Chapter 294
Ziling's design was quick and effective. After Su Yanqing found out that she was missing, he immediately searched for her, and then found that she had gone in the direction of Yi Qitian.

Didn't you say it's okay not to intervene?
Su Yanqing was annoyed, dropped the teacup in her hand in a fit of anger, and immediately led people to Yi's house, and ordered all deployments to take place in advance.

However, Zi Ling who was worried was not as dangerous as he thought. The Yi family was a whole city, and she arrived after walking all night with light work. The guards of the Yi family turned their heads and ran away when they saw her at the first sight.

Ziling was gnawing on an apple, his cheeks bulging.

"Hey, why are you running! Why don't you tie up this girl and send her to your master to receive the reward?"

Her current identity is not as simple as a Lu family prophet. Now everyone in the world knows her relationship with Su Yanqing and knows that she is Su Yanqing's sweetheart. If she is tied up, wouldn't it be the best way to threaten Su Yanqing?

However, the guards of the Yi family did not turn their heads.

"The master is not here, and the master ordered that you are not allowed to approach you, and you are not allowed to harm us."

It's a joke, now who doesn't know that the once powerful Lian family tied this guy back and locked them up for a month, not to mention that the villa was burned down, and all kinds of other forces were also uprooted. It's unimaginable but true .

This shows a truth, this woman is a disaster star, even if she is tied up, I dare not touch her, otherwise who knows what troubles will arise.

Ziling was speechless, he didn't expect that he was so famous, so he just sat down on the spot holding the apple, anyway, as long as she didn't leave, Su Yanqing would bring people to look for her, and since they all brought people to the door, there would definitely be a fight.

A few more fights, and things should be over.

Then Su Yanqing can rule out dissidents and ascend the throne smoothly, and then her mission is almost completed, and then her life should come to an end, and then she can happily end the mission of this interface.

Thinking of this, Zi Ling's mood improved a lot, Ka Ka took two bites of the apple, and suddenly felt very sweet.

Sure enough, in the evening, Su Yanqing came with someone, covered in blood, and in a panic.

As for why he came only in the evening and was covered in blood.

Because he forcibly led people to break through the obstacles of the Yi family.

Until now, his men are still fighting Yi Qitian in another place.

For this day, Su Yanqing has also arranged for a long time, both sides have arranged manpower in various positions, and at this time they are fighting to the death.

But Ziling knew that Su Yanqing would win, because he still had many unused forces, such as the border town she first arrived at when she came out of the mountain, that belonged to him.

He was trying before she helped him.

A person's success is not just talking about it, but he has set this goal, and he will always move towards this goal, constantly surpassing himself, improving himself, and then reaching an unexpected height.

Su Yanqing brought Zi Ling back, and after five months of entanglement, Yi Qitian was finally suppressed. Su Yanqing successfully eliminated all opponents and won the world.

On the day he ascended the throne, half of Ziling's hair was already gray, and now she could feel the vitality flowing through her fingertips like water every day, and she couldn't keep it at all.

Ziling watched Su Yanqing, who was wearing a dragon robe, walking towards him through the long red carpet, and put a small jade seal into her hand.

Now she is the national teacher, praying for the new emperor according to the ceremony, and then put the spirit card of the Lu family on the god seat belonging to the national teacher.

In the six months since Su Yanqing ascended the throne, she did nothing, and accompanied Zi Ling to hide in the mountains and forests, watching the sunrise and sunset, holding her tightly at the moment when her black hair was completely white, and feeling her breath quietly dissipating in her arms.

It turned out that this was her destiny to have a gray face before she got old.

 It's dead, it's the next episode, if you don't like it, you can skip to read the story, okay? ^3^

(End of this chapter)

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