Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 122 College Entrance Exam Day 2 (1)

Chapter 122 The second day of the college entrance examination ([-])

The invigilation of the college entrance examination includes not only the invigilator, but also the invigilator sitting in the office and taking pictures of the proctoring cameras in more than a dozen examination rooms.

In Lin Lin's two exams in a row, he fell asleep on the table in the first 10 minutes or so, and finally alarmed the principal.Because Lin Lin was a well-known outstanding student in the school, and although the principal could not visit the examination room, he was still allowed to visit the monitoring room.

Looking at it, I can see that there is a big problem.

After the science comprehensive exam started, within 10 minutes, Lin Lin fell asleep on the table again.

The principal saw students sleeping on the invigilation screen, and the sleeping students seemed familiar... He couldn't help asking someone to turn up the video of the examination room to make the image clearer.

In the end, he found out that the sleeping student was actually Lin Lin.He couldn't help frowning, and he said, "Why is this Lin Lin sleeping on the table? Could it be that his stomach is uncomfortable? Or is he physically unwell?"

The invigilator who sat in the monitoring room and watched the invigilator for a whole day yesterday said, "Principal, do you know this student?"

"It's the top three in our school." The principal said.

"Isn't it? The top three? That's the same? If that's the case, this student is amazing. Since yesterday, he only took the test for about 10 minutes for each subject. For the rest of the time, he just lay on the table. Hey, just As it is now, sleep. He didn't get up to hand in the paper until the bell rang for the end of the exam." The invigilator said.

The headmaster didn't know what to say.

This Lin Lin's grades are really getting better every time, but he only does it for about 10 minutes and then sleeps on the table. Is this appropriate?

He couldn't sit still.

After hesitating for a while, he went to the mobile invigilator, and asked the invigilator to remind the invigilator in the examination room where Lin Lin was invigilated, and let them go and see if Lin Lin was feeling unwell?

In the end, the mobile invigilator replied to the principal that the examinee named Lin Lin didn't have any physical discomfort, but just finished the exam papers and couldn't hand them in ahead of time, so he fell asleep on the table.

Hearing this, the principal was dumbfounded.

But what can he do now, he can only go back to the monitoring room helplessly and continue to look at the invigilator image.He returned to the monitoring room and found that Lin Lin was still sleeping on the table as before.

He shook his head helplessly, sighed, and said to himself: "It seems that there will be one less number of key university students this year."

The leaders of the Provincial Examination Institute and the Admissions Office who visited the examination room just happened to hear this when they entered the monitoring room, and couldn't help but said, "Old Tan, what are you talking about? What's missing?"

"It's nothing." The principal said quickly, "Leader, please come in and sit for a while."

The principal was in a bad mood, and he didn't want to stay here to watch. Instead, he left the monitoring room and went directly to the principal's office.

The leaders of the Examination Institute and the Admissions Office saw that Principal Tan was in such a state of frustration, and couldn't help but ask the staff next to him. Because of their status as leaders, the staff naturally couldn't hide it, but they were very serious. told the leader.After the leader heard this, he couldn't help saying: "This No.3 in the county is really arrogant. He said that he finished the test paper in only 10 minutes. No wonder Lao Tan is so depressed."

"Lin Lin? I wrote down this name. Let me see how much he scored in the college entrance examination." The leader finally wrote down Lin Lin's name.

However, what happened in the monitoring room has nothing to do with Lin Lin, because Lin Lin's mind is no longer on the test paper, but on the unfinished game of Go in the sea of ​​consciousness.

He spent a day thinking yesterday, and spent another night thinking in the evening, and finally cracked half of this chess, and now he is concentrating on cracking the other half.

After the exam bell rang, all the candidates stopped writing, and the invigilator collected the test papers.

Just as Lin Lin came out of the examination room, he immediately met the old lady in charge of the class.

The old lady called Lin Lin to the office. She asked Lin Lin to sit down, poured Lin Lin a glass of boiling water, and said earnestly, "Lin Lin, are you sure about this exam?"

"It's okay." Lin Lin said.He didn't encounter any questions that made him think for more than 1 minute.

"The English test is in the afternoon. Your English score is not a strong point. Although your English score has improved a lot in the third mock test, you still have some weaknesses. You have to be serious about the English test in the afternoon." The old lady wanted to ask why The matter of sleeping on the table in the examination room, but he was worried that he would make Lin Lin disgusted by asking inappropriately, so he thought of a compromise and reminded him secretly.

"Actually, English and Chinese are similar." Lin Lin said.As a god, English is not a problem at all.Because my memory is better than before I don't know how many times better.

"Then you have to be careful when you take the English test this afternoon." The old lady hesitated for a while, but couldn't help but said, "Don't do it too fast, there will be traps in English articles, grammatical mistakes and so on, you have to pay attention to it." .”

"Teacher, you don't have to worry. I will pay attention. You think I only took the first three subjects for about 10 minutes, so I just lie down on the table and sleep! Don't worry, it's because I finished the test papers and have nothing to do, so I just fell asleep on the table." Lin Lin smiled and said to the old lady.

Hearing this, the corner of the old lady's mouth twitched, not knowing what to think.

"Teacher, how about this, if you are worried, I can write down all the answers on my test paper now, and then you can ask someone else, my answer is wrong." After Lin Lin finished speaking, he didn't wait. The old lady agreed, and picked up a piece of white paper from the side, and then took out the pen from the pen holder, and wrote down the answers to the comprehensive science exam neatly, as if she couldn't help but think. Memories are mediocre, as simple as ordinary people writing 1, 2, 3.

Instead of a 10-minute test paper, the answers are written down.

"Teacher, you can show this answer to the physics teacher, biology teacher, and chemistry teacher, and let them see that my answer is wrong." Lin Lin stood up after speaking, and then handed the answer to the teacher. Gave it to the old lady.

"Teacher, I'm leaving." Lin Lin turned around and left after saying this.

The old lady who didn't know what to say was left in a daze in the office.

After Lin Lin left, it took a long time for the old lady to regain her senses. She picked up the answer and asked the invigilator that there was a spare science comprehensive test paper, so she went to find the physics, biology, and chemistry teachers.

In the general office of science, there is also a teacher of science.

The old lady immediately found the teacher and asked if the answer to the science synthesis she was holding was correct.Those teachers came over immediately when they heard what the old lady said. When everyone checked the test paper and saw the answer on this piece of paper, they were all stunned.

"I said, big sister, you are a Chinese teacher! You made this answer?" Finally, a teacher couldn't help but said.

The old lady asked in shock: "Why, isn't this answer correct?"

"Yes, why is it wrong? It is completely correct, even the answers to the big questions are correct. There is no error in the calculation, and there is no error in the process, especially the multiple-choice questions, full marks!"

"Your answer is a standard answer. Full marks."

"Yes! Where are you from?"

"Did you copy it from the Internet?"

"I just finished the comprehensive exam, and within half an hour, the answer came out?"

For a while, the group of science teachers asked in a hurry.Some people even turned on the computer, and then went to Baidu to search for the answers to the comprehensive science subjects of the national college entrance examination paper.

"There is no answer on the Internet!"

"Yes, the test paper is out, but the answer is not."

"Big sister, where did you get your answer?"

The old lady was relieved at this time. She found that her brain was not enough. Lin Linsan finished the science comprehensive test paper that should have been two hours and three ten minutes in ten minutes, and the answers were still standard answers. It was surprising.

The old lady sorted out her thoughts, facing so many curious teachers, she had to say: "This answer is the answer that a student in my class wrote silently to me. Since he took the Chinese test yesterday, he only wrote in every test. I fell asleep lying on the table in 10 minutes, and I was called to the office to inquire. He told me that he finished writing the test paper and could not hand in the paper in advance, so he fell asleep on the table. He wanted to prove that he was serious about finishing the test paper , so just silently write this answer to me.”

"Isn't it?! Three and 10 minutes?! I finished the entire test paper? And the answers are all correct? Big sister, are you kidding?"

"Yeah, big sister, are you kidding! What kind of student is so awesome?"

"The only one with the best academic performance in your class is Lin Lin. Could it be him?"

"It can't really be him!"

When everyone saw the old lady nodding, everyone was stunned, and each of them felt that their brains were not enough.

Just when everyone was stunned, the principal came in.

Because seeing Lin Lin's irresponsible exam behavior in the monitoring room today, the principal felt a little uncomfortable, a little unwilling, and a little bit hated that iron can't be made into steel. He was also curious and couldn't help walking in.

"What is it that makes everyone so unbelievable?" The principal asked jokingly, "It can't be that someone in our teaching team got married!"

"Principal!" Everyone looked up when they heard the principal's joke.

"Principal, it's about Linlin from our class." The old lady said, "I told him to make him concentrate on the English test paper in the afternoon. He silently wrote down the answers to the comprehensive science test paper in the morning and handed it to me. Tell me, he takes the test paper seriously."

"Do the test paper seriously?" The principal couldn't help but twitch his left eyelid when he heard this. How could this be possible? How could a student who started sleeping in 10 minutes do the test paper seriously?
(End of this chapter)

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