Chapter 82
early morning.

The warm sun shines for the first time, and the surrounding fields are silent.

Sun Yixie's carriage had already left Xuzhou City and entered the official road at the moment when the city gate just opened.

Lei Buji was the one driving the car in front.

At this time, Lei Buji was quite energetic. He had eaten well, lived well and rested in the prison for the past two days, which was more leisurely than outside.

However, Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai in Cheyu had already fallen asleep staggeringly.

The two of them didn't sleep all night... Ever since they left Qiliu Youlan in the early morning, they rushed to the yamen again and got Lei Buji out of the prison, and then they took Buji back to the inn, changed their clothes and washed their hands , By the way, he fed the horses and harnessed the cart, and then checked out and set out on the road.

Obviously, not to mention a day and a half, they didn't want to stay in Xuzhou City for a moment.

So... a few hours ago, how did Shu Ye settle accounts with them?

Actually it's okay.

After going through all kinds of changes before, the original purpose of the concubine has changed.

He doesn't need Gu Qiying's notes; he doesn't care about the death of his "substitute"; he doesn't even need Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai to "pay off the debt" immediately...

According to the original words of the concubine: "Right now, I don't need you to do anything, and I don't need you to give me anything, but you two 'friends', I have already handed over, you 'owe me', please You remember."

Both Sun and Huang understand the weight and intention of these words...

There is no doubt that the concubine has regarded the future of the two of them as having more "value" than Gu Qiying's notes. When he plans to "realize" this value in the future, he will let both of them What Xie helped him do must be more important and more difficult things that could not be done even with Gu Qiying's notes.

Up until now, both Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai felt was better to just copy some of Gu Qiying's notes and give him away.

All debts in this world are easy to repay, but favor debt is the hardest to repay.

The concubine is a person who knows this way; these years, through the mutual help among "friends", he has laid countless chess pieces that can be activated at critical moments in the world, in the court and the opposition.

Think about that girl Xue'er's father, "Guicha", how powerful he was back then, but because of his debt of favor to the concubine, what happened to him in the end?He even harmed his family after his death...

Let's put it this way, Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai will not feel at ease if the debt is not paid off for a day; and considering that Shuye is probably engaged in some major conspiracy, they will probably pay off the favor in the future. There will be "difficulties".

So, their plan last night was actually not wrong. The final and one-stop solution to this matter is still the only way to "kill the concubine".

But, now is not the time.

Today's Shuangxiong really doesn't have the strength to accomplish this.

In terms of martial arts, power, and various other hard and hidden resources...they can't be compared with Shuye; unless Shuye suddenly jumps up to fight against the whole martial arts/imperial court like Gu Qiying and Shen Youran, And they planned ahead of time and completed the fatal blow with mental arithmetic or unintentional... Otherwise, they have no chance of winning.

To sum up, at this stage, there is no problem between Shuye and Shuangxie. If there is a problem, it is just a "misunderstanding".


A book is long, no book is short.

During the day, the three of them were basically on the road, and nothing happened.

Sun and Huang woke up after sleeping until noon, and then stopped by to tell Lei Buji what happened in the past two days.

Of course, they didn't tell the whole truth, but consciously omitted all the parts about the "concubine"; they first told the story of Xueer and Shuisheng, and then said that Zhu Jiaduan found that Zheng Mukai deserved to die Forget it in the end, and then say that the "brothel owner" felt sorry for Shui Sheng Xue'er, so he let them go, and didn't mention Xue'er's self-destructive appearance.

Anyway, Lei Buji was easy to deceive, he didn't know how to dig into the details, he believed what the two big brothers said, and the matter was just exposed.

Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai didn't tell Buji about the existence of the "Concubine", no doubt it was for his own good. If they told Lei Buji all the ins and outs of the past two days, with Buji's personality, he would definitely feel that Sun Huang owed him a lot. The concubine's favor was because of himself, and he immediately involved himself.

The three of them chatted all the way, and they happened to arrive at a place called Liu Zhuang around Shen time in the afternoon. They saw that it was getting late, and it might be too late to go one more station, so they decided to find an inn to stay.

Liuzhuang is a relatively large village, and there is at least a fairly spacious inn in the village.

As soon as Lei Buji drove the carriage to the front of the inn, the waiter from the inn ran out in a hurry, leading the horse and greeting him.

Don't look at Xiaoer from a small place, he has good eyesight, and if he is a guest in a carriage, he knows that he is rich, so he greets him very warmly.

Everything was fine at first, and there was nothing unusual, but unexpectedly...

While speaking, the younger brother glanced at the back of the carriage, and the moment he caught sight of Brother Sun's trident, the expression on his face suddenly changed.

This is not over yet... His face change was just a little stiff at first, but after a few seconds, when he saw Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai walking out of the car, he simply showed anger and anger. disgust.

Immediately afterwards, he didn't even lead the horse, didn't say a word, and suddenly turned around and ran back to the shop.

Soon, a man who looked like a shopkeeper came out with him. Like him, he stared at Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai, and immediately turned dark.

"You two..." The shopkeeper took two steps forward, although his expression and tone were not respectful, he still clasped his fists and cupped his hands, "Excuse me for being rude, dare to ask..." He paused and said in a deep voice , "The two of you are that Sun Yixie, Sun Shaoxia, and Huang Donglai, Huang Shaoxia?"

When Sun and Huang heard this, they were quite beautiful, thinking that we are both so famous now?If you go to any village or town and meet an innkeeper, will you recognize us?

"Heh... not bad." Sun Yixie smiled immediately, "This is Sun Yixie."

"Down with Huang Donglai." Huang Donglai also smiled.

They thought that the shopkeeper would give an exclamation after hearing this answer, then flatter them, express their endless admiration, and then go all the way to eat, drink, and house.

totally unexpected……

"Huh!" The person who greeted them snorted coldly, "Okay! Two people ran away just now, and two more came... Well done!" The shopkeeper gritted his teeth and said this, "Folks! Hey! Come quickly! The grandson of Qi who swindled food, drink, and money is here again!"

After he finished yelling, a dozen or so people rushed out of the neighbors. Some of them were holding kitchen knives, some were holding hoes, and some were holding rolling pins. The carriage was surrounded.

Sun Yixie, Huang Donglai and Lei Buji were all dumbfounded, why?Black shop?No... Black Village?Even if it is a black shop, you have to wait for someone to enter the door before doing anything. Why are they being gank while they are still on the street?
"Mother Xiebi! Are you still here?" The shopkeeper's face was also flushed with anger, and all kinds of swear words came out, "I tell are unlucky to come to our village today, we have already been there I got it once! Everyone is still simmering! Today you will beat the other two liars for what you deserve, and then go to see the official with us!"

After the old man finished speaking, he turned around and took out a wooden stick from under the counter of the inn, and was about to beat people up.

The surrounding villagers were also excited, and some of the brave ones were about to go forward and drag the three people off the carriage.

At this moment... Sun Yixie, who has rich experience in group fights, made a decisive decision and stepped forward.

All I could hear was a "fuck" from him, like a thunderclap, like a dragon singing and a dog whistling.

Before the shouts were finished, Sun Yixie stepped forward, snatched the kitchen knife from the hand of a big man rushing forward, and then clamped the big man with one hand, and put the kitchen knife on the big man's neck with the other hand.

"Who the hell dares to come here! I'll hack him to death first!" When Brother Sun said this, he suddenly moved the kitchen knife away from the big man's neck, waved it twice at the other people in front, and then hit it again Back to the neck of the hostage in his hand.

Not to mention... his hand is very useful.

Just his high-pitched roar has already stunned many people, coupled with his murderous attitude and momentum, who would dare to step forward?
After all, the villagers are just villagers. It’s useless to see how many people there are. You can ask them to catch a few petty thieves, adulterers, and prostitutes. , no one wants to go up and be the first bird to die.

"'t...don't be impulsive..." The big man who was restrained by Sun Yixie, who was blowing his beard and staring like he was going to eat people just now, was now held up by Sun Yixie with a knife. Then he felt his legs go weak, his speech trembled, and he almost peed his pants.

"Who the hell is your brother?" Sun Yixie didn't even want to talk to him, "Shut up for me! If you talk nonsense, I'll take your head off!"

That big man is a cook himself, he is proficient at killing chickens and fish, his scalp is numb when you mention killing him, so hurry up and keep silent.

"You... what are you doing? If you can't cheat, you can kill someone?" The shopkeeper had retreated to the door of the inn at this moment, half-hidden behind the door frame and shouted at them.

"Fart!" Now that this is the case, Sun Yixie doesn't care about respecting the old and loving the young, staring at the old man and scolding, "Dozens of you gathered around with your dick, and you will beat me indiscriminately. How dare you say that I am going to kill someone? This is what I call self-defense!"

Don't look at his bad attitude, but his words are all reasonable.

Today's matter, if Sun Yixie is not here, if Huang Donglai and Lei Buji are replaced to deal with it, there is a high probability that they will suffer; They are too dazed, and if they make a move, they will probably cause casualties... And if they insist on not wanting to hurt these ordinary people, they will have to be beaten, and if they are unlucky, they may be disabled.

Only Sun Yixie, who came here with swords and swords in the fish market, knows best what is going on in the market, and knows how to control this kind of scene.

"Hey." After a breath, seeing that the situation had stabilized temporarily, Sun Yixie called Huang Donglai in a low voice and winked.

Although he didn't say anything, Huang Donglai met his eyes and immediately understood what he meant.

In the next second, Huang Donglai took half a step up, cupped his fists and cupped his hands in a half circle around, and said loudly: "Fellow folks, we pass by here without any malice, let alone want to hurt everyone, but I don't know why you are facing us with swordsmen. , I hope to teach you."

They are also considered to be the first soldier and then the courtesy. Sun Ge first used the hooligan method to control the field, and Huang Ge came out to pretend to be gentle and give the other party some softness-this way it is easier to resolve conflicts if one sings the red face and the other sings the bad face.

As soon as Huang Donglai said this, the villagers also became suspicious. Everyone looked at the innkeeper in unison. It turns called us out, and you are responsible for the blame.

The shopkeeper thought about it, this boy who "pretends to be Huang Donglai" speaks politely, seems to be reasonable, and can still communicate, so he said: "You are Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai?"

When he thought and asked this way, he didn't think about it in another way. Was his words and deeds just now unreasonable?
Of course, since Sun Yixie has taken control of the situation, that doesn't matter anymore.

"Yes, I am Huang Donglai." Huang Donglai asked back, "What's wrong?"

Actually, calm down now and think about what the shopkeeper said before. Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai have roughly guessed what happened in Liuzhuang, but they still hope to confront each other face-to-face and talk about it, so as not to worry about those people around. There are still some people in the village who don't understand the situation.

So, the shopkeeper told all about how their village entertained another couple "Sun Yixie" and "Huang Donglai" a few days ago...

Those two swindlers were also very courageous. In addition to eating and living for free in the inn, they also deceived many villagers, saying that they would teach their children martial arts, that they would start a sect in this village, and that To do business here, buy land and houses, etc., all kinds of cakes for the villagers.

When the villagers heard that the two rookies who had just made a name for themselves in Luoyang were so interested in their village, they naturally fawned over them, serving all kinds of good wine and food, and giving money and gifts to every household... …in exchange for all kinds of "benefits" promised by those two liars.

Unexpectedly, just this morning, when Xiao Er went to deliver meals to the fake Sun Yixie and fake Huang Donglai as usual, he found that those two people and their luggage were gone...

All the money and gifts they had received these days... except for some things that were really worthless and too heavy, they took all they could take away.

Only then did the villagers realize that these two are not liars, are they?

But if you want to chase, you won't be able to catch up...

These two swindlers were also well prepared. They deliberately waited until the sun rose again every day, and repeatedly asked Xiao Er not to wake them up early in the morning. Taking advantage of the darkness, the liar came downstairs, wrapped the hooves of the two horses they rode with cloth to silence the sound of the hooves, then took all the stolen property with him, and rode the horses all night, slowly. Slowly and quietly slipped out of the village.After leaving the village, they took off the cloth from the horse's hoof and started galloping... So, when Xiao Er found that the two were missing, the other party had already been running for most of the day.

In the next half day, what else could the villagers do?Blame each other.

Everyone can imagine the words - "I blame you. I only believed them when I heard you say that they must be. If I met these two liars first, I would never be deceived."

Most of the people who are cheated are like this. The day before, they were still in a state of "being sold and paying back the money", and the day after that, it was an afterthought. If you want to push him/her into a hurry, he/she might It will also be said that the other party used a drug that can make him/her obediently give away the money by patting him/her on the shoulder, which caused him/her to be recruited by such a shrewd and upright person.


Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai would definitely not be able to bear the fact that someone pretended to be him to cheat. Even if they could bear it, Lei Buji couldn't bear it.

It doesn't matter what other matters they have, the matter in front of them must be resolved first, otherwise it will be like a thorn in the back and a fish in the throat.

This leads to that - "Sun Yixie" died in the court of injustice, and "Huang Donglai" stumbled and died in the dung.

(End of this chapter)

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