Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 124 He Bang's Request

Chapter 124 He Bang's Request

After closing the door, Lin Lin lay on the bed, closed his eyes, and let his mind rest for a while.

"Hey, boy, did I ask you something just now? Why didn't you answer?" He Bang circled around Lin Lin in front of Lin Lin and said.He wanted to pat Lin Lin's shoulder very much, but he had learned a lesson and knew the consequences of patting Lin Lin's shoulder. He knew that he must never touch Lin Lin's body, otherwise he would be caught by something in Lin Lin's body who didn't know. something hurt.It was half dead last time.

"Uncle He Bang, what do you want to say?" Suddenly a person appeared behind He Bang and asked.

He Bang turned around and saw that it was another Lin Lin?He Bang was taken aback, and looked on the bed, who was the person lying on the bed, not Lin Lin?

But Lin Lin was also standing behind him?
So there will be two Lin Lin?Could the other one be Lin Lin's ghost?No, should it be the soul?This kid can actually get out of his body.

But it's right to think about it, this kid is not an ordinary person.It's normal to be able to get out of your body.

In fact, this is Lin Lin's primordial spirit coming out of his body. Now he can get rid of the shackles of his body, and his primordial spirit can move around, even traveling thousands of miles away.

"Hey, kid, you... who are you?" He Bang pointed at Lin Lin and asked.

Lin Lin said, "If I tell you that I am a god, would you believe me?"

He Bang froze for a moment, then nodded and said, "I believe it."

Lin Lin said to He Bang: "I'm indeed a god. But I'm just a mountain god. Don't tell Xiao Yan about this, it won't do her any good."

He Bang didn't know what to say when he heard Lin Lin affirmatively admitted his status as an immortal.immortal?In the past, it was on TV, something that only existed in mythology.Unexpectedly, now I actually saw it with my own eyes.

However, before I died, I never knew that there was a species like ghosts. Now that I have seen this species, and I am this species, it is not surprising that there are gods in this world.In fact, many legends may be true.

"Uncle He Bang, don't be afraid, I won't force you to go to reincarnation. However, I just want to say that people and ghosts have different paths, and it's not only good for you, it's also good for Xiaoyan Good." Lin Lin looked at He Bang and said, "You are a ghost and belong to Yin, while humans belong to Yang. You are with your wife and daughter every day. It is not long now, so there is no problem, but time After a long time, it will hurt them a lot.”

When He Bang heard this, he sighed and said, "Lin...Boy of the Lin family, can I still call you that?" Now that he knew that the other party was a god, this kind of address seemed a bit disrespectful.

"Yes." Lin Lin nodded.

He Bang immediately looked at Lin Lin with a bitter face and said, "I know I shouldn't stay in the world, but I really can't worry about their mother and daughter. Lin family boy, you are a god, don't gods have the ability to bring the dead back to life? I beg you to help me. Bring me back to life, okay?"

After Lin Lin was named a mountain god, he had a strong understanding of the entire system of the fairy world and the underworld.

In fact, Ho Bang did not die of natural causes, but an accidental death.His lifespan did not come, and he died.That's why he was able to stay in the world.

In fact, the undead who stay in the world are basically the undead who died unnaturally.If the undead died naturally, at the moment of death, they would be extradited to the Styx River naturally, and sent into the six reincarnations by the Styx River.

And those undead who died unnaturally, there is no such extradition, so they can stay in the world.Those undead who stay in the world, if they are not caught by the ghosts of the soul, or are sent back to the underworld by someone, then there are no more than two endings.

One is that it is weakened and disappears under the light of the earth's magnetic field and the sun, commonly known as ashes and smoke.The second is because of strong unwillingness and resentment, he died to become a terrifying ghost, nourished by evil spirit and hostility. Although it does not disappear, it is also a disaster for the world, and finally becomes the key to those mages who exorcise evil spirits in the world. Objects to clear.

Many stories about ghosts in "Strange Tales from a Liaozhai Studio" are true.

Nie Xiaoqian was able to marry Ning Caichen as a "ghost" and gave birth to children because Nie Xiaoqian was not an ordinary ghost, but a ghost who practiced Taoism, that is, ghost cultivator and ghost fairy.Such Nie Xiaoqian has cultivated into a real body, just like Xiao Xie next to Lin Lin.With the entity, there is no big difference from human beings, even if Yin and Yang intersect, it will not affect the human body.Instead, it will benefit both parties involved.

As for the other female ghosts who have sex with people and make the person who has sex with them weak, sick, and even die, it is because those female ghosts are just ordinary ghosts without any practice. Practicing.Only then will people who practice practice have such a disaster.

It's not impossible to help He Bang resurrect.

Just like Xiao Xie and Qiu Rong in "Strange Tales from a Liaozhai Studio", they found a female corpse that had just died and revived it.But this is not something that can be revived just by possessing the body casually. It must be helped by a practitioner, and a practitioner who helps will also lose merit because of the help.It will even cause a series of causes and effects.

This will be very detrimental to practitioners.This is why, when practitioners encounter ghosts that stay in the world, they would rather send them into reincarnation than help them resurrect.

Lin Lin can help He Bang come back to life.But he also understands what kind of karma he will cause if he helps He Bang resurrect.

You must know that this is not as simple as helping Nan Kemeng to be resurrected into Ma Xiaoming's body. Nan Kemeng's living parents are dead, and he has no relatives. After his resurrection, he can live directly as Ma Xiaoming without any differences.

But after this Uncle He Bang is resurrected, how should he live?
Should I live as He Bang, or as the revived body?
This caused a series of causes and effects.If it is not handled well, then Lin Lin will be in trouble, and it will be very detrimental to Lin Lin's practice.

He Bang saw Lin Lin's face change several times, and he couldn't help but said, "Boy of the Lin family, is there really no way for you to revive me?"

"Uncle He, resurrecting a person seems simple, but it's actually not that simple." Lin Lin said with a sigh.

"What's not simple?" He Bang said, "I just want to live to take care of my wife and children, isn't that okay? Is this all a luxury?"

He Bang suddenly knelt down.

"I beg you. I know that you are a high-ranking immortal now. I know that you are an immortal. You must have a way. You should be pitiful, pitiful to us helpless people!" He Bang begged.

Lin Lin really wanted to help him up, but he knew that if he reached out to help He Bang, the Tai Chi automatic defense formation in his body would definitely hurt He Bang.

When He Bang saw that Lin Lin wanted to reach out to help him, but he didn't, he immediately kowtowed to Lin Lin seven or eight times.

"Please, please, please..."

Lin Lin sat back on the bed, looked at He Bang and said, "Uncle He, don't be like this, just listen to me slowly. It is possible for me to resurrect you. However, your physical body is broken, and I have to find it." Only a body that suits you can bring you back to life."

"This is easy to handle. There are many dead bodies in the hospital." He Bang said happily when he heard that there was hope for resurrection.

"It's not that simple. A corpse can solve it." Lin Lin shook his head and said.

He Bang asked puzzledly: "Then what else?"

"First, the death time of the body to be possessed cannot exceed one day. The best thing is that you can occupy the other party's body the moment the other party dies and the soul leaves the body. In this way, after your resurrection, Only when your soul and body fit can reach a relatively high degree, otherwise, after you are resurrected, the soul and body will not fit well, and they will wear off each other, and your whole person will be sickly. Take care of your wife and children, I'm afraid your wife and children will take care of you. This is what you don't want!"

He Bang nodded immediately after hearing Lin Lin's words.He said: "That's right. I was resurrected to take care of them. How can I burden them! If this is the case, I might as well die!"

Lin Lin nodded with a smile and said, "So you must find a suitable body to be able to resurrect."

"There is no problem with this. I will go to the hospital to guard. Watch, and when the other party's soul leaves the body, I will immediately occupy it." He Bang said immediately with a flash of inspiration.After he finished speaking, he wanted to rush to the hospital to find a suitable body for resurrection.

"Wait a minute, Uncle He, don't worry, wait until I finish speaking." Lin Lin looked at He Bang and said.

He Bang looked at Lin Lin puzzled and asked, "What else?"

"En. Also, you have been resurrected in someone else's body. After resurrection, what identity will you live in? You know, the original owner of your resurrected body may also have a wife and children, or even an elder in the family. Could it be that you only care about your own family and not his family?" Lin Lin looked at He Bang and said.

"What if he has a wife, and this wife is still a lover, what should you do?"

He Bang immediately showed embarrassment when he heard Lin Lin's words, and said after a while, "I'll find a corpse that doesn't have any burden to resurrect."

"For example, those homeless people who are wandering on the streets, it's okay to be like this!"

Lin Lin couldn't help laughing when he heard this, but He Bang thought of it.As soon as he turned around, he returned to his body lying on the bed, and sat up.

(End of this chapter)

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