Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 747 Outsiders of the war!

Chapter 747 Outsiders of the war!
Just when the Second Homeland Chaos War had just ended.

It is located in the exhalation layer of the atmosphere about [-] kilometers above the entire battlefield.

A burly and strong blond man wearing a hero uniform with a yellow background and black border watched the whole process of this fierce battle intently.

And when the strong solar radiation without any shelter or hindrance shone on his almost perfect tall body.

A black belt inlaid with the letter S suddenly began to reflect a more dazzling metallic luster.

Whoosh whoosh—

In an instant, the blond man who spread his thick arms and shook his broad shoulders back and forth seemed to faintly let out a fleeting murmur.

He suddenly turned his tall figure.

It suddenly flew towards the other end of the huge earth at a terrifying speed that was difficult for the naked eye or any mechanical creation to catch, and completely disappeared within the edge of the atmosphere!

Today, no one knows where the blond man came from, or whether he is an enemy or a friend.

But one thing is certain.

If the war of chaos that had just ended before, the human side had completely fallen into a disadvantage.

Then the blond man will most likely choose to help.

It's just that for the hundreds of millions of people on the native Terra, or the Primarch Rorschach.

Whether this is a blessing or a curse is really hard to tell.


A vast country of mutants.

Inside the ancient Hermitage in the capital city.

Magneto King Marx, whose overall appearance has now recovered from old age to middle age, closed the detailed intelligence document on the European battlefield with a heavy expression.

Frowning, he first tapped the metal armrest of the suspended wheelchair with one palm.

Then, he nodded to the Mystique standing aside, and stepped forward to open the door of the room that had been closed not far away.

Da da da.

Not long after, a middle-aged woman with a curvaceous and healthy body wrapped in a general's costume entered the room vigorously.

The other party first nodded with Mystique in a serious manner, and then immediately said in a deep voice in the direction of Magneto King Max:

"Elder, Commander of the X-Men Patrol, Major General Jean Gray is here to report to you!"

"Comrade Qin, this is not a national mission, but an independent private meeting, you don't have to be so restrained."

At this moment, Magneto King Marx said to the other party in a gentle tone.

After the middle-aged female general named Jean Gray nodded heavily.

She said to Magneto King Max without any hesitation:
"Elder, I already knew in advance that you asked me to come... Comrade Scott died on the battlefield, didn't he?"

The other party's voice just fell.

Magneto King Max subconsciously raised his hand and groped for the position of the temples of his head.

Afterwards, he shook his head with a wry smile and said:
"Tsk, Comrade Qin, why do you still have the same problem with Charles in the past? I can only say that you are worthy of being his student... Anyway, since you have read my mind through telepathy, then I will not hide it. is you."

"Your ex-husband, Comrade Cyclops Scott, at the cost of his own sacrifice, completely destroyed the bloody altars and portals of the invading demons before he died, laying the foundation for the final victory of the entire battle. For this, the Empire Lord Primarch solemnly thanked Comrade Scott for all his contributions, and also gave us mutants a large amount of imperial technology as compensation."

"I came to you because you were Comrade Scott's former wife. I want to ask you if you have any suggestions or requests for this before the entire state funeral is held?"

At this moment, Jean Gray, who seemed to have never changed her facial expression, said in a flat tone:

"Elder, I don't have any special suggestions or requirements for this. You just follow the country's past rules. In addition, I don't have much relationship with Scott. He is now for the mutants and the people. It is the greatest honor in his life to die on the battlefield to protect mankind, and this is all I want to express to you."

At this moment, Magneto Max, who heard Jean Gray's words, nodded his head with a heavy expression.

But in the next second, the other party suddenly stared at the female general in front of him and asked softly:

"Comrade Qin, how's your mood recently? Is it stable?"

"Elder, I know what questions you want to ask me. Some words don't need to be so oblique."

"What I can tell you now is that the restrained power stays in my body safely, without any signs of abnormal movement or awakening, and I can also mobilize a small force with the tenacious will that I have honed over the years. part."

"So, next time, if humans still encounter a powerful invading enemy that ordinary soldiers and Astartes companies can hardly deal with, you'd better let me go."

Jean Gray's words just fell.

Magneto King Max, who raised his brow slightly, couldn't help but took a deep breath.

He was silent for a while.

Then he continued to communicate briefly with Jean Gray in front of him with a smile on his face.

Not long after, Jean Gray, who was always unsmiling and seemed to have no emotional fluctuations, turned and left the room.

Mystique, who closed the door of the room again, walked quickly to the side of Magneto King Max.

The other party obviously hesitated, but still said:
"Marx, why did you suddenly summon her? Is it really just because of Comrade Scott's unfortunate sacrifice?"

"I just want to confirm once again whether the thought barrier set up by my old friend Charles at the cost of his life can still work. After all, it is a terrifying force that almost destroyed the entire earth and even the solar system."

Magneto King Max, who slowly closed his eyes, said in a low voice.

Mystique seemed to have heard about this for a long time, she didn't show any surprise at all, but continued:

"Marx, do we need to inform the Empire about this in advance? If Lord Primarch finds out about this by accident..."

"Raven, this is the last heritage of our mutant race. Even if someone wants to seize this terrifying power that is far beyond the level of Omega mutants, it is not that simple. I believe the Primarch himself will not be against it. There is no intention of coveting this, but he can only represent his Terra Star Realm Legion, not the more powerful human empire itself."

"Moreover, it is said that this terrifying force from the depths of the universe is too dangerous. People who have not experienced it personally cannot understand it at all. I don't think it can be dealt with by the Primarch and the Empire alone."

"Marx, you never seem to have told me what this terrifying force is, and what it represents..."

"Raven, it's actually because I don't know too much of the truth. The only thing I know now is a name that Charles left for me before he died..."

"—The Force of the Phoenix!"

 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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