Chapter 827 Qi Yi
After taking over the unconscious Mu Yue, several young men stepped back and left sensibly. Qi Yi looked at the old and skinny parents in front of him.

Standing in front of the old couple who loved their daughter deeply, Qi Yi's previous aura dissipated, and he stood there in a daze, with his lips tightly pressed, not knowing how to speak for a moment.

She is a cold person, she can go up to the mountain of swords and go down to the sea of ​​fire, but what she is most bad at dealing with is affection.Relatively speechless, all three were silent.

In the silence, the old patriarch raised his hand tremblingly, and carefully caressed the familiar but unfamiliar face of the woman in front of him. At this moment, the old man with gray hair finally cried silently.

The patriarch couple got a daughter when they were old, and they were very fond of it. Only those who have experienced it will understand the feeling of regaining it.And the patriarch's wife also rushed forward to hug Qi Yi and shed tears.

The two old people cried on their shoulder blades, Qi Yi felt sore in his heart, his eyes were slightly red but he never shed tears, he just raised his hands to hug the two old people tightly, letting them cry to vent their painful emotions for a long time.

"Ada, Eminem, I'm back."

Qi Yi spoke, his voice choked up, he patted the backs of the two old men, and called his parents affectionately. In this tribe, Ah Da means father and father, and Ah Mu means mother and mother.

The shoulder blades were soaked with tears, and the two old men stood apart wiping their tears. This long-lost call made them feel distressed, relieved, and their hearts were surging. With tears in their eyes, the patriarch first responded with a hoarse voice.

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back..."

The old patriarch muttered to himself, and wiped away his tears while raising his hand. A huge emerald ring was hanging on that skinny finger. It had been worn there for many years, leaving traces on the skin and bones. deep traces.

At this time, the old patriarch twisted it off, took Qi Yi's hand, and put the ring on her slender and fair middle finger lightly and carefully.

"Tang, it's good that you come back. Ah Da made a mistake. From now on, you are the new patriarch. Ah Da Ah Mu doesn't ask you to marry. You can stay."

Twat is the nickname given to the younger girls by parents and relatives in this place, and the old patriarch has completely given up his original insistence at this time, and exchanged everything he has for his daughter to stay.

The old patriarch bowed his waist, and solemnly handed over the most noble token of himself as the patriarch, while Ah Mu looked at him eagerly, and Qi Yi stabilized his mind, walked slowly in front of them, and gave them what they lacked. long hug.

"Ada, Ah Mu, don't worry, Twadou won't leave, and Twadou will stay with you and our tribe."

After embracing, the patriarch and his wife remembered what happened just now. They didn't know much, they just heard that their daughter was going to save the woman Muyue who was sent to sacrifice today.

They didn't have time to react just now, but what they didn't expect was that Qi Yi actually rescued Muyue under the Shekou, and even hugged him just now, and there was a huge movement on the altar...

The old patriarch's eyes widened in an instant, and expressions of horror, doubt, fear, inconceivability and so on burst out of his cloudy pupils, and he pointed tremblingly at the direction where the young man left with Mutsuki in his arms.

"Wow, you..."

"Well, Ah Da, Ah Mu, don't be afraid."

(End of this chapter)

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