Chapter 829 Qi Yi
Start to truly accept her from the heart, respect her, and obey her instead of fear of barriers.

In three months, Qi Yi brought new blood and vitality to this place located deep in the jungle, and except for those old antiques who had half a foot in the coffin, only Xiao Xiaoqi still looked down on her, But even so, he had to admit that this woman was already something he could not provoke.

After three months, the ancient forest ushered in a new dawn. As night fell, the clansmen built a bonfire in the open space in the center of their residence. Everyone expected it. Crown Feather drew a mark of flames between her eyebrows, and she was the new patriarch from then on.

After the succession ceremony, people set up grills on the bonfire to grill meat and cook vegetables. Special spices were sprinkled on the fragrant and oily game, which made the man-eating beasts in the space drool. People sang and danced around the bonfire. , Everyone had a smile on their faces, Qi Yisheng was in the middle, and there was a warm light in his eyes.

During the banquet, Muyue, who had recovered, specially came to express her gratitude to Qi Yi. Several friends who had grown up together gathered together, making noise around Qi Yi, and there was laughter everywhere.

This kind of celebration did not end until the middle of the night. People would not go home that night. When they were extremely sleepy, they would sleep in twos and threes by the campfire. The flames drove away the dampness and cold in the jungle, so that it would be held for decades A patriarch handover ceremony makes everyone very satisfied.

When people are falling asleep, some malicious people are not so peaceful.The owl extended its claws into the burning bonfire. The jungle is most afraid of fire, so people will be extra careful every time they use fire. Every time such a large banquet is held, they will prepare in advance to reduce the possibility of accidents.

Before taking any action, Xiao Xiao took a special look at Qi Yi who had closed his eyes by the campfire. To be honest, ever since he saw her slaughter the giant python with his own eyes that day, every time he saw her, he felt horrible, even now. She fell asleep, and he didn't dare to approach her.

Making sure he didn't attract unnecessary attention, Xiao Xiaocai carefully threw the torch in his hand onto the unused firewood not far from the campfire, and arranged combustible materials such as branches and leaves nearby.

Seeing that the fire was spreading more and more, Xiaoxiao was about to leave when he turned around and bumped into a dusty man. In the silent night, the man's bewitching pupils were illuminated by the orange fire. In a pair of beautiful eyes, Xiao Xiao even saw his wretched reflection.

The next moment, this strange man with a pair of strange-colored eyes suddenly raised the corners of his lips. Behind him, a huge flower vine quickly grew and bloomed, and dense fangs grew out of that beautiful flower. Xiao Xiaocai immediately sat down on the ground in fright, stared at Jimozi in horror, and backed away repeatedly.

He has personally seen this huge and terrifying flower vine devouring the giant python to the bone. Since then, he has been instinctively afraid of this. Seeing it now, there is only one thought in his heart, that is to run away.

The sound from this side awakened some sleeping people. When they opened their eyes and saw the scene in front of them, they woke up in fright and screamed again and again. Like Xiaoxiao, they had also seen terrifying people in the flower vines.

(End of this chapter)

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