Chapter 84
Yingcheng, also known as Pingdingshan, is located in the south of Luoyang and southwest of Xuzhou.

There are a lot of "talented people" on the green forest road. In the hinterland of the Central Plains, there are also a few heroes on the road.

Among them, there is a pair of sworn brothers who are quite famous.

His elder brother is the head of the Mei family village, Mei Chiyang who is known as Yingcheng Wuhuandao; his younger brother also has a nickname, Qianshan Taisui, surnamed Zhu and named Chao, and is a lone tomb robber.

You want to say how high the martial arts of these two people are...not at all.

Although Mei Chiyang's sword skills are not bad, he is not considered a top-notch master. He definitely does not know the method of "transmitting internal energy and sound" like Shen Youran, otherwise he would not be able to rely on his fleshy voice to fight on the road. Shout out.

Not to mention Zhu Chao, for someone who steals graves and digs graves, it is true that there is no need to practice too much martial arts for fighting with living people. It is more practical to practice some bone shrinking skills and turtle breathing skills.

Just these two, for the time being, they also got mixed up with the word "earth" in "Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang" in the green forest road on land; it is conceivable that they did not rely on good skills, but on "morality".

Don't think that people in Greenwood Road are all helping "thieves". There is a saying that thieves have their own way. Their rules and exquisiteness... But they are all meticulous, and they can be used to write a book alone.

Even in this world of martial arts, Green Forest Road has its own system outside the "jianghu".

Among them, the "13" incisions have already been mentioned in the previous article, so I won't repeat them here. Let's talk about something else today...

Let's just say that the personal levels of these "heroes" on the Green Forest Road have been positioned.

First of all, many people should have heard of "Seven Heroes and Five Righteousness", but most people don't know what is "Xia" and what is "righteousness"?
These titles are actually used to classify grades... Roughly divided into seven grades.

The lowest level is called "strong men": five big and three thick, with big arms and round waists, born with supernatural powers, three or five people can't easily get close to them, but they don't know kung fu, and anyone who can do martial arts can do him.

The second grade is called "Warrior": The difference between a warrior and a strong man is that he knows martial arts and can use weapons. Eighteen kinds of weapons, such as swords, guns, swords, halberds, axes, hooks, forks, sticks, whips, maces, hammers, etc. Kidnapper Meteor...not to mention, he can play at least a few things, this kind is called a warrior.

The dynasty Ma Han Zhang Long Zhao Hu in "Seven Heroes and Five Righteousness" is the "warrior".

Let's talk about the third level, called "Justice": To put it simply, a warrior who can go to the house is a righteous warrior, that is, a righteous warrior is stronger than a warrior in terms of internal strength and lightness.

Chinchilla Bai Yutang, as well as his four sworn brothers, are all righteous, that is, "five righteous".

The fourth grade is "Xiaker": a righteous man with a treasured weapon is called a knight, such as Nan Xia Zhan Zhao, who wields the Juque Sword, and Bei Xia Ouyang Chun, who wields a seven-treasure sword, these are called Xia Ke; There may not be a big difference between righteous men and knights. Some righteous men are even stronger than knights, but because of the presence of treasured weapons, knights generally have the upper hand in a head-to-head confrontation, so their positioning is higher.

The fifth grade is called "Swordsman": swordsman, without a weapon, there are so many that I don't explain, I think about it myself.

The sixth grade - "Sword Demon": Sword Demon uses "fake weapons", such as fans, handkerchiefs, fallen leaves, flying flowers, embroidery needles, lime... er... no lime powder, anyway, they are not normal weapons.

The highest level is called "Sword Immortal": What is Sword Immortal?It’s all hype, nonsense… You can talk about it whatever you want, how come it’s the most nonsense, draw a circle on the ground, others can’t get in, pull out three hairs to make three dummies, one somersault for a thousand miles, etc. the Sword Immortal.

Yes, according to this setting, Sun Wukong should be the sword fairy.

The above seven grades are the basic settings for the green forest road in storytelling based on "bunt" (it is generally believed that bunt means no horse fighting); therefore, the green forest road in our Daxie is divided into the combat power levels of the characters on the road. , I think you can also follow this.

In the future, I will not use the so-called "first-class and second-rate" in the world to define the characters on the Green Forest Road. It will be more interesting to use these seven levels to describe them.

So which level are Mei Chiyang and Zhu Chao considered?In fact, they can all be regarded as "righteous men", that is to say, they have a little bit of light work and internal strength, but they don't have precious weapons.

On weekdays, although what they do is robbery, murder, and tomb robbery, but in terms of "morality", they are also playing the banner of robbing the rich and helping the poor, and doing justice for the heavens.

Like those corrupt officials, those who are rich and unkind, they will go to their superiors to make a vote... If the other party is still a little human, they will let him live; if they are particularly vicious, they will be killed.But female relatives and children are not killed, they are released when they should be released, and they are not allowed to rape or kill them.

These are all "rules"; only by following the rules can you be respected in the Tao, and you can go all the way up the yellow, the mysterious, the earth, and the sky.Those who don't follow the rules are nothing more than ordinary bandits, like Ma Si in the previous article, most of them don't last long, and any powerful knight-errant can take you as a prestige monster.

Then today, what happened to Mei Chiyang looking for Shuangxie?

In fact, Huang Donglai has already guessed... No one else, it was Mei Chiyang's righteous brother Zhu Chao who was cheated by the fake Sun Yixie and the fake Huang Donglai.

About five or six days ago, the real Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai were still in Luoyang City at that time, but their reputation and deeds had spread in all directions around Luoyang; That's when I started working outside.

Zhu Chao was very unlucky, he was the first victim of those two fakes.

That day he had just robbed the tomb of a rich family, and when he came out of the hole, it suddenly started raining outside.Youdao said that it was an autumn rain and a cold, plus he had just "worked" for a long time in a place with thin air, and when he came out he was tired and exhausted, so he ran back to the city from the wilderness in the rain, It is indeed a bit too reluctant.

Therefore, Zhu Chao wanted to find a place to hide from the rain first, and by the way, he could recount the "harvest" just now in a bright place.

In ancient times, where were there many places?Temple chant.

Du Muyun - "480 temples in the Southern Dynasties, how many towers are in the mist and rain."

In the Southern Dynasties, Buddhism flourished and there were many temples. In the Ming Dynasty, the emperor preferred Taoism, so there were more "broken temples".

At this moment, Zhu Chao was heading for a ruined temple.

Many tomb robbers have their own unique habits, and Zhu Chao also has it—he used to start in the morning, leave in the afternoon, and then rush away from the tomb he just robbed before dark; The larger "hidden tomb" is not afraid of meeting people who go to the grave during the day.

This morning when he was heading towards the tomb with the crime tools, he saw a ruined temple along the way. The location of the ruined temple has gone.

Gradually, the rain became heavier and heavier, and Zhu Chao finally saw the shadow of the temple.

I think you must have had this kind of experience, that is, when you go out, suddenly your stomach hurts, and you are struggling to find a public toilet...Suddenly, you see such a room, and at that moment, your spirit will suddenly Get excited, this kind of excitement will make you bring up your last willpower and restraint, and let you break through your physical limits to a level that you can't even imagine.

Zhu Chao felt this way at the moment. When he saw the ruined temple from a distance, his already heavy steps suddenly became a little lighter, and his mental state also recovered a lot. Relaxed to take shelter from the rain and rest, he immediately walked like flying.

However... when he was only tens of meters away from the ruined temple, he slowed down.

Not right.

There was a scent in the air, it was still meaty.

The tomb robber has a good nose, and Zhu Chao knew that there were already people in this temple, and they were still stewing meat.

"Hmm...chicken...wild vegetables, pepper oil, the coarse salt used..." Zhu Chao said all the ingredients used in the dish while smelling the smell.

As he spoke, his mouth was full of fluid, and his feet took another step.

At the gate of the temple, Zhu Chao didn't show up, but quietly poked his head and glanced inside.Sure enough, two people lit a fire in the ruined temple, and they were setting up a small stove and cooking wild vegetables and stewed chicken.

Zhu Chao took a closer look at the two men. They were both in their twenties, of medium build, and dressed in strong clothes, as if they were people in the Jianghu. Next to one of them was a strange weapon that looked like a dung fork.

Zhu Chao looked at the weapon, turned his head, and thought, "Eh? Could it be that they are..."

Obviously, the deeds of Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai had already spread throughout the surrounding areas of Luoyang. As a hero on the green forest road, Zhu Chao had heard of it; Combined with the age and appearance of these two people, it is speculated that these two people are Sun Huang.

It's a pity...he just bumped into "Li Gui".

It is implied in the book here that these two impostors, one named Sun Ling and the other named Huang Jun, are two local rascals in Ruyang County.

Originally, the two of them were from decent families. They were classmates in the same private school when they were young, and they had studied for several years; After studying in the school, he hangs out in the small gambling stalls on the side of the road every day, and when he is older, he dares to steal money from the family and go shopping in brothels.

In just a few years, the debts the two owed from eating, drinking, whoring and gambling outside piled up. Those creditors came to the door and drained the blood of the two families, forcing their parents and family members to death. They stay away.

These two people are also shameless and shameless, and they don't mean to reflect on themselves. From then on, they simply became full-time rogues, blackmailing people, playing with money, cheating, stealing, and petty theft. After that, I went to live at the gate of the Yamen for a few days.

Not long after the Mid-Autumn Festival, the two listened to the storyteller on the street telling the story of Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai's Dasha Tianqi Gang in Luoyang City, and then Sun Ling and Huang Jun thought: the same surname is Sun, and the other is surnamed Huang , look at them, and then look at how well we get along?We are still a few years older than them, how come we are hungry and full every day, and we are treated as street rats, how come they are young heroes?
But this kind of bad guy just doesn't know how to find faults in himself. If you let him see that others are good, he can rely on you regardless of grievances or enmity.

Sun Ling and Huang Jun were chatting, and suddenly had an idea...

"Brother Huang, I think you have thick eyebrows and big eyes."

"Hehe, Brother Sun, I think your small eyes can also be called four eyebrows."

These two guys think of going together - let's just use an impostor.

In those days, there were no photographs or anything, and people’s appearances were all based on descriptions, such as "square face", "long face", "big eyes" can this be accurate?
But there is one thing to say, Sun Ling and Huang Jun are indeed somewhat similar to Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai. We can even say...their appearance and figure are slightly more handsome than the original version.

After the two scoundrels made up their minds, they took out the little money they had and put together two outfits that looked like they were dressed in the Jianghu. I beat it with a hammer and changed it indiscriminately, and came up with a grotesque knockoff "trident".

After finishing all this, their journey of deception began...

But they certainly couldn't lie in Ruyang County, where everyone knew them, so they walked all the way east, and the first stop was near Pingdingshan.

They also happened to be walking in this wilderness that day, and seeing that the weather was about to change, they ran to this dilapidated temple to rest.

The chicken they are stewing right now was stolen from a farmer when they passed by... These two guys are very skilled in this kind of sneaky thing.

The wild vegetables were picked by them in the mountains. Considering that the two of them often have to "find food" by themselves, it is normal to have this kind of skill; as for oil and salt, they naturally brought them in their carry-on luggage.

At this moment, Sun Ling and Huang Jun were eagerly waiting for the chicken to come out of the pot, when suddenly...

"You two, be polite." Then Zhu Chao came in just like that.

Sun Ling and Huang Jun were taken aback by him, these two scoundrels don't know martial arts, but Zhu Chao has light skills, and the rain outside was already loud, so he walked all the way to the gate of this temple without being caught. Find.

"Moving to Tai Sui Zhu Chao, I didn't ask for advice..." Zhu Chao said this because he had preconceived that the two people in front of him were Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai.

As for Sun Ling and Huang Jun, seeing the other party's dress, figure, and the way he introduced himself, he immediately reacted...

"Heh..." Sun Ling cupped his fists and smiled, "My next son, Sun Yixie, met Big Brother Zhu."

Huang Jun also continued: "I'm coming to Huang Donglai, and I met Brother Zhu."

When Zhu Chao heard it, his heart was still beautiful, and he said to himself: "Look, our eyesight is really good."

Because he made the judgment first, he didn't doubt the identities of these two people at all... And after confirming that these two people were Shuangxie, Zhu Chao's vigilance also let go.

He thought to himself: I am a hero of the green forest, you are young heroes, one is the green forest road, the other is the righteous way of the rivers and lakes, everyone is a master of the road, and the well water does not violate the river water. Besides, I heard that the Sun and Huang families are rich, so There is no such thing as "black eating black".

Just like that, Zhu Chao carried a big burden he had just stolen from the tomb, walked in, sat there, and chatted with the fake Sun Huang...

(End of this chapter)

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