
Chapter 210 Enhance Potion

Chapter 210 Enhance Potion
Speaking of the use of external things, people subconsciously think of using poison, extracting toxins from toxic organisms, smearing or tempering them into their hidden weapons, as long as they make a small cut in the enemy's body, they can Easily kill the enemy.

The potions and toxins just refined by several alchemists are somewhat similar in use. One is to extract a certain substance from living things, and the other is to extract a certain power from them. Although the process is different, the results are generally the same. It is to improve one's own strength and be able to better kill the enemy.

Yue Chuan doesn't understand the principle of this potion. After all, it is the lifelong research experience of a master alchemist, or it is the result of the alchemist who has inherited the experience of several generations. It is definitely not Yue Chuan. A layman who doesn't even know a little about physics and chemistry can comprehend it.

But it doesn't matter, as long as Yue Chuan knows how to use it.

Under the fiddling of several alchemists, Yue Chuan witnessed with his own eyes a rusty kitchen knife that became bright and sharp after soaking in the potion. It was originally only a kitchen knife for cutting vegetables in the kitchen, but when he saw the sharp blade , Yue Chuan clearly felt an evil spirit rushing towards his face, like the sharp claws of a beast, causing Yue Chuan's face to twitch slightly. This is definitely the characteristic of a weapon that is thirsty for blood. It is not something that comes with the blade itself. It was given by that potion.To put it bluntly, it is to attach the sharp characteristics of the monster's claws to the weapon, just like oxidizing the steel paint.

"How did you test the properties of this potion?"

A few alchemists looked at me and I looked at you, but no one spoke.

Yue Chuan frowned slightly, it seemed that these guys were only interested in being happy, and never thought of doing an effect test at all.But it's not their fault, after all, this is a different world, and they don't know what the Food and Drug Administration is, and what the Quality Administration is.But then Yue Chuan thought about it, even if there are Food and Drug Administration and Quality Management Bureau, even if you have a golden rice bowl, there is no guarantee that what you eat is not gutter oil.

After testing it, this potion does not seem to be permanent as they expected. The potion has a time-limited effect. After soaking, the effect lasts for about a day, and it will slowly dissipate after a day. It disappeared completely on the third day.

With this kind of conclusion, the faces of several alchemists and craftsmen became ugly, because it meant that their works were unqualified and failed.If you are in the Alchemy Association, you will be punished, and if you are in the workshop of a royal craftsman, even if you are not beheaded, you will be punished.Therefore, several people lowered their heads, not daring to look at Yue Chuan's face.

Yue Chuan didn't say anything, but the smile on his face was even stronger, "What are you afraid of? Are you afraid that I will be angry? Why should I be angry? On the contrary, I should be happy."


Several people were puzzled. So many materials were wasted and so much time wasted, but only such immature or failed works were obtained. Why should they be happy?Could this master be delirious with anger?

Yue Chuan squinted his eyes, and there was a light similar to gold coins in his eyes. He only heard him say: "Imagine, if this potion is used once and permanently improved, how many times will customers buy it? Unless They need to change their weapons, otherwise, a person will only buy it once at most. No matter how good the effect of this potion is, those customers will only buy it once at most. And now, the effect of the potion has a time limit, so, Customers have to come to buy it every three to five times, which means that they will send us money continuously, and our potions are not worried about sales."

Hearing Yue Chuan's words, several alchemists and craftsmen felt enlightened, and they looked at Yue Chuan with more admiration.How did the owner's brain grow? Why can't we think of this possibility.This is simply a golden idea of ​​turning stone into gold and turning waste into treasure.

"You guys continue to study this potion, find out why the potion has a time limit, and then come up with two finished products, one is a permanent potion, and the other is a limited time of effect. Either it lasts for a whole day, or within 1 minute. Unleash all the effects of the medicine."

With the previous instructions, several people could understand Yue Chuan's meaning, so without a word, they all devoted themselves to the research work, while Yue Chuan collected the potions in the magic crucible, turned and left the laboratory .

"I scolded the neighbors, the two bosses in Hanging City, I have this potion, I must kill you!"

In other words, during this period of time, Yue Chuan has been fighting monsters and upgrading crazily every day, and a little fatigue is not wasted. However, as the level and difficulty of the dungeon increase, Yue Chuan feels more and more pressure. After conquering the puppet entrance, Yue Chuan He also conquered the Stone Giant Tower and the Dark Corridor. After numerous failures in between, he finally passed through stumbling, but there was a big boss that was like a stumbling block, and Yue Chuan couldn't cross it no matter what.

No no, it's not one boss, but two bosses. Anyone who has beaten Hanging City knows that the lords of this level are Sinful Left Eye and Sinful Right Eye. The two bosses are left and right. No matter which one they attack, they will kill themselves. If you sell your back to another, you will inevitably be attacked.What's more important is that these two bosses are also very disgusting, and all kinds of evil methods are hard to guard against, especially when they open their eyes, just like Medusa's gaze, they will petrify people. Will be killed by two bosses, there is no suspense.

To conquer this level, either form a team and deal with teammates separately, or use a powerful attack to kill one in a short time, and then transfer the firepower to kill the other.

But it is a pity that Yue Chuan's output is really a bit underwhelming, because he has not produced his own powerful equipment during this period of time, and he is still holding the blade of the mind. After skinning, the forging technology has improved rapidly, and more and more dragon scale equipment has been produced. Yue Chuan has assembled a set of dragon scale equipment. This is a purple suit. No matter the basic attributes or the addition of strength and stamina, it is very impressive. .The only fly in the ointment is that there is no set attribute, and no skills are added.However, for this era of blue clothing for all people, purple clothing such as Dragonscale Battle Armor is already a very heaven-defying existence.

Moreover, after level 25, Yue Chuan went to Guissard to learn new skills. There are two skills that can be learned at level 25, namely Hand of Soul Thirst and Rampage. Soul-thirsty hand is nothing more than that, but this skill doesn't work against Evil Eye at all.It was precisely because of this that Yue Chuan's big plan of drawing pictures was stuck in the Hanging City and he couldn't advance an inch. If he couldn't kill the evil eye, he couldn't challenge the king-level abyss, and if he didn't conquer the king-level abyss, he couldn't enter the new dungeon.

Yue Chuan wanted to form a team, but now most of the players are of low level and their combat power is very poor. When they come, they just gather the number of people, which doesn't help at all.And in this picture, there is only one person who can help Yue Chuan, and that is the little apprentice Fenghua Xueyue.It's just that for some reason, Yue Chuan deliberately avoided this little apprentice from the bottom of his heart, even if he died under the sinful gaze of the boss again and again, he was unwilling to form a team with her.

"Master, how should I hit those big rocks in the Stone Giant Tower? They can't be moved at all, and they will explode after hitting. I have died several times."

"Hit that green puppeteer."


"Master, how do you fight those iron monsters in the dark corridor? Some places are pitch black, and I can't see anything."

"There is a light, just find the control switch."


"Master, how did those two big-eyed monsters in Hanging City fight? It's really abominable. The two of them beat me together. It made me mad."

"I was just beaten to death by them..."

"Uh, well, how about we go together?"


In the beginning, Fenghuaxueyue would often send invitations to form a team, but Yue Chuan did not accept them. When questioned, Yue Chuan either said that he was busy, or that he had no time. In short, he never agreed once in such a long time.

Yue Chuan felt that his cold reception should make that little loli retreat in spite of difficulties, and perhaps dissolve the relationship between master and apprentice, so they parted ways.But I didn't expect that the little loli belonged to the level of brown sugar, and she didn't know what fatigue and boredom were.Every time it seems that she spends the whole day guarding Yue Chuan. As soon as Yue Chuan goes online, she will immediately be invited to form a team. Even if Yue Chuan ignores her, she will happily chat with Yue Chuan and ask for some secrets and key points of the dungeon.

Regarding those questions, Yue Chuan did not remain silent, and would basically answer those who could answer them. After all, the two were in a master-student relationship, and it was his duty to answer some difficult problems encountered in practice.

For this tireless little loli, Yue Chuan was also helpless, but her tenacity made Yue Chuan feel that she had ulterior motives, isn't there a saying that is "to be courteous for nothing, to rape or to steal", Yue Chuan I feel that this little loli who has a big secret in her body must have other plans for herself.

"Master, I killed those two nasty big-eyed monsters, do you want me to help you?"

As soon as he went online this time, Yue Chuan saw the joyful message from the little loli, and he could feel the joy overflowing from the little loli in his words.A strange emotion rose in Yue Chuan's heart, and he wanted to turn off the message several times, but finally he typed "Congratulations".

If it was said that little loli could pass those checkpoints before under his guidance, then this time in the hanging city, he didn't say anything, and little loli passed it by her own strength.In comparison, Yue Chuan was still stuck at this stage, so he looked a bit inferior in comparison.And this further stimulated Yue Chuan's machismo feelings, and the damage to the protagonist's halo made Yue Chuan feel a sense of crisis in his heart.

"You must conquer this level, otherwise you will be thrown off the level again!"

Yue Chuan looked at the backpack, and there was indeed a bottle of newly refined potion in it. He looked at the properties of the potion, and it showed: "Primary upgrade potion, after use, it can increase the attack power of weapons by 20%, and the defense power of armor by 20% %, the effect lasts for 24 hours."

Primary enhancement potion?Does this mean there are intermediate and advanced levels?Well, let them do more research when they go back.

The 20% attack power is just the weapon attack power. Although it is not as heaven-defying as Yue Chuan imagined, it is still a slight improvement.Therefore, without saying a word, Yue Chuan applied the potion on the blade of the splitting soul, and suddenly, a faint brilliance shone, and the blade of the splitting soul obviously had a fierce evil spirit.

Then, Yue Chuan applied the potion on several pieces of his equipment.Then he saw a faint halo rippling on the dragon scale battle armor, and a strong light and evil spirit rose up, enveloping Yue Chuan like a cloud of smoke.

20% attack and defense, this kind of effect is not against the sky for Yue Chuan's improvement, but it can't be ignored, it is a step forward, although it is only one step, but it is a breakthrough on the basis of a hundred feet, It is simply impossible to measure and evaluate with ordinary eyes.

The monsters in those checkpoints in front of Hanging City had no difficulty for Yue Chuan. Yue Chuan, who was eager to fight the lord, didn't have the mood to search for those scraps of metal, and rushed all the way to the room where the lord was.

Stepping through that door, immediately, two giant monsters like hills appeared in front of and behind Yue Chuan, sandwiching Yue Chuan in front of and behind him.This kind of attack angle of the enemy from the back makes Yue Chuan very uncomfortable, but Yue Chuan has no choice, because no matter which evil eye he chooses to face, the other evil eye will attack his back. It is impossible to change this situation of being attacked by enemies.

After shaking the weapon in his hand, Yue Chuan snorted coldly, and then began to attack the dusty little miscellaneous fish in the middle.

The fierce collision sound and the near-death screams of the little brothers awakened the two sleeping evil eyes. Their bodies trembled slowly, making huge noises, and amazing energy fluctuations were rolled up. Energy Storm Pack.


An evil eye suddenly opened its closed eyes, and a dazzling glare shot out.Yue Chuan knew what the evil eye was going to do when its eyelids shook, so he quickly turned around and used his back to meet the strange light.

You must know that the closed pupil of the evil eye has been accumulating power, accumulating a strange power, once the eye is opened, that power will be released instantly, if there is a living creature's eyes seeing this light, Immediately will be petrified.

The first time he challenged the Evil Eye, Yue Chuan was hit by the petrified gaze of the Evil Eye without noticing it. The strange power poured into his eyes and spread throughout his body in an instant, turning Yue Chuan into a sculpture. After that, the two Evil Eyes Zhiyan cooperated with the release of several skills, and Yue Chuan was sent back to the town gorgeously.

After dying under the gaze of the evil eye again and again, Yue Chuan also got the hang of it, knowing the signs when this skill is released, so when he saw the lord's eyelids vibrate, Yue Chuan immediately turned around, because he knew that even if he closed his eyes, As long as there is an evil eye in the field of vision, it will also be petrified, and after petrification, the only end is to be knocked into the tiniest fragments and enter a state of death.

Yue Chuan dodged this skill in time, turned around and didn't look at the evil eye, but the moment he turned around, he immediately found that the evil eye on his right was also looking at him with malicious intent.

That's right, the evil eye on the right has also opened its eyes, and an extremely dangerous light is shining and blooming in the depths of its pupils.

"I'm stupid, cheating father! Don't bring such a fool."

Yue Chuan yelled loudly, and exerted force on his toes again. His whole body was like a spinning top, and he turned back instantly by inertia, facing the evil eye again.

A faint light passed through his body, and Yue Chuan felt a slight numbness in his hands and feet, which seemed to be heavy and stiff.Yue Chuan knew that this was a sign of petrification, and the only thing to be thankful for was that he had escaped the strongest moment, and now it was just the aftermath of dissipation, so he only felt a little numb and stiff, and was not petrified into a sculpture.

An ax destroyer assumed a standard charging posture, his heavy body slid on the ground, and the sharp ax handle slammed into Yue Chuan's chest.Under normal circumstances, Yue Chuan could have dodged this blow, but now Yue Chuan's body is numb and stiff, and his reaction speed and flexibility are far inferior. Although he gave the command to dodge, his body did not execute it well. The small thorn on the top of the ax handle stabbed the armor hard.

There was a sharp pain in Yue Chuan's chest. The ax seemed to squeeze out all the air in his alveoli. When his body was thrown backward by the force of the impact, Yue Chuan obviously felt his chest collapse a little. I don't know how many ribs were broken.This is still under the protection of the dragon scale battle armor, and after the 20% improvement of the potion, what's even more speechless is that this is just an ordinary Destroyer of the Little Monster Ax, and the boss hasn't made a move yet.

clap clap clap...

The pupils of the two evil eyes instantly flashed intense light. Seeing this scene, Yue Chuan immediately knew that the evil eyes were about to release their death vision, and there would be several destructive beams coming from their eyeballs later. Letting it out, this is something that dies at the touch of a scratch, and cripples when touched, Yue Chuan absolutely dare not use his small body to resist head-on.

The moment his toes touched the ground, Yue Chuan activated Yuexiang's force-exerting skills, his body was as light as a swallow in an instant, and then the muscles of his legs suddenly exerted force, and there was only a "boom", as if a heavy hammer hit the drum surface Similarly, the ground under Yue Chuan's feet was slightly sunken, and at this moment, Yue Chuan's whole body flew forward like a cannonball, and slammed straight into the evil eye.


The soul-cracking blade pierced the eyeball of the evil eye. The eyeball of the evil eye was as hard as a steel stone. When the blade pierced it, although some pieces were peeled off, no blood flowed out at all. A strange force prevented Yue Chuan's mind-cracking blade from continuing to penetrate deeper, but instead took it aside.

However, this was enough, because under the severe pain, this evil eye didn't care about releasing the unfinished death sight at all, but closed its eyes and trembled crazily, roaring.

This knife is enough to keep it safe for more than ten seconds, so Yue Chuan turned around in peace of mind, and judged the trajectory of the death sight released by the other evil eye.

 Thank you [Lao Na's law number beast voted for a monthly ticket] Thank you very much, bow to thank you.

  In addition, today is the dragon raising its head, hehe, I wish everyone can be as unstoppable as the dragon raising its head in the future, fierce and unrivaled, straight to the sky!
(End of this chapter)

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