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Chapter 116 1 Billion

Chapter 116 One hundred million
Huaxia Kingdom, Nanyan City.

An underground bar, crowded with people, it was very lively.

Ling Daqi looked around and walked towards the bar
After coming out of Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, Ling Daqi returned to China by plane and arrived in Nanyan City.I only slept for a few hours on the plane, and came to this speakeasy immediately after getting off the plane.

The waiter at the bar glanced at Ling Daqi and asked, "Sir, what wine do you want?"

Ling Daqi said: "I don't need wine, I want shadows."

The waiter said: "Sir, I don't have a shadow person here. And this is an underground bar, there are people who want shadows everywhere."

"That's not the case." Ling Daqi's voice was a little louder, "Mr. Long asked me to come here, and he said that as long as you find this place, you will take me to find the shadow man."

"Mr. Long?" The waiter frowned, "I don't understand what are you talking about?"

Ling Daqi whispered: "By the way, I also want a bottle of [-] Coke."

If other people heard this, they would definitely feel ridiculous, and a gleam flashed in the waiter's eyes.Coke in [-] was the strange code word that Mr. Long settled down, the code word leading to the shadow.

The waiter put down the cup, glanced around slightly, and said in a low voice, "Come with me."

"it is good."

Ling Daqi followed behind the waiter.

The two walked through the crowd at the bar to the storage room.

After entering the storage room, I came to the innermost part of the storage room, and there was a small door.Open the small door, and there is a staircase leading to the underground. This is already a speakeasy, and I am afraid that if you go further down, you will go to the sewer.

Walking down the stairs, the underground is very dark, only a little green fluorescent light on the wall illuminates the direction passage.

Ling Daqi followed the waiter, walking carefully.

For a while.

When I came to a door, I opened the door and there was a small room with a sofa and a flat table.Even on the left side, there is another one for work, and a person is sitting behind the work.

The waiter said in a deep voice, "Brother Jiang, a guest is here."

The person behind the desk turned around, and it was a very ordinary-looking middle-aged man with a cropped cut, playing with two Wenwan walnuts in his hand.

"Guests? It's been a long time since I've had any guests." Brother Jiang smiled, "Who introduced you?"

The waiter said, "It's Mr. Long."

Brother Jiang said: "It's him. Counting this, he has already introduced ten people. You go back and tell the higher-ups to give him a three-star membership."

The waiter said, "Yes, Brother Jiang."

Brother Jiang looked at Ling Daqi and smiled slightly: "Ling Daqi, the chairman of Happy Dairy. Yo, even rich people like you have come here? Tell me, what are your needs?"

Ling Daqi was surprised: "You know me?"

Brother Jiang gave a strange smile: "In front of the shadow, there are no secrets. Even, I know that you just came back from the United States,"

Ling Daqi was startled, he came here directly as soon as he came back from the country of America, he didn't expect the people in the shadow to know so soon.It is indeed a shadow, and it is indeed a dark force mentioned by Mr. Long.

Shadow is a mysterious force in the south of China, its origin is unknown, and its strength is unknown.All I know is that in the past ten years, a force has sprung up and has a great reputation in the dark world. As long as you give me money, I can complete shady things for you.

Ling Daqi only knew about this dark force after hearing Mr. Long mention it.

Brother Jiang was satisfied with Ling Daqi's expression, smiled and said, "Tell me, what do you want us to do?"

Ling Daqi's face gradually turned ferocious, and he said, "Kill someone, I want you to help me kill someone."


Brother Jiang stood up and walked to Ling Daqi's side.

"Killing people is a big deal, sit down and let's talk about it."

Ling Daqi hesitated for a moment, but sat down anyway.

Brother Jiang smiled at the waiter and said, "Xiao Zhang, go and bring me that bottle of red wine from my collection. I want to have a good talk with Boss Ling."

Ling Daqi said: "No need, let's talk directly."

Brother Jiang narrowed his eyes slightly, and laughed: "Mr. Ling, this is the shadow. The shadow has its own rules when dealing with affairs. Do you choose to follow the rules here? Or do you want to leave this place and find someone else to find a solution?"

Ling Daqi closed his mouth when he heard the words.

after awhile.

The waiter brought a bottle of red wine and two goblets and poured wine for the two of them.

Brother Jiang smiled and said, "President Ling, come and have a drink."

Ling Daqi had no choice but to agree.

Brother Jiang put down his glass and said, "It seems that Ling is always an impatient person, and he is not in the mood to taste my precious red wine. Well, let's just talk about it, who do you want to kill?"

Ling Daqi's eyes flickered fiercely: "I want to kill Chen Xiaohai, the chairman of Drunken Immortal, Chen Xiaohai.",

Brother Jiang tapped on the table lightly, and said slowly: "Chen Xiaohai, a native of Nanyan City, his parents run a small fried shop, his father, Chen Wenbin, stayed in Lu Group's Wanke Building for a while, and then resigned; his mother, a housewife ;Chen Xiaohai, a student of the School of Management of Nanyan University, the chairman of Zuishenxian Liquor Co., Ltd., has a close relationship with Lu's Group during his contacts with Miss Lu Qingya. At the same time, he has a certain relationship with the mysterious Xichenxin boss Song Qingqun. "

"Yes, that's him." Ling Daqi said viciously, "I want you to kill him."

Ling Daqi was full of anger towards Chen Xiaohai, he must destroy him, must kill him.

However, with the presence of the Lu Group and the presence of Mr. Song, Ling Daqi had nothing to do on the surface.Using his son's injury as a bargaining chip to send Chen Xiaohai to jail?That is absolutely impossible.Both the Lu Group and Elder Song can solve such things.

The only option is to kill Chen Xiaohai and hire someone else to kill Chen Xiaohai.

He remembered that Mr. Long he met had mentioned shadows, as long as you have money, shadows can do it for you.So, Ling Daqi came.

Brother Jiang said: "You want to kill Chen Xiaohai so much, I'm afraid it's because of your son's affairs? Your son went to the United States with you, and you came back so soon. I'm afraid your son's situation is not good."

"Don't you shadows kill people with money?" Ling Daqi said angrily, "You shouldn't meddle in the private affairs of the guests, right?"

Brother Jiang smiled: "Of course, as long as you give me money, Shadow can do it for you."

Ling Daqi asked, "How much money do you need?"

Brother Jiang said with a smile: "The identity of Chen Xiaohai is not ordinary. He has something to do with Song Qingqun, so it is not easy to mess with. Moreover, Chen Xiaohai's rise is too fast, and there are inevitably some shady things behind him. Be careful in everything. Kill Chen Xiaohai , I need 9000 million. His parents, I only need 1000 million. This price is a discount for your new customers."

Ling Daqi said without hesitation: "Okay, I will give you [-] million, and you will kill Chen Xiaohai's family."

Brother Jiang smiled and said, "No problem, Xiao Zhang, let's take our distinguished guest Mr. Ling to pay the bill."

The waiter left with Ling Daqi.

Brother Jiang drank the red wine in the glass, licked his lips, and showed an evil smile.

"One hundred million is not a small amount, and it seems that I need to do it myself."

PS: Thanks to the book friends for replacing and silently rewarding.

(End of this chapter)

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