
Chapter 208 Canned Food

Chapter 208 Canned Food
After cooperating with Lockheed, the cowhide in Yue Chuan's hands no longer had to worry about selling, and along with it, the beef tendon was also completely contracted by Lockheed.Lockheed has been in business for many years, and has already accumulated a substantial net worth. At this time, he took out all his savings, and he has a kind of determination to do his best to make a good career in the upper echelons of the empire.

Lockheed does not have excellent craftsmen, but the empire does. Like this feudal empire, there are generally various craftsmen and workshops for the queen. Lockheed does not worry about these cowhide being idle, as long as the emperor of the empire realizes the value of this kind of cowhide. value and meaning, and the rest will follow.

Things were just as Lockheed and Yue Chuan planned. After seeing the toughness of this kind of cowhide, the emperor and a group of generals immediately made a decision to order armor and equipment made of this kind of cowhide for the empire.

The price Yue Chuan sold to Lockheed was [-] gold coins per cowhide. This price was indeed very low, but when Lockheed sold the cowhide to the Empire, it became [-] gold coins per cowhide. Although it was still very high, it was just right. It is within the acceptable range of the emperor and ministers of the empire, after all, it is worth the price.

The defense of this kind of cowhide is comparable to that of ordinary steel, and the benefits of using them to make armor are obvious.More importantly, the cost of this kind of leather armor is much lower than that of iron armor, because many pieces of leather armor can be made from a piece of cowhide, and even the leftover scraps can be used to make some small items.Generally speaking, after this kind of leather armor is put into use, the military strength of the empire will be greatly improved, but the military expenditure of the empire will not change, but will decrease instead.

However, in this way, the empire's already worrying source of armaments will be controlled by manpower.If this Lockheed harbors evil intentions, it will definitely be a disaster for the empire.

But the things that Lockheed offered were really irresistible. Even if they knew that Lockheed had ulterior motives, but the high-level empire had no other choice. Even if they knew it was poison, they had to swallow it in one gulp, just like the legend It's the same as drinking poison to quench thirst.

The Lockheed Arms Shop quietly opened in the imperial capital, specializing in weapons and equipment-related industries. Although this arms shop is a private shop, in fact, all the craftsmen in it are royal craftsmen, and the equipment produced is also used by the Imperial Army. Fang bought it all, and then quickly put it into the army.

In this way, Lockheed only invested a start-up fund to obtain raw materials from Yue Chuan, and then obtained the support of the high-level empire with this raw material, using the technology and manual work of the royal craftsmen to make the raw materials into the standard armor required by the empire, not only He gained huge wealth from it, and even accumulated a wealth of prestige and contacts for himself. Those military bigwigs cast a different look at Lockheed both openly and secretly, as if they were flattering and eager.

Because Lockheed not only has the standard equipment for ordinary soldiers, but also has excellent weapons and armor specially assigned to generals and non-commissioned officers, and it seems to be magic weapons and equipment with magical power in the legend. The people in the military department are basically martial arts Chengfeng, who doesn't like to dance swords and collect weapons?

But they didn't know that Lockheed's magical weapons and equipment were all given by Yue Chuan, and they were for Lockheed to play with casually. In order to open up contacts, Lockheed gave these things out as gifts. Right now, Lockheed He could only write a letter to Yue Chuan and humbly ask for some blue suits.

Since he has made outstanding contributions to the empire, the emperor of the empire will naturally not be stingy with official titles. He bestowed Lockheed with the title of baron and a fief. In the barren frontier, you have to go to the post, otherwise you will be taken back to the fief.But Lockheed is different, even though he is just an earl, the Emperor of the Empire treated him so embarrassingly that he even allowed Lockheed to choose a fiefdom.Although this fief is not big, this generous treatment has revealed too much information to others.

Lockheed didn't hesitate too much, and chose his fief in a city next to Starn City, which can be regarded as Baron Sotheby's neighbor.In this way, it is also very close to Yuechuan.Because Lockheed knew that everything about him was developed by relying on Yue Chuan. Without Yue Chuan's support, everything about him would be like a tower in the air, so he had to get himself closer to Yue Chuan so that he could settle down in his heart.

However, after confirming the fief, Lockheed handed over everything on the back cover to one of his confidantes, but he did not go to the fief.According to reason, he will inevitably be impeached, and there is a risk of being taken back to the fiefdom.It's just weird, after many days, no one jumped out without opening their eyes, even if there were a few complainers occasionally, they were all inexplicably put in a sack and beaten with a sap.

"Grass mud horse, Lao Tzu's soldiers are still waiting for the new goods from the Lockheed Armament Store to be refurbished. You paralyzed and took Lockheed away, who will replace Lao Tzu's soldiers with equipment."

"Grandma, our Chacha Legion hasn't changed its equipment for more than 30 years, and the knives used for practice are not as good as the kitchen knives of the fire soldiers. Now I finally get some news and say that we are going to change clothes. How dare you add trouble to me !"

The guy who hit someone didn't hide his identity, just like that, he showed his name and number in a big way, but those guys who were beaten didn't dare to pursue it at all, because they finally understood the origin of the person they were going to impeach this time.Maybe he has no background, no backing, and he is just as bully as anyone can bully, but he has powerful military resources in his hands, which is what countless armies of the empire desire. Whoever makes things difficult for Lockheed will just have trouble with those big soldiers The beating is still light, and if these big soldiers are offended, who knows if they will do anything irrational.

I have to say that the equipment coming out of the Lockheed Arms Store is so excellent that countless legions of the empire are eagerly waiting for the army to change their troops. In the courtyard, in order to fight for a priority, they pointed their noses and feet, blew their beards and stared, making the solemn military headquarters look like a vegetable market.

With the accumulation of money, power, and talent reserves in his hands, Lockheed began to expand its business. In addition to weapons and armor, it also used the tendon of the Minotaur to make bows and crossbows. The bowstring made of this flexible and dense tendon is very strong. It is nearly twice as powerful as an ordinary crossbow.

Moreover, after cooperating with the military, the mountain of beef in Yue Chuan's hands has also been sold. Those unscrupulous players in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors" will do everything in order to exchange money from Yadeyan. Strong muscles, those players with slow hands can't peel and cramp skillfully, so they can only cut a few pieces of meat randomly. In addition to roasting and eating them, the excess can be exchanged for some money.The dungeon level of the Minotaur is not high, and each of the Minotaurs has a huge body. A large amount of beef is produced every day, sold to Yadeyan, and then piled up in Yuechuan's warehouse.

Yue Chuan has also tasted the meat cut from these king-level minotaurs. Not to mention the delicious meat, it also has a special power, which can slightly improve the physical fitness of the eater, increase its strength, and make its muscle texture more dense and delicate. Subtly improving.

Originally, Yue Chuan was worried about where to sell so much beef. After all, beef is not as easy to store and transport as cowhide and tendon. If it is left outside, it will deteriorate in less than a day.But when Lockheed got on line with the military department, Yue Chuan immediately slapped his head and thought of canned food.

That's right, canned food.

The beef can be stored in cans, so that you don’t have to worry about quality assurance and transportation. These canned beef can be transported and stored in large quantities, which not only solves the problem of stacking up in the warehouse and The beef problem, which is growing rapidly every moment, is even more difficult to supply the empire/army logistics, which relieves a lot of pressure, and these cans are bound to improve the army's food, so that those big-headed soldiers who don't see meat all day long can eat meat taste.Moreover, the meat of these minotaurs has mysterious power, which can enhance physical fitness and strength, and increase the combat effectiveness of the army in disguise.

So Yue Chuan secretly poached many elite talents from Lockheed's royal craftsmen, and let Harvey recruit a group of alchemists from the Alchemy Guild to work in his laboratory. Although Yue Chuan knew that canned food , but only limited to knowing how to eat canned food, as for how to make canned food, his eyes are darkened.So Yue Chuan found those craftsmen to make various utensils, and researched and explored with those alchemists. It didn't take long for canned food to be born in this world.

Holding the meat in those iron boxes, several alchemists were a little shocked.Although this small iron box does not have the slightest magic fluctuation, nor does it depict even half a magic rune, but the impact of this iron box after its release is definitely at the level of forbidden spells.

Siege warfare is very common in wars. The two sides are competing for food reserves. Often when the siege begins, the soldiers and civilians in the city can still be stable and united, but with the shortage of food, people's hearts will float, and when food is about to run out, It often means that the city is broken, either it was beaten in by the enemy, or a traitor came out of the interior and opened the door to let the enemy in.

Although many strategically important cities will store a large amount of grain for emergencies, grain storage is a very troublesome problem. Mildew, germination, damp, snakes, insects, rats and ants will all cause grain loss, so It is impossible for those cities to store too much food.

But canned food is different. Under the precise magic experiment, those alchemists can conclude that even if it is stored for a hundred years, the meat in these iron boxes will not rot and deteriorate, and it can still be eaten after opening. Influence, on the contrary, will also benefit people greatly.And this means that those large military towns can store supplies without limit. It is no exaggeration to say that if you encounter a siege, you will have breakfast and supper every day, and you can hold a share and lose a share for a hundred years. question.

The three armies have not moved, and the food and grass go first. In the period of victory, a wise general will find out the enemy's grain road before confronting the enemy. If the grain road can be cut off, the enemy's morale will be damaged, and the morale of the enemy will be severely weakened. It is absolutely useless. The best way to win.

And if there is canned food, the tactics and strategies of war will undergo earth-shaking changes. Surprising the enemy and attacking the enemy unprepared will often lead to unexpected results.

Although the few alchemists didn't understand war, they understood that a remarkable thing was born in their own hands, and the things they did were no less than those who invented the chacha magic, proposed the chacha concept, or The sages and saints who deduced the magic formula of Chacha and the Olympiad theorem, perhaps one day in the future, their names will also be remembered and admired by many alchemists.


Heavy panting sounded in the alchemy laboratory, and several alchemists looked at Yue Chuan longingly.Although these results have their credit, all of these results must be counted on Yue Chuan. After all, Yue Chuan is the initiator of this alchemy experiment, and they are all hired by Yue Chuan. Those who belonged to Yue Chuan, what they could get was only the remuneration stipulated in the contract. Maybe Yue Chuan would give them more if he was happy, but compared with those reputations, these bounties were really insignificant.

Yue Chuan seemed to know what these alchemists wanted to say, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "I understand your thoughts and wishes, and I can promise you, because in my opinion, these things are too insignificant .”

Hearing Yue Chuan's indifferent tone, several alchemists felt confused in their hearts. They couldn't understand how such an important thing could be insignificant?

"I came up with this thing, and it was realized by me and you in cooperation, and this is just a random idea of ​​mine, hehe, that is to say, as long as I want, I can come up with more ideas. Can be more like canned food, hehe, do you think I will care about these little reputations?"

A few alchemists thought about it, and it was indeed the truth. If it was really like what Yue Chuan said, just thinking about it and doing it casually, this kind of glory as simple as bending down to pick up soap is really nothing to praise.

"Hehe, thank Earl Lei Ze for giving us this honor generously. As a thank you, we are willing to pay a fee. I don't know what amount Earl Lei Ze wants."

Yue Chuan looked at the person who spoke, and said, "Paul, come and pay this master, remember, give him double the salary, and then send him back to the Alchemy Association."

The alchemist was at a loss when he heard Yue Chuan's words. He didn't know why Yue Chuan suddenly turned his face, "Hey, Earl Lei Ze, what you said just now is to give us this honor!"

"Yeah, it's for you, not for you, so I have to pay you your salary and let you leave first."

Seeing the back of the alchemist being pushed out by several guards, Yue Chuan thought to himself: This kid is too utilitarian, and he is unwilling to be subordinated to others. He always wants to be famous and stand out. He is a restless master. You can't use this kind of person for any private matters.

Seeing the few panicked alchemists left, Yue Chuan smiled slightly and said, "Don't be afraid, I don't have any malicious intentions, I just want to make a deal with you. In this way, I have a lot of ideas and ideas, all with I need your strength to develop works that can have a significant impact like canned food, but these things must be kept secret and cannot be known to the outside world, so I want to sign a magic contract with you, what do you think?"

Magic contract?

To put it bluntly, it is a magic contract, but to put it bluntly, it is simply a contract of prostitution.It must be kept confidential by the employer, which means that there is no personal freedom and no autonomy, and the validity period of this contract must be very long. Even if it expires, it may not be possible to leave intact.If Yue Chuan had a kind heart, it would be fine, but if his thoughts were vicious, then life would be worse than death.

Several people were vacillating in their hearts, looking at the paper in Yue Chuan's hand that was overflowing with faint fluctuations in magic power, their eyes became erratic.

They are alchemists, so they are not unfamiliar with these magic scrolls, and they clearly know the meaning of this magic contract. After signing, it means changing from a free man to a long-term laborer or even a slave.

However, the conditions proposed by Yue Chuan are indeed very attractive. It is definitely a great enjoyment to be able to participate in that mysterious and novel alchemy experiment.If this kind of good thing is placed in the Alchemy Association, it will be the patent of those masters, and it is impossible for newbies like me to be apprentices.However, as long as he signs the magic contract, he can enjoy this kind of alchemy experiment every day.

Temptation of the devil!
Deal with the devil!
For a while, these words appeared in the minds of several alchemists, but they had to admit that even though they repeatedly told themselves to resist the temptation, their bodies still defied their will and slowly stretched towards the magic contract.

"Earl Lei Ze, I would like to ask, Master Harvey of Starn City Alchemy Association, who was originally mediocre and mediocre, has suddenly made amazing achievements in recent times. Both his strength, status and reputation are different from before. In other words, did he also sign such a contract?"

It is true that Harvey achieved today's achievements under his own support, but Yue Chuan did not sign any contract with Harvey, because Yue Chuan was convinced that with Harvey's intelligence, he would never betray him, so the magic contract had no meaning at all. .

"Harvey did not sign, but I believe that he will not betray me, because he knows that only I can give him everything he wants."

Several young alchemists glanced at each other, then nodded silently. At the same time, they cut their fingertips and pressed them heavily on their respective magic contracts. The magic power sealed in the magic scroll felt the presence of blood, and immediately After being activated, treacherous magic fluctuations surged out of it, and the strong light enveloped the bodies of several alchemists, and a mysterious connection that could not be expressed in words was established between them and Yue Chuan.

Yue Chuan heaved a long sigh of relief in his heart. From now on, he can engage in those researches beyond the times without any scruples.Although we can't make rocket satellites, it shouldn't be a problem to get some daily necessities.Well, first get an inflatable doll to play with...

[It was even more wrong just now, it has been revised back]

(End of this chapter)

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