Wear it quickly, she's beautiful

Chapter 295 Extra Story (Liancheng)

Chapter 295 Extra Story (Liancheng)
Time passed, years passed, I stood under the eaves of the courtyard and looked at the new sun in the distance, the snow melted on the grass, another spring came quietly, and another winter quietly passed away.

Climbing down the steps, stepping on the sunshine of early sunshine, everything is revived, and life is bright and moving.

I am Liancheng, the priceless Liancheng.

I am the only son of the Lian family in three generations. My father passed away when my mother was pregnant, and my mother died of dystocia when giving birth to me.

I was brought up by my grandfather.

In my memory, my grandfather often sighed behind my back.

I knew he was mourning my numb legs.

I was born with weakness in my legs, and the doctor said it was a disease brought on by my mother's womb, and there was no way to cure it.Grandpa was not reconciled, and invited famous doctors all over the world. I tried acupuncture, medicine soaking, massage, and applying medicine, but all of them were fruitless.

Grandpa was very helpless. In order to train me as the only heir, he put a lot of effort into it. His hair became grayer day by day, and finally let me learn from each other's strengths and make up for my weaknesses to become a qualified heir of the Lian family.

I have read many books, because someone told me that reading thousands of books is like traveling thousands of miles.

I can't walk, so I read books. There is no golden house in the book, and there is no Yan Ruyu in the book, but there are many novel things in the book that attract me and make me want to leave the wheelchair and run around.

My first reluctant attempt ended with a bloody fall.

At that time, when the servants were away, I tried to get up with my body. I had a good wish, I hope that after I stand up, I can move freely like other people.

I was wrong at the beginning, my non-feeling legs could not support my wish, and made me fall from the wheelchair to the ground, the more I struggled, the more fruitless I was. People walking up and down in front of them.

After my grandfather died, I inherited the position of the head of the family. I should have a family rule, and those who make mistakes in everything will break their hamstrings.

I changed the dungeon, and I wanted to do a bold experiment on those disabled people who had their hamstrings picked out, and the content of the experiment was to transplant the legs of normal people to them.

This daring experiment failed.

I kill many people and mince their meat to feed the koi in the lake. I like fish because they have no legs and they don't show it off to me.

I thought there was no hope for these legs in this life, but unexpectedly, I suddenly got the news that spiritual power might be able to heal them. There is only one person left in this world who still has spiritual power. Her name is Lu Yanling, and she is a descendant of a prophet.

With hope, I asked her to marry me with fifteen cities, but her eyes were clear, and she was truly unmoved. At that moment, I knew that what she wanted was not worldly things, and she couldn't get in. her eyes.

After all, it was just unconfirmed news. I smiled and persuaded myself not to force it anymore, but I tossed and turned and couldn't sleep for the next few days. I still couldn't let go of this glimmer of hope.

I sent someone to arrest Su Yanqing, in fact, to let her come to my door, but I didn't expect to arrest her directly, and the decline of the Lian family began.

I locked her in the dark room of the room. From the soft touch during the first treatment and after getting along with her, I realized that I might like her, and I liked her so much that I hoped that my legs would recover slowly, even if I endured great pain.

Those who can't keep it still can't keep it. My legs are healed, but Lianjia is gone, and she is gone. In those decadent days, I was even a little dazed, whether I was afraid of losing Lianjia or losing her.

In fact, I am afraid of everything. The more I am afraid, the more things will appear, and the more I want, the more difficult it is to grasp.

He failed to keep the Lian family and lost to her.

And liking is like the snow in early spring, it will always melt, if you can't cherish it, then you can only cherish it.

 If you can't cherish, then you can only have nostalgia, but Xiaoxiao don't want to be nostalgic, Xiaoxiao must cherish

(End of this chapter)

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