
Chapter 221 Bai Zhanhan

Chapter 221 Bai Zhanhan

In the secluded small courtyard of the Lei Ze family, Bai Lian in a plain dress carefully carried a bowl of soup, and walked lightly to the stone table under the tree in the courtyard. There, there was a woman in a lambskin coat skinny teenager.

"Sister, are you here? I'll be fine soon after I finish this paragraph."

The boy said without turning his head, and then immersed himself in the world in the book.For this scene, Bai Lian was no stranger to it. For many years, her younger brother had always been like this.His body is weak, he can't practice martial arts at all, and he has no talent for magic. His only pleasure is reading and writing.But this is also good, stay away from fighting and killing, you can always be a safe and wealthy person.

However, Bai Lian was a little puzzled. When she came over, she walked lightly and didn't make a sound at all. Even those martial artists who had achieved success in cultivation might not be able to notice her. How could my brother, an ordinary person with different martial arts skills, know that he was coming.After all, his back was facing him, so he could neither hear nor see.

Slowly closing the book, the boy turned around slowly, and a sickly handsome face came into view.After all, they are siblings, so his appearance is somewhat similar to that of Bai Lian, and the pure oriental beauty is more prominent in him.Compared with Bai Lian, he lacks a heroic spirit set off by his strength, but has a soft and bookish spirit. Coupled with that pale and slightly sickly handsome face, he is enough to crush all kinds of Hallyu stars .

"I didn't know you were here, but I smelled the medicine."

Speaking of medicine, bitterness suddenly appeared on the boy's face, his slender eyebrows were slightly raised, and his fair cheeks were wrinkled like buns.Seeing his pitiful appearance, Bai Lian immediately felt a little sympathy, but then shook her head resolutely.

"Drink the medicine!"

The medicine is made from dragon's blood. It is not a medicine for curing diseases and saving lives, but a medicine for strengthening the body and strengthening the body.The physique of the young man is too thin, and he has been sick and weak all the year round. His ability to live to this day is the result of countless infuriating medicines. However, with his body, it is a bit unrealistic to marry a wife and have children like a normal person. .

"Okay, okay, I know, even if it's not for my own body, it's for our Bai family's sake, okay, I'll drink it."

Before Bai Lian could speak, the young man took the soup bowl. He didn't feel it was hot, but it was just warm. The young man knew that it was his sister who had boiled it and let it cool before bringing it to him. Seeing the point on her temples The finely divided plant ash, suddenly a warm current passed through my heart.

Enduring the disgusting smell, the young man frowned and poured down the whole bowl of soup. Immediately, like drinking strong wine, the hot medicine dissipated from his stomach, instantly filled his limbs and bones, and poured down to the soles of his feet. The spring, up to the top of the head, was filled with the steaming heat, and his pale face turned red, ready to bleed.After a long time, the potency of the medicine dissipated slowly, and the young man returned to normal, but his originally pale cheeks had a tinge of blood, and his complexion looked much better.

"You sent the investigation materials to the Patriarch? Have you decided?"

The young man nodded, "Yes, after observing this period of time, I feel that the Lei Ze family has the qualifications and strength to accomplish great things, and it can provide us with a lot of benefits whether it is to settle down now or return to the homeland in the future. Help. Let’s not talk about it, let’s just say that the daily bowl of dragon’s blood decoction is probably not even available to the royal families of those great empires. This kind of treatment is worthless and requires effort.”

At this time, Bai Lian's delicate ears moved slightly, and then her water chestnut-like lips slightly raised, saying, "He's here."

The boy turned his head to look at the courtyard gate, but there was no one there, but after a few blinks, Yue Chuan's figure appeared at the entrance of the courtyard, he stretched his head to look inside, saw the two of them, and walked over with a smile.

If it was in the past, Yue Chuan's eyes would definitely be attracted by the white lotus like metal meeting a magnet, but today, Yue Chuan's eyes left the white lotus unexpectedly, and stayed more on the boy.

"What's your name?"

"Bai Zhanhan."

Hearing the name, Yue Chuan savored it carefully, then nodded and said: "There are several plum blossoms in the corner, and Ling Han blooms alone. I know it's not snow, so there is a faint fragrance. Your name, does it imply plum blossoms?"

Hearing Yue Chuan utter the meaning of his name, and even chanted that astonishing poem, Bai Zhanhan's expression that had always been calm suddenly became exciting.There are surprises, admiration, and disbelief.

It is not difficult to figure out the meaning of his name. After all, one only needs to have an understanding of oriental culture. However, even those literati born and bred in the orient cannot casually compose such beautiful lines.Not to mention Bai Zhanhan, even Bai Lian, who had been in contact with Yue Chuan for several months, looked at Yue Chuan suspiciously. Was this the person she knew?

Seeing that he had successfully restrained Bai Zhanhan, Yue Chuan couldn't help but smile triumphantly, and then turned his gaze to the book that Bai Zhanhan put on the table. Yue Chuan knew every word in the title, but when several words were connected together, Yue Chuan was a little confused. up.But when he saw Bai Zhanhan looking at him with admiration, he felt a great sense of accomplishment spontaneously.

"Ahem, I have read the information integration you gave me. Well, it is very detailed. I can see that you are very talented in this area. If you don't mind, the intelligence network in your sister's hands will be handed over to you from now on. How about it?"

This is exactly what Bai Zhanhan expected.After all, he is incapable of writing or martial arts, and the only useful thing is his brain. Moreover, hiding behind the scenes and manipulating chess pieces is exactly what he is good at and likes. This job is what he dreams of.

"Tell me about your views on the conflict between the Church of Light and other sects."

Bai Zhanhan knew that this was Yue Chuan's test for himself. After all, if he wanted to gain power, he had to show his superiority, but in this regard, he had already made a lot of preparations and had detailed countermeasures.

"This conflict is bound to happen, and it will not be a small-scale conflict. Archbishop Alexis personally sits in charge, not only is it useless, but harmful. Although this move has deterred those sects, it cannot fundamentally avoid this time. However, with the accumulation and brewing of this period of time, the scale of the conflict will escalate and expand. Originally, it was only a conflict around the city of Starn, but with the addition of Alexis, it will affect the entire Munich County, and even The province of Bavaria has shaken the rule of the Church of Light in the Bavaria diocese."

Yue Chuan slightly raised his eyebrows, he was a little surprised, he didn't expect Alexis to sit in charge in person, and he became a fool under Bai Zhanhan's analysis, "Why did you say that?"

Although Yue Chuan didn't specify, Bai Zhanhan knew that Yue Chuan was talking about Alexis, "The root cause of this conflict is the imbalance of strength and territory, unless all the churches in Bava Diocese can be like ours in Starn City It also develops at an astonishing speed. Otherwise, the strength is weak, but it occupies such a large amount of resources. Other sects can bear it for a day or two, but in the long run, they are bound to make some moves. According to Alexis's disposition , and the only purpose of the Guangming Church, the God of Light, will not compromise with those sects, the conflict between the two sides is doomed. Alexis personally sitting in charge will only escalate this conflict, making those sects also ask for support from experts It is a good illustration that many masters are gathering here now."

Yue Chuan nodded. It is true that as Bai Zhanhan said, the Church of Light is weak and its strength is not considered strong. Last time the Church of the Goddess of Nature was driven away, leaving too much power vacuum.Although the Church of Light occupies these areas, it does not have the strength to digest them. This naturally attracts the envy of many other sects.And the riots in those churches this time were just the trigger, making those small sects turn their plans into actions and blatantly grab the territory.

Originally, this kind of land grab was just a conflict in a small area, but Alexis intervened, which changed the essence of this matter.It's like two children fighting, it doesn't matter who loses and who takes advantage, but if one parent steps up and reprimands or hits the other child, no matter whether it is reasonable or not, it will annoy the other parent.

Those small sects are not poor children without parents. They were oppressed by Alexis. They naturally asked their backers for help. This incident intensified and escalated.

"It's just that, recently, they still focus on confrontation. Although there is a small friction, a huge battle will not break out."

"Oh, why do you say that? In your opinion, how long will it take for them to fight?"

Hearing Yue Chuan's question, Bai Zhanhan tapped his fingers on the table, pondered for a long time, and then stretched out three fingers.

"Three days? It's too short, isn't it three months?"

Bai Zhanhan shook his head, "Three years! Maybe it will be shorter, but at least there won't be a major war for one year."

Yue Chuan frowned.Although it was difficult to accept, he knew that Bai Zhanhan's calculations should be more accurate than his own. Although three years is a bit exaggerated, it also shows that there will never be a big war in a short period of time.However, three months seemed too long for Yue Chuan, and three years, Yue Chuan didn't have the patience to wait at all.

"Why do you say that? The people on both sides have gathered together, and they may fight at any time, right?"

Bai Zhanhan smiled confidently, "Patriarch, you also said that there are two sides, but among these two sides, one is the Church of Light, and the other is an alliance of many small sects. These small sects have a common goal, which is to rob the Church of Light. The territory, it is this common purpose that brings them together, but although they have a common purpose, there is no specific division of tasks and distribution of spoils. For example, if the fight starts today, who will be the striker, who will be the center forward, and who will be responsible for covering the back , who is responsible for the logistics, how should the compensation for the casualties be apportioned?

Hearing Bai Zhanhan's words, Yue Chuan finally understood what he had neglected, that is, these small sects were a mess of good and bad, and they might be able to fight well, but they couldn't compare with the Guangming Church in terms of teamwork.Everyone knows that the striker is the life of the cannon fodder. Those small sects will definitely not be willing to take the lead in order to avoid injury and even annihilation of the entire army, and those sects with slightly stronger strength will not damage their own strength in vain. They are more insidious. It will even weaken dissidents through the hands of the Church of Light.Therefore, although those coalition forces of small sects seem to be powerful, if they really do it, they will definitely escape one by one faster than rushing.

Therefore, it is impossible for them to fight without electing a big brother and formulating a charter.If Alexis took the initiative to ask for a fight at this time, he would definitely be able to complete his efforts in one battle and defeat these scattered small sects.But Alexis really didn't have any strategic vision. As soon as he arrived at the place, he immediately started to stabilize people's hearts, repair the idol, and eliminate the negative effects. He was very active in arranging defenses, but he never had the slightest intention of attacking.After all, he was a religious man, not a war veteran.It was too difficult for him to march and fight.

It is precisely because neither side intends to fight immediately, so the time for the big battle has been delayed, and in a short period of time, it is only a confrontation with each other, and it is absolutely impossible to fight.

"Is there a way to get them to fight? Like let's create some trouble?"

Bai Zhanhan thought for a while, "Patriarch, if you are talking about assassinating a few important figures, it will only have the opposite effect. If you kill an important figure in the Church of Light, I'm afraid Alexis will become suspicious and act more cautiously. They even retreated directly. If they killed important figures in the alliance, even if they wanted to take revenge, they would not have the strength to take revenge.

Yue Chuan rubbed his nose, he really wanted to give the assassins of the League of Assassins a few system tasks, distribute some purple outfits, and let them assassinate some bosses without anyone noticing.But after hearing Bai Zhanhan's analysis, Yue Chuan realized that doing so was not only meaningless, but also counterproductive.

"Don't talk about a year, I think a month is too long. Can you do something to make them fight, immediately."

It's not that Yue Chuan feels that time is short, but that the changes are too fast, and Yue Chuan can't afford to wait a year or three.With the help of the game world of "Dungeon and Fighter", almost every day is a world-shaking change.It has only been a few months since Yue Chuan had nothing. If he waited another year or two, Yue Chuan's strength would have reached an unknown level. At that time, one finger could crush Alexis to death.

Time is really too precious, and Yue Chuan has a deep understanding of this point. Thinking back to the time when a meteor fell for 2000 RMB, Yue Chuan saved a handful, and dreamed of increasing the value, but who would have thought that a meteor falling into a dive would cost 5000 to [-] RMB? One, Yue Chuan gritted his teeth and didn't make a move, and then, no one cared about the meteor falling [-] million, so Yue Chuan could only put it on silently.

Time can change everything, this is a bloody lesson, so what Yue Chuan hates most is waiting for time.

Bai Zhanhan didn't say it was impossible, since Yue Chuan made his request, he could only do his best to help realize it.

"It's not impossible, it's just a little unrealistic."

"Oh?" Yue Chuan looked at Bai Zhanhan curiously.

"Interests, as long as there are crazy interests, it is not impossible for them to fight tonight."

Life is threatened, and many people will choose to retreat.But if the interests are damaged, no matter how cowardly a person is, they will explode with astonishing power.There is a saying in capitalism that as long as there is a [-]% profit, they will dare to take risks and trample on all laws.But what about [-] percent, [-] percent profit?
Yue Chuan narrowed his eyes, "What kind of benefits do you think will make them so tempted that they will be desperate, even if it means throwing their lives?"


Like a fortune teller, Bai Zhanhan closed his mouth tightly after he said one word, and there was an inscrutable smile on the corner of his mouth.

Yue Chuan sighed helplessly, "Don't be impatient, just speak up if you have something to say."

With a chuckle, Bai Zhanhan continued: "These people all have one thing in common, that is, religious believers. All religions have their own gods. The devotion of believers to the gods can make them crazy and desperate. If the surrounding If miracles appear, or treasures left by the gods appear, I believe they will go crazy to explore. The site can be robbed at any time, but treasures are lost and never obtained again. Master, what do you think? , will they take the bait?"

Yue Chuan nodded. The territory will not grow legs and can be robbed at any time. Therefore, those small sect alliances can confront Alexis, but the treasure is different. Come back, I don't know how many times the price will be paid.

"What kind of treasure can do this?"

When Bai Zhanhan heard this, he couldn't help but glanced at Yue Chuan in surprise.In his mind, this method of provoking troubles is simply fantasy. After all, treasures of gods and the like don't exist. Even if they are fabricated, they can't be produced in ten days and half a month.But he didn't expect that Yue Chuan would directly ask what kind of treasure it was, which meant that Yue Chuan had a way to realize this idea, or he knew that there was really a treasure around here, or he had the ability to fake one.

Originally, Bai Zhanhan was just talking casually, and didn't expect the two sides to act immediately, but feeling Yue Chuan's strong self-confidence, he couldn't help becoming more cautious, because he knew that every word he said would probably become reality .Whether you can start a war between the Illuminati Church and those small sects depends on your own mouth.

"Uh... this matter really needs to be calculated carefully. This fetish cannot be attributed. If it is the God of Light or the Goddess of Nature, it will only attract the attention of certain forces and cannot mobilize the interest of other sects. Secondly , this fetish must be useful, and it is best to be a heaven-defying treasure that can directly enhance people's strength, so as to arouse their desire for possession. I don't have a good idea for a while about what kind of fetish can achieve the effect, let me go back Check the information."

Yue Chuan shook his head, "No, no, I already have a plan, hehe..."

Facing Bai Zhanhan's puzzled eyes seeking knowledge, Yue Chuan smiled, nodded to Bai Lian next to him, and casually got up and left.

(End of this chapter)

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