
Chapter 220

Chapter 220
The priests and their followers who came to the Lei Ze family to make trouble all died in Starn City, and died in the Lei Ze family.

The murder of more than 100 people can be said to be an extremely sensational event. The last time the followers of the Goddess of Nature attacked Starn City, the number of casualties caused was almost the same, but this has already caused a shock in the high-level empire. Makes the empire put pressure on the Goddess Cult.It is conceivable what consequences will be caused if this incident is disclosed.

However, when those priests came, they just explained to their cronies who stayed in the church, and went out with about [-] people. After all, what they were doing was something that could not be seen on the stage, and it was impossible to make a big splash.Moreover, their entourage was wiped out by the Lei Ze family's guards. The whole process took less than half a minute, without attracting anyone's attention. Once the door was closed, who knew whether it was killing people or pigs inside.Another point is that the security team in Starn City is simply Yue Chuan's henchman, and Doug's group will only help clean up the aftermath, and will never break into the house to investigate the case.

Therefore, the result was that the death of the number one hundred and ten people did not cause any disturbance at all, Starn City was still calm, and believers should pray and pray for blessings, everything was the same as usual.

However, for the churches in several surrounding parishes, the impact of this incident is devastating.

A country cannot be without a master for a day. This is what I was talking about. Under the leadership of the dragons, those people in the church suddenly became headless chickens. Can't do it.In a word, all the churches are messed up.

Originally, those churches couldn’t get rid of the pot. All the members were eagerly waiting for the priest to go to Starn City to get a sum of money, even if it was not enough, they would also get a batch of food. Seeing his head come back, he inquired about it, only to learn that his head had never been to Starn City.At the same time, rumors came from who knows where, saying that those priests didn't go to Starn City at all, but fled privately with money, and wanted to give the deputy all the mess under their command.

"Fuck me, that fat man must have taken his money and ran away, leaving this mess to me."

"Damn it, he has embezzled so much money and wants me to be the top of the tank, but there is no way."

"Hurry up and pack up all the valuable things in the church, and let's run away."

"I remember that the scepter in the hands of the God of Light is inlaid with a real gemstone. This one has to be tilted up... Do I care about him? When was this gemstone replaced with glass?"

"The priest also imprisoned two beautiful female believers in the basement. Shall we take them away together?"

The church, which was originally full of people, lost the priest who presided over the overall situation at this time, and it was reported that the priest fled privately with money. Plan your future.

Of course, among these believers there are some believers with firm beliefs, but there are more villains and hooligans in the robes of gods. At this time, there is no restraint, and all of them are showing their true colors, barking their teeth and claws to search for property.For a time, I don't know how many gold, silver and precious stones inlaid on the statues were dug away, and how many precious treasures were stolen.

The riots in the surrounding parishes came and went quickly. It was just one night. When many clergymen woke up, they found that the whole church had undergone earth-shaking changes. Everything was clean, no matter whether it was gold, silver, copper or iron, even the metal urinal in the toilet that had been used for more than ten years and whose material could not be seen was stolen.

In the panic, those clerics with strong beliefs reported to their superiors and asked for help, but the news came back and forth, and the rioters had already sold their belongings and hid in the ravines. It was not easy to find them out.

Moreover, when the turmoil broke out in the Church of Light, the small sects that had been dormant began to move around. They tried to return to the town from the surrounding countryside, and began to look for venues step by step, develop believers, and test the reaction of the Church of Light.

If it was the past, the Guangming Church would immediately send someone to "communicate" with them, but this time, the Guangming Church is really powerless, and the internal chaos has not been settled. How can it have the energy and strength to deal with foreign troubles.

In this way, the surrounding parishes were filled with all kinds of small sects in just a few days.There is a saying that asking God is easy and sending God away is difficult. When these small sects were not established, the Illuminati Church did not expel them. They are all organized in the background, and a small armed fight is likely to escalate into a war between two sects.And because the Illuminati Church was in the limelight some time ago, these small sects would cooperate together and deal with it when facing the Illuminati Church.

Therefore, in the face of this chaotic situation, the Guangming Church can only acquiesce in the fact that many sects coexist.

These small sects are expanding rapidly, but they have a tacit understanding that they will not go to Starn City to develop, and after they gain a firm foothold, they will send envoys to meet Yue Chuan to express their goodwill.If you use the language of Jianghu, you will come to Yuechuan to pay homage to the mountains.

Yue Chuan knew that if he did not recognize the existence of these small sects, they would immediately disappear and go back where they came from.After all, the farthest distance between those parishes and Starn City is only a hundred miles, and the nearest distance is only a few tens of miles.Moreover, Starn City has a strong military force and a fierce record, and the powerful Goddess of Nature has been uprooted, not to mention these small sects, so they want to develop around here, without my consent. impossible.

However, Yue Chuan did not object to those small sects. After accepting the "goodwill" they sent, Yue Chuan even gave them a gift in return, and made several verbal agreements with them, acknowledging their existence.If it wasn't for the fear of gossip from the outside world, Yue Chuan would even have thought of contributing to the development of these small sects.

That's right, Yue Chuan just wanted to raise the bandit's self-respect.

Now there is no possibility of peaceful coexistence with Alexis. Last time he cut off an arm, this time he pulled out several of his dog legs. It is impossible to reconcile the enmity between the two.Although they haven't reached the point of going shirtless, they are both ready to stab each other.

Yue Chuan was not afraid of Alexis, and as his strength grew, Alexis' threat to Yue Chuan would become weaker and weaker until he ignored it.But there was one thing that Yue Chuan could not change no matter what, and that was Alexis' position as archbishop.Although Yue Chuan has always claimed to be the Holy Son blessed by the God of Light, this title is only used by Yue Chuan in private. Neither the Pope of the Guangming Church nor His Majesty the Emperor of the Empire has ever admitted it in public. His identity is still just the priest of the Starn City Church, subject to the jurisdiction and control of Archbishop Alexis.

Yue Chuan can't change this fact unless he can separate the parish of Starn City from the parish of Bava. The control of various parishes has made the surroundings of Starn City and even the province of Bava into a miasma of sects. As a result, Alexis has the title of archbishop, but he has no actual control ability to match it, and he cannot All he could do was watch Yue Chuan govern himself.

Promoting small sects in the surrounding parishes is just the beginning. In the following days, Yue Chuan will also encourage these small sects to compete with the surrounding churches for resources and believers, bit by bit to erode Alexis' strength and waste his time and energy, so that he was exhausted and had no time to care.

Yue Chuan's purpose is to mess up the situation of the Guangming Church in Bava Province. Only in this way can he win in the chaos and fish in troubled waters.Anyway, the province of Bava is not owned by Yue Chuan. It is enough for Yue Chuan to guard Starn City. As for the chaos in other places, what does it have to do with Yue Chuan.After all, on a bigger scale, Yue Chuan is just a traveler, even if the world perishes, it has nothing to do with him.

Therefore, after knowing the situation around him, Yue Chuan nestled in his own territory with peace of mind, silently farmed and upgraded equipment, and occasionally called out the sisters Lie Yanbinoxiu and Hanbing Herac to adjust his life , Beautify your life.

As for Alexis, while he was busy dealing with the deficient finances of the parishes around Starn City, he also had to deal with those sects that were constantly provoking and making trouble.

Those churches where riots occurred were simply a mess, but no matter how bad the mess was, Alexis had to pick it up.The damaged statues must be repaired as soon as possible, the lost utensils must be repurchased, and the rice grains of the clergy must be distributed as soon as possible.

But these things are easier said than done.After all, there are too many hostile sects around, and those sects are always watching the actions of the Church of Light, looking for opportunities to sabotage.

I just restored the statue today, but after one night, the statue either lost its head or broke its arm, or was poked blind, and what's more, filth was poured on the statue. Although it knew who did it, the Church of Light There is no way to attack, and we can only silently increase our vigilance. As a result, the already stretched manpower is even more scarce.

Compared with the external conquest, it is more important to stabilize the hearts of the people inside. Therefore, Alexis went to the city of Parsenhofen, which was the most turbulent and largest in scale.

It has to be said that Alexis' deterrence is still very strong, especially the last time he shot and killed many druids of the Natural Deity Cult, which made those small sects fear Alexis.It's just that they have gained a firm foothold now, so it is naturally impossible for them to withdraw easily. Besides, even if they withdraw, can the Guangming Church, which has been severely damaged by the torment, be able to maintain such a large territory? A huge population, how many believers can be produced, and how many resources can be brought in. If the Bright Church wants to monopolize these resources, it is not afraid of choking to death.

Although those small sects have restrained themselves and stopped letting their subordinates go to make trouble in the church, this does not mean that they are willing to withdraw. On the contrary, they are constantly calling for friends and asking friends from other surrounding areas to make trouble. Asking for help, for a while, sects in many surrounding cities mobilized people to this area.

It was as if a storm was brewing, and even the three aunts and six wives with parents who were short-lived every day felt the unusual atmosphere. They should be chatting in the streets and alleys on weekdays, but these days they are surprisingly confined to the house, and try not to go out if they can.The security teams in various cities also started to get busy. While warning the large and small sects not to cause trouble, they also investigated various hidden dangers and warned the gangs not to take advantage of the chaos to cause trouble.

However, anyone with a discerning eye knows that this battle cannot be quelled by the sheriff's yelling. step back.After all, for those small sects, as long as they win this battle, they will be half of the masters of Bavaria, or even the whole masters. They can preach in the city brightly, develop believers, build religious buildings, Hold religious gatherings.Everything can make these believers crazy. In order to spread the glory of the gods, they are even willing to sacrifice their lives.

For Alexis, the province of Bavaria is his territory, the "territory" he laid down by himself, and his own back garden.How can you let other people sleep soundly next to your own couch.Forget about Yue Chuan, although he is wrong, but he is a believer of the Guangming Church after all, no matter how much trouble he makes, it is just an internal conflict, and he can be dealt with in minutes later.But these small sects can't do it. This group of damned heretics just stir up riots. They dare to destroy the statues and blaspheme the God of Light. It is unforgivable!
That's right, Alexis had murdered those small sects, and he had the means to kill.After all, she is the head snake of the Bava Province, with a profound background.Especially after the largest enemy, the Goddess of Nature, was suppressed, the Church of Light has become the largest sect in Bavaria.But this does not mean that Alexis can settle those small sects completely.On the contrary, the strength of those small sects should not be underestimated.

The small size of a sect can only mean that the sect has been established for a short time, and it does not mean that the sect is weak and deceitful. After all, in this era, those who dare to practice religion are favored by powerful forces, even if their own strength is not very outstanding. , there are also those powerful "blessings" or "blessings" on the body, with incredible power, if you underestimate them, it is not impossible to capsize the gutter.

Sitting in the city of Pasenhofen, apart from dealing with trivial matters every day, Alexis is researching the affiliation and strength of these small sects.He is going to wipe out these small sects and clear the air and soil of the Bavaria Diocese.

Alexis' eyes and ears are not very sensitive here, and it is impossible to find out the details of these small sects in less than ten days and a half months.It's just that there is an indigenous Dazabi family beside Alexis, especially the Viscount Dazabi, who is basically a puppet controlled by Alexis. Alexis makes it easy for the Dazabi family to do anything.

While the Dasabi family was immersed in the investigation, Yue Chuan was already pondering over a thick stack of documents in his hand.

These materials were collected by Bai Lian. Ever since Bai Lian's family followed Yue Chuan to settle in Starn City, they had shouldered an important secret mission.

Needless to say, in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors", Bai Lian is in charge of the Assassin Alliance Guild. While looking for top killers in reality to lure them into the game, he is also looking for seedlings suitable to be killers in the game, and absorbing them into the Assassins. Union guild.All of this is being done in secret, and all contact methods are through emails and messages in the "Dungeon and Warriors" game world, which is more secretive and stricter than the real League of Assassins.

But in reality, Bailian's responsibility is to build an intelligence system.Bai Lian is not good at collecting intelligence and analyzing information. After all, she has been exposed to assassination techniques since she was a child. He is very good at analyzing information, and with the help of Bai Lian's father, a veteran of the world, the intelligence network quickly took shape.

The stack of information in Yue Chuan's hand was summed up by little brother Bai. It listed the detailed deployment of the surrounding parishes, the number of personnel, and the level of strength. Equipment carried.It even records the meetings between Alexis and the parish leaders in detail, and infers the possible decisions and methods Alexis may use based on various information and materials.

In the past, Yue Chuan didn't pay much attention to Bai Xiaodi, and Bai Xiaodi also deliberately stayed behind and rarely showed himself in front of others. Except for taking them back to take a look, Yue Chuan never had any contact with them.In fact, if he hadn't thought about Bai Lian, Yue Chuan wouldn't remember the character Bai Xiaodi at all. There is no way, that person is so insignificant that even now Yue Chuan doesn't know his name.

But after getting this information, Yue Chuan realized that it wasn't that little brother Bai didn't have a sense of existence, but that he deliberately hid himself behind the scenes.Yue Chuan remembered that in the Three Kingdoms, there was an evaluation of Jia Xu, a poisoner: a warrior who rebels is covered by a curtain; in the floating world, he lives leisurely.This man who stirred up the situation of the Three Kingdoms has always been hidden behind the curtain, unknown to others, let alone cared about by others, and whoever is cared about by him will only have a dead end.

"Well... it seems that we need to pay more attention to this child in the future. After all, he may be the future brother-in-law. Forget it, it is better to hit the sun than to choose a date. Let's go see him and listen to his opinions and strategies along the way. .”

(End of this chapter)

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