Unparalleled Double Harmony

Chapter 83 Tracking

Chapter 83 Tracking
It was nearly dusk, and the carriage of Shuangxie and Lei Buji left Liuzhuang again, heading east.

Although a few of them have made it clear to the villagers that they are not liars, and the villagers seem to believe it, but because of the previous episode, if you let them spend the night in the inn in this village, they will definitely No.

After all, there are only three of them, and there are at least dozens or even hundreds of people in this village who have been deceived. Who can tell if there will be some unwilling villagers coming to attack or cause trouble at night?
In short, as long as they stay in this village, it is impossible for the three of them to sleep peacefully.

Therefore, the three simply asked the innkeeper and the villagers about the information about the two swindlers before, and then turned around and set off again on the grounds that "they must go after the swindlers immediately."

Anyway, it was not too late at this time, and they were going now, running quickly along the road, and they should be able to reach the next post shortly after dark.

In this way, their carriage headed east all the way until the sun set in the west, and the horse couldn't help but slow down when the dusk fell.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Lei Buji hung a lantern on the front of the car, carried it on a pole, and continued on his way.

After lighting up the lights and walking at night for about half an hour, finally, the posthouse arrived.

Fortunately, the business of this post house is not very good today, and there are still many vacant rooms. After the three people called to open the door, as soon as they asked for three rooms, the attitude of the shop assistant became enthusiastic.

The clerk let them into the shop and closed the door again, before the teapot was served, Lei Buji's stomach was already growling.

Buji had a hard day today. He drove the car all day and didn't stop to have a good meal. He just ate some dry food with his two elder brothers; now that he has sat down, he hopes to come If the mouth is hot, it is best to bring some soup and water.

This guy's eyesight is also good, when he served the tea, he looked at the three of them and asked, "Three, our cook here goes to bed late... Do you want to..."

Sun Yixie was very kind, and before the other party finished speaking, he had already found out some money and stuffed it into the other party's hand: "Little brother, look at Zhang Luo, if there is any money left, you can keep it. Let us treat you to a drink."

The guy looked down at the amount of money in his hand, and immediately beamed with joy: "Hey, hey! Okay, you guys wait, I'll go and tell the kitchen to prepare the food and drinks!" After finishing speaking, he flew to the back kitchen went.

When he walked away, Huang Donglai suddenly showed a smile: "Brother Sun, why are you so generous today? This is not like you."

"Heh..." Sun Yixie said, "You are asking the question knowingly."

Lei Buji didn't have as good a tacit understanding as them, nor was he so smart to guess what they were talking about, so he asked, "Brother, what are you talking about?"

"Hey~ don't worry, you'll know right away." Sun Yixie is still playing tricks at this moment.

After waiting for a while, when the waiter started to serve them food, Lei Buji understood that the money was indeed not for nothing.

Before Lei Buji picked up his chopsticks, Sun Yixie stopped the shop assistant and asked about the two swindlers.

Don't look at him as a shop clerk, the clerk in this official station is no different from the juniors in ordinary private inns. They have establishments, and strictly speaking, they are under the control of the army; The gangsters in the rivers and lakes are playing tricks on themselves-what kind of people in the rivers and lakes?In their view, aren't they also ordinary people? What are you crazy about?If you dare to play tricks and make trouble here, let the officers and soldiers come and wipe you out in minutes.

Therefore, Sun Yixie, the "common people", is also very sensible, and directly "money opens the way".

There are very few people in this world who can't live with silver.

As the saying goes, it's not too much for the guy to get these "tips" and answer a few questions, right?
So, Sun Yixie struck while the iron was hot, and took advantage of the opportunity to ask all the questions he wanted to ask clearly. Unfortunately... After asking around, I found a lot of useful information, but only about the whereabouts of the two liars. Dude really don't know.

Obviously, the fake Sun Yixie and the fake Huang Donglai had never stayed in this inn before.

That's right, this station is too close to Liu Zhuang, those two crooks fled overnight, they wouldn't just escape a village or two miles away and then stop, at least they also got the next big county, and they could sneak into the city for a little while. Don't worry; because there are many people in the county town, it is also convenient to sell stolen goods. Unlike this post house, there are only a few people up and down. Two people knock on the door in the middle of the night with a lot of gold and silver on their backs. Even if no one reports to the official Will be remembered by the guys.

Sun Yixie and the others had no choice but to give up without finding out about the scammers. After eating and drinking enough, the three of them went back to their rooms and went to sleep. They will continue to chase the two guys tomorrow morning.

Seeing this, some people may ask, how did they know to go east to catch up?

The endorsement in the book here is not what the villagers told them, but what Huang Donglai reasoned out through investigation before.

After all, those villagers have limited abilities, but Huang Donglai is different. When he heard that the two liars were riding away, he immediately thought of going to the stables. different traces.

Wrapping the horse's hooves with cloth and letting the horse walk slowly can indeed eliminate the sound of the horse's hooves to a certain extent, but when two people on the horse are carrying heavy luggage, walking the horse like this will undoubtedly leave a lot of noise. Two rows of deep and irregularly shaped horseshoe prints came; Huang Donglai...followed these two sets of hoof prints to know that the fake Shuangxie ran from the east entrance of the village.

When they left Liuzhuang just now, Huang Donglai deliberately sat with Lei Buji outside the car for a while when they were walking on the main road, tracking the two rows of unusual horseshoe marks along the way, wanting to confirm whether the two crooks had turned off the main road But soon after leaving the village, he found that the two sets of hoofprints stopped somewhere, and then turned into two rows of deeper and newer hoofprints, which gradually merged with other normal horseshoe prints on the main road. together.

It can be seen from this that the two fakes untied the cloth on the horse's hoof shortly after leaving the village, and then beat the horse and headed east.

Coming out from the east side of Liuzhuang, there are two options: one, walk along the path and turn into a forest, yes, it is the forest where Sun and Huang met the black shop, from there, go through the forest, cross the water, and then pass through a village , along the north bank of Yinghe River for half a day, you can reach Zhoukou.

The second is to walk along the official road. In terms of straight-line distance, it is farther than the above method, but the final destination is the same... Zhoukou.

Therefore, if there is no accident, the next stop of the two liars must be Zhoukou.

According to the rules of swindlers, after they succeed, they should either sell and share the stolen goods, and then rest for a period of time until the money is almost spent before preparing for the next "sale"; Silver property, as the cost of his next deception, and then a bigger ticket.

Of course, this refers to the rules among gangs that engage in large-scale fraud, and there is another way to use women to cheat, called "falconry", or "close-by", and its variant is The "immortal dance" we are familiar with today... like that, because it is a "surprise attack", half cheated, half robbed, and the money you can get for each crime is very limited, so there is no such rule, usually Cheat a ticket to change places, one order after another will basically not stop.

Closer to home...

In the early morning of the second day, Sun Yixie, Huang Donglai, and Lei Buji had rested well, and the horses pulling the cart had eaten and drunk enough, and the group embarked on the journey of "chasing deception" again.

They are also quite anxious about this matter. Although it seems that the two counterfeit goods are just deceiving people and property, they should leave it alone. It's all on Shuangxie's head, how aggrieved.

Therefore, their carriage traveled relatively fast this day, and they traveled dozens of miles in just half a day.

Of course, they are fast, and there are others faster than them.

Just before noon, the official road was suddenly dusty and hooves blared... In a blink of an eye, a group of men on strong horses, about fourteen or five people, came from behind Sun Yixie and the others to applaud them.

But you can see that the leader has a white face and long beard, a blue-clothed cloak, and a five-ringed sword on his back; and the men on horseback behind him are all burly and ferocious, and they don't look like good people.

When this group of people was still some distance away from Sun Yixie and the others, the white-faced man at the head saw the trident behind the carriage.

Brother Sun's unique weapon is really "unique". At least among the more famous people in the world, he is the only one who uses this, so people will think of him when they see this; In Liuzhuang, the waiter at the inn also changed his expression because he saw the trident behind the carriage...

There is no doubt that the two people who pretended to be Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai also faked this weapon. It can even be said that the fake trident is the key tool for them to pretend to be Shuangxie .

"Ah!" The white-faced man stared intently for a few seconds, and after making sure he hadn't missed his eyes, he immediately screamed, and then shouted, "The people in front don't leave! Stop!"

In fact, people couldn't hear him clearly at all.

Not to mention that the road is open and easy to lose the sound, even the sound of the horse's hooves on his side is enough to drown out the words in his words.

Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai in the front could only vaguely hear someone yelling amidst the sound of hooves behind them, but they couldn't hear a single word in the words, so they naturally ignored them.

The white-faced man saw that he had finished yelling as if he hadn't yelled, and the fire in his heart burned even higher as if oil had been poured on him. He immediately whipped his horse and led a group of brothers to chase after him.

No matter how fast the carriage was, it could not be as fast as a horse. In less than a minute, the group caught up, stopped the carriage, and surrounded it.

Lei Buji took a look at the appearance of this group of people, and said to himself: Come on, this is definitely here to find fault. After we got out of Luoyang, we were intercepted and surrounded almost every day. I'm almost used to it. Look at the expression of the leader. , red in the white, obviously burning with anger, it seems that this time I really have a fight to fight.

"In the car, don't let grandpa do it, get out!" The white-faced man was not polite, and after stopping the car, he shouted loudly.

After he yelled like that, it was impossible for Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai to continue huddling in the carriage. After all, this is the carriage of a carriage, not the compartment of an armored vehicle. It would be unsafe to shrink in it...

"What are you doing? You want to rob in broad daylight?" Huang Donglai asked the other party as soon as he got out of the car.

"Robbery?" Hearing this, the white-faced man gritted his teeth and repeated the two words. Then he brushed his beard, turned over from his horse, and snorted coldly, "Hmph! Who is robbing who?"

After he got off the horse, he stood there, and Sun Huanglei and the others looked him up and down, and found that this person was indeed very handsome.

Apart from his handsome face and long beard, this white-faced man is also seven feet tall, with a slender waist, wide shoulders, and a fan-shaped figure. In addition, he has a weapon on his back. , Hukou callouses, anyone can see that this is a Lianjiazi.

"Oh? If you surround yourself like this, can we still snatch you?" Huang Donglai asked back.

"Stop pretending to me!" The white-faced man yelled angrily, "Say, you are that Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai?"

When this question was asked, the two of them, Sun and Huang, looked at each other and understood...it was probably the fault of those two fakes again, and they came to them.

"Brother, I think you are also on the right track. Before asking someone's name, shouldn't you inform yourself of your name first?" Sun Yixie took over the conversation at this time, and tested it in reverse.

The white-faced man sneered when he heard the words, and continued: "Okay, let you all understand today!" He paused, and slapped his chest, "The land is far away, the mountains are dangerous, and the eagles and flying men are hard to reach... I am Mei Chi, the five-ring sword in Yingcheng." Yang, the head of Meijiazhai, you can remember it for me later!"

In his words, there is not only self-introduction, the first two sentences are the incision of "13 roads", indicating that he is the prefix of "Di" in "Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang", which can be regarded as the second rank in the green forest road on land. power.

Sun Yixie naturally understood the slang words, and he continued calmly: "Oh~ it turns out that Mei Da is the head of the family, and I have admired him for a long time..." In fact, it was the first time he had heard of it, but it didn't matter, "Since he is a hero on the green forest road, he is not a hero. What kind of wild bandits on the roadside, that's easy to say..." He paused for half a second, and then said, "My next son, Sun Yixie, these two are my brothers Huang Donglai and Lei Buji... I don't know how aggressive Mei Dazhao is today to stop us, why?"

"What's the matter?" Mei Chiyang twitched the corner of his mouth, "Heh... you still pretend to be stupid now?"

Huang Donglai knew that even if Brother Sun said a few more words next, most of the people who greeted us would be chatterboxes. I don't know how long it would take for the other party to get to the point.
Therefore, Huang Ge simply interrupted and said: "Master Mei, let me tell you this, at this moment, the three of us are also chasing a pair of fake 'Sun Yixie' and 'Huang Donglai', as far as we know , These two scammers are pretending to be us and cheating everywhere recently. As for how many places they have been to and how many people they have cheated, we only know one Liujiazhuang at present... I guess, you should also be the victim, or you are the victim Those who are in the early stage, so you don't want to argue with us there, just get to the point and don't waste everyone's time."

(End of this chapter)

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