Louis XV, saying that the local lord's mansion was breached by bandits, and the lord died at the hands of the rioters while fleeing.

"Then, is there any heir to that territory?"

"There are no heirs anymore, and even if there were, they would not dare to take office in such a chaotic place. That territory has fallen into a state of no owner."

Since it is in an unowned state, it means that anyone can occupy it. This is a good time for the surrounding lords to expand their territories. Otherwise, when the emperor sends people to exterminate the local bandits, this unclaimed territory will be taken back by the royal family.

This is a piece of fat, a piece of fat that everyone wants to take a bite of. The seven lords around have already prepared their troops for battle.

Louis XV came to Parsenhofen again and met with Yue Chuan.

"Including me, there are seven lords bordering there. Other lords who are not bordering are not eligible to participate in this war. Among these seven lords, my power is the weakest. From the perspective of outsiders, these are six lords. The game has nothing to do with me."

Having dealt with Louis XV for so long, Yue Chuan has figured out this guy's thinking and routines. Hearing what he said, Yue Chuan naturally received: "In this way, no matter what happens to those six lords, they will not be with them. You are relevant because you have the perfect 'clearance of suspicion'."

Louis XV nodded, "I need your army to dispatch a few more times."

Yue Chuan didn't refuse, and Louis XV didn't think Yue Chuan would refuse, so he had already unfolded a map.This is the map of the unclaimed territory, which clearly outlines the topography of mountains, rivers and rivers in the territory, and there are a few eye-catching points marked with red crosses.

"According to my survey and investigation of the six lords, according to their marching direction and marching schedule, they will station in these places, build camps, and then use this as the center to encroach on the surrounding territory."

Looking at those six points, Yue Chuan also nodded. They are all ideal places to camp, and they are also relatively key strategic locations. If you control those places, you will have control over the surrounding territory. Even if you can't continue to advance, It can also ensure that the occupied territory will not be taken away by others.

"Destroy them all?"

Yue Chuan was full of confidence when he said this.Because the army in Parsenhoven's territory is already very elite, and it was trained by the instructors of the Teutonic Knights. It also participated in many actual battles some time ago. The base of fighting the lions, to deal with the "army" put together by some rural nobles, is simply like adults bullying children.To put it bluntly, Yue Chuan's army can eat up all the armies of these six lords, but in this way, Yue Chuan's existence is bound to be exposed.

"No, there is no need to wipe out all of them, just one of them."

Louis XV pointed to one of the lords, "Although this man is only a baron, he still has an identity unknown to the outside world. He is the heir of a big family, and that big family is the controller of the province of Alsa. , that is to say, if there is no accident, he can inherit the entire Alsa province in the future."

The province of Alsa is the province where Louis XV's fiefdom is located. This is a very large territory.With the right to inherit the province of Alsa, a small baronial territory is not worth mentioning to him. The reason why he fights for it is to add some martial arts to himself. In this way, when he inherits the title in the future, It can also be brighter.

"Defeat his army, and then deliberately let him escape. Of course, in order to increase hatred, we can leave some memorials for him, such as accidentally hurting his man's dignity. All this will be recorded on the heads of the five lords, Then those five lords will suffer tragic revenge, if they don't want to stand still, they can only stand up and resist, if someone offers them an olive branch at this time, I think they will definitely not refuse."

Yue Chuan thought about what Louis XV said, and felt that this matter was very feasible, but Yue Chuan was very surprised. Louis XV knew the old background of those nobles so thoroughly that he was even clear about this kind of secret.

The succession of this mainland noble is very complicated. It is not surprising that an unknown small noble inherits the territory and title of a big noble. There is no direct blood relationship, but even a little distant relative can be violent overnight through inheritance. rich.

If the outside world didn't know about the Baron's succession issue, and he was cut off as an ordinary little nobleman, this matter would be fine, and heirs would be ranked down in line.However, Louis XV spared him a sigh of relief, allowing him to "escape from the dead", but the vicious Louis XV deliberately cut off his dignity as a man. For such a shame, which man can endure live?

More importantly, regardless of a man's happiness, a man's dignity is related to his inheritance rights and his future development. This blind man can be said to have ruined everything about him, and he still has to work hard to hide it and not let it go. The outside world knew about his injuries, and this made his psychology even more distorted, and the hatred in his heart became more intense, and he became even more mortal to those lords who made him like this.

Those five unlucky lords didn't know that they were hated for no reason, and it was an endless hatred.At this time, the five of them were still happy that they lost an opponent for no reason.

These five lords were relatively restrained. After setting up their camp, they sent envoys to contact them, and roughly delineated their respective spheres of influence. If there were any disputes, they would talk about them. , After playing a few times, their respective territories were basically determined.Then several lords, hello, hello, hello, everyone, held a reception, and the few people who were shouting and killing just now toasted and congratulated in a blink of an eye, as if they had been old friends for many years.

However, it didn't take long for them to be happy when they were intercepted by a powerful enemy. The lord who "escaped from the dead" brought the soldiers supported by his relatives to kill him, and vowed to take revenge.

The five lords engaged in the battle in a daze. At first, they thought it was other people who were secretly trying to get rid of the others, but soon they found that several of them were grasshoppers on the same boat, and then they sent envoys When in contact with the other party, you want to know where the other party came from and why they attacked you.

However, the envoy sent was directly chopped off by the other party, and a dead head was sent back.The two countries were fighting without beheading the envoy, but the other party directly clicked on the envoy, which is obviously nothing to talk about. In this case, the lords didn't bother to ask why, so let's fight.

After several battles, the coalition forces of the five lords left tens of thousands of corpses and fled in embarrassment. After they returned to their respective territories, they finally found out the origin of the other party, so they justly asked the other party why they attacked themselves.

The lord who escaped from the dead can't tell them that he was eunuched, otherwise, if the news spreads, his inheritance rights will be wiped out, and the troops supported by his relatives will be transferred back immediately. Not to mention, all he wanted to do was to punish those lords to death.

The five lords reported to the big lord, asking for justice, but who would have thought that the army to fight against him was sent by the big lord of Arsa Province, and the five lords suddenly felt a sense of injustice.

Although the relationship between the big lord and the small lord will not reach the point where "the king and his ministers have to die", if the big lord wants to kill those small lords, it is really not difficult. It can be said that the five small lords The lord has been forced to go to heaven and have no way to go to earth.

At this time, Yue Chuan, as an earl, extended an olive branch to the five small lords on behalf of the Habs Empire, claiming that as long as they declared their allegiance to the Habs Empire, he would provide them with asylum.

For this sake, do the five little lords have other choices?So, on the same day, the five small lords simultaneously declared their allegiance to the Emperor of the Habs Empire and sought asylum from Lord Parsenhofen.

After this statement was issued, from a legal point of view, the territories of the five lords, including the unclaimed territory they occupied before, all became the territory of the Habs Empire. Lord Senhofen, Yue Chuan sent troops into the area as a matter of course, and provided shelter to several small lords.

The incident escalated. The turmoil of a small family turned into a turmoil in a territory, and then a war of six lords. Up to now, it has gradually developed into a confrontation between two empires.

But all of this has nothing to do with Yue Chuan, some things belong to the empire, and some benefits belong to Yue Chuan himself. At least now, Yue Chuan actually controls six more baron fiefdoms.

(End of this chapter)

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