Wear it quickly, she's beautiful

Chapter 297 Extra Story (Su Yanqing)

Chapter 297 Extra Story (Su Yanqing)
The Buddha said, all conditioned dharmas are like dreams and bubbles, like dew or electricity, and should be viewed in this way. Form is not different from emptiness, and emptiness is not different from form.

All because of the appearance of all active things, all of them are born when they come together, and perish when they are separated.

But I can't see through it.

I am Su Yanqing, once the least valued bastard son of the Su family, now the most honored son of heaven, and my honor is all in exchange for the life of my beloved.

I never thought that my most beloved people would die because of me.

It's so cold at the top, if time can start over again, I don't want this position of emperor, I just want to take her and my mother to hide in the mountains and live a simple and ordinary life.

Her name is Lu Yanling, and she was originally a noble national teacher, a prophet who predicted the next generation of the head of the Lu family, but she was born at an untimely time, and her family was ruined.

When I was very young, my aunt found a reason to send me to a border town thousands of miles away from home to practice. The jealousy of a woman and the majesty of the eldest lady of the Su family made me unable to tolerate me as sand in her eyes.

It's called experience, but it's actually murder.

The boy who sent me off used to wait in the same yard as my mother. He secretly told me that the eldest lady had arranged for killers to ambush me on the road. In desperation, I had no choice but to hide in the deep mountains and old forests to escape.

The dense forest not only shielded me from those who were chasing me, but also brought me new dangers. There were many snakes and ants in the mountains. I was bitten by a poisonous snake and I couldn't move. It was at this time that I met Lu Yanling.

The little girl carried a dustpan on her back and went up the mountain to dig medicine with a sickle. When she saw me, she put down the things in her hands without hesitation to suck out the poisonous blood for me, chewed up herbs and applied it on me, and then carried me to a cave To recuperate, I was given food and medicine on time every day afterwards.

She has paid for me from the beginning.

At that time, I thought she was just an ordinary rural orphan girl with ordinary appearance and kind heart, a rare girl, but I didn't expect that she was actually a distinguished prophet.

When the Su family first met, I couldn't recognize her. Without the black spot, she was stunningly beautiful, with an extraordinary temperament, and even her familiar eyes were shining brightly.

There is a striking cinnabar red between her eyebrows. She said that I am the future emperor, and her duty is to support me on the throne.

She is ice and snow smart, and she has removed obstacles for me.

Later, when I dreamed back at midnight, I often thought, maybe I am not destined to be the emperor, but the king she intends to support.

In the days when I was young and frivolous, I also wanted to compete for the supremacy of the throne. I naively thought that as long as I owned the world, I would be able to protect those who wanted to be protected and give her everything she wanted.

But the mother I wanted to protect died because of me.

She who wanted to care for her gradually dissipated her breath in my arms.

For half a year, during the heaviest years of my life, I stayed with her in the wild bamboo forest, feeling her weakness and her imminent departure.

Now I am sitting on the throne, the candlelight is flickering, and the hall is cold and splendid. It turns out that the throne represents only power and no human feelings.

She left with a young face and white hair.

I ordered the whole country to mourn, and ordered the name of the country to be "Ling".

In fact, the most painful thing is not to know how to cherish after losing, but to still lose after cherishing.

The Buddha said that all things are for my use, but they do not belong to me.

In the end, all that remains is loneliness and nothingness.

No one knows that the spiritual power of the seer is exchanged for life, and many such ignorance have made great mistakes.

Linger, I wish you a lifetime of tenderness, but we pass each other like this in the world of mortals.

The Buddha said that if the fate gathers, it will be born, and if the fate is scattered, it will perish, but I can't let go of this fate.

(End of this chapter)

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