Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 123 College Entrance Exam Day 2 (2)

Chapter 123 The second day of the college entrance examination ([-])

"Principal, I let the teachers read this answer, and they agreed that this answer is the standard answer. Lin Lin answered all the multiple-choice questions correctly, and the major questions were also completed, and the calculations were completely correct. "

Hearing what the old lady said, the headmaster showed a surprised expression. He immediately took the answer from the old lady's hand, and then took the test paper, and compared them carefully on the table.

The headmaster is a biology teacher, and he has taught several high school seniors, so he is very familiar with biology.When he compared the test papers and finished the answers to all the biology questions, he found that none of the answers written on this piece of paper were wrong.

"The biological answer is absolutely correct!" said the headmaster in surprise.

"It's not just biology. Physics is also correct." Said the lesson preparation team leader of the physics department in the third year of senior high school.He has taken the physics class of the graduating class of the third year of high school for more than ten years, and his familiarity with physics is like eating.

"There's also chemistry." The leader of the lesson preparation team for the chemistry subject in the third year of high school also said.

"In other words, the answer on Lin Lin's test paper is completely correct?" the principal asked uncertainly.

"Yes." Everyone nodded in unison.

The principal sucked in a breath of air. You must know that since the establishment of the science comprehensive examination, there has never been a student who was able to get a full score in the science comprehensive examination paper.

So, Lin Lin will be the first person to get full marks in the science comprehensive exam?

Doesn't this mean that there is only one copy in the whole country?
What an honor it is for the school.

The headmaster couldn't calm down anymore, he really wanted to laugh at this moment.But he was afraid of his ecstatic appearance, which made the teachers laugh.

"Calm down, you must be calm, you must be calm..."

It took a long time for the principal to calm down his excitement and joy.However, those science teachers who taught Lin Lin couldn't be as calm as the principal. You must know that the teacher's face is also radiant, but incomparably radiant, for being able to teach such a student.

"If Lin Lin didn't fill in the mistakes, then his test paper is full marks." Finally someone said, "This is unprecedented! Principal, this time our school is famous all over the country."

"Yes, only one." Immediately a teacher responded accordingly.

"Principal, this is really great."

"Our school is famous all over the country. It compares to the other three equivalent middle schools in Binhai City. No, it completely compares to the 63 equivalent middle schools in the entire province."

"Principal, our school is famous."

"This year, our school has students from Huada University and Peking University."

"Calm down, calm down." Seeing the teachers all cheering and joyful, as if they were celebrating the New Year, the principal immediately said, "Everyone must be calm."

"Yes." The headmaster finished speaking, and the teachers calmed down even though they were excited.

"Before the results come out, everyone should not spread the word about it, do you understand?" the principal said, "Otherwise, if others find out, they will laugh at our school's publicity."

"We will be happy when the results come out, and we will be really happy when the time comes." The principal said to every teacher present.

"Today, every teacher here can't spread this matter, understand?" the principal repeatedly explained.

The teachers all nodded in agreement.

The headmaster finally saw the old lady of Lin Lin's head teacher, and said happily, "Sister, I never thought that you would teach such a good student when you are about to retire. You, the head teacher, deserve a lot of credit."

"Principal, this is the result of the joint efforts of other teachers. It is not due to me alone." The old lady was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear, but she still said modestly without forgetting other teachers.

Because of the play at noon, the headmaster's face in the afternoon was not as gloomy as it was in the morning, but a smile on his face, cloudless.

He sat in the monitoring room and saw that as soon as the answer sheet was issued, Lin Lin in the surveillance camera wrote his name and admission ticket number. After the test paper was distributed, he began to read the test paper seriously, and the speed of reading the test paper was very fast. .

After the listening comprehension started, he listened very carefully. He listened to the listening comprehension questions twice or three times, but he wrote the answers after listening to them once, very fast.

After the listening broadcast was over, he finished the remaining multiple-choice questions in less than 5 minutes, completed the cloze in about 10 minutes of the test paper, and finished the corrected questions in 3 minutes. It's over.

In the next 10 minutes, he finished the composition.

After doing all this, he wrapped the answer sheet in the test paper, put it on the table, pressed it with a pen, and then began to sleep on his stomach.

Is this Lin Lin really a god?

Before 10 minutes, I finished the test paper.This is an English test paper.How many geniuses in science have been killed by this English test, and how many students with good grades in science have died on the single-plank bridge when they crossed it. He is so calm?
The principal found that he was not calm again, and he was a little worried about gains and losses.

In case, this Lin Lin has a perfect score in science, but fails in English, so he won't be able to get into Huada University and Peking University.It might not even be on point.

However, it is also possible that he will be admitted exceptionally.You know, his science comprehensive score is perfect.This will make many presidents or professors of science and engineering universities like him.

Don't worry too much, this Lin Lin is not an ordinary student. Can a student who can get a full score in science comprehensive be an ordinary student?

For the rest of the time, the headmaster spent worrying about gain and loss, while Lin Lin spent the rest of the time struggling with how to solve the game of Go.

After the bell rang for the end of the "Dangdang" exam, the principal came back to his senses, and Lin Lin also came back to his senses.

After handing in the papers, many people started to cheer.

Some students tore all the teaching materials into small pieces in public and threw them down from upstairs, just like fairies scattered flowers; .

And Lin Lin put the teaching materials in a cardboard box, put them away neatly, carried it to the back of the parking space, tied it with a rope, and prepared to take these things home.

Many waste paper collectors took the opportunity to wait at the school gate, waiting for the senior three students to sell their useless teaching materials.

The entire campus, and even the surroundings of the campus, are very lively, especially the restaurants, which are even more lively.After the college entrance examination, everyone's expressions were different. Some were happy and cheered to celebrate the end of the college entrance examination, and some were crying secretly, feeling that they did not do well in the exam.

When Lin Lin pushed the bicycle out of the campus, someone patted Lin Lin on the shoulder from behind Lin Lin.

"He Xiaoyan?" Lin Lin looked back and saw that it was He Xiaoyan. He couldn't help saying, "Hello!"

Since her father's death, He Xiaoyan has always hated, annoyed and resented herself.However, since the gluttonous ghost on her body was cleaned up, Lin Lin's real person or avatar has never seen her again, thinking that he would see her after the college entrance examination.

"Did you do well in the exam?" He Xiaoyan asked with a smile.

"It's okay, how about you?" Lin Lin nodded with a smile and said.Seeing the smile on her face, I feel relieved, it seems that she has walked out of the haze of her father's death.In fact, it's not considered walking out, but she can see her father's ghost, who has been with her at her home, and she is in a good mood.

"I did well in the exam." He Xiaoyan said, "Even if I can't pass one, I should be able to pass two."

"Are you planning to apply for that school?" Lin Lin asked.

"I plan to study medicine." He Xiaoyan said, "However, my grades are not as good as yours, and I guess I can only go to a second-rate school like medical school."

"Study medicine is good. Doctors make money. And they can save lives and heal the wounded." Lin Lin said with a smile, "I think your father and mother want you to study medicine!"

He Xiaoyan nodded, suddenly she thought of something, and couldn't help asking: "What about you?"

"I haven't made up my mind yet!" Lin Lin said, "Actually, I wanted to study medicine before. However, I later felt that there was no need for me to study medicine."

Lin Lin looked up at the sky at 45 degrees, and said with a little emotion: "Maybe I will go to Yanjing to study!"

"Hehe, you mean that you may be admitted to Huada University and Peking University?" He Xiaoyan couldn't help but asked with a smile.This Lin Lin is really a little arrogant, but he has the capital to be arrogant.Without his help, he might have been killed by that gluttonous ghost, and it would be impossible for him to see his father.

"I think I should be able to pass the exam!" Lin Lin said.

The two stopped talking, but pushed their bicycles and walked side by side.They walked for a while, only to realize that the two of them seemed to be a little stupid, they didn't sit in the car, but pushed it.

At the same time, the two realized that they were a little silly, and then they looked at each other and smiled, got on their bikes, and rode back home side by side.

The two people's homes are very close to each other, and they are on the same road.

"Lin Lin, if you are on the point, you must treat me." He Xiaoyan said suddenly, "I must give you a good meal."

"Okay. I will definitely treat you." Lin Lin said with a smile.

Back in the compound, Lin Lin put his bicycle in the shed, just locked the car, and was about to move the book box upstairs when he was stared at by a guy who was looking at him with a smirk.

This guy is none other than He Bang, He Xiaoyan's father.Lin Lin also smiled at the other party, then ignored the other party, and moved the book upstairs.

But He Bang followed behind Lin Lin.

"I saw it just now, you were talking and laughing with my daughter." He Bang said, "Boy, have you fallen in love with my daughter?"

Lin Lin ignored He Bang, but opened the door and took the book back to her room.

Lin Lin's mother said: "So many books, have you moved them back?"

"Well, we've all moved back. Mom, I'll go to my room to rest first."

"Oh, remember to get up and have dinner."


(End of this chapter)

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