my wishful wolf

Chapter 54 Face, this is our war (1)

Chapter 54 Face, this is our war (1)
When Rong Yu was struggling with this question in his heart, the phone rang.

It's Lin Junyao.

Rong Yu's heart was lifted instantly, she picked up the phone and said, "Hello?"

Lin Junyao said, "I'm at your door, come over here, I have something for you."

Rong Yu almost galloped past.

When she came to the door, she saw Lin Junyao from a distance. He stood there, facing the wind from the jade tree, standing out from the crowd, looking so good-looking.

She lowered her head and adjusted her long skirt, allowing herself to face him with her best smile.

She didn't know what he was going to give her. She always had such a beautiful hope in her heart. In the past, Lin Junyao was also very romantic and would prepare some surprises for her. When she thought of those, she always felt that everything was still the same as yesterday.

She walked over slowly, but saw Lin Junyao was smoking again. He leaned on the car and looked into the distance faintly. He hadn't seen him for a few days. He seemed to have lost weight.

She walked over, "Yun Yao?"

Lin Junyao turned his head, smiled faintly at her, and said, "The flyer from last time is still with me. I passed by and sent it to you when I remembered it."

It turned out to be a leaflet.

She walked over, feeling ashamed of how she felt just now.

She said, "Thank you, you don't have to come so specially."

"I didn't come here on purpose, but I always gave it to you. It's useless if I want this." Lin Junyao handed the leaflet to her.

She took the leaflet and watched him smile at her again, but that smile was free from impurities, a smile like clear soup with little water, but made Rong Yu feel very uncomfortable.

She watched him walk towards her car, which seemed to be leaving.

Rong Yu recalled that day, when Qin Sang told her that Lin Jun wanted to resent Rongyan for eight years because of her leaving. Qin Sang said that he still loved her, otherwise, how could he resent Rongyan so much.

Lin Junyao opened the car door and was about to go in when a small hand gently grabbed the skirt of his shirt behind his back.

He lowered his head and looked at her tender white hands, like the hands of a child. They were hands playing the piano, a pair of very beautiful hands, but their appearance was different. Her appearance could do everything, including doing housework by herself. I can wash clothes and cook by myself, and I can constantly type on the computer screen every day. I have slender hands, but they are not good-looking.

He turned his head and smiled at Rong Yu, "What's wrong?"

Rong Yu looked up at him, "Yun Yao..."

A thin layer of sweat overflowed from her nose, making that small face even more loving. She kept pouting her mouth, as if she had something to say but couldn't say it.

She thought for a long time, closed her eyes, and finally raised her head and looked directly at him, "Yunyao, can we... start over?"

These words, every word and every word, are as heavy as a thousand pieces of gold, so difficult to say from her mouth.

Lin Junyao was stunned for a while, he looked at Rong Yu and didn't speak for a long time.

She became more and more nervous, so nervous, she clenched her hands tightly, curled up in front of her, and looked at him.

He breathed out slowly, looked at him and said with a smile, "Xiao Yu, do you remember what I told you the night of the tsunami?"

He pushed her hand, gently, but she held him tightly again. Now that she had already said it, she always wanted to finish it. How could she let him go like this after finally mustering up the courage?

She said, "I know I shouldn't. Now that I'm gone, why come back, but, I heard that you ran away because of my humanity, and hated your appearance for eight years...I, I think if I don't say it, I must It will be a pity, I am always timid, not as decisive as my face, if I continue to be timid this time... I don't know if I will really regret it, I don't want to regret it, so I..."

But he turned his head, looked at her, and said, "I'm already with Rongyan."

She stayed there, watching him say this in a calm tone.

It's a simple sentence, but it's enough.

Her hand slowly slipped down, and she took two steps back, looking down at her feet with difficulty.

"sorry, I do not know…"

He patted her on the shoulder, without any selfish desires, just a feeling between friends, he said, "If you don't want to go back to the United States, stay here, after all, this is home."

After speaking, he just smiled and got into the car.

When Rong Yu returned to the hotel, he looked distraught all the way.

She sat back on the bed, curled up her legs, while Qin Sang was taking care of her skin, she wiped her face and said, "Pass me my perfume."

But no one responded.

She turned around and realized that Rong Yu's expression was wrong. She frowned, came to Rong Yu's bed, sat with her, and asked, "What's the matter, what happened?"

Rong Yu lowered her head, buried her head in her knees, and could barely hear her voice, "I'm going to confess my love to Yun Yao..." For the first time, the first time in my life, I took the initiative to confess my love to a man.

"Ah? Really, how did it turn out?"

"He said that he was with Rongyan."

Qin Sang exclaimed, using various tones, with an unbelievable look, "How is it possible, with your sister, he obviously loves you."

Rong Yu said, "He said it himself, and I saw it earlier, they went to the concert together, went for a walk together... I was too stupid to think that they were just friends like that, how could friends go for a walk to watch the concert together? "

Qin Sang said, "That's not the point. The point is, how could he fall in love with the face? What is the face better than you? She is not as beautiful as you, not as kind as you, not as gentle as you, she has nothing, it is impossible, it must be What's wrong, Xiao Yu, he lied to you, right?"

"No, he is very serious. In fact, I should have known that he is no longer the boy he was back then. He is becoming more and more gentle and considerate, but he is also becoming more and more alienated from me. After we met again, he was very polite to me. Yes, but it's just being polite, not as close as before, but I've been deceiving myself, it's my fault, Qin Sang, I did something bad, how can I confess to him..."

Qin Sang took her by the shoulders, "No, Xiaoyu, why are you blaming yourself? I think it must be very strange. Your sister is not a fuel-efficient lamp. You are so kind, and she has such a bad heart. She conspired from behind to prevent Lin Junyao from being with you."

"No, it won't, Yanyan won't do that."

"You are so stupid, even if she did it, you don't know, you don't even know how bad she is." Qin Sang said, seeing that Rong Yu didn't have the heart to listen to this, she finally stopped talking.

In the evening, Rongyan was so busy that she returned to her residence very late. Xu Yinglu was cooking at home and almost blew up the entire kitchen.

The two of them sat there and cleaned up the kitchen. It was almost eleven o'clock, and they hadn't finished their meal, so they had to order takeaway.

After simply eating some greasy fast food, Xu Yinglu sat on the tatami mat exhausted, and saw that Yan Yan leaned aside to read the case, she said, "No way, you worked so hard at night, you just cleaned up the whole kitchen, you should take a break Alright."

Without looking up, she said, "There is a case that will be held the day after tomorrow. I will see if there is anything I need to add."

"Don't you only have two cases in your hand?"

"I have six cases in my hands."

"Oh my god, six, Yan Yan, are you crazy, do you think of yourself as a robot?"

Rong Yan raised her head, "A case came to me, which means that I am now in the prime of life and famous. It is a good thing. My income will double this month."

But Xu Yinglu said, "That's not how you make money. There's no time for a moment of idle time. Six cases together, thanks to you being able to handle it."

Rong Yan just raised her head and smiled, picked up the folder, "I'll go upstairs and watch it, you should watch TV."

Xu Yinglu shook her head helplessly. When she reached the attic, she turned on the air conditioner, sat in front of the window, leaned against the wall, and looked outside through the window.

The gloomy night was like a big net, enveloping the whole world. She stretched out her hand, thinking that she could stretch out this world, thinking that she could touch a little sunlight, but what she grasped in her hand was still boundless darkness...

In the middle of the night, Li Yingyue couldn't sleep and called her.

She kept waking up because she was worried about the child. She said, "What if they push the child to me? They won't say anything childish to the child. Let the child choose me?"

With a dazed face, she said, "If you're really worried, I'll go with you to see that child tomorrow."

Li Yingyue thought for a while and agreed.

Ever since the child was born, Li Yingyue had never really had a good look at that child.

She was always nervous on the road, Yanyan drove the car, looked at her sideways, and comforted her and said, "Don't be too nervous, talk about it there, after all, you were once the closest lovers, you understand each other, tolerate each other, Why can't you talk right now?"

Li Yingyue supported her forehead and looked outside. From her face, she could see that she was restless and uneasy. She knew that it would be useless to say more, so she could only shake her head and said no more.

After arriving, as soon as Li Yingyue entered, she heard the noisy voice of that man. Rong Yan sat in the car, and after listening for a while, the noise continued, Rong Yan sighed, and couldn't help getting out of the car. The man dragged Li Yingyue, trying to drive her out.

Because the two had a fierce quarrel just now, he didn't even notice Yan Yan, who hurried over, looked at the man, and said, "She brought a lawyer, you should pay attention, now the judge has not stipulated that she can't look at her own Child, if you interfere now, or even have a big physical collision, and cause my client any problems, I will sue in front of the judge!"

He is not an intellectual, and when Rong Yan said this, he immediately stopped, a little timid.

Seeing that he was no longer moving around, Rong Yan walked over, pulled Li Yingyue, and then looked at the man named Chen Zhensheng, she said, "Look at what Yingyue has been tortured by you now, Chen Zhensheng, she just wanted to come Look at the child, can you stop making trouble like this? Seriously, looking at you like this... I really doubt whether you have ever loved her? Chen Zhensheng, ask yourself, have you ever loved her? ? If you have loved, how can you bear to watch yourself love, no, even if it is just a woman you once loved, being tortured like this by you?"

Chen Zhensheng turned his head quietly, and looked at Li Yingyue, who was a little thin. Because of the quarrel just now, his hair was messy, his face was pale, and his lips were dry and peeled.

The corners of his lips twitched, and his eyes finally moved. He looked at his face, but he was still unwilling, and cursed, "I know you, you are the lawyer who slandered me in court. Lawyer Cheng said, You are a disgrace to their lawyers, okay, I won't fight with villains, I'll show her." After speaking, he strode out and closed the door with a bang.

Only then did Li Yingyue heave a sigh of relief, she brushed her hair back, she had some messy hair, turned around, and saw the timid child sitting on the bed.

After all, the child is innocent.

Li Yingyue took the gifts she had prepared in advance, some toys and clothes to eat, and she put them aside, then sat down and held the child's hand.

Shock obviously flashed across the child's face, and he quickly withdrew his hand, his body seemed to be trembling faintly.

Li Yingyue's hand froze there, but she took it back slowly after all.

She said, "I'm sorry, my mother doesn't want you anymore. It's my mother's fault. I won't say anything. When you grow up, you will understand this kind of words. Even if you grow up, you still hate your mother, and your mother won't say anything. You hate it." That's right, if you are willing to live with your mother, my mother agrees, but if you don't want to at all, if you will always hate me and don't want to talk to me at all, then don't listen to your father fooling you." She raised her head slightly, Looking into the distance, she sighed helplessly, "You are still young, but you have the right to choose the life you want. Mom just wants to say, I respect you, I will give you whatever you want, and I don't blame you at all. Don't hate you, but I hate your dad for using you like this."

After she finished speaking, she got up and strode out without looking back, almost as if fleeing.

She glanced at the child from her face, and the way the child gritted her teeth was unforgettable for the rest of her life.

Rong Yan followed Li Yingyue into the car. Li Yingyue covered her face in the car, but there was no crying or tears.

Rong Yan walked over, watched quietly, slowly approached her, and patted her shoulder, "Yingyue..."

She raised her head and smiled, feeling very forced, but she finally smiled.

While driving, Li Yingyue said, "I can imagine how his family would tell their children about me. They would definitely say, your unconscionable mother doesn't want you anymore, and you won't want her in the future. If you want to hate, hate her, she She's a bad person, she's a bastard, she's not as good as a beast..."

She said, "Hey, anyway, I knew it would be like this, so what can I do."

She tilted her head to look at her face, "Would you like to have a drink together?"

With a smile on his face, he held the steering wheel and looked ahead, "Why, use wine to drown your sorrows."

"It worked," she said.

Rong Yan said, "Isn't it more worrying to use wine to drown your sorrows?"

"That's a fallacy. One person is using alcohol to drown his sorrows. It is absolutely useful for two people to drink and talk to each other. Let's go, don't be reserved."

Rong Yan thought for a while, and finally let go, "Okay, I'll be with you."

In the evening, the two of them drank one cup after another in the booth of the bar, with a plate of peanuts and a plate of small pickles. They bumped each other's wine bottles, then leaned there and drank them all in one go.

After a while, I became slightly drunk.

Rong Yan didn't want to drink at first, she said that she would drive later, but Li Yingyue persuaded her, saying that it's rare to indulge once, and it's rare to be drunk for a few times in a lifetime, so she must let her drink, so she had to find a substitute driver in advance, and accompany Li Yingyue to indulge .

Li Yingyue began to cry while she was drinking. The tears seemed to be endless, and she kept silent. She kept crying, and the eye makeup from crying was all over her face. She laughed and wiped off the makeup. With one hand, he yelled, "It's so happy."

The handsome guy who was clubbing at the side looked back in shock, seeing Li Yingyue's strange face, he shrank in fright.

She didn't care, put her feet on the table, half-lyed on the seat, looked at her face, and said, "I know how many people scold me, and I also know how many people think I'm selfish, I'm an asshole, I'm not as good as a beast, yes Ah, there's no such thing as a mother, I'm an asshole, I'm an asshole..."

She gulped down a glass of wine and said, "I only make excuses for myself. In fact, these are my faults. I said that I didn't want to have children at all. I was forced to give birth. This is all to make excuses for myself. If Back then, if I really insisted on not wanting to have a baby, I should have insisted on it early, even if I went secretly, I would still be able to abort the child, instead of blaming being coerced, being coerced, I was stupid, it was my fault."

She looked at her face, with a painted face, looking so painful, "I was only 17 years old when I followed Chen Zhensheng. I walked out of school. When I followed him, I was hungry and full, and I couldn't even afford to eat. , he has a job and can eat at work, he doesn't know, I feel hungry every day at home, I dare not tell him, I know I have no right to complain, I asked for these..."

"I was also a three-good student in school, a seedling of a key university, and a good boy that teachers and classmates liked, but when I met Chen Zhensheng, I foolishly thought that was love, no matter whether he was poor or not, no matter whether he was young or not Immature, no matter whether he can go on with me or not, I will be with him without hesitation."

"Did I tell you, I ran away from home."

"That day, I will never forget that day for the rest of my life. After I told my dad that I didn't want to go to school, my dad's hair turned gray, but I only believed in the bullshit love in my eyes, so I wanted to go with Chen Zhensheng, and I didn't want to go to school anymore. My dad locked me up angrily, didn't let me go out, didn't give me a penny, just let me stay at home and reflect, I thought to myself in the room, I can't be so head-on, I just thought a damn stupid Way, I told my dad that I will continue to go to school, I want to study hard, get into a good university, and then live with Chen Zhensheng."

"My dad was very happy to hear that. I have never seen him so happy in my life. My dad was afraid that I would be cold walking to school alone. At that time, I was riding a bicycle. It was dark and raining heavily, and he sent me to school. I was holding a big bag of things, and he was afraid that I would sink, so he put the things on his shoulders. He was already in his forties at the time, and he was not in good health, and he looked crooked when riding a bicycle..."

"After he put me down, he took a deep look at me. He smiled and said to me, study hard, and I will pick you up after school."

"He didn't pick me up that night because I didn't enter the school gate. I watched him go and ran to the station. I went to find Chen Zhensheng. While I was running, I watched his back riding back. I can see him pedaling his bicycle with difficulty, his shoulders trembling, and I will never forget his back that day. How many nights later, I can see his back in my dreams, I know I'm a sinner, I'm a bastard."

She choked up, lowered her head and grabbed her hair, "Later I found out that my mother was ill. Someone told me that after I left, she lay on the bed alone and cried every day. It was because of me that she fell ill. When I went back, my mother was unable to move because of a heart attack. The doctor said that she needed an operation immediately, but the risk was very high. My father was afraid of the risk and insisted not to allow my mother to have the operation. He only let my mother take good care of him. Taking shit and peeing next to me, taking care of my mother, at that time I felt that I, an unfilial daughter, actually left my parents there to chase some shit love... It was also on that day that I decided that I would continue to study and be filial. Parents, I want them to live a good life to make up for the tragedies caused by me. The child can live without me, but my mother will die without me..."

She said, "The so-called love is gone after the passion has passed, and there is nothing left after being worn down by reality, but family affection, because of this absurd 'love', was left aside by me. After the rebellion in adolescence, I I suddenly felt that I really used my rebellion to harm my family and everyone. At this time, I have to choose, choose my parents or the child, and no matter which side I choose, I will be punished. People are responsible for cursing, so even if I am being scolded now, I have expected it a long time ago, I don’t cry, I can’t cry in front of them, this is the path I chose, even if I kneel, I will go to the end!” She drank Dropped the last bit of beer, then threw back his head and laughed.

Rong Yan just sat on the side and listened quietly. After she finished speaking, she also took a sip of wine.

The revolving lights of the bar kept swaying, causing people's eyes to hurt, Yan Yan closed her eyes, looking at the dim color of beer, she felt that the color was very beautiful, like the sea water at dusk, swaying, turning life from the beginning , swaying to the end, swaying from one extreme to another.

Li Yingyue looked at her face and said, "Lawyer Rong is not in a good mood these days."

His face raised his eyebrows, "How do you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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