
Chapter 211 Evil Eye

Chapter 211 Evil Eye
A faint halo bloomed from the evil right eye. This light was very subtle and had no lethality at all. Even if it shone on Yue Chuan, it did not cause any harm to Yue Chuan.However, this does not mean that it is harmless, on the contrary, Yue Chuan's heart almost missed a beat the moment he was caught by it.Although this faint ray of light is not an attack method, it is an auxiliary aiming method, just like an infrared aiming laser gun. Although infrared aiming is not very lethal, when it is locked, who is not the chrysanthemum suddenly tightened, the scalp Numb.

Yue Chuan's Shunbu was used almost instantly, his figure instantly disappeared in place, and then appeared in another position three steps away in an instant, but almost at the same time, a beam of light with strong destructive power shot past, Yue Chuan although He dodged in time, but he was still rubbed by the light beam, and there was severe pain on his shoulder, as well as green smoke curling up.

After all, the speed of a person cannot be compared with light. Yue Chuan was able to dodge it because there was a halo to assist aiming before the strong beam hit. Yue Chuan made dodging actions before the beam arrived, not that he The speed of light can be compared with that of light.

Out of the corner of his eye, he looked at his shoulder, and there was no blood, because the area that was attacked was completely scorched, and all the muscles, bones, skin and flesh instantly turned into fly ash and disappeared.Yue Chuan hastily poured down a bottle of life potion, the wound on his shoulder felt a slight itching sensation, the wound squirmed a little bit, muscles grew, and the wound healed.

Sin's right eye saw that his attack failed, and roared angrily. On the other side, Sin's left eye finally opened its eyes, but the clear peeling scar on the eye could never be recovered, which made it very angry.Therefore, a dense halo of light enveloped Yue Chuan, and then five or six beams of light with a destructive aura shot at Yue Chuan.

It came down too suddenly and abruptly, although Yue Chuan saw the halo, he didn't have enough time to avoid it.And at this time, the Destroyer who had severely injured Yue Chuan with the blow just now raised the battle ax in his hand, and slid his body to attack Yue Chuan.

When Yue Chuan saw the Destroyer of the Ax, he had only one thought in his mind: Sending him away from thousands of miles away, this is really a good man like a living dog.

It's too late to hide, but besides hiding, Yue Chuan has another method, that is the hand of soul-thirsty!
Scarlet blood flames covered Yue Chuan's left hand in an instant, and the majestic blood energy surged and swirled rapidly like a whirlpool, and at the center where the blood energy was most dense, a jet of black light emerged.The tyrannical blood energy intertwined and rotated to produce a tyrannical tearing force, and this tearing force not only tore the surrounding objects, but even the surrounding space was also torn apart.

The tyrannical suction in the vortex and the devouring force from the shattering space instantly locked on to the rushing Ax Destroyer. The charge of the Ax Destroyer was very fast, but after the soul-thirsty hand was used, its speed It became even faster, and at this time, it was not it charging towards Yue Chuan, but Yue Chuan pulling it towards him.

woohoo hoo...

Powerful blood energy instantly poured into the body of the Ax Destroyer, and the sound of liquid rolling and blood boiling was transmitted from the hollow shell of the Ax Destroyer. Although it has no blood, it is a living object after all, and the soul-hungry At this time, the hand is like a claw that locks the soul, ruthlessly grasping the vitality it relies on to maintain its vitality, and like a water pump, it grabs its vitality outward little by little.

At this moment, Yue Chuan entered a strange state, his palm grasped the body of the Destroyer of the Axe, and even its soul, yes, the soul.At this moment, Yue Chuan is no longer simply in the material world. At this moment, he has been able to touch the virtual energy matter, that is to say, he is already at the confluence level of the material world and the energy world.


Several destructive beams shot past Yue Chuan's body, but did not cause any damage to Yue Chuan. The beams penetrated through Yue Chuan's body. After the light faded, it was found that there were not even a single burn mark or hole on Yue Chuan's body. It is still intact, there is no change at all.

At the moment of using the soul-thirsty hand, the berserker can enter the invincible state. This is because at that moment, the berserker smashed the stable space through the power of blood energy, opened a space full of devouring power, and grabbed the enemy's blood At the moment of his life, the Berserker himself has been enveloped by the power of space, and has entered the energy world from the material world. Everything in the material world has nothing to do with him, so naturally he cannot cause any damage.

This state is very troublesome to explain, but to put it in a common way, it is "jumping out of the five elements and not in the three realms". Although this state only lasts for a moment and then recovers, this moment is enough.


A violent explosion sounded from the body of the Ax Destroyer, and at the same time, the scarlet blood ray exploded in Yue Chuan's palm, and the powerful impact spurted the Ax Destroyer backwards, and on the way of eruption, the Ax Destroyer The Ouster was like an overwhelmed balloon, bursting from the inside, and when it landed, it was just a pile of tinkling scrap metal.

To be precise, it was a piece of tattered armor.Destroyers have no flesh and blood. They are a combination of armor and weapons. It is impossible to obtain flesh and blood materials from them, but you can pick up these armors on them. High value, no matter how bad it is, can be thrown to blacksmiths, and let them go back to the furnace for recasting to create weapons and equipment.

It's just that Yue Chuan didn't have the heart to bend down to pick up those valuable ancient armors at this time, and watched them silently become transparent and hazy, and then disappeared.Because Yue Chuan knew that the moment he bent down, he would definitely be attacked by the evil eye, just like picking up soap, and he couldn't just look at the front and not the back.

Sure enough, the two evil eyes couldn't hold back, their huge body shook slightly, and then the ground under Yue Chuan's feet changed strangely.The originally rough and dark floor fluctuated like running water, and then, fist-sized round and convex objects emerged strangely, that turned out to be evil eyes that had been shrunk by a thousand times, densely packed in a total of dozens of them.And these dozens of small versions of the evil eyes are densely distributed around Yue Chuan, each of them emits a cold light, locking Yue Chuan firmly.

The most shameless trick, full-screen indiscriminate bombing.

At this moment, Yue Chuan really hoped that the Destroyer of the Ax could stand up again and give him another chance to get out of trouble, but the Destroyer who had already been refreshed was destined not to be able to hear Yue Chuan's voice.

Yue Chuan didn't regret that he cleared out the Ax Destroyers as soon as he entered the lord's room, because if he only kept them for the soul-thirsty hands, he would definitely be in a hurry under their intensive charge, and then he would be caught by the evil eye. Sneak attack and serious injury, whether it is being stabbed by more than a dozen battle axes at the same time or being stared at by two evil eyes at the same time, it is a dead end without accident.

The evil eyes under the feet opened instantly, and the strange pupils shrank suddenly, and the dazzling light flashed, bloomed, and then shot out.

But before that, Yue Chuan had already given himself a bottle of petrification-relieving potion, and before the rays of light fell on him, he rushed towards Sin's left eye with a three-stage slash.The eyelid of the sinful left eye blinked, and more than a dozen fist-sized eyes flew out of the eyeball, and each eye also shot out a strong light, forming a surrounding net with those sinful eyes on the ground, trapping Yue Chuan in it. .

And at this time, the pupil of the sinful right eye in the distance gathered light again, and it seemed that it was going to cover with long-range firepower.

There is only one thought in Yue Chuan's mind, and that is grass!The only thing I want to say is that I bought a watch last year.The two bosses are fine, but what about his indiscriminate map-covering attacks in the sky and the ground? What's even more disgusting is that these rays of light and eyeballs are all petrified, and they will be transformed if they are not careful. Cheng Sculpture stood where he was, and would be killed by concentrated fire within a second.

There is no way, this kind of dense firepower network, Yue Chuan's Shunbu is simply a display, because Shunbu can only move three to five steps at most, but this dense firepower network has covered the ground and the air, no matter where he hides They are all unavoidable, and there is a feeling that there is nowhere to live in the ends of the world.

You can't hide, the only thing you can do is to get the least damage as possible.Although the moves of these two evil eyes are disgusting, they have a disadvantage, that is, their moves are very expensive, and it takes a long time to recover after they are used once. The round set fire without dying, and for a while, those two evil eyes let themselves be slaughtered like fleshy belly.


Without hesitation, Yue Chuan turned into Yuexiang, and his body instantly became lighter. Then he stomped heavily on the ground with his feet, and a strong shock wave shot out around the soles of his feet. The little eyeballs under the soles of his feet immediately thought of Cracked like an egg.At this time, Yue Chuan's body flew high, and before he could reach the highest point, dozens of intense rays of light shot out from the ground. It landed on Yue Chuan's abdomen and back, causing heavy damage to Yue Chuan.

Fortunately, Yue Chuan crushed part of his small eyeballs when he jumped, otherwise he might have suffered even more severe injuries.And this kind of heavy damage can definitely take away Yue Chuan's meager blood volume. To be precise, even if Yue Chuan is full of blood, he will be taken away directly, because there are too many densely packed beams.Fortunately, Yue Chuan smeared the enhancement potion on his armor today to enhance the defense of the equipment, so he was able to stay alive for a while.

And just as Yue Chuan jumped up, the destructive beams from the two evil eyes also shot out, interweaving in parallel in the air, forming a dense network.The fine grid can't even hold a fist, if Yue Chuan passes through it, he will be divided into fine pieces.

It's just a pity that Yue Chuan jumped up just before the destruction beam interweaved. The dense grid didn't make any achievements except for cutting off the sole of Yue Chuan's shoe. On the contrary, it didn't do as much damage to Yue Chuan as those small eyeballs on the ground.

The destruction beam only lasted for a moment, then dimmed, and then disappeared. Although there was still hot energy and scorching air in the air, it had no power or influence other than that. Therefore, Yue Chuan, a silver The falling blade of light fell down, and when it landed, several small eyeballs that were closing and lurking were shattered several times, accompanied by the howling of pain from the two evil eyes.

However, they can only howl at this time, and they have no ability at all other than that.Because they have already used all their skills, if these skills kill Yue Chuan in seconds, it will be fine, but Yue Chuan is only wounded and can't die, and he is still breathing, and the two of them have no means of attack at this time, There is no means of defense either, and that huge figure is a natural target for Yue Chuan to slaughter.

Hey Hey……

Accompanied by a series of sneers, Yue Chuan's figure quickly approached Sin's left eye in a series of arc-shaped saber lights. Sin's left eye was swaying fiercely, but it had neither hands, feet, nor tongue, although he didn't know where it came from. A series of strange voices, but this could not stop the violent spirit in Yue Chuan's heart.

During this period of time, Yue Chuan was stuck in this checkpoint, ravaged and killed by the evil eye again and again, and died more than ten times a day. Although Yue Chuan was already used to being sent home by the boss, it didn't mean that he could Accept it calmly, on the contrary, a fiery anger has been lingering and brewing in his heart, and now, he finally has the opportunity to burst out.

With the strength of running, a series of stabs ruthlessly stabbed the fragile eyeball of Evil Eye. The Evil Eye, which itself had little defense, trembled violently, made a series of strange sounds, and then closed it tightly. Eyes, trying to get stuck in Yue Chuan's weapon.

But how could Yue Chuan let it get what it wanted, the surging blood energy was instilled along the cracking soul blade, filling the destructive blood energy into the eyes of evil like a high-pressure water gun.Immediately, I saw scarlet lines appearing on the originally black and white eyeballs of the evil eye, just like bloodshot eyes produced by humans staying up late, the evil eye is now like a person who has not slept for ten days and ten nights , the eyeballs were covered with dense bloodshot, ferocious and terrifying.

It's just that this scene couldn't frighten Yue Chuan at all, the mind-cracking blade in his hand twisted fiercely, the blood energy poured into it exploded instantly, and the cry of the evil eye stopped abruptly.Then there was a moment of silence, and then there was a bang, where the blade of the cracking soul pierced, cracks spread one after another, and the eyeball of the evil eye was instantly shattered into thousands of pieces like a piece of porcelain .

The bloody rain that fell from the sky made Yue Chuan feel a thirst for blood. As bits and pieces of blood stained his body, he was instantly assimilated by the blood flames and flowed into his body as blood. The bloodthirsty impulse could no longer be suppressed. With restraint, Yue Chuan's already frightening scarlet pupils became thicker and deeper, like two dancing flames.

The Evil Eye behind him suddenly collapsed, and its huge body quickly collapsed and fell like a bubble.One blow, just one blow, and the evil eye of the lord level was beheaded.

It's not that Yue Chuan is too strong, and it's not that the evil eye is too weak, but that Sin Yan's body is full of flaws, and knives are the key points.The eyes are the most vulnerable part of a creature, but these two evil eyes are transformed by the eyes. Although this change endows them with complex and changeable fighting methods, it also restricts some of their innate conditions, such as physical strength.

If Yue Chuan tried to get close to them before, they still had many life-saving means to use, but now, all of their means are completely used, they are just two big meats, except for squirming their bodies to scare the enemy, they can only use it. Silently waiting for the skills to recover.

But Yue Chuan didn't give it time to recover at all, his figure quickly shuttled through the room, and he came to the sinful right eye in an instant.

As soon as it was picked up, the blade of the soul-cracking blade was deeply embedded in the sinful right eye, and a small vertical slit suddenly appeared in the fragile part of the body, and this small slit was pierced by a slender thing, and the sinful right eye Trembling violently, shaking the body frantically, shrinking the body around the gap, trying to squeeze that thing out.

However, how could Yue Chuan make it fulfill his wish, the scarlet cross cut suddenly cut out, turning the small vertical slit on the body of the sinful right eye into a horizontal and vertical cross shape, and, without waiting for the sinful right eye to react , the turbulent blood was poured in along the slender blade of the severing soul blade in an instant, and it was out of control in the sinful right eye like a flood.


Dense blood-colored cracks appeared on the eyeball of the sinful right eye, and then it exploded, and the gigantic, tall sinful right eye exploded into fragments like a piece of porcelain in the turbulent blood.



Bathed in the dripping blood of sinful right eye, Yue Chuan panted heavily.Although it didn't take much effort to solve the two bosses, Yue Chuan tried his best when forcing out the boss's various body protection skills, and even passed death several times, even so, he was still injured Pain, at this moment he suddenly relaxed, fatigue and pain flooded over, making Yue Chuan even lack the strength to stand up.

ding dong...

The crisp and melodious voice poured into Yue Chuan's tired body like a stream of clear water. Hearing this familiar voice, Yue Chuan's exhaustion was immediately swept away, and the strength that came from nowhere made Yue Chuan stand up. , came to the place where the sound came out in less than a second.

Something exploded!

That's right, the boss dropped the item.Among the fragments of the sinful right eye that kept disappearing, a bead the size of an egg caught Yue Chuan's gaze. This bead was exquisitely carved, round and transparent, as magnificent and gorgeous as a pearl and jade, which made Yue Chuan feel like he couldn't put it down.

"Even if it doesn't have the slightest value, it's not bad just as a decoration. I didn't expect the Hanging City to produce such treasures."

Yue Chuan picked up the bead, but then his eyes widened in a daze, as if he had been subjected to a body-holding technique, he couldn't move for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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