Wear it quickly, she's beautiful

Chapter 296 Extra Story (Yi Qitian)

Chapter 296 Extra Story (Yi Qitian)

In the warm sun at the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, I walked among the mountains stepping on the fine dead leaves. I never thought that one day, I would belong to this lonely barren mountain.

I used to dream intermittently, dreaming that a stunning woman came to me, helping me without complaint and planning the overall situation of the world for me, but for my own self-interest, I even designed her to jump off the cliff with others, ending the gorgeous but short s life.

Even if he is tempted by her, the threat of her existence will not be tolerated.

I am Yi Qitian, and my life has always been so empty. Only now do I understand that if people always want to pursue things that do not belong to them, they are bound to be very tired and disappointed.

What I have always wanted to pursue is the throne of emperor.

I think the meaning of the emperor is often cruel, cruel, lonely, and ruthless. If I want to pursue him, I naturally have to accept the meaning he represents.

The fortune teller said which intermittent dreams were my previous life, so does it mean that that woman should belong to me, should be by my side?

That woman named Lu Yanling is a smart person.

But if the time starts again, I will still choose to get rid of her.

When we met for the first time in the ruined temple in the border town, I knew that I would be entangled with her. If she could follow me like in a dream, advise me, and charge for me, I think I would still love her.

The cunning rabbit dies, the running dog cooks, the birds are gone, and the good bow is hidden.

What she means to me is that it is the best help to help me ascend to the throne of God, and then fulfill her duties, and the prosperity will end.However, the dream is really just a dream. The reality is that she ruthlessly rejected me and turned to embrace others.

That's good too, I won't kill her again, and I won't let her end up in the fate of extinction.

The moment I saw her jump off the cliff in my dream, I clearly felt distressed.

It doesn't feel good to kill someone you like with your own hands.

I thought I would never attack her again, but it was an extravagant hope after all, how could such a dazzling pearl like her be willing to be dusted, she insisted on meddling in this troubled world to plan strategies.

I used to think that my greatest enemy was Liancheng, but I was wrong. My greatest enemy should be her. Her intelligence, her intellect, her strategies, and her methods made me deeply afraid just like in a dream.

Killing intent came to mind again.

Liancheng once said that I am the Son of Heaven she prophesied.

However, since I am the destined emperor, why should she follow others?
Did she also have those dreams, and she knew that I would lose her in the end?
I dare not think about it anymore, people who are qualified to be friends are often more qualified to be opponents, and she can no longer stay.

At a huge price, I asked the owner of the Assassin Pavilion to do it herself. She is smart, cunning, and skilled in martial arts, but she must be helpless in the face of the world's number one assassin.

I asked Qian Lian to follow her information at any time. I learned from the servants of Su's mansion that she had left the mansion. This is good news. I don't pay attention, and someone will follow up.

I still couldn't bear it, but she was beyond my expectation again. The first killer failed to kill her. I still felt soft-hearted when I saw her fainting in the hotel.

Soft-heartedness really is not to be desired. Since then, she has become a helper for others. It is reasonable for the whole world to want to rob her. Whoever wins her wins the world.

The weather in early winter was a bit cold, so I tightened my cloak and looked over from the heights in the mountains. The imperial capital was prosperous, but at this time, the white silk was wrapped around it, bleak and desolate, and the whole world was mourning for her.

She finally left this world, her beauty was unlucky, her spiritual power was exhausted and she died. In fact, she burned her own life for Su Yanqing.

Su Yanqing named the country "Ling".

I came down from a height, and my heart was desolate.

After all these years, I still lost, a complete defeat.

What I pursue, power and ambition, have nothing to do with me now.

(End of this chapter)

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