Chapter 114

As soon as the pure red sword came out, a great majesty enveloped the world, as if the world couldn't bear this little sword at all.The sword intent occasionally escaping from the small pure red sword trembled even the space, it was unparalleled.

Pure Yang Sword Qi.

Lu Dongbin's pure Yang sword energy.

What Chen Xiaohai extracted from the fairyland locker was the pure yang sword energy from Lu Dongbin.

Pure Yang Sword Qi belongs to Lu Dongbin, and Gathering Sword Technique also belongs to Lu Dongbin. The two have certain similarities.Chen Xiaohai wanted to use Gathering Sword Technique to absorb the pure Yang sword energy, and turn the pure Yang sword energy into his own use.

Lu Dongbin's pure yang sword energy is too powerful, if it is released, let alone Chen Xiaohai, even Nanyan City, even China, or even the whole earth may be doomed, it is the sword ancestor Lu Dongbin Pure Yang Sword Qi.

Unparalleled power.


Chen Xiaohai used the gathering sword technique to strip out the pure yang sword energy bit by bit, and turned it into his own power, into a power he could control.At that time, there is a certain degree of certainty in the face of other enemies.

Although, currently, no enemies have been encountered.

"Well, let's start."

Chen Xiaohai stared at Pure Yang Sword Qi for a long time, and made up his mind.Running the Gathering Sword Technique, a wonderful force emanates from both hands, acting on the pure Yang sword energy.

In Chen Xiaohai's eyes, that ray of pure Yang sword energy seemed to become infinitely large.The room cannot accommodate it, the country cannot accommodate it, the earth cannot accommodate it, and the universe cannot accommodate that pure yang sword energy.The terrifying power contained in the pure yang sword energy would kill him if it escaped.

Great shore.


This is the feeling of pure yang sword energy in Chen Xiaohai's eyes.

Suppressing the fear of pure Yang sword energy in his heart, Chen Xiaohai used all his strength to use the Gathering Sword Technique to absorb the power of Pure Yang sword energy.It was extremely difficult to strip a trace of strength from the pure Yang sword energy.That trace of power, like drawing a drop of water from the endless sea, has almost no effect.

No matter how big the influence was, Chen Xiaohai still worked hard, and water dripped through stone.

inside the room.

The puppy shivered and curled up, hiding in the corner of the room.Raising his head to look at the pure red sword energy, his eyes were full of terror and fear.

too frightening.

so horrible.

Why can such a terrifying power appear in this small world? Even the frost giants in Jotunheim can't resist that pure red sword energy.

How did this human get this pure red sword energy? No, he is definitely not a human, he is a demon.If it wasn't for a demon, how could he have such a terrifying sword energy.

Puppy Moster was scared, he was really scared.

After seeing Lu Dongbin's pure Yang sword energy, it completely surrendered to Chen Xiaohai in its heart, not daring to have the slightest rebellious heart.It is easy for someone who can produce such a terrifying sword energy to destroy him.

In the past, he must have been faking it.

Demons are indeed terrifying existences.

Chen Xiaohai knew exactly what the puppy Most was thinking.The contract established by the Beast Control Art allows him to completely control every move, every thought and every thought of the puppy Most, which shows the power of the Beast Control Art.

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and he completely subdued the puppy Most.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xiaohai continued to use the Gathering Sword Technique to absorb the power of Pure Yang Sword Qi.

one morning.

Passed by.

"Xiao Hai, come out to eat."

Mom's voice came from outside.

Chen Xiaohai let out a breath slowly, and focused on running Gathering Sword Technique for a long time to peel off the pure Yang sword energy, even he felt a little tired.However, there were some harvests in the morning, and a trace of pure Yang sword energy was condensed, and this trace of pure Yang sword energy was completely under Chen Xiaohai's control.

A ray of pure Yang sword energy in Chen Xiaohai's hand, like a red silky mist, looks like it will disappear in a wave, but it possesses powerful power, and it is easy to cut iron like mud.

Put away the pure yang sword energy, and withdraw a trace of pure yang sword energy from gathering swordsmanship into the body.Once refined by Gathering Sword Technique, the sword energy can be compatible with the body, Chen Xiaohai got up and stretched himself.The body transmits streams of strength from the limbs and bones, which is extremely comfortable.

Before pushing open the door, Chen Xiaohai stopped.

A small gourd was taken out from the locker in the fairy world, and the small gourd contained Mingyuan Dan.Going to it, I took out two Mingyuan pills, the oval brown Mingyuan pills, which are somewhat similar to Mai Lisu, and these Mingyuan pills are used to transform the parents' bodies.

Take back Mingyuan Dan and go out to eat.

The family ate happily.

Chen Wenbin, who owns the Little Book of the God of Cookery, cooks meals that are full of color, fragrance, and incomparably delicious.It can be said that Chen Xiaohai's family enjoys delicious meals that exceed five-star hotels every day.

Dad Chen Wenbin glanced at Chen Xiaohai and said, "Xiaohai, when did you start studying?"

Chen Xiaohai said: "Report on September [-]rd and [-]th, and officially start studying on the [-]th."

Dad said: "It will be reported on the [-]rd and [-]th, so there is still nearly a month. Anyway, if you are idle at home, you are idle. Go to the store and help me."

Chen Xiaohai smiled and said, "Okay, Dad, when will the store open?"

Dad said: "In the past two days, I have hired someone to decorate it, and it should be officially open in three days."

Chen Xiaohai said: "I will definitely go when the time comes."

My mother, Zhang Fang, was dissatisfied and said: "What are you going to do? My Xiaohai is now the chairman of Zuishenxian Company, so why not go and cook for you in a small frying shop?"

Dad said: "What's wrong with being a chef? If I hadn't been a chef, how could I have brought Xiao Hai up."

The mother said: "I don't care what kind of chef you want to be. Anyway, I won't let Xiao Hai. Xiao Hai is the big boss now, and his status is different."

Chen Xiaohai smiled helplessly.

Dad has nothing to say, mainly because he doesn't have much right to speak.

Chen Xiaohai asked: "Dad, Mom, how are you doing recently?"

Mom smiled and said: "Of course, the monkey wine you bought is really good. Drink a little every day, and feel very comfortable, as if you are much younger."

Dad also said: "Yes, that monkey wine is really good. After drinking it, you won't feel tired. Xiao Hai, where did you get it? Sell it in the store. It will definitely sell well and make a lot of money. "

Monkey wine, sell it?
Dad, your idea is too petty.

This is the monkey wine from Huaguo Mountain, even ordinary gods may not be able to drink it.

Chen Xiaohai said: "That monkey wine was given to me by a friend of mine, just a little, you can just keep it for yourself, don't give it to others."

The mother said: "Of course such a good wine cannot be given to others."

"That's right." Chen Xiaohai took out two Life Pills, "I entrusted someone to buy these two medicines, they have very good effects on the body, you should take them."

Father and mother looked at each other, took Yuan Dan, and ate it without hesitation.

This is the medicine Chen Xiaohai took, this is the medicine their son got, and it will definitely not harm them.

Dad asked: "Xiao Hai, don't trouble others casually."

The mother let out a sigh: "What kind of medicine is this? It's really delicious. Xiao Hai, is this medicine expensive?"

Chen Xiaohai said with a smile: "This medicine is not expensive, if a friend wants to buy medicine, let him buy it by the way, no trouble."

"Ouch." Mother Zhang Fang's expression changed slightly, "My stomach hurts a little, I'm going to the toilet."

Dad's expression also changed: "I want to go too."

PS: Thank you book friend Acri Ri for your reward.

(End of this chapter)

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