Chapter 828 Qi Yi
Next, Qi Yi tried his best to euphemistically explain to the two old people in front of him his miraculous experience after leaving the tribe, and pushed the blame to Jimozi who hadn't shown up yet, saying that meeting him made him grow even better. Well, only today's strength is there, and it also paves the way for Jimozi's appearance in the future.

What Qi Yi said was extremely mysterious, and the old couple were stunned for a while. After she finished speaking, it took a long time for her to react. Finally, the old patriarch tremblingly raised the point and asked:

"Tang, do you mean that you met a god who can command monsters and beasts, and he gave you your current strength?"

Hearing what he said, Qi Yi nodded seriously.After getting her affirmative answer, the old patriarch and his wife were even more shocked, and asked cautiously with wide eyes:
"Then where is he now?"

Qi Yi knew that they would ask this question, and was ready to answer, so he rolled his eyes pretendingly, thought for a while, and then shook his head.

"I don't know where he is now, but if I am in danger, I sincerely pray that he will appear again."

Qi Yi was talking nonsense in a serious manner, and her serious demeanor really made the two old people who had never seen anything in the world let go of their guards, and they felt infinite awe of the legendary god Jimozi.

This matter changed from Qi Yi's few words from unbelievable to natural, and the matter of Xuanshentai was explained, but later, when the two old people witnessed the tragic situation of Xuanshentai, they were still shocked.

The completion of the handover of the patriarch's token only means that the patriarch's belongings have been settled, but if he wants to truly inherit the position of the patriarch, he must hold a succession ceremony in the clan, swear an oath in front of the whole clan, and gain their approval before he can become the new patriarch. A patriarch.

The old patriarch couldn't wait to abdicate to the virtuous, and the incident of Xuanshentai shocked the entire tribe like never before. A new term spread to their ears. The word "monster hunter" made people fear and respect, and they disappeared. The long-standing young patriarch is the existence that makes people fear and respect.

People seem to see hope from these four words. It seems that they will no longer have to die when their wives and children are separated. It seems that they will no longer have to be so afraid of that terrible monster. peak.

The succession ceremony was scheduled to be held three months later when the seasons changed. During these three months, the old patriarch would lead everyone to cultivate and rebuild the Xuanshentai, and the advanced civilization that Qi Yi knew was also displayed at this time. Barter and commodity exchange were allowed to be advocated, and the craftsmanship of ceramics was written down. People had writing, knew how to weave silk, built bigger, stronger and more beautiful houses, and knew how to use and make more convenient things.

During this process, Jimozi never appeared, he did not hide in the space, but turned into a cat form and lay in Qi Yi's boudoir every day, admiring every change of her posture, movement and expression from a height.

Because of Qi Yi's series of contributions, he became popular, and the man-eating beasts who were placed outside the tribe were also transferred back to the space, waiting for the time to appear and take root.

Time is the best medicine. During the contact, people gradually abandoned the grievances and fears they had towards Qi Yi, and she subtly changed their perceptions.

(End of this chapter)

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