
Chapter 222

Chapter 222
After hearing Bai Zhanhan's narration, Yue Chuan had a plan in mind.Although Bai Zhanhan is smart, his vision is limited after all, and his thinking is only limited to the range of ordinary people, but to Yue Chuan, he has methods and abilities that ordinary people can't imagine.

To make a fake, you have to make it bigger, and only make one or two magical weapons. Is that also called a fake?It's too cheap.If you want to play, just play the big one, Yue Chuan decided, he wants to create a ruin, this is definitely more crazy than any other fetish.

According to ancient documents, there were two other eras before the current era of mainstream human beings. The first is the era of gods and demons. Both gods and devils lived in the world. In the eyes of gods and demons, such powerful creatures as elves are just blood food and sacrifices, while humans at that time did not even have the qualifications to be sacrifices.The second era is the era of dragons and elves after the disappearance of gods and demons. Dragons rule the sky, elves rule the earth, and humans, dwarves, orcs and many other races are just slaves of dragons and elves.Then, powerful men from various races emerged one after another, while the number of giant dragons and elves withered year after year, and finally the balance of power between the two sides was broken. Dragon Canyon and other places, and then they were brutally hunted down by the increasingly powerful human beings for the dragon blood and the power of the elves.

Although the era of gods and demons and the era of giant dragon elves are over, many buildings and facilities of that era are still handed down.At the end of the era of gods and demons, giant dragons and elves fought for several gods and demons for years, and finally had to be shared by the two races. From those ruins of the age of gods and demons, both dragons and elves gained unimaginable improvements.

At the end of the era of giant dragons and elves, powerful people from all races also occupied many relics of the era of gods and demons. The relics of dragons and elves, the most powerful magic empire in human history was established because of the occupation of these relics. , and because they possess the powerful magical power in these ruins, this empire has ruled the human world for thousands of years.

Every ancient relic that contains power is something that many races covet. Therefore, many mercenaries like to explore those deep mountains, old forests, canyons, dark rivers, in order to discover those unknown relics, or to study and explore by themselves. , or resold to those powerful forces.

After the collapse of the magic empire, many magic relics at that time were taken over by the magic guild, and over tens of thousands of years, the magic guild has also unearthed several new relics, each of which contains many mysteries.The magic relic where Sissi performed elemental baptism was just an insignificant part of it.That magic relic is just a baptism for newcomers with excellent qualifications. The magic guild still has some super magic that can allow magicians to master powerful forbidden techniques, make breakthroughs, and even go back in time to the era of gods and demons to observe the magic of gods and demons at close range. It is precisely because of these magical relics that the Magic Guild can become the undisputed number one organization on the mainland.

Not only the Magic Guild, the Mercenary Guild, the Alchemy Guild, but also the Assassin Alliance have many ancient magical relics. Although many of them cannot create value or bring benefits, even so, these organizations are unwilling to disclose or even transfer these magical relics After all, no one knows what kind of power is contained in those magical relics that have survived the ravages of time and can still be passed down to this day.Moreover, all magical relics are handed down from ancient times, and are accumulated for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years. They can neither be reproduced nor copied, and cannot be measured by monetary benefits at all.

However, Yue Chuan will tell them with facts that there is something called a copycat.

With a cottage, everything is possible!
In the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors", Yue Chuan, led by Lie Yanoxiu and Ice Herac, entered a secret dungeon in Gran's Forest.The process is the same as other players entering the copy of Gran's Forest, except that there is a mysterious point on the interface when selecting the copy.

"Many places in the wild can be explored. The breadth of Gran's Forest is beyond your imagination. The places where goblins, minotaurs and cat demons are entrenched are just a few of the areas. It is less than one percent. Our sisters have explored Grand Forest for five or six years, and we have only touched the tip of the iceberg."

Hearing this, Yue Chuan couldn't help but nodded. That's right, what the players have come into contact with is just a few monotonous dungeons. Those are all dungeons sorted out for the convenience of the players. These dungeons are just Grand Forest It’s just a point, and it doesn’t represent the whole Gran’s Forest. If you really think that you have conquered Gran’s Forest by killing goblins, cat monsters, minotaurs, and zombies, then you are completely wrong.

"This point is the point that our sisters explored and discovered. We will record it, and we can go along the road in the future, or enter directly. Now, come with us."

As soon as the surrounding scenery changed, Yue Chuan, Lieyan Pinoxiu, and Hanbing Herac appeared in a densely forested valley.

Although the habitats of goblins, cat demons and other things can be called densely forested, compared with the valley in front of them, it is the difference between bean sprouts and spruce.In the valley in front of me, each tree is [-] meters high, and seven or eight people hug each other as thick as a tree. Trees, rows, and patches are lined up one after another, filling every space in the valley.

The gaps between the trees are also full of various flowers and trees. The white and green fungus is like a carpet, spread on the stones and the roots of the trees protruding from the ground, and the light gray nutritious mushrooms are like small flowers. Umbrellas are opened in the gaps of the fragrant mold, and even hang upside down on some branches and stone bars.The dark brown black acorns fell heavily on the branches, and fell densely on the ground, mixed with the finely crushed stones, making it difficult to distinguish.Plump and round black acorns and shriveled and cracked black acorns are layered on top of each other. I don’t know how many years the black acorns here have not been picked by people or visited by small animals.

And with the constant approach, Yue Chuan finally noticed the abnormality.The plants here are growing very fast, and they are very big, not to mention the thick trees, the commonly seen fungus, black acorns, nutritious mushrooms, etc. are also magnified more than ten times. Things like Flammulina velutipes are as big as a small bench.

Looking around, Yue Chuan couldn't help feeling that this place is simply a natural botanical garden, a world of plants, a paradise of plants.

Lie Yanbinoxiu looked at Yue Chuan's surprised expression with satisfaction. When the two of them first arrived here, they were even more surprised than Yue Chuan.Based on the belief that there must be a demon if something goes wrong, the two sisters wandered around the periphery for more than ten days, but they didn't dare to go in to find out.Moreover, even if they really entered it, it took several years to find a little bit of clues.

"It's just the outside. It's as insignificant as the grass growing on the walls and feet. The real magic is inside."

Hearing Lieyan Binuoxiu's words, Yue Chuan suddenly realized the purpose of his trip, so he nodded quickly, signaling Lieyan Binuoxiu to lead the way.

However, when shuttled through the tall and dense forest, Yue Chuan couldn't help but think that even if it is only the periphery, there is still a lot of potential for development. Whether it is growing crops or medicinal materials, it is much better than letting it go unused.However, business is important, let's look inside first and then talk.

Maybe it's because of the special dungeons, there are no imaginary goblin cat demons and other things here, there are only flowers and trees everywhere, at the beginning, Yue Chuan could call a few names, and later, Yue Chuan was a They didn't know each other, and in the end, Yue Chuan couldn't even count how many unknown plants he had seen.I don't know how long it took, but the thick and indelible greenness finally came to an end, and the eyes suddenly opened up.

As for the building, Yue Chuan finally saw a different scenery. It was the building of the elves. Although it did not have the slightest craftsmanship of artificial carving, it was by no means a thing created by heaven and earth.There are tree houses appearing on the thick trees, and the dense and thick rattan weaves elegant and elegant stairs, and interweaves ingenious doors and windows.Time flies, people go to the building, but these tree houses still maintain a beautiful and elegant appearance and outline, without the slightest deformation or change.

"This is the special elf magic of the elves. They have left special marks on the trees. Those trees will grow according to their expectations, and automatically produce rooms, doors, windows, stairs and other facilities. And no matter how the tree grows, it will not Out of shape and shape, so even though thousands of years have passed, the tree house is full of moss and weeds, but the outline of those rooms has never changed."

Hearing Lie Yanbinoxiu's words, Yue Chuan couldn't help but take a deep breath. This is definitely not something humans can do. Only elves, the darlings of nature, have this mysterious ability.In other words, there were elves living and living here, and looking at the innumerable number of tree houses, it seems that this place used to be an important town of elves, and even a kingdom of elves, where tens of thousands of elves lived.

"Take me to see the magical ruins of the elves. I haven't seen such a thing. I'm really looking forward to it!"

As for the magic relics, Yue Chuan only learned some from hearsay, but he had never seen the real appearance of these things, and today, he was finally lucky enough to see the real appearance.

After passing through the layers of cover of the tree house, I finally saw something different.It feels like passing through tall buildings and finally coming to the square in the center of the city and seeing the iconic city buildings.

However, this landmark building is not made of reinforced concrete, but a huge ancient tree. I don’t know whether this ancient tree was born naturally or was transformed the day after tomorrow. Only a section ten meters above the ground is left. A section of tree roots are deeply rooted in the soil layer, without branches or crowns, but it has not lost its vitality, but is full of vitality. This can be seen from its emerald green skin and the branches poking through the gaps in the skin .

Just like those tree houses, once some kind of magic is applied to the trees in the elves, they will always be fixed in a certain outline without any change. Maybe they will continue to grow, but they will still grow according to a certain precise formula. Scale, enlarge the outline a little bit, without any imbalance.The thick tree stump in front of him is that, although it keeps getting thicker and bigger, it has always remained so long and has not changed at all for countless years.

Yue Chuan walked around this thick tree stump, and was horrified to find that he had walked more than 200 steps, nearly 50 steps. According to his own stride length, one step should be between 80 and [-] meters, which is also That is to say, the circumference of this tree stump is [-] meters. After pondering for a long time, Yue Chuan finally calculated the diameter of this tree stump, which should be about [-] meters.Of course, Yue Chuan didn't know whether his calculations were accurate. After all, his math was taught by his physical education teacher, and he returned it to his Chinese teacher.

But then Yue Chuan looked at Lie Yanbinoxiu and Ice Herac suspiciously. Could the so-called remains of the elves be this half tree stump?Although this thing is thick and big, it's too short, and what's the use of it?

Han Bing Herac didn't speak, but looked at Yue Chuan with a smile in his eyes. Lie Yan Pinoxiu smiled and said: "At the beginning, we searched around this elf settlement for more than a year. The broken debris and the furniture, utensils and books discarded by the elves, we found nothing. But one day, we discovered that the most important things were always under our noses, and we were always looking for shoes with shoes .”

Hearing this, Yue Chuan couldn't help turning his head in surprise, and looked at the tree stump. Could it be that this tree stump has some secrets?
Therefore, Yue Chuan rushed to the side of the tree stump in a few steps, reached out his hand to touch the lush green skin, even painted with his nails, and carefully searched for the texture of the tree bark to see if there were any secret doors or the like .

Lie Yan Pinoxiu and Han Bing He Lak on the side watched Yue Chuan search with a smile all the time, without giving any hints. In the end, Yue Chuan was really impatient, and grabbed the two female elves into his arms with a big hand. After fiddling up and down, I finally got the answer I wanted from their panting mouths.

According to the prompts of Lie Yan Binoxiu and Han Bing Herac, Yue Chuan climbed up to a tree house next to him. The height of the tree house was not enough. Yue Chuan continued to climb up, and the top of the tree stump gradually appeared in sight. , Yue Chuan finally saw the appearance of the top of the tree stump after his body jumped up.

Its upper surface presents deep depressions, like a bowl with its mouth facing the sky, and on the inner wall of this bowl, there are clear annual ring-like lines, according to the observations of Lie Yanoxiu and Ice Herac. Said that the tree stump has more than [-] annual rings, which means that the tree is more than [-] years old. At the beginning, the two of them spent three days trying to find out the age of the tree. For three nights, I was so tired that my eyes were numb and my hands were numb.

However, unlike the annual rings of ordinary trees, the annual rings of this tree are very regular, even exquisite. Obviously, the lines are carefully carved, and each annual ring has its unique use.However, the annual rings of this tree stump are deliberately carved into magical lines full of mysterious atmosphere, and each annual ring is like a complete magic circle. The emerald green light made the entire magic circle look distinct and clear.

When more than a hundred thousand identical magic lines are fused together, the energy that can be exploded... Yue Chuan feels horrified when he thinks about it.Moreover, in addition to the annual rings on the tree stump, there are also many naturally generated patterns that look like magic runes. These patterns are perfectly integrated in the more than [-] magic circles, adjusting the spread and convergence of magic power like a transmission link. The energy transmitted from the tens of thousands of magic circles is transported and accumulated deep in the stump, and some mysterious power is brewing.

No wonder those forces in the real world are crazily vying for ancient magic relics, because every place is created with power unknown or uncontrollable by humans, even if it is an ancient relic that has lost its magical power, some of the buildings The exquisite craftsmanship and the depicted magic circle can also bring unimaginable benefits and improvements to people.If it is a magical relic with complete functions or only a part of functions, the meaning and value it produces are even more immeasurable.

Slowly returning to the ground, Yue Chuan took a deep breath, and it took him a long time to calm down the turmoil in his heart, and then asked: "What is the function of this building magic circle?"

Thinking of the transformation of Lie Yan Pinoxiu and Ice Herac from human to elf, Yue Chuan had already vaguely guessed something.

"No, no, no. It's not what you imagined. This magic circle is just an energy-gathering circle. According to our sisters' groping combined with the magic handbook of the elves, the annual rings should be magic circles that gather elemental energy between heaven and earth. One after another magic runes are also used to extract magic energy. This magic circle will constantly absorb the aura of plants and trees, the essence of the sun and the moon, and produce something similar to the fountain of life at the bottom of the magic circle. Newborn elves babies must be in the spring water In order to get the blessings of nature, you have the power to communicate with vegetation and integrate with nature. To put it bluntly, it is a place where creatures can be reborn and their bodies changed.”

Before Lieyan Pinoxiu finished speaking, Hanbing Herac continued: "We have bathed in this spring water many times, and our bodies have changed a little bit, approaching the elemental elves, and finally according to the elf magic handbook. The recorded magic circle has completed its final transformation."

According to Lie Yanoxiu and Ice Herac, wouldn't he be able to use the magic circle to create a large number of elves?The vigorous and agile skills of the elves and the innate talent for magic are all things that humans can't dream of, especially the elves' stunning face and perfect body, tsk tsk...

"But what about the spring water here? What I saw just now is obviously dry..."

Flaming Pinoxiu and Hanbing Herac blushed immediately, "We have absorbed the spring water that has been accumulated for tens of thousands of years. It was almost full, but it was absorbed and refined by us, and it was all exhausted. .”

Well, Yue Chuan understood that originally, it was impossible for humans to transform into elves, but the success of Lie Yan Pinoxiu and Ice Herac was due to the accumulation of tens of thousands of years of this magic circle in addition to luck.This is a process from quantitative change to qualitative change, which cannot be achieved overnight.

Therefore, Yue Chuan's elf battle plan could only be aborted.

Shaking his head regretfully, Yue Chuan said: "We will study this magic relic later, today's purpose is not it, let's go, let's find something else."

 Thanks [mouse has been rewarding 100 gold coins]

  Thank you [Lao Na's Fahao beast rewarded 100 gold coins]

  Thank you both for your love, bow down.

(End of this chapter)

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