my wishful wolf

Chapter 53 Lin Junyao, I Want 1 (2)

Chapter 53 Lin Junyao, I Want 100 (2)
He shook his head, and casually took out a capsule from a drawer on one side. Rongyan knew that it was a painkiller. He made a gesture to take it directly, but Rongyan took his hand and said, "No, this medicine just It has been reported that the side effects are very serious, it may cause blindness, and it only treats the symptoms but not the root cause, so you should not take it.”

Lin Junyao saw that she took the medicine forcefully, but sighed weakly, leaned there, and stopped talking.

She thought for a while, and got cold water from the water dispenser inside. There are a lot of things in his office. She wet the towel, took ice cubes from the refrigerator for making ice drinks, wrapped them in the towel, and put them on the on his forehead, and then said, "I'll go find someone to buy you medicine." Then he glanced at him and went out.

When I went outside, because it was Lin Junyao's company, I didn't know who to look for. After thinking about it, I had better go and buy it myself, so I searched outside, and finally found a pharmacy, bought some antipyretics, It was already half an hour later when I went back.

Entering his office, he saw that he had returned to the desk again, and the ashtray on the desk was full of cigarettes he had just smoked. Without knocking on the door, she pushed the door open and walked in, but smiled, and she came directly to him and said, "Boss Lin, you don't care about your body like this."

As she spoke, she put the ashtray into the trash can, and then handed him the medicine.

He raised the corners of his lips, looked at his face with eyes full of deep meaning, smiled ambiguously, and said, "My body is worthless, so it doesn't matter whether you cherish it or not."

After hearing this, Rong Yan also laughed, "If Mr. Lin's body is worthless, then how can we ordinary people live?"

He just swallowed the medicine in one gulp, she watched him swallow it without drinking any water, and sighed, he didn't seem so depressed and pessimistic before.

After he finished eating, he looked at his face, and his face looked at him like that, as if he didn't know what to say.

After a while, Rong Yan remembered that she had come here to sign, and now that it was done, she should go too, so she got up and walked out, but he suddenly said, "Rong Yan."

He looked at her, "I just want to try, can I be as cold-blooded and ruthless as you! You see, it's easy to do it, just treat yourself as a human being!"

He raised his head and looked at her, just now he thought she was leaving, so he just left, that's right, with the cruel determination of his face, this is something she can do, he sat there, enduring the pain, enduring The swollen feeling in his head, he smoked cigarette after cigarette to wake himself up, but she would come back.

He grabbed her, looked at her indifferent, flashed some complex expressions, he couldn't catch, he didn't know what she was thinking.

In the end, she just paused for a moment, but didn't come back after all, and went straight out of the room.

He smiled wryly, leaned back on the chair, slowly took out another cigarette and lit it, and put it on his lips, the green smoke rose, he coughed dryly, leaned on the corner of the table, and felt heart-piercing for a while.

On Monday, Li Yingyue's case finally began to go to trial.

Outside the court, Rong Yan also saw the man who had been scolded by Li Yingyue.

He looks average, no, mainly because of his average attire. The so-called Buddha relies on gold clothes, and people rely on clothes. He really doesn't know how to dress himself up, and his clothes are not very classy. Walking with Li Yingyue now, who It can also be seen that they were lovers and gave birth to a child together?
The man glared at him, the child in his arms looked very much like him, looking at him timidly, it made people feel pitiful.

Seeing Rongyan walking in with Li Yingyue, he spat over there and said, "It's not as good as a beast."

Li Yingyue's figure moved slightly, but she pretended not to see it. She raised her head and walked in behind her face with a smile.

In court, as she thought, the case is not difficult to fight, but she is not used to telling the parties in advance that they will definitely win. died.

The judge agreed with Yan Yan's statement. The mother herself has no desire to raise children, and she has already prepared to remarry. It is unknown what impact the married family will have on the children. The Chen family brought him up, and the mother gave him a certain amount of child support every month as a subsidy.

However, the judge said that he will respect the child's own wishes. If the child is willing to follow the mother, the court will reconsider the child's custody issue. This adjournment will be discussed next time.

After getting out of the court, Rong Yan and Li Yingyue walked and talked together, Li Yingyue said, "The child definitely doesn't want to be with me, she doesn't even know who I am."

Rong Yan said, "Be careful, I know the lawyer of the other party, and it's not so easy to dismiss."

Hearing what she said, Li Yingyue said, "Why, does he still want to force the child to me?"

Rong Yan said, "Children are easy to fool. If he lets the child say that, he is still obedient. What should you do?"

Li Yingyue was taken aback immediately, and said, "Then what should I do?"

"Be safe and don't be impatient." Rong Yan only said four words, and when she walked out, she saw several people outside and a local TV station waiting there.

"It's her, it's her, it's her who is inferior to a beast, and I don't even want my own children!"

Li Yingyue and Rong Yanwei were stunned there, neither of them expected that there was such a person waiting for them outside.

Chen Zhensheng walked over first. He pointed at Li Yingyue and scolded, "Isn't she your child? Why don't you recognize her? Take a good look. This is your child. Take a good look." He hugged the child, Paste it crazy.

Li Yingyue bit her lip and stepped back, seeing that there were so many people on the other side, it was difficult to say anything.

Seeing that Li Yingyue seems to be shrinking back, he took a step forward, "Yingyue, I still love you, but I can't give you anything. I have no money, no career, and I don't have as good a family as that man, but I promise I will still love you." Love you, don't be so cruel to me, okay? At least for the sake of the child. "

Li Yingyue bit her lip firmly, she could see that her whole face was pale.

As a bystander, Rong Yan could only stand there and watch, shaking her head helplessly.

A few reporters also came to join in the fun, "Why don't you want a child? Since you didn't want it at the beginning, don't have a child. Now that you have given birth, shouldn't you be responsible? As a parent, how can you have no responsibility?" Heart?"

Li Yingyue had an expression on her face that didn't care about your business, and it was difficult to express it. After a while, a reporter kept coming over and pushing her to make her talk. Look at me, you know what a fart!" She threw the reporter away, and the reporter's face had an idea, and he fell directly to the ground, the camera moved, and was taking pictures of this scene, the scene finally developed to an uncontrollable state, everyone swarmed Surrounded up, this kind of thing often happens here, the outer circle is full of people watching the fun, and the inner circle is in charge of matters and making opinions. In the middle is the besieged Li Yingyue.

At this time, a person suddenly broke in from outside, it was Li Yingyue's boyfriend, he pushed the person away, pulled Li Yingyue out without saying a word.

Chen Zhensheng saw it, walked over and called, "Bastard, you bastard, you bastard who robbed someone's wife..."

But that man was a bit taller than him, and obviously matured a lot in terms of temperament and appearance. He pulled Yingyue past him, and obviously protected Yingyue behind his back.

He looked at Chen Zhensheng and those reporters, and said, "I hope that when you write, you can clearly state that now Li Yingyue is my girlfriend, and this man is harassing our normal life every day."

This man is very fair, with a jacket on his upper body and a white shirt inside. He looks like a clean engineering man. His hair is neatly cut. Although the outfit on his body is simple, it can be seen that it is not cheap. No wonder they It is said that Li Yingyue abandoned her ex-boyfriend, hated the poor and loved the rich, and found a rich man.

Li Yingyue was supposed to be a strong girl, but at this moment, he blocked her back, but he just happened to be able to cover her expression that looked like she was about to cry.He held Yingyue's hand tightly and didn't let go. He looked at the man, "I don't hate you, and I don't hate Yingyue. I just hate that I didn't know Yingyue earlier so that Yingyue could skip you." Abyss, you ruined her most youthful years, you made her grieve for those years all her life, but you will continue to ruin her now, you don't love her, you just want to possess, so she is her last There is no reason to choose you!"

Chen Zhensheng stood there in a daze, this man had already pulled Li Yingyue away in this gap.

Later, I heard someone say that this man is Gu Kaize, and he is a very famous architect. The current city hall building is his design, and the beautiful cherry blossom-shaped venue of the Gulf Exhibition Center, which will open in a few days, is also the design. His top designs.

It's just that he didn't expect that he would find a woman who had children as his girlfriend.

After he took Li Yingyue away, it also caused quite a disturbance, but finally calmed down a bit. Rongyan went to Li Yingyue to discuss what to do next. After she knocked on the door, it was the man named Gu Kaize who opened the door.

He said, "Oh, I know you, Lawyer Rong."

His face was brought in by him, and he said, "I don't know what you like to drink, but Yingyue really doesn't have anything here. After giving birth, she didn't take care of herself, so her health is not very good. I forced her to quit. Coffee, so... only freshly squeezed juice here."

She said, "Plain water is fine. I actually love coffee and drink it every day at work, but unfortunately, no one forces me to quit coffee."

He laughed, with laugh lines at the corners of his eyes, looking very gentle, and he said, "She's going to hate me for that."

After they sat down, he said, "She was still sleeping, I let her cry for a while, she is actually a very stubborn girl, she will never give up, and she will never cry in front of me, even at the worst time , She didn't have a penny when she went out with that man, she was hungry for a few days, and she would never ask for a penny from her family, her character is really speechless." He said, but his tone was proud .

"When I saw Yingyue for the first time, she looked like this. Later, I often went to her home and I could always see her. She studied very well and was the pride of the family. No one thought that she was about to take the college entrance examination At that time, she suddenly ran away from home, and I was the one who came back to find her and let her go back to school, otherwise her talent would be wasted, she is actually a very smart girl, she should not just be at home supporting her husband and raising her children."

He said, "Probably because of too much pressure from studying, she suddenly became so rebellious at that time, but she later learned that she is not a housewife, she needs to have her own career and dreams, so she came back to school again, although She dropped a lot of homework, but at that time, she got up at four o'clock every day, and didn't go to bed until after ten o'clock at night, reading books non-stop, and made up for the lost time. She worked hard to return to her original on track."

He took a sip of water and said, "She never complained about such hard work. She only told me that she asked for it. She deserves such hard work. Compared with that man, she bears double self-blame in her heart." , who would want to lose her child, she has to take care of her parents and bear the guilt for that child, she has worked very hard."

Yan Yan could feel this feeling, but maybe it was because she knew Li Yingyue was such a girl that she wanted to take this case even more.

Gu Kaize said, "She didn't dare to tell her family about this matter, and she kept hiding the matter of going to court. Now that the news was broadcast, I urgently asked for help, so I managed to hide it from his family. She was worried about her mother's death. illness, her mother has a heart attack and has just recovered, if she gets angry, it is likely to aggravate her condition."

Rong Yan nodded, "It's really hard for you, I didn't expect such a big trouble."

"After that man came, he found the media. The big media couldn't find it. It was impossible to find the media who like mother-in-law and mother-in-law. He took the lead in gaining sympathy, and made Yingyue a target of accusations and insults. He What a man." Speaking of this, he was also very angry, sighed, and said, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't complain in front of you."

"It's okay, I can understand."

After chatting casually for a while, she knew that his current job was an architect, and his surname was Gu, which inevitably made people think of the Gu family. He smiled and nodded, and said yes, he was the Gu family.

Yan Yan thought, what a wealthy family, no wonder people would say that Li Yingyue hates the poor and loves the rich, the gap is too big, giving people an illusion.

After a while, Li Yingyue woke up, she came out, saw her face, she was still very decadent, sitting there, rubbing her eyes, Gu Kaize was very careful, afraid that they would not be able to talk, so he gave them space.

Li Yingyue watched Gu Kaize disappear by the door, she covered her head with a pillow, "God, I really want to die, this matter was reported, and his family all knew about it, he didn't like me at first, but now ..."

Rong Yan thought that a family like his would care more about such things.

Li Yingyue said, "What kind of a rotten person am I? It's worth him treating me like this and withstanding such pressure for me..."

A few days later, the report was broadcast, because it was just an ordinary program on the local station, so the impact was not great, but it had already had an impact on Li Yingyue herself.

The work of the choir has to continue, Li Yingyue is not a person who likes to escape, she has already expected today's ending since the beginning of her work.

She could only choose to face it with a smile, and she said to her face, "Don't worry, if I die, that guy Chen Zhensheng will only be proud. If I don't die, it's the kingly way to embarrass others if I live."

Rongyan doesn't like to comfort others, but Li Yingyue can understand her support and encouragement to Li Yingyue.

She knew that this woman was a cold-hearted person with a kind heart, when she was with her.Never mentioned these things, never mentioned any reports, only talked about the case, which made Li Yingyue feel a lot more comforted and relaxed.

It was already afternoon when Li Yingyue returned from the office to the dormitory where the choir was.

When she reached the door, she saw Chen Zhensheng at the door.

He looked at Li Yingyue, he came by himself today, his expression was no longer grim, and even a little sad.

But these, Li Yingyue didn't want to pursue it for a long time. Now facing the man she once loved, she just wanted to laugh, and her cheeks hurt even when she laughed.

She said, "What are you doing here?"

Chen Zhensheng came over, "Is there really no room left? Yingyue, I still love you, I just don't want you to marry"

Li Yingyue backed away with a smile, "Stay away from me, Chen Zhensheng, you are right to scold me, I am a selfish person, I am vulgar, I am selfish, I have no sense of responsibility, but you, you are the same, Chen Zhensheng, When you come here, you are responsible for the child, right? You take her around and make a big mess, what will she do in the future? You come to harm me in order to achieve your goal, are you noble? No, this It will only make me hate you more, Chen Zhensheng, I am very happy that I did not choose you at the beginning, but chose the current life, if I stay with someone like you for the rest of my life, it will be the greatest sorrow in my life!"

"You, Li Yingyue! You are really shameless. You want to marry someone else after giving birth. I love you so much, but you don't want me!"

"I don't ask to be worthy of anyone. I am worthy of myself. It is already an explanation for my life. Love is a giving, not a transaction. You love me, so I will love you? Get out of my way, if you If you entangle here, I will call security immediately!"

"Okay, you call, you call someone to come, I want to see if there is justice in this world, or if the evil is overwhelmed by good!"

This commotion broke out again, Li Yingyue didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she watched more and more people surrounded her, but finally she looked at Chen Zhensheng, and then walked in indifferently.

While Qin Sang and Rong Yu watched, Qin Sang snorted contemptuously, and said to Rong Yu, "Do you know who helped her with the lawsuit? It's your precious sister."

Rong Yu was taken aback for a moment, "Your face?" She lowered her head, thinking about her appearance. She came to see Li Yingyue that time, and she thought they were friends, "It won't happen, Yan Yan won't."

Qin Sang said, "Everyone knows that you didn't watch TV that day, but she made a fool of herself on TV with our team leader Yingyue."

Rong Yu just sullenly refused to believe it. Although she felt that Li Yingyue had her reasons, it was not a good thing anyway. Li Yingyue was very selfish, without love and responsibility. This was for sure, not maternal love. Is it more important than everything else, but she is not a good person if she can do such a thing as abandoning her child.

So why does Rongyan help such a good person?

(End of this chapter)

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