Chapter 115

Seeing the situation of his parents, Chen Xiaohai smiled, not worried.

This should be the effect of Mingyuan Pill, which expels the impurities in the body through excretion.Back then Chen Xiaohai took Xiaopantao, but all the impurities were expelled through the pores, and his whole body was dark and sticky.

Although Mingyuan Pill is a elixir refined by Taishang Laojun, this Mingyuan Pill can be given to ordinary people to prevent all diseases and prolong life.There is still a certain gap between it and a celestial product like Xiaopantao.

After a while.

Both my father and mother appeared, and both of them looked much better in spirit, and their skin looked much firmer, as if they were a few years younger all of a sudden.This is the effect of Mingyuan Pill.

Dad Chen Wenbin asked: "Xiao Hai, what did you feed us?"

Mother Zhang Fang said: "After eating this thing, people feel much more comfortable. Xiao Hai, what is this?"

Chen Xiaohai said with a smile: "I asked a friend to buy a health medicine, which is good for the body. Dad, Mom, after taking it, you all feel much younger."

Zhang Fang's eyes lit up: "Is there such a health medicine? Great. Xiao Hai, buy me more."


Buy more.

This is the Mingyuan Pill refined by the Taishang Laojun. You should be the Mai Lisu in the small shop.

Chen Xiaohai said: "Mom, my friend said it. This is a health medicine specially produced by a company, and there is not much produced every year. My friend also spent a lot of effort to get me two. If you want , I’m afraid it will have to wait until next year.”

"Next year." Mom was a little disappointed, paused, and continued, "Next year is next year, next year you must get me some."

Chen Xiaohai smiled and said, "Okay."

Next year, I will definitely give you one.

Ming Yuan Dan.

According to Taishang Laojun, if you take one pill every year, you need to take 49 pills, that is, 49 years, before the body transformation is completely completed.At that time, you can take the Yuhua Pill and become a fairy directly.

Chen Xiaohai doesn't need to worry, he has the Sanyuan Zhenjue, flat peach, monkey wine, and spiritual fruit, so he can practice.Relying on his own strength, he found the Ascending Immortal Formation and ascended to immortality.

After the family said a few words, Chen Xiaohai went back to the room.

Just about to use Gathering Sword Technique again to slowly peel off the pure Yang sword energy.Looking at the shivering puppy Most, he laughed.

From the mobile phone WeChat, he took out the giant bone from Lortus Mountain and threw it to the puppy Most.

Puppy Most tremblingly said: "Master."

Chen Xiaohai said proudly: "Hurry up and finish eating it, I will get you something after I finish eating."

The puppy Most was grateful: "Thank you, master."

Chen Xiaohai smiled and went to bed.With the existence of the Beast Control Art, the puppy Most is no longer his danger, but his help.Especially the mysterious space movement ability of the puppy Moster may be of great help to him.The stronger Puppy Most is, the more helpful it is to Chen Xiaohai.

Puppy Most gnawed on the giant bone of Mount Loltus.

Chen Xiaohai took out the pure yang sword energy, and used the Gathering Sword Technique to peel it off again.



Superpower on Earth.

Regardless of science and technology, military affairs, and medicine, they are all at the top level in the world.

Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.

A middle-aged man sat on a stool beside the ICU with a gloomy face.The eyes have obvious dark circles, and the eyes are flickering and gloomy.From the expensive suit on the middle-aged man, it can be seen that the identity of the middle-aged man is not ordinary.


A [-]-year-old in a suit came over and handed a cup of warm coffee to the middle-aged man: "Mr. Ling, coffee."

Ling Daqi raised his head slightly, glanced at the thirty young man, and asked, "Xiao Cao, how long has it been.

Ling Daqi's personal secretary Cao Jianying said: "It's almost 24 hours."

Ling Daqi took a sip of coffee: "It's been 24 hours, why haven't you come out yet?"

Cao Jianying said in a low voice: "Mr. Ling, you don't have to worry. Dr. Stoll is the best doctor in the whole of America. With his help, the young master will be fine. You haven't slept for a day and a half. Go and rest first." , just leave it to me here."

Ling Daqi said: "No need, I'll just wait here. How is the company's situation?"

Cao Jianying said: "The company has Mr. Wang and Mr. Tang here, so there is no problem."

Ling Daqi murmured: "That's good, that's good."

Since three days ago, the Ling family father and son had clashed with Chen Xiaohai at Lu Qingya's birthday party.Chen Xiaohai kicked Ling Minghui flying, causing Ling Minghui to be seriously injured.

Ling Daqi sent Ling Minghui to the hospital, but Ling Minghui's injury was too serious, and there was nothing domestic hospitals could do.Ling Daqi used his connections and immediately sent Ling Minghui to the United States, to the best Massachusetts General Hospital, and found the best doctor Stoll.

This treatment took almost 24 hours, and Ling Daqi had been waiting for it.

No way.

Ling Minghui is the only son of Ling Daqi, and he is the future successor of Happy Dairy.

Neither Ling Daqi's original spouse nor any woman outside him gave birth to another son. At his current age, it is really difficult to have another child.Therefore, Ling Daqi dotes on Ling Minghui, his only son, very much, and everything goes according to Ling Minghui's wishes.

Even if Ling Minghui caused big trouble outside, Ling Daqi used all means and money to settle it.

But this time he had a conflict with Chen Xiaohai, and was directly kicked by Chen Xiaohai and seriously injured, which was completely beyond expectations.




Ling Daqi muttered to himself, he has aged a lot in the past few days.The all-powerful situation in the mall is completely gone, like a withered old man.


The door of the ICU opened slowly.

Ling Daqi stood up immediately, waiting for the situation.

A hospital bed came out, and the nurse gate slowly pushed it down to the ward.

Ling Daqi glanced at Ling Minghui who was lying on the hospital bed with his eyes closed, and felt a pain in his heart.Immediately afterwards, he looked at Dr. Stoll, who had stepped out of the medical authority.

"Doctor Stoll, how is my son?" Ling Daqi said in rough English.

Stoll sighed, and said: "He has been rescued, and his life is not in danger. His injury is too serious, many bones in his body are broken, even his internal organs have been affected, and his brain has also been injured. When he wakes up, it is very difficult." Hard to say?"

Ling Daqi's body trembled when he heard the words: "Dr. Stoll, why do you wake up? Are you saying that my son may become a vegetable?"

Stoll said, "It's possible."

Ling Daqi's body softened, but fortunately he was supported by Cao Jianying.


"Mr. Ling, your son doesn't have to be a vegetable. Even if he becomes a vegetable, there is a certain chance of recovery. Don't be too sad."

With a few words of comfort, Dr. Stoll left.




Ling Daqi's eyes flashed, he pushed Cao Jianying away, and walked out of Massachusetts General Hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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