
Chapter 209 The first research result

Chapter 209 The first research result

After living in this world for so long, especially after being in contact with Harvey for such a long time, although Yue Chuan knew nothing about magic, he already had a basic understanding of alchemy.Although alchemy also belongs to the category of magic, it is different from traditional magic, and this is why the group of alchemists separated from the magic guild and formed the alchemy association.

Alchemy, originally, aimed at transforming base metals into gold by some means.After all, no matter ordinary people or magicians, no one thinks they have a lot of money. With the universal hard currency of gold, they can buy enough resources for themselves and create a strong enough force. Therefore, the newly emerged alchemy At that time, it was sought after by almost everyone, but later, people discovered that alchemy was simply impossible, so the sensational alchemy fell instantly and became uninterested.

However, there are still a group of people on the mainland who are persistently pursuing alchemy. This is a group of magicians. Through their own keen intuition and research on various magical mysteries, they discovered that alchemy is not absurd, but still a kind of magic. The profound knowledge of the door cannot be understood by those outside who can't get in.Therefore, alchemy, which is on the verge of extinction, has been handed down among magicians, but their purpose is not to refine gold, but to make panacea and elixir through the principles of alchemy.

However, until now, panaceas and elixirs still only exist in legends. However, through the study of alchemy, magicians have also researched many things, such as refining various materials with mysterious power, Extract and fuse to produce various potions with different shapes and different purposes. Another example is to process various magic materials and soak them in various alchemy potions to make these materials have special magical properties. Another example is to use alchemy to make them. Produce all kinds of blanks of weapons and equipment, and then bless them with various magic circles and engrave various magic runes to make them become magic equipment.

However, in Yue Chuan's view, this so-called alchemy is a science that includes knowledge of physics, chemistry, biology, etc. It's just that compared with the physical and chemical biology on the earth, alchemy is more mysterious and complicated. magical place.

Yue Chuan had long wanted to get a few alchemists to work for him, come up with some small inventions, improve his life, and earn some money by the way.This time canning the monster meat obtained in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors" is a preliminary attempt. Yue Chuan is leading these alchemists from other worlds to the road of science that he is familiar with. As for What kind of situation can be created depends on their good fortune.

And the four alchemists who signed the magic contract went back to pack their bags and moved directly into the Lei Ze family. Originally, they wrote letters to tell their relatives about many things, big and small, as if they were going to explain their funeral. But when they moved into the Lei Ze family, they realized that their new life was not what they had imagined.

Yue Chuan set aside a separate courtyard for them. Like the other courtyards, this courtyard also has a name, but the name is very weird. What is the Chinese Academy of Sciences? Anyway, these alchemists don’t know what the Chinese Academy of Sciences means, but since the owner likes it, They didn't have any objections either, not to mention the fate of a yard, even if Yue Chuan changed their names, it was not unacceptable.

The scale of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is not large, but it is enough for several alchemists. The yard that can accommodate nearly a hundred people now only houses seven people. In addition to the four alchemists, there are three Yue Chuan dug from the imperial craftsmen. Seven young craftsmen living in such a large yard can only be described as luxury.In life, Yue Chuan also treated them very preferentially, taking care of food and daily life, but there was only one thing, that was that no servants were allowed to enter this courtyard, so they could only do laundry and cleaning by themselves.

Although outside servants are not allowed in, these alchemists and craftsmen can go out. Yue Chuan has no restrictions on this. They can go out to hang out, buy what they want, or manage the five internal organs temple when they are hungry. You can also go out to vent your fire, and there is a lot of salary every month. This kind of life like a daydream is a bit unimaginable for a few royal craftsmen and alchemists who are used to living a hard life.

Of course, the unimaginable is yet to come.Because their strange master often puts forward some strange or absurd ideas for them to practice, and the strangest thing is that their master bought a large amount of saltpetre, sulfur and charcoal, and asked them to mix them repeatedly, thinking To make something that explodes.

The few craftsmen have no objections. They are imperial craftsmen themselves. Although the name is popular, they are actually a group of craftsmen raised by the royal family. With the royal family's management style, the people below only need to be able to do things and execute orders. , As for thinking and assertiveness, they have been completely wiped out as early as when they became imperial craftsmen.

However, several alchemists have a lot of opinions in their hearts. After all, they already knew when they were learning alchemy that there must be violent energy in order to produce an explosion. The reason for the explosion is that the originally balanced energy suddenly lost its restraint, resulting in Crushed and collided, resulting in an explosion.And this is recognized by all magicians, and many magic deliberations and the production of magic scrolls are also innovated and studied according to this principle.

However, several alchemists repeatedly looked at the pile of powder in front of them, but they couldn't sense the existence of any energy. Without energy, it means that there is no possibility of energy collision, and it is impossible to produce an explosion. The conclusion is, Master's idea is simply nonsense!

However, several alchemists did not dare to say these words, they would do whatever Yue Chuan asked them to do.Anyway, the expenses for food, drink and housing are all provided by Yue Chuan, so it's okay to go crazy with Yue Chuan.

At this moment, Yue Chuan really felt a little regretful. Why didn't he listen to the class carefully and write down the ratio of black powder when he was in chemistry? His grandma only knew about charcoal, sulfur and saltpeter, but what about the ratio?I have been tinkering with it for a long time now, and I can't even light up the cigarettes I made, let alone hear it, what a fucking cheat!
He can't even get black powder, let alone yellow powder. Although Yue Chuan's physical fitness is ten times better than Nobel's now, Yue Chuan is not willing to set off fireworks under his butt again and again, even if he can't kill people, What to do if the flowers and plants are injured.

After a whole day without any progress, the enthusiasm in Yue Chuan's heart was also blown away, and he simply gave up the idea of ​​researching black powder.Anyway, there is a sharpshooter in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors". Although you can't see it now, it will always be open in the future. At that time, just take a few bullets and grenades and take it apart to have a look.

However, Yue Chuan paid such a high price to gather these craftsmen and alchemists, and provided them with such good treatment, he couldn't let them idle all day, he had to find something for them to do.

So Yue Chuan took out all the goblin hand bones and cat monster claws from the warehouse, and asked them to fiddle with them to see if they could fiddle with anything valuable.At the same time, in order to win over these alchemists and improve their own strength, Yue Chuan obtained many internal magic letters and alchemy manuscripts from the Alchemy Association through Harvey's authority, and asked those alchemists to study and study.

Those alchemists were carefully selected by Harvey. They were extremely talented, but their qualifications and background were weak. After Yue Chuan came here, the material conditions have been greatly improved. Harvey can get any books and documents they want. Even if Harvey can't get them, they can also go to the Alchemy Association to check them out. It has developed by leaps and bounds.

And now, Yue Chuan gave them a mountain (really a mountain) of magic materials for them to practice. This kind of treatment is simply heaven.

In the early days of an alchemist, it was purely a waste of money, because each alchemy experiment cost a lot of money and energy. If the experiment is successful, you can gain something, you can keep your investment, and even gain something, but most of the time it is The experiment failed and yielded nothing.Therefore, in the early days, alchemists followed the teacher, helping the teacher, and accumulating experience and lessons.But now, Yue Chuan didn't care about giving them a large amount of experimental materials, and let them waste them vigorously. Although these are not precious materials, the huge amount also brought surprises that filled the heart and body of several alchemists .

"This seems to be the claws of a cat-like monster. Tsk tsk, these claws are quite sharp, each one is as sharp as a blade. Look, what experiment should I use for it?"

"Last time, Master Chacha invented an alchemy method for beautifying nails. The purpose is to extract the mysterious substance in the claws of monsters, so as to improve the appearance of the nails of those ladies and ladies, so that their nails can be seen. Beautiful and bright."

"Oh, you're talking about the master Chacha who turned the hands of more than a dozen noble ladies into furry animal claws, and was imprisoned in the dark prison by the Alchemy Association for abusing magic potions. Why, you want to accompany him too ?”

"Hmph, you don't know that, the alchemy method is feasible, and a successful potion was produced, but later, many admirers asked the master for potions, but the master didn't have enough raw materials. His apprentices used substandard monster claws, which is why more than a dozen noble ladies have hairy hands and look like monsters."

"Anyway, we have enough materials here, so let's waste them as hard as possible. By the way, since you know the inside story of this matter, you should know something about the alchemy formula and the refining process. Tell us, and let's add up together."

"Total wool, brother is the apprentice of Master Chacha, I can do all the processes with my eyes closed. Hehe, if my teacher hadn't molested my little junior sister, I wouldn't have thrown Ding Dingmao into the magic cauldron .”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone stared at this strange creature in a daze.

Although that apprentice was a bit dishonest and got his teacher into trouble, who is right and who is wrong in this kind of thing?However, that apprentice's basic knowledge is very solid, especially he is very familiar with the refining process of the cat monster's claws. He was directing everyone from the beginning to the end of the entire alchemy experiment. A pot of clear and transparent viscous liquid.

"That's right, that's what it looks like. Just apply a little of the liquid with the power of monsters on your nails to make them strong and sharp. Of course, this is not the point. The point is that it is as beautiful as gold and as luxurious as diamonds. The treasure that countless ladies and ladies are willing to exchange their bodies for. Hey, what goals do you have that you haven’t mastered? With this, you will surely succeed..."

Well, after hearing this, everyone finally understood what kind of price those noble ladies and young ladies used to make that unscrupulous master insist on rushing to work despite the shortage of raw materials.

"That's right, we can open up a way to make money for him, and finally he is worthy of the food, clothing, housing and salary."

And at this moment, several craftsmen who had been working nearby suddenly whispered: "Several master magicians, I have an idea, I don't know..."

"It's not Mr. Magician, but Mr. Alchemist. Although we are only apprentices now, as long as we take part in the assessment, we will become official alchemists immediately." Correcting the mistake in the title, the alchemist The master smiled slightly. After all, these craftsmen are his co-workers and neighbors, and they helped to start the alchemy experiment during this period, "I don't know what you think, just say it, now we They are all doing things for the master, as long as it can bring benefits to the master, there is nothing you can't say or do."

The few craftsmen looked at each other, and finally tried to say: "Master Alchemist, I don't know, can these potions be used to temper weapons and make them sharper?"

The alchemists were stunned, and looked at the craftsmen in surprise, their expressions made the craftsmen tremble all over.After all, when I was on duty in the royal family, I was never allowed to have personal opinions or ideas. It took a lot of courage for them to make this suggestion. Seeing the expressions of the alchemists at this time, I thought I had said something wrong , Although I don't know if I will be punished, I still start to panic subconsciously.

"Hahaha, what a great idea! Turning stone into gold is a great idea!" It wasn't those alchemists who spoke, but Yue Chuan who came in from the outside.

After those alchemists researched this special potion for women, they were all talking about some nasty topics, but they didn't expect Yue Chuan to come suddenly, and they didn't know how long Yue Chuan had stood outside or how much he had heard, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed , rubbing their hands together awkwardly, not knowing where to put them.

Yue Chuan chuckled, looked at those wretched guys with a look of "I understand men", and said: "You have researched something good today, I will give you a day off, and everyone can go to the housekeeper to collect money. One hundred gold coins, let’s go out and relax, but it’s okay to go to find flowers and ask willows, but girls from good families, unless you are talking about marriage, you are not allowed to get involved!”

A few wretched people stood aside with dry smiles, but they no longer felt nervous and cramped, and looked at Yue Chuan with a more friendly gaze.

Yue Chuan looked at those craftsmen again. In comparison, these alchemists were like intellectuals who came out of an ivory tower, while those craftsmen were like masons on a construction site. , but their status is very low, between slaves and civilians, so no matter in front of a few alchemists or in front of Yue Chuan, they all seem reserved and uneasy. All the craftsmen showed embarrassment on their faces, obviously they were all innocent boys.

"Yes, your idea is very good. This kind of potion is a little overkill for women's cosmetics. Only by improving the quality of weapons and equipment can it reflect its value and significance. You can draw inferences from one instance and introduce new ones. This kind of thinking is worthy of affirmation and praise. , later you can go to the housekeeper to receive the double bonus."

Yue Chuan knew that these craftsmen were able to come up with such an idea, not necessarily because they were inferring others from the old and bringing forth the new, it was purely because the environment in which they lived and worked before was the making and smelting of armaments. For them, perhaps this kind of language hint will loosen the shackles of their thinking little by little, turning them from simple manufacturing into rich creation.

The few alchemists who were so focused on looking for flowers and willows were so ashamed at this time, they didn't have the thought to beautify women, and they were all stunned to study how to use this nail beautifying potion to temper weapons and equipment.

When it comes to alchemy, those craftsmen can't keep up with the alchemist, but when it comes to iron smelting and forging, the advantages of the craftsmen are highlighted, and the two sides cooperate closely and sincerely. In just a few days, the research has been achieved. Some results, and after repeated experiments and explorations, after improving the formulation and refining of the potion again and again, finally came up with the "beautification potion" for weapons and equipment.

Therefore, since the establishment of the laboratory, the first research results have finally been released.

First of all, it is a manicure agent that can beautify nails and make women's nails shine like diamonds and jade.You know, the care and maintenance of hands and nails is an essential daily homework for many ladies and ladies. Many royal families have a tradition of keeping nails. Keeping white nails means that you don’t have to work hard, because it symbolizes status and power.It's just that not everyone can have a pair of slender and gorgeous nails, and everyone has some defects more or less.But now, this potion perfectly solves this problem, one can imagine how many women will be crazy about it.

Furthermore, it is a potion for improving weapons and armor derived from this nail potion. The effect of this potion is really against the sky, and the most important thing is that it can make ordinary equipment full of magic attributes.In other words, after soaking a piece of whiteboard equipment with this potion, it will become blue equipment, which is a whole level of improvement.In this way, how many warriors will pursue this potion?

(End of this chapter)

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